The Lord’s Empire

3250 Cement floor

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Volume 1 Chapter 214

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu said with a smile, "It's inconvenient to say, as long as you are willing to help me, the benefits will not be less than you."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;As he spoke, Zhao Fu took out three more peaches.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Mei Lingshui and the three of them looked at Zhao Fu in surprise, although they didn't know who Zhao Fu was, they must have a very scary identity.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Mei Lingshui glanced at the two of them, "What do you think?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Aya Mizuno smiled. "I have no opinion, I can promise you."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Yu Baihua said, "Neither do I."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Mei Lingshui said with a smile, "Well, we promise you to help you find the Bafang Water World."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Zhao Fu handed out Xiantao and said with a smile, "Thank you!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The Xiantao under the three of them is also a rare treasure for them.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Mei Lingshui said with a smile, "What should we do next?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Come with me, I sensed a slight fluctuation in the Bafang Water World before, and I can probably determine the location."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The girls nodded.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu flew everyone to a place, and finally came to a muddy field, the area was still very large, there was a strong earthy smell, and there was a kind of yellow small Grass.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The Bafang Water World should be in the depths of this silt.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Crocodile said, "Is it here?"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Zhao Fu nodded, "Now let's go inside and look for it."

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The crowd flew into the silt, and before they started to look for it, a terrifying aura emerged from the depths of the silt, and everyone's expressions changed, and they stopped immediately.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;I saw a huge toad jumping out of the mud.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The surface of this toad is gray and black, like a big mountain, and there are circular membranes on the back, each of which is two meters wide, and it looks very terrifying.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Toad came out and attacked everyone.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;I saw its tongue shoot out like lightning, and before Mizuno could react, it was knocked out by the huge tongue.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Crocodile Bai reacted first and slashed at the tongue, but the tongue quickly retracted, making Crocodile Bai's attack unsuccessful.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Mei Lingshui raised her staff, and countless water droplets gathered together to form two huge water ropes, and the toad flew past.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The toad jumped into the air, jumped in the air to avoid the attack, and puffed out a huge air cannon, with a very huge momentum, knocked the three Meilingshui out . The strength of this toad is indeed terrifying.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;However, no one was seriously injured.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Mei Lingshui condensed a huge water gun and shot the toad with a terrifying force.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;At the same time, the machete held by Crocodile White rushed towards Toad along with the water gun.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Toad jumped back, dodging the water gun, but Crocodile Bai then rushed up and slashed on Toad's body, causing a long wound from which some yellow liquid came out.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Toad's painful tongue is like lightning, and it shoots towards Crocodile Bai quickly.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Crocodile quickly ducked to the side. Avoid the attack of the tongue.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Yu Baihua seized the opportunity and stepped forward, slashing a huge sword light with a sword, slashing at the toad, and slashing the toad back a few steps.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The toad puffed out its mouth again and sprayed out a huge air cannon, which knocked the crocodile white and the fish white painting into the air. The air cannon was extremely large and could not be avoided at all. Fortunately, it was caused by Not much damage.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;At this time, the toad had a pain in his back, and he didn't know when the water wave appeared in the back, and the halberd was inserted into the toad's body.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The toad swung hard, and the water wave Ling flew out.


\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Countless muddy water rushed towards the toad, the body of the fast sword toad was wrapped, Meiling water appeared on the side, and the staff emitted a strong blue light.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The three of Crocodile Bai attacked in a hurry, and three cold rays hit Lai Toad's body, causing three wounds. Mei Lingshui, her body jumped, and shot at Mei Lingshui like a cannonball.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Mei Lingshui condensed a huge wall of water in front of her, exuding an amazing momentum.


\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The toad smashed through the wall of water and knocked Meiling water out. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Crocodile slashed out with a knife, and a huge knife light slashed towards the toad from behind.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Toad ducked to the side, dodging the knife light.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b; Mizuno Ling held the halberd and stabbed the toad.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The toad opened its big mouth and bit towards Shuiboling, as if to swallow Shuiboling in one bite, and Shuiboling hurriedly stepped back, but it was still a little late. Seeing that Mizuno Aya was about to be swallowed.


\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Countless iron chains shot out from the void, tying the huge toad body, Zhao Fu shot from the side, but the chain toads struggled hard and all broke apart , which is the gap between the forces.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;However, with Zhao Fu's obstruction, Shui Boling also escaped, looking at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, showing a grateful smile.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Crocodile swung out another knife, a huge knife with a powerful wind slashing at Toad's body.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The toad looked at Crocodile Bai angrily, and his body jumped and slammed into Crocodile Bai again. With one blow, Crocodile Bai was knocked out, his body shook, and he spat out a small mouth of blood.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Mei Lingshui cried, "You help me hold it back!"

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The three of Crocodile White understood and attacked the toad again.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;I saw Mei Lingshui raise her staff high, pouring all the power into it, the staff shoots a blue light into the sky, and the power of heaven and earth gathers around quickly, forming a huge blue light. In the color formation, a terrifying coercion spread.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The ferocious beasts in the four directions felt this terrifying momentum, showed fearful expressions, and looked at the huge blue magic circle that appeared in the distance.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Toad also felt a danger, first released an air cannon to repel the three Crocodiles, then jumped, and slammed into Meilingshui with a huge and ferocious momentum, as if it could Collapse a mountain.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Mei Lingshui looked at the rushing toad with a cold light in her eyes. The huge blue magic circle in the sky turned slowly.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Boom boom boom…

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;A huge water gun shot down with a powerful force, and one by one inserted into the toad's body, and the huge fluctuations dispersed.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The toad let out a roar of pain and hurried to one side.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;In the sky, the magic circle kept shooting water guns and followed the toads. The toads kept picking up and hiding from the water guns. Some water guns were inserted into the toads, and most of the water guns were sprinkled on the ground. .

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;Shuibo Ling injected a huge force into the halberd in her hand and cast it out with all her strength. The halberd immediately turned into a huge python and bit the toad.

\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;\u0026b;The toad spewed out an air cannon, knocked the python flying, and continued to dodge the water cannon that was shot down.


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