The Lord’s Little Cutie Is the Old Ancestor

Chapter 992: Temporarily marginalized

"Then you have worked hard, brother." The Patriarch Dai first stated that at this time, when there was chaos, someone could come out to preside over the overall situation, and he was naturally happy.

Moreover, it seems that Kui Qizhi's contacts are wider than all of them. Otherwise, they racked their brains without knowing what happened, but Kui Qizhi knew the internal news.

Therefore, when he heard that Kui Qizhi was willing to take the lead in presiding over the overall situation, the Dai family leader was the first to stand up and support.

With the support of the Patriarch of the Dai family, the Gu family, who has never had much right to speak, also echoed.

The Lin clan looked down, and the way the Kui clan came out to preside over the overall situation had been determined. At this time, it is natural to express your stance quickly.

The two big families have expressed their opinions one after another. The Gao family's head had no idea, and finally nodded in agreement.

Only the young Patriarch of the Qian family seemed to have some criticisms.

Kui Qizhi was not annoyed, and looked at him with a smile, "Does Qian Shijie have any opinion on my presiding over the overall situation? It doesn't matter. Our five families are all equal. If you think you have enough ability to lead everyone, I can too. Give this position to you."

Everyone present had noticed that Kui Qizhi had referred to the six big families as the five big families, which directly excluded the Lin clan.

The faces of the Lin clan present changed suddenly and fell into extreme anxiety.

The Patriarch Qian shook his head, "I am not dissatisfied with Uncle Kui's presiding over the overall situation, but I always feel that Young Master Xiao does not seem to be a person who will betray the empire."

Kui Qizhi smiled faintly, "Many times, people who know people and don’t know their faces, the more they don’t feel like, the more amazing they will be. Otherwise, the president will not be furious and will directly seal the Lin clan. Want to come, It's also because Lin Xiao has completely chilled the heart of the president. Not only the president, but also the hearts of many soldiers."

Imagine that the **** of war in everyone's heart has become a sinner who betrayed his country, which is equivalent to the ruthless crush of the faith in his heart, which is completely a fatal blow.

The Patriarch Qian did not speak any more, and even in his heart, he still had doubts about the whole thing. However, in the current situation, he seemed somewhat lighthearted.

Just like what Kui Qizhi said, he did not represent himself, but the entire Qian family. Behind him are many people. As the head of the family, he has to think about his family.

Today, it is the president who wants to run the Lin clan. He could neither influence the outcome of the incident nor help the Lin clan. For the present plan, I can only bear it down and save the Qian clan.

Seeing that the Patriarch of the Qian family did not speak any more, Kui Qizhi finally nodded in satisfaction and turned to look at the Lin clan standing in the corner, "Dear friends of the Lin clan, here, Kui, I will leave you alone."

"Ki Qizhi, what do you mean?"

"You make it clear, do you really want to draw a clear line from our Lin clan?"

Kui Qizhi shook his head, "It's not about drawing a line, but temporarily marginalizing. Don't worry, you must believe that the cabinet government will not wrong the good people. If it is finally verified that the betrayal of the empire has nothing to do with the people of the Lin clan, it will definitely not be involved. Everyone. It’s just that it’s a special time. For self-protection and not to involve others, it’s better to stay at home as much as possible and not to go out at will."

When Kui Qizhi spoke, his expression was gentle. However, these words were heard in the ears of the Lin clan, how they were harsh to the ears.

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