The Lord’s Little Cutie Is the Old Ancestor

Chapter 844: Something is wrong with you today

Hearing Lin Xiao's answer, General Manager smiled again.

With the general laughter, the atmosphere in the conference room has become much better.

No one thought that the big boss who had always been unsmiling would actually start a yellow accent with Lin Xiao in public. Even Bian Zhenqiang didn't expect that, he was stunned for a moment, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

Outside the meeting room, Liu Dun listened to the laughter inside, and followed with a long sigh of relief.

No wonder Mr. Xiao is not worried, it turns out that this is a certainty that the president will not blame him.

Because of the president's attitude towards Lin Xiao, even if other leaders are dissatisfied with Lin Xiao, it is not easy to show it at this moment.


When Yan Chenxi woke up again, it was already the next morning.

From the moment she opened her eyes, she felt something wrong with her body. However, she couldn't tell what was wrong.

The little hand touched her side, Lin Xiao had already left.

She lifted the quilt and walked out of the bed. As soon as her feet touched the ground, a dizziness swept through her brain, causing her body to sit back on the bed as soon as she stood still.

Is it still drunk?

Yan Chenxi thought in her heart, sat on the side of the bed slowly, and after feeling less dizzy, she stood up again.

However, the feeling of something wrong is still there. As if embedded in her body, she could clearly feel that something was wrong with her.

It must be because of being drunk!

Yan Chenxi thought so, changed her clothes, and walked out of the bedroom.

In the living room, Liu Qi has been waiting for a long time. Seeing Yan Chenxi coming out, he eagerly stepped forward, "Mrs. Young, it was the Xiaoye who asked me to come here to wait for you. From now on, my seventh team and I will officially take orders from Shao. Madam."

In fact, Lin Xiao sent Liu Qi to Yan Chenxi's side only to let her help Yan Chenxi fight. I didn't expect Liu Qi to protect Yan Chenxi. After all, when the real danger came, it was not always certain who would protect.

At this moment, Yan Chenxi was sitting at the dining table having breakfast, and Liu Qi received a call from the mansion. Putting down the phone, Liu Qi looked at Yan Chenxi, "Ms. Peirou from the mansion called me and said he wanted to see you, Madam Young."

Yan Chenxi and Lin Xiao have been married for so long, but they haven't officially visited the Lin clan to meet people over there.

If it is placed with ordinary people, such behavior is disrespectful to the elders of the family.

However, this rule has no effect in Yan Chenxi.

After listening to Liu Qi's words, Yan Chenxi just raised her eyebrows lazily, and said lightly, "No."

She was married to Xiao Xiao, not to the Lin clan.

Liu Qi didn't hesitate, and directly conveyed Yan Chenxi's reply to the mansion.

Lin Xiao is not there, and it doesn't make sense for her to stay on Cangdao alone.

Just agreed to Shang Yufei, to accompany her to participate in the activities, after eating breakfast, Yan Chenxi went to Shang Yufei's residence.

There, I saw Sanba that I haven't seen for a long time.

Yan Ziheng's remaining consciousness still shows no signs of awakening. In order to maintain the life of this body, Sanba can only stay in Yan Ziheng's body and pretend to be him.

Seeing Yan Chenxi's first glance, Sanba noticed something strange, "Sir Captain, why do I think something is wrong with you today."

I don't know if it is an illusion, Sanba feels as if she can't perceive Yan Chenxi's energy magnetic field anymore.

However, his ability is limited after all. Even with the human body, he is still a scum in front of Yan Chenxi and Lin Xiao. Therefore, he is not sure whether his perception is correct.

He wants correct perception unless he reaches out to touch Yan Chenxi's body. However, now he is no longer a bird, but a big man, who can't touch the girl's body casually.


[It’s a bit of Karvin, first of all~ guess why the body of the little ancestor is not right~]

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