"Huo Family?"

Ye Nanxian's frown was frivolous, and some did not expect it.

He tilted his head and looked at Shen Mange. When he saw Shen Mange, he was also surprised. He could not help but whispered, "Continue to follow."


After hanging up the phone, the two were somewhat silent.

Shen Mange's body shivered slightly.

Is it related to the Huo family?

The last thing she wanted was related to the Huo family.

That's her maiden that cares most! Ye Nanxian suddenly said: "Let's go to Huo's house as well."


Shen Mange was a little surprised.

Ye Nanxian couldn't help feeling distressed when he saw his wife.

"Mange, we can come together on New Year's Day today."

"But hasn't Uncle been to my grandfather's house?"

Shen Mange looked puzzled.

Ye Nanxian took her into her arms with a smile, and said distressedly: "That's Uncle's New Year's greetings to my grandfather, isn't it for our juniors?

That's your mother's house. You can say that you're homesick and want to go back to accompany your uncle.

I think Uncle will not refuse, but will be very happy, isn't it?

Or we can sleep there tonight. "

When Ye Nanxian said this, Shen Mange suddenly felt a little bit blank.

"Yes, I can go back to Huo's house and walk around."

"Silly wife."

Ye Nanxian knows that Shen Mange cares about the Huo family in her heart. She does not want to let the Huo family and Xiao Yao have a relationship, but sometimes she is really afraid of what comes.

He could only hug Shen Mange tightly.



"I want to kiss you."

When Ye Nanxian said this, Shen Mange was a little ignorant, as if he didn't understand it.

Ever since she knew that Xiao Key had gone to the Huo family, her IQ and EQ were not very online.

This is called care is chaos.

Ye Nanxian didn't say anything, directly deceived and kissed Shen Mange.

Shen Mange was slightly flustered, and then he was taken away by the kiss.

Ye Nanxian lowered his breath a little, and when he let go of Shen Mange, he saw his little wife gasping quickly, and the blushing face made people want to be tempted.

He suddenly wanted something.

But now in this situation, Ye Nanxian also knows that he can only sing lightly.

"Go to Huo's house?

Yep? "

Ye Nanxian's voice was hoarse, with a suppressed forbearance.

Shen Mange suddenly relaxed.

Regardless of the way forward, there is always this man around, isn't it?

Suddenly there was an extra strength in him.

"it is good."

Evasion is not a way, if Xiao Key is really related to the Huo family, she must also know what the relationship is.

Seeing Shen Mange's expression recovered, Ye Nanxian felt relieved.

The two drove towards the Huo family.

The atmosphere in the car is still a little hot.

Shen Mange glanced at Ye Nanxian and felt that he was sweating a little bit forbearably, and could not help but chuckle.

"what happened?"

Ye Nanxian was laughed inexplicably.

"It's all right."

Shen Mange's lips are still slightly raised, which seems to make people feel a lot better.

Ye Nanxian reached out and held Shen Mange's hand.

Shen Mange tried to pull it out, but failed.

"Don't make trouble.

Drive well. "

Ye Nanxian didn't say anything, but his expression was gentle.

When the two men went to Huo's house, the Huo's housekeeper froze.

"Miss, Grandpa, are you back?

Why is this point back? "


When do we have to make an appointment in advance?

Uncle is still busy now? "

Although Shen Mange said with a smile, his eyes and expression were a bit harsh.

The old housekeeper froze for a moment. Perhaps he didn't expect Shen Mange to be like this. He couldn't help saying: "No, President Huo is not busy, just..."

There was still snow floating outside, but Shen Mange's eyes were even colder, and the old housekeeper was scared to know how to answer.

Ye Nanxian whispered, "Well, today is the first day of the Chinese New Year, don't freak out the housekeeper.

Let's go in. "

As soon as these words came out, the old housekeeper dared not stop him.

Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange walked in.

Huo Zhenting didn't know what he was thinking in the living room.

He didn't notice when Shen Mange came in.

Ye Nanxian glanced at the coffee table with tea and two teacups on it, apparently someone had been there.

The tea in the cup is still hot. Obviously the guest has just left, or hasn't he left yet?

Shen Mange also saw this scene.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?

What do you want?

Is there a guest? "

Shen Mange spontaneously sat opposite Huo Zhenting.

Huo Zhenting suddenly recovered, when he saw Shen Mange trance.


when did you come? "

"When I arrived, why did Uncle so lost?"

Shen Mange observed Huo Zhenting, obviously Huo Zhenting was not in a state.

"Oh, nothing, remember something.

Nanxian is here too?

Sit! Butler, change another tea cup and re-pot tea. "

Huo Zhenting warmly entertained.

He likes to drink tea, no matter day or night.

Ye Nanxian did not quit.

Shen Mange looked at Huo Zhenting and smiled and asked, "Uncle, was there a guest just now?"


Ah, yes, there was a guest. "

Huo Zhenting's face is a bit unnatural.


Do i know

I came here on New Year's Day to give my uncle a New Year's greetings. I also want to know you. You also know that I am now in a film and television company and need some contacts. Uncle can help me. "

Shen Mange is very natural.

Huo Zhenting said uncomfortably: "This person is an old friend and is not in the mall. You don't know if you know it. When you have time to come back, the uncle will introduce you to some people in the mall to ensure you expand your network. And, let’s talk about it, isn’t there still Nanxian?

Was such a big thigh in turn getting help from Uncle? "

He laughed when he talked.

Shen Mange also smiled, but she felt sad.

It seems that Xiao Key has really been here, but she doesn't know if she is gone or not.

Looking at Huo Zhenting's attitude, it seems that he doesn't want to say anything to her, at least he doesn't want to say it now, and he even escapes.

Shen Mange's heart was somewhat uncomfortable.

She always thought that Huo Zhenting and herself would not be separated. Even if something happened, she would stand by her for the first time, but she didn't expect it to be too beautiful.

Ye Nanxian held Shen Mange's hand tightly and gave her some comfort.

"Uncle, I plan to take Mange out for a walk."

Ye Nanxian's words made Huo Zhenting a little unresponsive.

"Go for a walk?

It's snowing outside, so stay home and drink tea in such a cold day. "

Hearing Huo Zhenting say this, Ye Nanxian said with a smile: "I said to go abroad with Mange."

"Go abroad?

What are you doing abroad? "

Huo Zhenting looked at Shen Mange and said worriedly: "This year is not quite flat outside. It's okay to stay at home, don't run away."

Shen Mange looked at Huo Zhenting and smiled, said: "Uncle, I heard that there is a nice scenery over Country F. I know a friend over there, thinking about going over to see."


Huo Zhenting's voice suddenly increased, and his face was a little ugly, which scared Shen Mange.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?

Such a big reaction? "

Shen Mange looked scared.

Huo Zhenting realized that he was overreacting.

He took a sip of tea from the teacup in front of him and found that the tea was cold.

"Do you understand what I said?

I have said that this year is not peaceful outside, you just stay at home honestly.

After so many things, don't you remember?

Nanxian can protect you once or twice, really thought you could protect you for a lifetime?

Your boss is not small anymore, just listen to your uncle, stay at home, nowhere to go. "

When saying these words, Shen Mange's eyes kept staring at Huo Zhenting.

Although his expression was a bit natural, it was not natural. It seemed that he had some worries in it, but he was depressed by him.

This is definitely something! Did Xiao Xiao talk to Huo Zhenting?

Shen Mange really wanted to know.

When she was about to speak, she heard Ye Nanxian say: "Uncle, actually Mange is not suddenly going to country F, but someone before found Mange and said that Mange is his sister. , Intend to see what is going on.

Does the father have other women besides the mother-in-law? "

"Nonsense! My eldest brother is my sister-in-law in this life! How could there be other siblings?

That's all nonsense, don't listen to Mange. "

Huo Zhenting's face was pale.

"But that person and Mange have been paternity tested, and the similarity is very high."

Ye Nanxian threw a bomb again.

Huo Zhenting's face was pale.

"I said no need to believe, what do you want to do?

Want siblings?

What is your status now?

Just like a piece of fat, how many hungry wolves stared.

Just an appraisal report, as long as someone with some skills, let alone a high degree of similarity, it is not impossible to get a complete similarity of 99%.

Where is your IQ? "

There is nothing wrong with this, but Shen Mange is looking at Huo Zhenting and feels something is wrong.

Huo Zhenting is worried that she is understandable, but he is really preventing them from going to the F country.


The purpose of Xiao Yao is simple. I hope that the strength of herself and Ye Nanxian can help her go back to find Zhang Yin. This is what Xiao Yao said to them.

If Xiao Key came to Huo Zhenting, it should be the same reason, but why did Xiao Zhenting strongly oppose him and Ye Nanxian to go to F country after Xiao Key came?

Shen Mange couldn't figure it out.

Ye Nanxian realized Huo Zhenting's worry about Shen Mange from Huo Zhenting's trembling hands.

This cannot be concealed, nor can it be concealed.

Huo Zhenting is worried about Shen Mange.

Perhaps Huo Zhenting knows something, and this is something he and Shen Mange don't know.

This may also be the secret of Xiao Key's death for so many years, but this secret Huo Zhenting did not intend to tell him or Shen Mange.

This recognition made Ye Nanxian's eyes involuntarily sink a bit.

What is the secret that Xiao Xiao swindled to death for so many years?

What is it that makes Huo Zhenting not even Shen Mange?

Ye Nanxian did not understand, but wanted to know.

At this moment, Shen Mange suddenly picked up the teacup, looked at it, and then said with a smile, "Uncle, are you a woman?"

Uncle's blind date?

Are you still in love? "

With that, she transferred the lipstick mark on the teacup to Huo Zhenting to see, but she found that Huo Zhenting's face was pale and paper-like, and her eyes crossed a panic.

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