The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3242 villain

Volume 1 Chapter 206

Zhao Fu also didn't want to waste time on that pair of Shuangsha, so after taking the meeting, Zhao Fu used the secret passage to leave the city.

When he came to the wild, Zhao Fu really wanted to see the contents of the jade slip. But suddenly sensing something, the body began to turn into nothingness and merged into this world.

Not long after, the figure appeared here, it was the pair of evil waters and two evil spirits.

The strength of these two people is still very strong, and they were able to find Zhao Fu. I don't know what method they used.

Crocodile frowned and looked around. Frowning, "I clearly sensed that the kid is here, why did he disappear?"

Crocodile Bai said, "That boy's identity is not ordinary. You can take out Xiantao. He must have a lot of good things on him. It would be a pity if he was allowed to run away."

Crocodile said coldly, "That kid dares to oppose us, I want to tear him to pieces now."

Crocodile Bai showed a sinister smile and said, "I also want to pull out that stinky boy's tongue, hang it on the hook, and beg us for mercy."

Crocodile smiled and said, "Miss! What should we do now?"

Crocodile Bai thought about it and said, "We're looking around, maybe that stinky boy hasn't gone far."

Crocodile said, "I know!"

The two quickly disappeared.

Zhao Fu waited for a while, but still did not show up. After confirming that they were far away, Zhao Fu's body appeared in the void.

"Ha ha!"

A light laughter sounded, and two figures suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Fu. Crocodile Bai stared at Zhao Fu with a smile, and the laughter just now was from her.

Crocodile smiled and said, "It's better for the lady to keep her hand carefully, otherwise she would really let this kid go."

Crocodile Bai looked at Zhao Fu and said with a smile, "This time we have caught a big fat sheep, and there are treasures that have escaped our almighty search. This is the confidence that he dares to be right with us. used."

Zhao Fu faced the two great powers with a faint smile on his face, but he still didn't look scared.

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Crocodile looked at Zhao Fuhe, and said coldly, "Boy, you're going to die tragically, but you can still laugh."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "I didn't want to do anything to you, but if you find them, don't blame me."

Crocodile Bai sneered and said, "Oh? You are in a virtual state, and you still have the courage to talk to us like this? I'll take your face off later, you don't ask for mercy."

Zhao Fu laughed, and his body suddenly flew to one side.

The crocodile rushed towards Zhao Fu, and the speed was faster than Zhao Fu.

But Zhao Fu suddenly changed his direction and rushed from the other side. Crocodile Bai blocked in front of Zhao Fu, and said with a joking smile, "You can't escape!"

Zhao Fu watched her appear in front of him, showing a smile of successful conspiracy.

Crocodile's face changed, feeling something was wrong.

At this moment, Zhao Fu took out a fiery red seed and attacked Crocodile Bai. Crocodile Bai immediately defended, and a force stood in front of him.

That fiery red seed turned into countless fiery red auras, which quickly passed through that force and poured into Crocodile White's body.

Crocodile Bai was startled. Although he didn't know what entered his body, it was definitely not a good thing. Crocodile Bai immediately exerted a force and wanted to force the fiery breath out of his body, but that force had disappeared.

Crocodile Bai sensed that there was no poisoning or something wrong with his body, he breathed a sigh of relief, and asked coldly, "What was it just now?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Love Flower Demon Seed!"

Crocodile Bai wondered, "What is that?"

Crocodile flew towards Zhao Fu with a palm, wanting to seriously injure Zhao Fu, so he couldn't let Zhao Fu run away.

Zhao Fu stood still.

Crocodile Bai suddenly shot, blocking Crocodile's fierce palm.

Crocodile looked at Crocodile Bai and said strangely, "Miss, what are you doing?"

Crocodile frowned and said, "I don't know why, I have a feeling that I can't hurt him."

Crocodile said, "What's the reason for this?"

Crocodile Bai looked at Zhao Fu and said coldly, "What is that love flower demon?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Want to know? I won't tell you, hahaha..."

Seeing Zhao Fu being so arrogant, Crocodile couldn't help but hit Zhao Fu with a palm, with a formidable force, to smash Zhao Fu here.


A dull voice sounded, Crocodile's body was knocked off by a powerful force, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Crocodile Bai in astonishment. He didn't expect his wife to attack him suddenly.

Crocodile White's face was ugly and explained, "If you attack him, my heart will be very painful. Now you don't attack him, or I will definitely attack."

Crocodile angrily shouted at Zhao Fu, "Bastard, what did you do to my lady?"

Zhao Fu didn't have the slightest fear, and said with a smile, "I said it all, you asked for it yourself, you must blame me."

Crocodile's white eyes looked at Zhao Fu, "We can leave you safely without killing you, but you have to give me the antidote."

Zhao Fu looked at Crocodile Bai and said, "This thing needs to be lifted with me, are you sure?"

Hearing this, the crocodile exploded with rage, and cried, "Chops! Believe it or not, I'll chop you into meat sauce right now."

Zhao Fu provocatively said, "Come here and give it a try!"


Aggressive had never been so angry before, and couldn't help but walk away from Zhao Fu, but Crocodile White stood in front of Zhao Fu, as if her body was out of control.

Crocodile could only stop and stared at Zhao Fu fiercely.

Crocodile Bai looked at Zhao Fu and said, "Okay, I can promise you."

Crocodile said angrily, "Don't promise her!"

Crocodile Bai said, "Don't be so angry, Xianggong, it's just one time. I'm still your wife. If this situation is not resolved, I may be manipulated to kill you by him."

Crocodile looked at Crocodile Bai and hesitated in his heart.

Crocodile Bai continued to persuade and said, "Xiang Gong! You have to believe me, and I will accompany you well in the future."

Crocodile took a deep breath and said, "Okay! Only once."

Crocodile Bai smiled and nodded, turned to look at Zhao Fu, and thought viciously in her heart, waiting for a state to be lifted, she must kill Zhao Fu, and said coldly, "Let's start!"

Zhao Fu stepped forward and picked up Crocodile Bai.

Crocodile looked at the scene in front of him and felt very uncomfortable.

After a while, Crocodile looked at the two people who were affectionate, holding back his anger, thinking that after waiting, Zhao Fu would have to live and die.

After a while, Crocodile looked at his dissolute wife, his heart sank, and his face became ugly.

In the end, watching his wife sink, Crocodile felt bitter in his heart, as if Crocodile Bai had never been in front of him before. The most important thing was taken away, and Crocodile was very painful, but there was no way to vent.

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a few hours later.

Crocodile looked at his wife's powerless fall to the ground, and said angrily to Zhao Fu, "Is it alright now?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Okay, I'm leaving."

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