The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1180: What do you do if I don’t like it

Shen Mange's expression suddenly dignified.

If only she and Ye Nanxian were in the car, it would be okay, but there was Yelo Luo in the car.

The thought of Shen Mange's expression is very bad when he thinks that his daughter may be targeted by others.

"Lolo, come to Mummy's side."

Subconsciously, Shen Mange thought of holding Ye Luoluo in her arms, otherwise she would be at ease.

However, Ye Luoluo didn't seem to know the danger, and dozed off and said, "Mommy, it's so sleepy. I'll sleep for a while, just in the back seat."

After talking, she fell straight down as if she was really asleep.

Shen Mange didn't understand the daughter's operation. She looked at Ye Nanxian subconsciously and saw Ye Nanxian had no opinion. It seemed to be very calm. Her dangling heart slowly let go.

Maybe things were not as tricky as she thought.

Shen Mange comforted himself so much.

The car in the back followed suit, and Ye Nanxian's speed was soaring, but Ye Lolo slept very peacefully, and even a faint breathing came faintly.

Seeing that the big and the small were not taken seriously, Shen Mange didn't care anymore, but closed his eyes and rested by the back of the chair.

This Chinese New Year, to be honest, she really didn't have a good rest.

Especially knowing the things between Uncle Huo and Xiao Key.

Ye Nanxian thought that his car skills could get rid of the rear tail, but he obviously miscalculated the car skills and perseverance of the back car.

Seeing that it was closer to the Huo family, Ye Nanxian was too lazy to make other choices and drove the car directly to the Huo family's door.

The housekeeper was slightly surprised when he saw Ye Nanxian's car, but he quickly opened the door.

"Mr. Ye!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Nanxian drove in the car directly, scaring the housekeeper to take a step back involuntarily, but Ye Nanxian found that the car behind him turned and disappeared.

The danger is lifted.

When Shen Mange opened his eyes, he realized that he had arrived at Huo's house, and his face could not help changing slightly.

The Huo family is the last place she wants to come.

She looked at Ye Nanxian with inquiring eyes, but found that Ye Nanxian looked at Ye Luoluo, who was asleep behind him, thoughtfully.

"what happened?"

"It's all right.

Let's take a break first. "

Ye Nanxian did not answer Shen Mange, but parked the car, then got off and picked up Ye Luoluo.

Now the weather is very cold, afraid of freezing to Ye Luoluo, Ye Nanxian took off his coat and wrapped his little daughter into the house.

Although Shen Mange is somewhat repulsive, there is no way to say anything in this situation, and he gets out of the car immediately.

Huo Zhenting was a little surprised when the housekeeper said that Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian were back.

Shen Mange's expression was very bad when he left. He really didn't expect Shen Mange to come back, so he was a little surprised at one and a half times, but he still asked the housekeeper to make tea and prepare something to eat.

Ye Nanxian took Ye Luoluo into the living room, but Ye Luoluo was still awake, as if he was tired.

"Uncle, I took Lolo to the room to sleep."

"it is good."

Huo Zhenting also saw Ye Luoluo's tiredness, although he didn't know why, but he quickly let the maid clean the room.

Shen Mange came in from behind. When he saw Huo Zhenting, he paused and said nothing, but instead sat down on the sofa and took a small snack prepared by the butler.

I don’t know if it’s hungry or if the snack tastes more appetizing. Shen Mange ate a piece and took another piece.

Seeing her love to eat, Huo Zhenting quickly signaled the butler to prepare more servings, but heard Shen Mange said: "No, no good food, too much to eat too panic."

I don't know if there are any off-string sounds. Anyway, Huo Zhenting is embarrassed.

"Then drink some water."

Huo Zhenting seems to have returned to the embarrassing situation of Shen Mange at the beginning.

In fact, this matter really has nothing to do with him, it is all the trouble caused by the second brother, right?

But why do you always feel sorry for Shen Mange?

Huo Zhenting didn't know how to break this embarrassing situation. After eating three snacks in one face, Shen Mange picked up hot water and took a sip. This made him feel a little strength, and his original bad mood was much better.

This year is really terrible.

Shen Mange roared in his heart, but when he saw Huo Zhenting's cautious face, he was a little stunned, and then he did not know how to talk to Huo Zhenting.

Huo family's incense does not continue? "


Huo Zhenting was inexplicably asked, how did he get involved with Huo's incense?

Isn't Shen Mange angry with him?

Relative to Huo Zhenting's surprise, Shen Mange reminded me of something suddenly.

Lying trough! If he guessed right before, and if the second uncle is the sovereign of country F, is Fang Ze not his cousin?

This speculation made Shen Mange a little surprised and dumbfounded, but there was not much rejection.

My cousin or cousin, I can’t get rid of my relatives in my life.

But Xiao Xiao... her brows were tight, and there was a trace of displeasure under her eyes.

Huo Zhenting didn't know what Shen Mange was thinking. Seeing Shen Mange's brow furrowed, she felt that she was a little angry, and quickly said, "Do you want me to go on a blind date?"

It's not that I haven't considered this issue recently, but I just don't feel too worried. "

"Not in a hurry?

Uncle, how old are you?

Don't worry, you will become an old man. Who likes to marry an old man who is a flower girl?

Moreover, it will be harder to have children when you are older. The older generation of Huo family is prosperous, don’t stop the incense here. "

Shen Mange said Huo Zhenting's mouth was a little twitchy.

Is this really his eldest niece?

How does it feel like the mother is possessed and forced to marry?


Huo Zhenting coughed uncomfortably and said, "That's how old you are. Should your third uncle get married first?"

"Um, too, what's the third uncle busy recently?"

Shen Mange looked at the questioning casually, but in fact his eyes still had a touch of emotion.

Huo Zhenxuan took over all the duties of Zhan Yi, and now Enran is still being monitored. They were followed after they went out. Shen Mange did not know whether this matter had anything to do with the third uncle, so he could only inquire from the side.

Suddenly I felt so tired of getting along with my family, and I was particularly uncomfortable. Shen Mange felt a trace of discomfort.

Huo Zhenting didn't expect Shen Mange's topic to change so quickly, but he quickly said: "Your third uncle seems to have gone abroad recently, saying that he took on some task, and he left for New Year's Day on New Year's Day."

"Three uncles have gone abroad?"

This makes Shen Mange very surprised.

"Well, everything in the military area is confidential, so it should not be said to you."

Shen Mange, the out-of-string sound of Huo Zhenting's words, can be heard.

This matter really shouldn't be told to her, let alone to anyone else, otherwise Huo Zhenxuan's safety and security will be threatened, but Huo Zhenting now said, apparently to please her, is it for Xiao Key?

Shen Mange felt a little uncomfortable.

The person Xiao Xiao is extremely complicated, and the mind is deep enough. If you can, Shen Mange is one of ten thousand who do not want Huo Zhenting to have a relationship with her, let alone the Huo family to have a relationship with her, even though this woman has something to do with her. The blood relationship is the same.

Shen Mange's face was somewhat heavy.

"Where's the third uncle?"

"I don't know, he didn't say."

Huo Zhenting did not say anything false, after all, he has now retired, he should not know many things in accordance with the confidentiality agreement, so he does not ask.

Shen Mange also knows it naturally. He glanced at Huo Zhenting and said, "The uncle's profession is special, and marriage matters are not so easy to solve. Uncle should solve his personal problems as soon as possible.

The Huo family always wants the orphan hostess to be there, otherwise, they will panic. "

Hearing this in Huo Zhenting's ears, it was Shen Mange who felt disgusted and came back with no one to accompany him. He, a big man, could not say what he meant.

Huo Zhenting quickly asked: "What kind of aunt do you like?"

Shen Mange suddenly froze.

"Uncle, why are you marrying your wife?

Just like it. "

"That won't work. If you don't like it, what should I marry back to do?"

These words made Shen Mange feel mixed in his heart.

Please, don't be so good to her?

Besides, it's a lifelong event, has a gross relationship with her?

After all, the person who wanted to sleep in a bed with Huo Zhenting was not her.

But looking at the look that Huo Zhenting looked forward to, Shen Mange couldn't say anything.

"Then you can do it yourself.

I recently planned to take the children with Nanxian to travel. "

I didn't intend to tell Huo Zhenting. After all, Xiao Mange felt that Huo Zhenting still had reservations about Xiao Yao coming to him, but at this moment she couldn't bear to see Huo Zhenting uncomfortable.

After all, her loved ones are really few.

Hearing Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian about to go out, Huo Zhenting felt a bit shocked, but he was quite in favor.

"It's good to go out and play. You have been married to Nanxian for so many years, and you haven't been going out to play in all seriousness. Besides, the children are now at home. What is the way to increase the feeling of family travel.

Is the money enough?

I discussed with your third uncle, Huo's industry we originally planned to leave to you, you see when you..." "Don't, I'm not short of money. "

Shen Mange understood Huo Zhenting's meaning and quickly refused.

It is true that she is a child of the Huo family, but she is not the only child of the Huo family.

Sooner or later, the three uncles will get married and have children. She can't dominate Huo's property.

Besides, her husband has money left when she is poor. There is no need to compete with her cousin and cousin in the future.

But Huo Zhenting is very persistent.

"I know you are not short of money, but your family gave you something different from your husband's. The woman who went out still had to be backed by a strong family to avoid being bullied.

In case Ye Nanxian is not good for you, you can come back in a huff, and your third uncle and I will call you. "

Huo Zhenting said these words very sincerely, which immediately warmed Shen Mange's heart, and his original dissatisfaction with him was also pushed out.

Forget it, the uncle treats her so well that she won't hurt her.

Even if Xiao Key didn't tell herself exactly what she said, she decided to forgive him.

However, Shen Mange asked.

"Uncle, what kind of person is Uncle?"

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