The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1158: I can marry Xin'er home, my life is complete

Song Wenqi heard what Hu Yaxin said, and quickly said that she had a strong desire to survive: "The daughter-in-law said what she said, and it was wrong to be right."

"Well, there can be words."

After learning that his father was okay, Hu Yaxin was in a much better mood. Although he did not know what Ye Nanxian and Song Wenqi did, but now his father said nothing was okay.

She gave Song Wenqi a grateful look.

that's nice.

She was really happy to be able to marry this man and walk through the wedding that she cares about most in her life.

Mr. Hu saw the interaction between Song Wenqi and Hu Yaxin and couldn't help but feel a little trance.

Vaguely, he seemed to see his wife.

At that time, she was more happily married to herself, looking forward to the children and grandchildren, but unfortunately she did not have that blessing, and could not see the day when Hu Yaxin married in a wedding dress.

Mr. Hu took Hu Yaxin's hand and looked at Song Wenqi and said: "Song Wenqi, my own daughter, I know that she was spoiled by me from childhood, sometimes she will be more indulgent and self-willed. Yes, there is a bottom line, and he is a good boy.

If one day you do n’t love her, please do n’t hurt her.

You call me and tell me that I will take her home and promise not to cause you any trouble. "

This was so choking.

Hu Yaxin suddenly burst into tears.

"Dad--" "Good boy, you can't go to your husband's house as capriciously as you do at home. You have to honor your father-in-law. Song Wenqi is a good man. Don't always trouble him if he's in trouble.

Marriage needs to be managed. Everyone is married for love, but they have lived and stayed in the later period, but they do n’t know why, it ’s not the years that smoothed your passion, but some small things that do n’t communicate and do n’t resolve, slowly accumulate. Only after the grudge will the original love be changed.

Baby, no matter what you think in your heart, no matter how angry you are, remember to communicate with him. Only when the communication is good will everyone have a good life.

In case one day you really can't survive, don't be afraid! You still have dad! You still have a family.

As long as you come back, no matter how old you are, it's a treasure in Dad's palm. "

Many of Mr. Hu's remarks said that many dads and daughters are very unhappy.

It is said that it is not false at all to say that the wife's family is happy and the mother's family is worried.

Hu Yaxin couldn't help but hugged Mr. Hu's crying cry.

Song Wenqi's heart is also very touching.

He kneeled down to Mr. Hu.

"Dad, we are the master of the Song family. My dad has gone to the global world. He is not at home and there is no such thing as waiting for his father.

Starting today, you will be my father, and I will honor you with Xin'er just like my parents.

It is said that an aunt is half a half. From today, I am willing to be your son.

If I do something wrong in the future, I will ask my dad to educate me like my son.

As for Xin'er, Song Wenqi took the oath of his life today. As long as I live, Hu Yaxin lived at home and lived at Song's home. This also pleases my father.

If Dad is really uneasy, I will come home on the 3rd, and I will come to live with the new child, as long as Dad doesn't dislike us. "

Song Wenqi said this deeply.

Both Hu Yaxin and Mr. Hu were stunned.

How can this be done?

Isn't this your son-in-law?

Although this is not the case, but outside rumors will certainly not be good.

Although Song Wenqi is not the four young men in Haicheng, his status in Haicheng is obvious to all. Now, if he tells everyone to be the son-in-law of the Hu family with such a huge force, is it okay?

Hu Yaxin's heart was shocked.

She could see that Song Wenqi really thought so, not on the catwalk.

Her eyes instantly became hot.

"Wen Qi!"

Song Wenqi smiled softly at her.

When Mr. Hu heard this, what was he worried about?

"It doesn't matter if I come back to live. I understand the young people now. It is inevitable to live with an old man like me.

I know you have a lot of real estate, and Mr. Xiao has given you a house to make a wedding room, right?

I won't let you come back to live.

As long as you come back to see me when you are free, you will be. "

Song Wenqi smiled and said, "Dad, are you afraid that I won't pay for my food?

You can rest assured that I will pay for food. "

This is a joke, but Mr. Hu saw that Song Wenqi really wanted to accompany Hu Yaxin to live back.

For a time, Mr. Hu was very excited.

If so, who wants to marry his daughter?

I have been raising treasures for more than 20 years, and I became someone else ’s daughter-in-law overnight. I went to an unfamiliar environment, and I do n’t know if I can adapt to it.

Who is not worried about this series of parents?

However, if the daughter lives with her son-in-law in her home, the daughter still lives in a familiar environment, and the people around her are still familiar with her. Naturally, it is the best for the daughter.

It's just that few men do this.

Mr. Hu looked at Song Wenqi differently.

"Don't you own a house yourself?"

"Does this have to be renovated?

Neither Xiner nor I thought about what I was going to pretend to be, and my apartment was not packed up. I will return to the Song's old house for the moment.

However, the Song's old house is a place for my dad to care for. Although I don't know when he will come back, it is not easy to make him feel that he is homeless, right?

So Xiner and I came back to harass our father-in-law. "

Song Wenqi said it perfectly.

Hu Yaxin discovered that he was serious, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

People around congratulated Mr. Hu for finding a good son-in-law.

Mr. Hu laughed very heartily this time.

"Everyone is happy and happy! Go to the hotel today. Everyone eats and drinks well. The Hu family thank you for coming."

There was a lot of joy around.

The makeup artist secretly wanted to slip out, but was blocked by someone at the door, directly covering his mouth and dragging out.

Shen Mange looked around, and with a wave, a new makeup artist appeared in front of her.

"Go in and put on the bride's makeup. If you do well, you can't lose."

The makeup artist nodded quickly, and his eyes were filled with joy.

Whether Song Wenqi gave money or Ye Nanxian gave money, they were all Haicheng upstarts. As long as she is done, will she still have no business in the future?

She never dreamed that she would get such a good opportunity.

The makeup artist walked in and stood at the position of the original makeup artist.

Because the makeup artist is just a small character, not many people care about in today's day, so everything is silently replaced.

Song Wenqi and Hu Yaxin bid farewell to Mr. Hu, then they took Hu Yaxin out of the house.

The sound of firecrackers and salutes rose from the outside, and there was even a blast of music.

Hu Yaxin glanced at it, and Song Wenqi didn't really know where to invite the trumpet drummer to stand aside and beating.

Mr. Hu prepared ten miles of red makeup for Hu Yaxin.

The red carpet stretched out far and far, and the dowry boxes one by one were amazed by the people watching the ceremony.

"The Hu family really is a low-key local tyrant."

"I already knew that the Hu family is so rich. At that time, I should let our stink boy chase Miss Hu."

There was a man with a big belly pooping sourly.

The people around him said sarcastically, "Cut, just like your son's fat and fat ears, Miss Hu's family can't look down.

Where is it comparable to Song Shao's suaveness? "

"My son's name is Rich State! Rich State!"

Several men started to fight.

Song Wenqi couldn't see the dowry dowry in her eyes at all, only saw Hu Yaxin's cowardly and happy look now.

He was obsessed and said: "My daughter-in-law is beautiful, like a fairy."

This is like a fool.

Moreover, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he laughed silly, which immediately attracted everyone's laughter.

"Song Shao, are you happy and broken?"

"That is, being able to marry Xin'er and go home, my life is complete."

Song Wenqi said aloud suddenly, and then took Hu Yaxin into the wedding car.

Sixteen luxury cars suddenly honked.

Song Wenqi's wedding car is the first one, slowly moving in the blessing and laughter of everyone.

Hu Yaxin reached out and held Song Wenqi's hand tightly.

Her palms were wet and she looked nervous.

Song Wenqi said distressedly: "Don't worry, our dad is fine.

Ye Nanxian took a look at the poison pills in the past. He had already eaten them. Now the toxins are under control. We will stay with my dad tomorrow when we go home. "


Did n’t you come back in three days? "

"Tomorrow we go to grandpa to give tea, and then nothing will happen. Anyway, I do n’t have so many manners. You ’re worried about this situation now. Let ’s go back tomorrow. Let ’s talk to grandpa and wait for tomorrow. After that, we moved back to your house to accompany our dad.

In the past New Year, you all lived at home. This year, everyone is not far away. Go back and discuss it. Either get together for the New Year or we both work hard and run on both sides.

Whose parents are not parents?

You can't let our dad be alone at home during Chinese New Year because you have a daughter. "

Song Wenqi said this to Hu Yaxin's heart.

She never thought that Song Wenqi was usually silent. When dealing with these things, she almost stood on her stand and considered them for her and her family.

"But isn't this good?

Others will gossip. "

"Let's live our own lives, and you care what others say.

Besides, I have no relatives.

My mom is gone, and my dad doesn't know where to go to travel around the world. Now there is only one grandfather left. Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange are not there.

We are newly married, we always have to give us a little time alone?

Where is it like them? They have been married for seven or eight years, and the children are running all over the ground. We must not work hard for the next generation? "

Hu Wenxin's face suddenly rose in Song Wenqi's words.

"What are you talking about."

"Now shy?

It ’s all my own, Xiner. "

Song Wenqi held her tightly in her arms and immediately kissed her.

His kiss was wild and hot, almost making Hu Yaxin uncontrollable.

"Don't kiss, my lipstick has been eaten by you, and I will be embarrassed when I get off and get seen."

Hu Yaxin said a little embarrassedly.

Song Wenqi said with a smile: "Today you are the biggest, who dares to say what you are.

Whoever dares to say you see how I clean up him. "

Hu Yaxin suddenly laughed.

Suddenly the car choked and stopped suddenly.

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