The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3225 Saintess

Volume 1 Chapter 189

Although there is no substantial evidence, the two saintess have come to prove that there are indeed many doubts in the patriarch, and everyone has begun to believe.

Yu Wei asked, "What should we do next?"

Yu Shaoling said seriously, "We don't need any interests, let alone any power, but for our family, we must overthrow the current patriarch."

The crowd nodded.

Yu Ye asked, "Do you have any plans?"

Yu Shaoling looked at Zhao Fu, and everyone's eyes turned to Zhao Fu. Only at this time did they notice Zhao Fu's existence.

Yu Wei looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "Are you the one who made Bafang Water World refine?"

Zhao Fu nodded and said with a smile, "I'll talk about this later!"

The girls looked stunned.

Zhao Fu stepped forward and hugged the girls.

A few hours later, when the girls were snuggling into Zhao Fu's arms, Yu Ye blushed and said, "You bad guy, what do you think we will do next?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You guys are ready here. I'll go to the Yuji Clan and ask them to help. There should be no problem in overthrowing the patriarch."

The fish said, "Why are you so kind to help us?"

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "You are all my women, shouldn't I help you? Don't worry, I will not interfere with your family. You are still the most powerful people."

Yuyou said with a smile, "We know!"

Zhao Fu said, "Then I'm leaving, you wait for my news."

The girls nodded.

Zhao Fu got up and left the secret room.

The girls looked at each other, their faces blushed, and the relationship seemed to be closer.

Zhao Fu returned to the Yuji Clan. He sneaked into a room quietly, and immediately hugged Yu Mi, Yu Mi glared at Zhao Fu, "You bastard, why are you here?"

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Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Why don't I dare?"

Yu Mi snorted softly, "Last time you played with our mother and daughter, I haven't settled the bill with you yet. You ran up to us, really thought I wouldn't do it to you?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I just don't believe it!"

Zhao Fu said and started to bully Yu Mi, Yu Mi blushed and did not resist, letting Zhao Fu bully.

more than an hour later. Zhao Fu put his arms around Yu Mi with a smile and said, "This time I'm here to see you for something!"

Yu Mi said in Zhao Fu's arms, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Fu briefly explained what happened.

Yu Mi showed a surprised expression, "I've heard that the Shuiyu clan has such a forbidden technique. If Yu Fenghua wants to use such a forbidden technique, then the Shuiyu clan will be finished."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I want your help to overthrow Yu Fenghua."

Yu Mi said, "Although my status in the Yuji tribe is not low, I can't be the master of such a big event."

Zhao Fu asked, "Then what should we do?"

Yu Mi showed a wicked smile and said, "You can go to our patriarch and try it out, and I can help you recommend it."

Zhao Fu looked at Yu Mi and said, "Are you asking me to sacrifice color?"

Yu Mi chuckled, "Well, if you become the patriarch's man, it will be of great benefit to our family, and our patriarch is not bad, you won't suffer."

Zhao Fu said in embarrassment, "I'm not that kind of person!"

Yu Mijiao smiled and said, "Stop doing this, I can see through you, can you go? It's fine if you don't go."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I'll go!"

Yu Mi chuckled lightly.

Afterwards, Yu Mi took Zhao Fu to a large hall. A beautiful woman with a hot body, a neutral face, and a white dress sat above. She was Yu Yinzi, the patriarch of the Yuji Clan. She and Yu Yinzi The relationship between Fenghua is general.

Yu Mi bowed, "Meet the patriarch!"

Yu Yinzi looked at Yu Mi and said, "If there is something important, tell me!"

Yu Mi said, "Yu Fenghua wanted to use the forbidden technique in the clan, and many elders decided to overthrow her together, hoping to get the help of the clan chief."

Yu Yinzi was also a little surprised, "How come I haven't heard any news about such a big thing?"

Yu Mi replied. "This matter was caused by the Saintess of the Shuiyu tribe, you should have heard of it, Patriarch."

Yu Yinzi nodded, "I didn't expect things to get so big!"

Yu Mi asked, "Patriarch, they also sent you a gift, I hope you can promise to help them."

Yu Yinzi asked, "What gift?"

Yu Mi smiled and pointed to Zhao Fu next to him and said, "It's him!"

Zhao Fu took off his cloak, revealing his flawless face and his extraordinary temperament, which made Yu Yinzi a little lost.

Yu Mi smiled and said, "I wonder if the patriarch is willing to help them?"

Yu Yinzi was a little embarrassed, "This is their family's business. If our family intervenes, it will have a bad impact. It may also damage the relationship between our two families."

Yu Mi said, "Patriarch! The patriarch of Shuiyu is going to destroy the Shuiyu clan. We help them at this time, which will make them even more grateful. The relationship between the two groups will also be better. This matter is very beneficial to us. If the fish If Fenghua successfully uses the forbidden technique, then we will lose an ally."

Yu Yinzi thought, "Are you sure that all the elders of the Shuiyu clan have joined in?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile

, "I can guarantee that the patriarch!"

Yu Yinzi nodded, "Okay! I can help you."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Thank you, Patriarch!"

Yu Yinzi smiled slightly and said, "Yeah!" Then he looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes. For a man of Zhao Fu's level, Yu Yinzi's unwillingness is fake.

Yu Mi smiled clearly and said, "Patriarch, I'm retiring!"

After Yu Mi left, Yu Yinzi smiled at Zhao Fu and said, "Come up!"

Zhao Fu stepped forward.

Yu Yinzi rubbed Zhao Fu into his arms.

A few hours later, Yu Yinzi put his arms around Zhao Fu and said with a smile, "I have never enjoyed a man like you. You will be my husband in the future, and I will give you a name. How do you feel?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Thank you, Patriarch, now I just want you to help the Shuiyu Clan."

Yu Yinzi smiled and said, "I know!"

Zhao Fu said, "I have to go back and tell the elders about this, so that they can get ready."

Yu Yinzi said, "You stay with me, you don't have to go back."

Zhao Fu wondered, "Patriarch, I have made an agreement with many elders. If I don't go back, they will think that an accident will happen."

Yu Yinzi said helplessly, "Okay! Remember to come back early, you are my little man, and don't have too much contact with other women in the future."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I know!"

Afterwards, Zhao Fu returned to the Shuiyu Clan and told everyone about the matter with a smile, and then everyone immediately made a plan and prepared to start the next day to solve the matter as quickly as possible.

At this time, Yu Fenghua was unhappy in the palace, with a look of loss and discomfort, not knowing that something big was about to happen.

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