The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 3245 Narcissus

Volume 1 Chapter 209

Zhao Fu showed a smile and said, "Hurry up, I want all the women."

Hearing this, everyone was surprised. They didn't expect Zhao Fu to be so greedy and hateful, but under the threat of Zhao Fu's power, they didn't dare to say anything.

In the end, more than 700 women walked in front of Zhao Fu.

Because this is the person that Zhao Fu rescued directly, and he didn't meet him halfway, that's why there are such a large number of them. They include princesses, the wives and daughters of ministers, and some maids.

Zhao Fu showed a satisfied smile and led the girls to the side.

a few days later.

The river ant said, "Now we'll pay you to go, shall we?"

Zhao Fu glanced at the women around him and said with a smile, "You can go now!"

He Shui snuggled into Zhao Fu's arms and said softly, "I don't want to leave, I want to be by your side."

He Luo understood that it would be very dangerous to lose Zhao Fu's protection now. Looking at Zhao Fu who was holding her, he said, "I think you can escort us to a safe place, and we will continue to give you the reward. What do you think?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I'm not interested!"

He Luo's face was ugly.

He Jiu said pitifully, "Master, do you really have the heart to see us in danger? We will serve you well in the future, okay?"

Zhao Fu hugged He Luo and smiled, "How about you?"

He Luo breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "Master, I will also listen to you."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I can provide a safe place, but you need to go there yourself. It's not very far, and the power in your body will help you solve some problems."

The girls sensed the power in their bodies and showed expressions of surprise.

He Dongli blushed slightly and said, "Thank you, Xianggong!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Since you are my women, then I will be responsible for you. You wait for me to go back."

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River Ant did not expect Zhao Fu to be so responsible, and felt that Zhao Fu was not that hateful.


A powerful and terrifying momentum spread, Crocodile Bai appeared above the sky, looking at the chaotic picture on the ground, for some reason, she felt very uncomfortable, and tears kept flowing out.

The faces of the people on the ground became terrified, because the person who appeared in the sky was a power-level existence, and he was stronger than the general power.

Zhao Fu looked at Crocodile Bai in the sky and said, "Why are you crying?"

With Crocodile Bai's character, this is definitely not the case. She was naturally influenced by the Love Flower Demon Seed, watching Zhao Fu hook up with many women.

Crocodile Bai was sad and shed tears, but his consciousness was very angry, "What is the love flower demon used by this bastard, how can it have such an ability, I have never cried like this for a man."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Come here!"

Crocodile Bai hesitated for a while, but flew down and threw himself into Zhao Fu's arms.

Everyone was shocked. Such a powerful powerhouse was actually Zhao Fu's woman, and she loved Zhao Fu deeply.

Crocodile Bai was very angry, "Why is he so cheap, and he took the initiative to throw himself into this bastard's arms."

However, her consciousness quickly sank.

For a few hours, Crocodile Bai was powerless lying in Zhao Fu's arms and said, "I want you to stay by your side, let's not separate, okay?"

Zhao Fu also understood that Crocodile Bai was under the control of the Love Flower Demon Seed. If it was true Crocodile Bai would have killed him earlier.

Now Zhao Fu doesn't know how long Crocodile Bai will be under the control of the Love Flower Demon, because there are some possibilities that Crocodile White will break through the control of the Love Flower Demon. If she breaks through the control, Zhao Fu will be very dangerous.

Zhao Fu needs to be diligent to get the most value from her, and then separate from her. Next, he needs her help to go to the ruins of Nanling. He said with a smile, "Yes!"

Crocodile Bai said happily, "Well, Xianggong, we will be together forever!"

When Crocodile Bai consciousness heard such disgusting words, he felt a little disgusted, and swore in his heart that he must break this state, otherwise it would be more uncomfortable than death.

Everyone pack up. Crocodile Bai also regained control over his body. He was not affected by the Love Flower Demon Seed for the time being, and glared at Zhao Fu.

Back to the original team.

Everyone was nervous and fearful in Crocodile Bai, and they all knew that Crocodile was a powerful and powerful man. Looking at the girls, it seems that the girls have become different.

He Luo asked, "Master, where do you want us to go?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You can go to the Shuiyu Clan first and tell the patriarch there that I asked you to go there."

Holo nodded.

The tall and thin man walked over with a smile, "Thank you for your help!"

He Dongli looked at her husband and gave herself to Zhao Fu, feeling very disgusting.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You're welcome!"

He Jiu smiled and said, "Xiang Gong! You have to come back quickly, we will be waiting for you there!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Yeah!"

After briefly saying a few more words, Zhao Fu hugged Crocodile Bai and flew into the sky.

After Zhao Fu left, the river ant looked at the direction Zhao Fu left and said, "I don't know who he is. His own strength is so powerful that the great master is willing to be his woman."

He Luo smiled and said, "No matter what his identity is, it's good for us. We don't have to worry about danger when we go to the Shuiyu tribe, we have a safe place to live.

Fang, I have enough. "

Everyone also packed up and walked towards the aquarium.

Crocodile Bai looked at Zhao Fu in the sky and asked, "Where are we going next?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "The ruins of Nanling!"

Crocodile Bai said unexpectedly, "Did you go there for the information?"

Zhao Fu nodded.

Crocodile Bai said in surprise, "I've been to the Nanling Ruins many times, but I haven't seen it before. I even mentioned that there is a Bafang Water World. Did the information give the exact location?"

Zhao Fu said, "I just gave a general location. This Bafang Water World is where a strong man accidentally left it there. You won't know if the news hasn't spread out."

Crocodile's white eyes looked at Zhao Fu, "What do you want Bafang Water World to do with a small virtual world? It's useless to you."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "It doesn't work for me, is it useful for you?"

Crocodile Bai snorted softly, "Of course, my man and I, not the previous man, got a secret technique called Twin Narcissus. This forbidden technique requires the Bafang Water World as the foundation and can make us a fairy-level existence. It's a pity that the plan was ruined by you guy."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "That's what you asked for, but I do like you more."

Hearing this, Crocodile Bai was a little happy and said with a smile, "Then why are you looking for Bafang Water World? I don't believe you have the ability to use it."

As soon as Zhao Fu stretched out his hand, two water worlds from all directions appeared, emitting a faint blue light.

Crocodile Bai looked shocked and looked at the scene in front of him, "Why do you already have two Bafang Water Worlds?"

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