The Lord’s Little Cutie Is the Old Ancestor

Chapter 1005: I'm not one of those rubbish

Lin Rong gritted his teeth and forced himself to bear it down, "My little brother will not betray the empire! Absolutely not!"

Kui Qizhi shook his head, "There is no absolute thing in this world. You are all smart people. Seeing the current battle, you should be able to guess who is the one who gave the order. That's right, it's the boss. If It’s not true that there is such a thing, how could the president personally give an order to blockade the Lin clan. And the soldiers of these armed forces..."

Kui Qizhi pointed to the soldiers outside, "They have always regarded Lin Xiao as the **** in their hearts, but now, they only have hatred in their eyes! Why is this, why should I say it?"

Lin Youguang followed Kui Qizhi's hand and looked at it. Sure enough, the eyes of the soldiers who came in were full of suppressive hatred.

That kind of hatred comes from the heart. If it weren't for discipline to follow, they might not have shown such restraint.

That kind of hatred shocked Lin Youguang.

"The fact is right in front of you, what else do you guys do not believe! Lin Xiao betrayed the empire. He is the talker of the Lin clan, and the Lin clan can't escape now!" Kui Qizhi said indignantly, using a super high tone. , Showing his love for the empire and determination to support the empire.

Master Lin was silent, he still didn't believe Lin Xiao would do such a thing. After all, he has no reason to do this.

However, the person who convicted Lin Xiao is now the chief, the highest leader of the empire, and no one will question him.

Now that the reasons are known, then this series of changes makes sense.


Father Lin raised his head and looked at Kai Qizhi, "Where is Xiaoer, Bian Zhenqiang is dead, where is Xiaoer?"

Kui Qizhi did not speak. At this time, the woman among the five, Jenny, spoke, "Lin Xiao's whereabouts are unknown, so we will come here."

The woman’s flaming red lips, with a morbid and coquettish smile, her long nails painted with bright red nail polish wiggled slightly, “I really want to know what it feels like to kill the God of War with my own hands. I don’t know, that so-called God of War, will he? It's a waste like those people."

Kui Qizhi was obviously dissatisfied with the woman who revealed that Lin Xiao was still alive, "Who made you talk, these are confidential, don't you know, idiot!"

He didn't know who these five people were, and they didn't come with him. However, I saw that these five people were dealing with Lin Xiao's escorts, and the armed forces did not stop them, thinking that it should have been arranged by the General Manager.

Jenny condensed her eyebrows, fetched a fork in her hand, wiped Kui Qizhi's neck and shot it over, and a thin slit appeared on Kui Qizhi's neck in an instant.

As long as he gets a little bit more, his carotid artery will be cut.

Kui Qizhi was shocked, clutching his neck, "You..."

"I'm not the trash of those armed forces, so you yelled at me. This is a warning, and once again, it poked your head."

Jenny's voice was so dark that Kui Qizhi shuddered.

But the old man and the old lady are relieved at this moment, the other is not important, as long as Xiaoer is still alive.

Even Liu San felt relieved, knowing that the five people came for his own master, which meant that at least the people in the mansion were safe. At least, as long as the master is not found for a moment, they will not harm the people in the mansion. Because they have to use people in the mansion as hostages.

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