On the third day of his stay in the intramuros of Intramus, Goim still didn't know how to find Nahir.

Those soldiers said that ordinary people like him were not allowed to snoop, and some of them almost arrested him as a dangerous element.

He sighed, sure enough, strength is the last word, and the current Goim is enough to deal with several imperial soldiers at the same time.

Thinking of Yana's strength, he was still too weak.

(Could it be that Her Royal Highness the princess doesn't need me at all, and there are many people who are better than me.) The thought lingered in his head for a moment, and Goim shook his head.

In any case, the favor needs to be repaid, otherwise he will be upset.


Nahir Residence.

Her day is boring, her food is still as luxurious as before, but other behaviors are restricted.

After revealing everything from Yana, Nahir spent half a day adjusting his mindset and their relationship.

She can't do it if she forces Yana to obey, but she still believes that she can bring Yana out with her heart.

"No, I'm bored. What kind of freedom is this, and the book of this world is so profound that it is impossible to understand......" Nahir put a thick book on the table.

This was from her heart, not that Nahir didn't want to learn Xi understand the world.

But the logic of various behaviors in the book shattered her three views, and such a book could actually pass the review of the empire?

Yana next to her just observed the surroundings like that, even if the wind and waves were calm outside.

"Yana, don't you usually do some other things?"

"That's what the training is about, and there's no need to divert attention from doing meaningless things. "

It is estimated that Nahir will never understand her for the rest of his life, and the killers of this world will go through what ......

Nahir couldn't do what she wanted Yana to teach magic, she could only teach some simple first- and second-order magic.

As a killer, she was not good at education, and even if Yana remembered the skills she learned when she was trained, that didn't suit Nahir.

"Bang bang. There was a knock on the door, and Nahir looked away.

Yana approached the door and asked, "Who is it?" "

The Earl has something to pass on to Her Highness the Princess. "It's a male voice, probably sent by Willing to deliver the message.

The door was opened, and the men outside the door, dressed in gorgeous clothes, saluted them with a smile on their faces.

"Lord Earl considers that Her Royal Highness does not want to stay in one place all the time, so as long as you bring a few guards with you, there is no problem. "

The news was really big, and Nahir had thought of going out several times, but he could see through the window that Astor and the two men from the last time were waiting outside and gave up.

But when you go out, you have to bring Wei Ling's eyeliner, which is not free.

"How many guards do you want to bring?" Nahir asked, a little helpless on his face.

Remember that when she went out in the royal city, she had to be escorted by at least a whole knight order.

That's not just an ordinary knightly order, all ranks are above five.

But now Nahir had barely seen the Knights, and he didn't know what had happened to the cheap father.

"Hahaha, Her Royal Highness the princess laughed, I want you to know something, with the power of the earl, you can only let those mercenaries outside escort you. The

man who passed the message was very direct and made clear the current situation in Wang Cheng.

"What!? Let that evil-faced man escort, I have to find time to talk to Wei Ling. Nahir was really reluctant, with a broken face.

But it's a lot better to be able to go out, it's much better than staying here all the time and dying of boredom.

When she got out, Yana looked the same way around her.

But Nahir's heart was not what it used to be.

Astor was far away from her, it was her rule.

Since he was protecting her, then don't speak, every word that the evil-faced man said in Nahir's eyes could make her unhappy.

Elsewhere, Goim, who wanders around the residential area of Intraura, has been trying to meet Nahir in various ways.

But nothing happened.

"Let's go to the tavern again and see if we hear anything. He said, with some tiredness in his tone.

After arriving at the tavern, he found a place to sit down, ordered a few side dishes, and began to listen to information.

The atmosphere here is lively, with people from all the middle class, who may be talking about family matters or business cooperation.

"Well, let me tell you, there have been rumors in the royal city that His Majesty is about to be overthrown lately, and I don't know whether it is true or not.

"Shhh "

Naturally, these people are talking about rumors and gossip that are not substantiated.

After listening for a long time, Goim did not hear anything useful.

Bringing the dish to his mouth, he thought as he chewed.

In normal times, His Majesty would have taken some extreme steps to shut up these guys, but now ......

"You say...... Is Her Royal Highness the Princess still alive?"

Suddenly, Goim couldn't swallow the food in his mouth, and turned his head to look at the master who had just said what he had just said.

It was an emaciated young man, and across from him sat a strong, bearded uncle.

"A few days ago, I saw that petite figure surrounded by several people and entered the royal city, and I concluded that it was.

"But are these traits really true?"

"Boy, I can't be wrong about that height!"

Trying to get some more information from the two men, Goim's behavior was quickly noticed.

The uncle's eyes widened with rage, and he rolled up his sleeves to look at him.

"You can't hide it from me, you don't have any good water in your heart, say, what do you want to do?"

The thin boy next to him also looked at Goyim with a wary face.

"Misunderstanding, I just heard you mention Her Royal Highness the Princess, and I'm a little curious. Seeing

that if he didn't explain, he probably couldn't do without a struggle.

However, the uncle was not shaken, and stood up close to Goim, raising his fists and clenching them.

There was a slight grinding sound in the air, and the uncle's muscles bulged.

"You have other plans, my instincts never lie, and if you don't want to suffer, get out of here immediately. "

The uncle is not small, and the person who is a head taller than Goyim is also very oppressive.

"It's not good, I just looked at you, but you're going to punch and kick me, and this tavern doesn't seem to be owned by you. Goim's polite appearance retracted, he was unlucky enough to meet such a person.

The rest of the tavern also noticed this, and looked at it with melon-eating expressions.

"What ...... tone of your voice" The uncle's face turned red, and he was even more angry.

A foul smell of alcohol hit Goim's face, and he immediately understood.

No wonder it's so easy to get angry, it seems that he drank too much.

"Let me help you wake up, uncle. The

sword was drawn from its scabbard and shone with a blinding white glow in the tavern light.

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