The Lord’s Little Cutie Is the Old Ancestor

Chapter 507: Not with a racket, but with hands

"Ah! Be careful!" Lin Rong reminded in surprise, he even wanted to pick it up. But the speed of the ball was too fast and the lethality was too strong. He couldn't keep up with the speed of the ball at all. He could only watch the extremely lethal ball and flew in the direction of Yan Chenxi.

At this time, Lin Xiao's hand just took the water bottle that Yan Chenxi handed over, and was about to help her unscrew the bottle cap.

Next to him, Lin Chong and Old Man Lin were even more shocked, and even Ji Peirou's indifferent and ironic face had changed.

To be hit by such a ball will suffer a lot.

However, at the very moment of the moment, Yan Chenxi, who could not unscrew the bottle cap one second before, raised her little hand without changing her face, and steadily caught the hostile tennis ball.

Immediately afterwards, with a wave of her small hand, the tennis ball popped out of her hand and flew back in the direction of Ji Xiaonuan.

Seeing the ball flying towards him, Ji Xiaonuan had no time to react.

Just listen, hoo! Scream.

The tennis ball galloped past Ji Xiaonuan's ears and hit the railing behind her hard.

Immediately afterwards, with a ‘squeak’, the railing that was hit broke directly. Subsequently, the front wall supported by the railing collapsed.

Of course, all of this only happened with a flick of a finger.

Suddenly, there was no other sound in the tennis court except for the sound of the railings breaking and collapsing.

Ji Xiaonuan was frightened, and the whole person was stupid there.

Just a few millimeters away, the ball was about to hit her face.

She didn't dare to think about what the consequences would be if she was hit by a ball like that in the face.

Hard steel railings can be crushed, not to mention her head...

Ji Xiaonuan looked in horror at Yan Chenxi, who was still sitting on the chair with his face unchanged at the moment, as if nothing happened just now.


She even caught the ball she sent out with all her strength with her bare hands!

Not with a racket, but with hands!

The scariest thing is that the ball that shattered all the railings was hit back by her hand...

At this moment, the girl sitting on the chair raised her head and met last Ji Xiaonuan's panic eyes.

The look in his eyes without any waves made Ji Xiaonuan's horror reached its peak.

I don't know why, the other person's eyes gave her the illusion that everything was calculated.

That person, she calculated the speed and trajectory of the ball, and deliberately let the ball fly a few millimeters away from her ear.

It seems to be issuing a warning!

Damn it!

It was the sound of Lin Rong's hand that the ball fell to the ground. He sat paralyzed on the ground exaggeratedly, shook his head, and said, "As expected, my little sister-in-law... is still so domineering... Fuck!"

Lin Rong's voice made several other people present also come back to their senses.

The old man Lin stroked his heart, obviously being stimulated by the scene just now.

That’s it, I didn’t forget to say to Ji Peirou, “I’m talking about it, Chen Xi’s girl is amazing...”

Ji Pei's soft pupils flickered violently, and the scene just now really shocked her.

"This...Is this still a normal person..." Ji Peirou blurted out.

However, Lin Xiao, who had never cared about anything he said to her, cast Ling Xiao's eyes at her for the first time after hearing these words.

Ji Peirou was stunned, but Lin Xiao would react like this.

"I... Am I right? The ball was almost hit Xiaonuan just now. What if it really hits Xiaonuan!" Ji Peirou sternly blamed.


[I originally wanted to post it together after I finished it, but I didn’t finish it. I’m afraid that everyone is in a hurry. I will update three chapters first, and there will be more updates today.

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