The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3232 Water Abyss

Volume 1 Chapter 196

Day three.

Yu Fenghua got news of a Bafang Water World, which was fought over by many people back then and accidentally fell into the water abyss.

The water abyss refers to the underwater abyss. In addition to the land, the waters also have abyss. This abyss is more terrifying than the abyss on land. It is not only dark, but also deeper than the abyss on land.

Legend has it that some abyss even connected to the underworld below, and the abyss could directly enter the underworld, and some terrifying ghosts ran out of it.

There is also water all around, any small movement will cause a lot of movement, and people with poor mental capacity may go crazy and collapse.

Some terrifying monsters in the waters also prefer to stay in such abyss, which increases the danger of the abyss. People in the waters generally do not want to enter the abyss, and try to avoid them when they encounter them.

There are a total of eighteen well-known water abyss in the waters, and the Bafang Water World falls into one of them.

Back then, many people entered the water abyss of the shark, but most of them were in it. I heard from those who fled back that the Bafang Water World might fall into the depths of the abyss.

Yu Fenghua looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "Do you still want to go in such a dangerous situation?"

Zhao Fu nodded earnestly, "No matter what the danger is, I will go!"

Yu Fenghua said, "Then be careful, we can't help you."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Well, no need."

Yu Fenghua continued to ask, "When are you leaving?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Let's go when you're ready."

Yu Fenghua said unexpectedly, "So fast?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "This place is a bit far from the waters of the blade shark, I need to go faster."

Yu Fenghua said, "Then wait, I'll talk to the others."

Zhao Fu hummed.

When the girls heard that Zhao Fu was about to leave, they rushed over with a look of reluctance. Although they had only known each other for a few days, they were very close.

Yu Shaoling said with concern, "Be careful on the road!"

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded.

Yu Qiye blushed, "Are you sure you don't want others to accompany you to go alone?"

Zhao Fu returned, "Well, it's inconvenient to have too many people. Do you want to stay in the Shuizu or do you want to return to the sect to find your son?"

Yu Qiye thought for a while, "I want to bring my son to the Aquarium, this is her home, and she will not be rejected because of her appearance."

Zhao Fu said, "Okay, if you have any problems, you can ask Yu Shaoling. If you can't solve the problem, then wait for me to come back."

Yu Qiye nodded with a smile.

After Zhao Fu got ready, he left and flew towards the Sword Shark Shuiyuan.

After spending two days on the road, Zhao Fu came to these knife shark water abyss. I don't know how wide or long this water abyss is. I can't see the end at a glance. Now Zhao Fu is also in the water. A protective cover is provided to keep out the water.

Standing on the side of the knife shark water abyss, looking at the darkness below, giving people a sense of terror,

Zhao Fu did not go down, but found a nearby city. After all, after so many years, something may have happened.

In the restaurant, Zhao Fu ordered a table of wine and food, and while eating, he asked the shopkeeper, "I heard that a Bafang water world fell into the waters of the knife shark. Is this true?"

The shopkeeper was a middle-aged man with a two-stroke beard and said with a smile, "It's true, there are still many people coming to get this Bafang Water World, but most of them are not coming back, this guest is also for you. Is it coming?"

Zhao Fu nodded.

The shopkeeper reminded, "This knife shark water abyss is very dangerous. I advise the guests not to go in."

Zhao Fu asked, "What's the danger?"

The shopkeeper replied, "I just know a few things, I don't know very well, if you go down to the water abyss of knife sharks, there will be a group of knife sharks attacking immediately. These knife sharks are extremely ferocious and very fast, and most of them die. In the hands of these blade sharks."

Zhao Fu nodded, "The Bafang Water World should still be in the depths of the water abyss. No one has gotten it yet, right?"

The shopkeeper nodded, "I can guarantee this, no one has actually gotten it, and it seems that few have entered the depths of the water abyss."

This time Zhao Fu was relieved, but don't let him enter it with all the hard work, and the Bafang Water World was taken away by others.

Zhao Fu continued to ask, "Is there anything major happening nearby?"

"Major event?" The shopkeeper thought about it and said, "Few of us come here. It seems that the major event has not happened, but I don't know about other places."

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, took out a bag of money and threw it to the shopkeeper, "This is revenge for you!"

The shopkeeper caught the purse and felt the weight of the purse, and said quickly with a smile, "Thank you for the reward."

After eating the wine and vegetables, Zhao Fu went to other places to collect it, but he didn't get any useful information, basically what the shopkeeper said.

In the end, Zhao Fu came to Shuiyuan again, looked at Shuiyuan below, and flew down.

Zhao Fu kept falling, and the surroundings quickly fell into darkness, and he couldn't see anything. Zhao Fu didn't use light to illuminate the surroundings, like this kind of dark environment, using light to illuminate would undoubtedly attract a lot of danger.

These darkness can't help Zhao Fu, because Zhao Fu's eyes also have the ability of night vision.

The body continues downward.

I don't know how long it took, a huge figure quickly attacked Zhao Fu. That's a five-meter-long

, a shark with pale skin, sharp teeth, pure black eyes, and knife-like fins on its back.

This is the knife shark that the shopkeeper said. I heard that there are a lot of them, and now only one is attacking Zhao Fu. The other human blade sharks should not have discovered him by now.

Zhao Fu did not plan to attack, because the attack would inevitably attract a large number of knife sharks. Originally, Zhao Fu planned to hide and avoid the attack of the knife shark, but Zhao Fu thought of the Bafang Water World and wanted to use the power of the Bafang Water World. .

The knife shark quickly swam towards Zhao Fu, who stood still.

The knife shark quickly swam in front of Zhao Fu, opened its big mouth, and bit Zhao Fu fiercely.

Zhao Fu just stretched out a hand, and a blue light wave spread out instantly, the blade shark was blocked by this force, a huge force penetrated its body, and a wave of fear poured out of his heart, this blade shark seems to have never Showed fear.

The blade shark radiated blue light, and his expression became docile. There was no Mo Yan who wanted to attack Zhao Fu, and he regarded Zhao Fu as a supreme being.

In addition to enhancing strength, Bafang Water World also has the ability to control aquatic creatures and suppress aquatic creatures. Now Zhao Fu is only using strength to suppress the knife shark.

Looking at the knife shark lying in front of him, Zhao Fu showed a smile, then climbed onto the knife shark's body and planned to use the knife shark to go to the depths of the water abyss.

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