The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 963 Massacre

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

A huge crack in the sky stretched out, and then pieces of transparent stones emitting colorful rays of light fell from the sky, fell into the water and made a sound of thump, thump, smashed countless splashes, and a crack hundreds of thousands of miles wide appeared. .

This is the second crack. The human side never thought that the fish scales would have such a hand. Now almost 90% of their troops are concentrated here, and the interior is empty, and there is no force that can be resisted. Once they enter the southern continent, the scene unimaginable.

The faces of the humans present turned pale with shock, because they thought of the consequences, this time it was completely a hit, I didn't expect that there were still two teams of the fish scale clan, the first team was responsible for attracting the attention of all humans, and the second team was the real killer move .

Turning his eyes to the horizon, a little boy with a golden dragon tail, carrying a colorful fragment, smiled happily in front of a young man, "Brother, look, I got this again."

That young man was Yu Xuan, how could he not participate in such a major event that could wipe out the human world in one fell swoop, because at this moment, he clearly recognized human beings, and he was wrong because he recognized the threat of Daqin.

If Daqin is not eliminated for a day, the fish scale world will be destroyed in Daqin's hands sooner or later.

And the little boy is also his own younger brother. For some unknown reason, he has obtained the ability to break the barrier of the sky. He accidentally destroyed the last barrier of the sky.

This kind of ability is naturally very powerful. As far as Zhao Fu knows, no one can do it.

However, there is also a flaw, that is, the opening is not controlled by him, that is, the little boy will break something in the enchantment of the sky, but it will crack there, which is unknown.

But there are also ways to solve it. If it is destroyed in the south, there will definitely be a crack in the southern barrier. As long as you stay away from the first crack, their plan will be successful.

His team here has reached 4 billion troops, of which 70% are players, 30% are aborigines, and there are also many city owners.

Looking at the cracked opening, Yu Xuan waved his hand, and all the fish scales roared in excitement, with a terrifying momentum, like a ferocious tide entering the human world, and the catastrophe of the human world officially began.

"Quickly retreat! Go back to the human world and stop that team." Akhenaten shouted in horror.

Because this team of fish-scale people entered the southern continent, with the current situation in the southern continent, they will definitely be swept by the fish-scale people, and the southern continent will fall completely. The meaning stays here.

But they want to retreat to intercept another team, which is somewhat unlikely, the first is that the distance is relatively far, and the second is that there are nearly five billion fish scales here, how could they let humans leave.

"Kill! As long as we hold back this group of humans, we will win, and everyone will have a share in the treasure we rob."

An inheritor shouted with a loud laugh, and rushed out with his head. The other fish-scale people were very excited and rushed towards the human world.

Facing the attack of this large wave of fish-scale people, the human beings did not have time to evacuate. An arrow flew into the sky, and then drew arcs, pouring down like a heavy rain, and the human side could only stop and resist.

And the fish-scale people also attacked the city wall and began to fight with humans head-on.

The human side is about to retreat at the beginning, because the other team of the fish-scale people has already invaded the human world, which has greatly reduced their morale and their combat effectiveness has plummeted. Seeing the fish-scale people climbing the city wall, their hearts have already formed fear, and their fighting ability can be imagined.

When a person saw the fish-scale man jumping up, he was frightened, holding the weapon nervously, his body was shaking, the fish-scale man laughed even more arrogantly when he saw this, and attacked the man viciously, knocking him out within a few moves. Split in half.

Another fish-scale let out a sharp laugh, pierced a human's chest with a spear, and another tall fish-scale man, wielding a big axe, savagely slashed at the human beings, one by one being hacked to death.

The bright red blood splattered everywhere, which made the fish scale people even more excited. In their eyes, humans were just prey, not worthy of being their enemies at all.

Human beings are really too weak, not only in their mental qualities, but also in their fighting ability. A harmonious world collides with a world where the weak eats the weak. Obviously, the fish-scale people are better, and human beings are lowly existences as slaves.


In the face of the contempt and mockery of the fish-scale man, a human angrily took a large knife and chopped a fish-scale man to the ground, but several fish-scale men quickly surrounded him and smashed the human body into pieces. part.

Then, the fish scales covered in bright red blood, waving a weapon, rushing towards the humans with a horrific laugh, began to kill a few times.

On the other hand, the fish-scale people who entered the human world also began to slaughter. There was no mistake, it was a slaughter, because there were very few troops left in the city, and the strength of ordinary people was not high at all.

Watching the fish-scale people attack, they closed the city gate and actively guarded the city, but in the face of the 4 billion fish-scale army, there was no resistance at all. The fish-scale people easily invaded the city and killed humans when they saw them.

A fish-scale man rushed in, looked at an old man, and was about to run away, but his aging body made his speed not fast, and he was not afraid to take a few steps. break.

The old man fell to the ground, screaming in pain, his voice was extremely shrill, and the fish-scale man laughed loudly, and cut off the old man's head again.

Another fish scale man, waving

The sledgehammer slammed into the crowd of fleeing people, smashing hard, screaming constantly, a man said in fear that he was going to surrender, and the fish scales smashed the head to a pulp.

Another fish-scale man rushed into a room because he heard the cry of a child. After rushing into the room, the fish-scale man looked at a woman holding a three-year-old child who was crying because of fear.

The fish-scale man looked at the plump woman, laughed lewdly, stepped forward and grabbed the crying child, and then slashed and slashed in disgust.

The woman screamed at the fish-scale man, scratching the fish-scale's face with her fingers, it didn't hurt much, the fish-scale man smiled and hugged the woman, directly pressed her to the ground, tore off her clothes, and then began to rape, kinky.

There was a fish-scale man who looked at the golden jewelry worn by a human, rushed forward, cut off the man's arm first, regardless of the man's screams of pain, the fish-scale man picked up the broken arm, took off the golden ring, and then Another knife cut the man to death.

There is almost no resistance, but it is slaughtered by the fish scale people, and a city turns into a dead silence in less than a moment.


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