The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 867 Legion

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The above are the seven attributes of the legion. In fact, the general attributes are similar to those of the general's weapon, giving the legion various additional attributes to enhance the strength of each soldier.

However, the weapon of the general does not have a deterrent effect. The legion has its own deterrent effect, as well as the sixth effect of the legion, and the seventh effect. This is the biggest effect of the legion.

The first few are the advantages of the legion, which are very lethal to ordinary soldiers. Because there are too many advantages, the soldiers of the legion are definitely stronger than ordinary soldiers, which is needless to say.

The sixth attribute, the shape of legion, is very similar to the condensing effect of the general's weapon, but it is actually quite different.

Although the same soldiers emit countless breaths, and then gather together, they condense into powerful weapons, or terrifying beasts.

However, the general's weapon has its own condensing effect. Holding the general's tool and using the military energy to condense it, countless soldiers will be controlled by the general's device. The person holding the general's device can condense the military energy into a certain shape at will. This shape has nothing to do with soldiers here.

But the legion is different. It requires all the soldiers to work together, that is, all the soldiers must concentrate, control the spirit of the soldiers, and gather a common shape, which requires a lot of time to cooperate.

The weapon of the generals mainly depends on the individual generals, while the legion relies on the collective.

Comparing the two, the effect of the general's weapon is naturally more convenient, but the general's weapon is not so easy to obtain. Up to now, there are only ten in Daqin Jianguo, and the army can have it as long as the country.

In fact, although the legion is troublesome, it is still a little better than the condensed energy of the general's weapon. The role of the legion is to gather all the soldiers' thoughts together. If the will is strong and they can be of the same mind, the condensed things will naturally be Slightly stronger than the general's weapon.

Of course, if the will is weak and cannot work together, even if the shape cannot be condensed, this is also normal.

Compared with the previous city lord and the 100,000 first-order soldiers, who do you think will be stronger? Of course, the answer is the city lord, because the city lord has the city lord's seal. If the attack of the 100,000 soldiers cannot be concentrated, it will not threaten the city lord.

And the city lord attacked, because the number of soldiers was too large to dodge, but the city lord was alone, but he could easily dodge, and as long as he escaped, the soldiers had no way to take the city lord, because the city lord could fly.

If the city lord does not choose to confront the 100,000 soldiers head-on, but chooses sneak attacks, the 100,000 army may be killed by the city lord. It can be said that he is not the opponent of the city lord at all, and may even be completely abused.

This is the advantage of top-level power. Daqin used many city lords to directly raid certain areas, and some areas were easily destroyed. Those soldiers had no choice but to watch the Daqin city lord.

Daqin used this method to attack many areas. Several times, he directly swept dozens of areas. If other city lords came and used the top power to compete with the top power, Da Qin stopped.

But if they don't come, will the soldiers of other systems have anything to do with Da Qin? The city has not been captured by Da Qin one by one.

The biggest weakness of the system soldiers is that the power is scattered and cannot be concentrated, and it cannot compete with the city lord with top power.

But now the appearance of the legion is different. The 100,000 first-order soldiers use the shape of the legion to concentrate all their strengths, which can fight against the city lord.

More importantly, the power of the city lord comes from the seal of the city lord, and the legion has a property of breaking the city, which has a lot of restraint on the strength of the city lord. Using the legion to fight the city lord, the city lord will often run for his life, and the result is completely different from before. .

This is the strength of the legion, and the last big legion is completely used by the country to counter some monster-level power.

These monsters can refer to some kind of ferocious beast, or it can be said to be a peerless powerhouse. Their power is too powerful, and they want to endanger a country, and the country has no top powerhouses that can match, so they can only use the big army. .

Soldiers who are in the state of a large army will be blessed by various powerful forces. The more the army is integrated, the more powerful the force will be. It is definitely no less than the peerless powerhouse. This is mainly to counteract those forces that are too powerful and endanger the country. thing.

There are also legions divided into ordinary legions and special legions!

There are no restrictions on ordinary legions, as long as it is a country, it can be established, but the effect is very general, that is, only the seven attributes of the legion, and will not have special power.

But the special legion is different. The special legion naturally possesses special and very powerful power, while the ordinary legion is naturally not as strong as the special legion.

However, the special legion has many restrictions. The first is the legion bearer. This kind of thing needs to have powerful attributes. Although this attribute can be good and evil, it must at least reach the level of integrating the heart of the legion.

In addition, there is the issue of fit. Some items may be very powerful, but they are not suitable for the fusion of the heart of the legion, which naturally cannot create a special legion.

The heart of the legion is a kind of light group, the size of a basketball, exuding a faint white light, with an invisible atmosphere, the most important thing to build a legion, an item bred from the luck of a huge country.

As long as a certain item can carry the heart of the legion, the heart of the legion will be completely integrated with this item, so that a special legion is established, and the attributes of the special legion are also closely related to this item.

Because this state-founding knowledge is also very common, Zhao Fu also understands it better, so it is not surprising.

This is the strength of the legion, but the number is still a little small. Now Daqin can establish 13 legions, and the total number is only 26 million soldiers, while Daqin now has 200 million soldiers.

With 26 million soldiers, 100,000 can restrain a city lord, and so many soldiers can also resist 260 city lords. There is no problem with these soldiers fighting alone. It is more effective to kill the city lord if they want to fight in groups.

The strength of official positions and legions is the guarantee of a strong country. Only with these strengths can a country be truly terrifying. Earlier, it was said that building a country and not building a country were two levels, and the difference was here.

There are many hints, and there is a border of a country that is also very important, but it seems to have been mentioned before. The Great Wall is blessed by the power of the country. It is not only sturdy, but also acts as a partition. Teleportation across borders.

Zhao Fu stood on the platform of prayer, and after reading the many reminders, he showed a smile on his face. There was a sense of surging heart, and a strong confidence. Daqin finally established a country, not a force, but a real country.


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