Xiao Key?

Shen Mange was stunned.

Does n’t it mean that it ’s not right for her to come back now?

Why are you back?

Did you notify your grandfather or not?

Shen Mange's micro-lens made Ye Nanxian pause for a moment, then looked at her, and then saw Xiao Key.

Xiao Yao walked out of the airport in a hurry, without anyone behind her, and she was wearing sunglasses and a hat, and people she didn't know really couldn't see it.

"A Fei, send someone to follow."

"Yes, President Ye."

A Fei quickly arranged.

"Nanxian, did you say that Xiao Key suddenly came to Haicheng?

Will Fang Ze come?

Is Yu Summit coming? "

Shen Mange was worried.

Ye Nanxian tightly encircled her and said, "Don't worry about these, let's go back first."

"it is good."

The two thoughtfully returned to the Xiao's villa.

It was just that the two people were attacked directly by Song Wenqi as soon as they entered the door.

"Ye Nanxian, you are too dark.

Did n’t you say a wedding today?

Where are you guys? "

"It's over."

Ye Nanxian said lightly, and then threw them a USB stick.

Song Wenqi was a little curious about plugging the U disk into the TV, and suddenly the picture of their wedding was played.

Shen Mange didn't know when he made the video, he couldn't help but feel a bit stumped, but when he saw how happy he was and Ye Nanxian inside, his mouth slightly raised.

Song Wenqi was directly depressed.

"Are you too black?

This is the wedding? "

"Yes, the wedding of the two of us, I never said I would like you to attend."

Ye Nanxian said lightly, and Song Wenqi, who was straight, was upset.

"Then what you said yesterday, it's going to be like a cave in my room."

"Sorry, it's almost twelve o'clock, today's time is over.

I give you a chance, you do n’t know how to cherish, you blame me? "

Listening to Ye Nanxian saying such shameless words, Song Wenqi really wanted to kill him.

Hu Yaxin shook his head.

Song Wenqi couldn't get a bargain in Ye Nanxian's hands, okay, but this man refused to admit it.

"Mange, you have been flying for so long, you must be very tired, it is better to go to rest early."

Hu Yaxin opened his mouth.

Shen Mange smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll accompany you with a vigil.

Grandpa? "

"Grandpa is in the house, saying you come back and come down."

Shen Mange wants to see Grandpa.

Ye Nanxian knew her thoughts and nodded.

, Shen Mange went upstairs immediately.

Song Wenqi is still entangled in how to make Ye Nanxian put on the chastity pants. Ye Nanxian sneered and said, "You are stupid to say you are stupid, you really think I will wear it for the night like you locked?"


Song Wenqi was a little stunned.

"How do you know that I opened the lock all night?"

Ye Nanxian looked at his expression like a fool.

Hu Yaxin couldn't bear it anymore and directly pulled Song Wenqi back.

"Don't ask, it's not too shameful."

"No, I'm not ashamed to ask."

Ye Nanxian, who said this, wanted to laugh.

"Cough, those who have computer programming, you can go directly to the computer to check, and then press a key to unlock, and unlock it in a second or two, who made you unlock one by one like a primitive person?"

Hearing Ye Nanxian say this, Song Wenqi was stupid.

Can you still play like this?

Hu Yaxin was also dumbfounded.

She suddenly felt like a fool and opened the lock with Song Wenqi overnight, but Ye Nanxian said there was a key to unlock it?

Song Wenqi didn't quite believe it. He went to the room again and took out the chastity trousers. After a closer look, there was indeed an unlock button inside his trousers. His entire face was black.

"Why didn't you say it early?"

"You don't understand such a simple truth, you can't see such an obvious one-key unlocking, what do you let me say?

Song Wenqi, your IQ should be recharged. "

Ye Nanxian said very much.

Song Wenqi felt that he wanted to fight, really wanted to beat the man in front of him, but was stopped by Hu Yaxin.

"Oh, okay, it's a joke, why are you so serious?"

"My cave night! Can I not be angry?

Regardless, Ye Nanxian, you accompany me in the Dongfang Huadengye! "

Song Wenqi was directly involved.

Ye Nanxian looked at him contemptuously and said, "Am I with you?"

"Ah! No?"

"No, I have normal sexual orientation and I don't like men.

You find someone else. "

After talking about Ye Nanxian, he went upstairs to wash up, and the angry Song Wenqi yelled below.

Hu Yaxin thinks that he will return to Hu's house after tomorrow, otherwise Song Wenqi will be mad at Ye Nanxian sooner or later.

Shen Mange came to the door of Old Master Xiao and knocked gently on the door, but heard the voice of Old Master Xiao sounded inside.


"Grandpa, it's me."

Shen Mange felt that Old Master Xiao's voice was wrong.

When Master Xiao heard Shen Mange's voice, he whispered, "Mange is back?"

come in. "

Shen Mange pushed in.

Mr. Xiao was sitting by the bed, not knowing what was being dragged in his hand. When he saw Shen Mange coming in, he smiled, but the smile was a bit reluctant.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?

Are you sick? "

Shen Mange thought that Mr. Xiao was tired because of Song Wenqi's wedding, he could not help asking a question, and even quickly stepped forward to touch Mr. Xiao's forehead.

Not hot.

Father Xiao saw Shen Mange's concerned eyes and motioned her to close the door.

After finishing all this, Shen Mange came to him and sat down.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

"Did she come back?"

Old Master Xiao took hold of Shen Mange.

In his palm is a men's watch.

Very old style, but really new.

Shen Mange took a closer look. The workmanship of this watch was exquisite.

"This is ..." "Someone put it on my bed, but I know it's your aunt, the new year gift she gave me, right?"

Grandpa Xiao's eyes were a little wet.

Shen Mange thought of the figure in the airport, but asked doubtfully: "Grandpa, how can you be sure that you are an aunt?"

Maybe someone else gave it to you. "

"No, look behind."

Shen Mange looked at the back of the watch, there was a word.

"I wish Dad good health.

Yue. "

This was obviously manually engraved.

Shen Mange looked at the word and couldn't help thinking.

If it was really Xiao Key, why not give it to my grandfather in person?

"Grandpa, I think it's time for people to check if there are any problems with this watch. You know, it's a very special time now. I'm afraid something unexpected will happen.

"There will be no accidents. I checked. There is nothing wrong with this watch.

This was given to me by Xiao Yueer.

After so many years, I finally received my eldest daughter's gift.

But since she came back, why didn't she go home?

Why not come to see me?

Did she refuse to forgive me? "

Father Xiao was about to cry.

At this moment, he was no longer the general who sent the soldiers on the battlefield. He was just a father, a father looking forward to his daughter returning home.

Shen Mange's nose is unnaturally sour.

"Grandpa, the aunt may have other things to solve, and she will come back to see you."

"Can I still wait?

Mange, my grandfather is old, and I have n’t lived for a few years. I have no wish, I hope to see my elder daughter before my death, my poor elder daughter. "

Father Xiao always tears.

Shen Mange felt very sad for a while, and did not know how to comfort Old Master Xiao.

The sound of firecrackers sounded outside, and every household was quitting the old and welcoming the new.

Shen Mangeqiang cheered up and said with a smile: "Grandpa, there are many people outside waiting to stay with you, and if the aunt is really there, I hope you have a happy life, right?

Believe me, I will bring my aunt back. "



Shen Mange nodded.

Grandpa Xiao's mood stretched a little.

"By the way, Zi An came back in the morning and said that he was a little tired. He was locked in the room by himself, and he didn't come out to eat for lunch. I sent someone to ask him to eat out. He said he wanted to sleep. You go and see what happened.

Mr. Xiao's words made Shen Mange slightly surprised.

"Okay, I'll check it out."

She anxiously went to Ye Zi'an's room.

Shen Mange knocked on the door, and there was no sound.

She twisted gently, and the door opened.

Shen Mange walked in and saw Ye Zian curled up in bed alone and fell asleep.

He slept very peacefully, but he was not very stable.

Shen Mange knew that Ye Zi'an hadn't slept like this before, but now he seems to feel very insecure.

Her heart hurt slightly.

Shen Mange walked over and saw that Ye Zian didn't cover the quilt, and directly pulled the quilt to cover Ye Zian.

Ye Nanxian's eyes suddenly opened, and he grasped Shen Mange's wrist with one hand, so powerful that Shen Mange couldn't help exclaiming.

"Zi An, it's mommy."

She was a little scared and a little frightened.

Is Zi An's second personality coming out?

Just when Shen Mange thought so, Ye Zi'an was stunned for a moment and then let go.


How did you come?

Did you hurt you? "

Ye Zi'an was guilty and sat up quickly to check Shen Mange's hand.

Ye Zi'an's eyes are very normal under the light, so the eyes and attitudes so concerned are definitely not what the second personality can have.

Shen Mange suddenly surprised.

"Zi An, how are you?"

Looking at Mama's expectant look, Ye Zi'an nodded and said, "I have suppressed it. Uncle Sunan said that there will be no problem with another week of treatment.

I'm sorry to worry mom and dad. "

Shen Mange rarely hears Ye Zi'an calling Ye Nanxian Daddy, but now he can't help but feel very happy.

"You're good.

Did not come back? "

"No, she said she would stay with Zhan's family to accompany Aunt An, and I didn't force it."

Ye Zi'an had been to Zhan's house. He wanted to be accepted and returned to the New Year, but was rejected by Luo.

Ye Luo Luo is a girl with great ideas and ideas.

Shen Mange nodded, looking at the tiredness in the eyes of his son, and said distressedly: "If you are tired, go to sleep first, I will stay with my grandfather for a night."

"Do not sleep, I will go down with you to keep the year together."

Ye Zian shook his head and woke up completely.

"Okay, Mommy went down first."


Shen Mange touched Ye Zi'an's head and got up and went out.

Ye Zian rubbed his temples, then lifted the quilt and got out of bed, but instead of going downstairs, he went directly to Ye Rui's room.

"Brother, is there any sleeping pills?

Give me two. "

As soon as Ye Zi'an made this remark, Ye Rui was scared.

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