The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1188: I shouldn't leave her here alone

Chapter 1188 I Shouldn't Leave Her Here Alone

nbsp; Ye Zi'an's arms are a little tight, and tight Ye Rui is a little breathless.

nbsp; He looked down at Ye Zi'an in his arms, the cold and cold layers of his eyes slowly faded away, and the whole body seemed to be warmed bit by bit as the cold was thrown into the ice cave.


nbsp;He still has them.

nbsp;These people are his relatives, brothers connected by blood.

nbsp; Only they will treat themselves sincerely, no conspiracy, no trade-offs.

nbsp; Ye Rui's eyes slid a tear again.

nbsp; He hugged Ye Zian with his backhand, buried his face between his necks, and choked: "Zi An, thank you for having you, otherwise..."

nbsp; Otherwise, he does not know what it means to live in this world.

nbsp; Ye Rui didn't say this sentence, but secretly vowed in his heart, everyone in this family, everyone in this family will be his exhausted life, even if he has to give his life to protect.

nbsp; This is the meaning and value of his life!

nbsp; After the last cold dissipation in his eyes disappeared, he let go of Ye Zian and smiled and said, "When did we both gimmick like this?"

nbsp; Ye Zian heard that he could make a joke, and then hit him with a fist.

nbsp; "You are the lady, I didn't know who was crying just now."

nbsp; Ye Rui suddenly wiped away her tears, and said stubbornly, "Did your eyes get into something? You can read it wrong in the daytime."

nbsp; "Ye Rui, do you want to be shameless? You cried and said I was blind? Who did you learn this skill from?"

nbsp; "Isn't it with you? Didn't I learn something from you? You are the boss of Zi'an."

nbsp; Ye Rui's light and fluttering sentence immediately blocked Ye Zi'an there.

nbsp; He was speechless!

nbsp; When did this Ye Rui become so bad?

nbsp; Ye Zian wrinkled her nose a little and saw Ye Rui coming to his computer to check Zhang Yin’s whereabouts. Ye Zian said distressedly: "Well, let me know about this, or tell Daddy and Mummy too Cheng. I heard Xiao Yao asked mom to find Zhang Yin’s whereabouts. After all, you are her apprentice, and some things are not easy to come forward."

nbsp; "There's nothing bad about coming out. Don't you say that too? It's Xiao Key who asked Mummy to find her, and I'm not wrong about coming out."

nbsp; Ye Rui said lightly, a trace of indifference crossed his eyes.

nbsp;He is the elder of this generation in the family, so he should assume the responsibility of taking care of the family and younger siblings. No matter who that person is, it's absolutely impossible to hurt his family!

nbsp; Ye Rui, as always, neatly chooses.

nbsp; the feelings worth paying for, he will do his best, not worth...

nbsp; Ye Rui's heart hurt, but still insisted.

nbsp; It's not worth it, it depends on who can use it, and who has a more ruthless heart.

nbsp; After all, it was just a child. After making such a decision, Ye Rui looked at Ye Zian with a stern look.

nbsp; "Where is this?"

nbsp; "The first cemetery, but it is estimated that it is useless even if we rush over, she will not stay in place waiting for us to pass."

nbsp; Ye Zi'an's words gave Ye Rui a slight pause.

nbsp; "She's in Haicheng?"

nbsp; "It looks like this now."

nbsp; Ye Rui's eyes suddenly sink a bit.

nbsp; "What's wrong?"

nbsp; Ye Zi'an turned off the computer, looking at Ye Rui's eyes and asked with some worry.

nbsp;Ye Rui took a deep breath and said, "Xiao Yao asked Mummy to find her whereabouts, she thought she was in country f, but she appeared in Haicheng. Since it appeared in Haicheng, it is easy to find Xiao Key, and you can even come over Find Daddy and Mummy, but she doesn't."

nbsp; "What do you suspect?"

nbsp; Ye Zi'an's IQ is also online, and naturally he heard the doubt in Ye Rui's words.

nbsp; Ye Rui gritted her teeth and said, "There is another truth to the news that she was injured in order to protect Xiao Key."

nbsp; Ye Zian narrowed his eyes, then took Ye Rui's hand and said, "Tell Daddy and Mummy about this, there may be some things they have deployed. If we easily take action, we may have broken their plan." "

nbsp; Ye Rui nodded, but obviously in a bad mood.

nbsp; When the two stink boys called Shen Mange, Shen Mange happened to return to Huo's house with soy milk fritters.

nbsp; Ye Luo Luo after a night of rest, the spirit head also returned, immediately transformed into a snack goods, full of food.

nbsp; For such Ye Luoluo, Shen Mange still feels a lot more comfortable.

nbsp; She didn't believe what Ye Nanxian said.

nbsp; Her daughter is a happy snack goods, a little princess, occasionally troublesome, but innocent and romantic is no different from girls of the same age.

nbsp; Shen Mange said so to herself, and looked at Ye Luoluo's eyes with a touch of pampering.

nbsp; Ye Nanxian naturally knows what his wife thinks, and does not argue and refute, anyway, this is also very good.

nbsp; The role of playing pigs and eating tigers, Luoluo likes to do it, and he does not like to see Luoluo so happy?

nbsp; When the phone rang, Shen Mange glanced subconsciously, seeing that Ye Zi'an called, he couldn't help smiling.

nbsp; "Zi An, this stupid boy, can't wait. It's a call that might urge us to go back and pack things early."

nbsp; Shen Mange walked out on the phone while talking.

nbsp; "Shy boy, my sister and your dad will go back in a minute, don't rush."

nbsp; Shen Mange opened her mouth, choked Ye Zian for a while, and she couldn’t help crying and saying, "Mommy, can our trip be carried out normally?"

nbsp; "What do you mean? You don't want to go?"

nbsp; Ye Zian's lips twitched again.

nbsp; What makes him not want to go?

nbsp;Which eye does Mommy see when he doesn’t want to travel?

nbsp; But at this time, Ye Zi'an was not easy to say anything else. He quickly called Ye Rui to Zhang Yin, and he told Shen Mange that he had monitored Zhang Yin in Haicheng.

nbsp; Shen Mange's eyes sank slightly.

nbsp;Zhang Yin is in Haicheng?

nbsp; She was actually in Haicheng!

nbsp; Then Xiao Key...

nbsp; Shen Mange's heart suddenly raised.

nbsp; "Do you know where she is?"

nbsp;"The coordinates are displayed in the first cemetery just when talking."

nbsp; Shen Mange's hand tightened suddenly.

nbsp;The first cemetery?

nbsp; "When do you call?"

nbsp; "A dozen minutes ago."

nbsp; Shen Mange was worried again.

nbsp; Isn't it just that I have just left?

nbsp; "Stay at home, don't go anywhere, and Ruirui is not allowed to go out. No matter who calls, you have to stay at home. Do you know? Wait until my dad and I go back."

nbsp; Hearing Shen Mange's anxiety and worry, Ye Zi'an nodded quickly.

nbsp; Shen Mange hung up the phone, grabbed Ye Nanxian and Ye Luoluo and left.

nbsp; "Mommy, I haven't finished it yet, my sweet soy milk...Mommy!"

nbsp; Ye Luo Luo was still pulling the dough stick in his hand, and looked at the sweet soy milk farther and farther away from him with a pity.

nbsp; "What's wrong?"

nbsp; Ye Nanxian picked up Ye Luoluo and went out of the house with Shen Mange and got on the car.

nbsp; Shen Mange started the car and whispered, "Zhang Yin is in Haicheng, and it is in the first cemetery! Xiao Yao left there just now, I am afraid..."

nbsp; "Don't panic. During this time, everything that happened should happen. Even if you panic, it won't help. I'll drive."

nbsp; Ye Nanxian thrust Ye Luoluo into Shen Mange's arms, and then exchanged seats with Shen Mange.

nbsp; Ye Luoluo frowned, looked at the fritters in his hand, and sighed slightly.

nbsp; Alas!

nbsp;Is it a luxury to have breakfast?

nbsp; She's so hungry!

nbsp; But after seeing the worried expressions of Mummy and Daddy, after all, I still honestly nestled in Shen Mange's arms and continued to nibble on the fried dough sticks.

nbsp; Ye Nanxian drove the car to the first cemetery.

nbsp; After the two people got out of the car, they found the fighting marks here for the first time. Although there were no corpses, the blood sprayed on the leaves made the eyes of the two people sink a bit.

nbsp; This blood is Xiao Key?

nbsp; or others?

nbsp; Ye Nanxian looked around again and found traces of sniper rifle racks.

nbsp; "Mange, there are snipers here."

nbsp; Shen Mange took Ye Luoluo to this position, and then looked down, the best sniper position was actually the position where Xiao Key stood when he left.

nbsp; There is now a blood stain.

nbsp; So the blood is Xiao Key?

nbsp; Shen Mange's heart suddenly tightened, feeling uncomfortable.

nbsp; "Xiao key her, are you dead?"

nbsp; "If you don't see the body, it should be alive. Rest assured, Xiao Key should have enough self-preservation ability."

nbsp; Ye Nanxian couldn't help getting angry when he saw his wife so sad.

nbsp; This Zhang Yin is really damn.

Nbsp; Shen Mange held Ye Nanxian's hand, only to feel that the cold body was a little warm and somewhat dependent.

nbsp; "I shouldn't leave her here alone."

nbsp; "Don't blame yourself. Under the circumstances where the enemy is the enemy or the friend you can't tell clearly, such a choice is the most sensible. Mange, there are some things, some people we can't control, it's better to let it happen."

nbsp; Shen Mange also knew that Ye Nanxian was right, but did the natural result really be what he wanted?

nbsp; She doesn't know.

nbsp; Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian took Ye Luoluo back to the Xiao Family Villa.

nbsp; The old man was so happy to see them come back, he had to ask Ayong to make some cola chicken wings for Yelu Luo to eat.

nbsp; Ye Luoluo yelled happily from a grandpa, making Grandpa Xiao happy.

nbsp; Looking at Mr. Xiao's happy look, Shen Mange's mood is particularly heavy.

nbsp;Xiao Ye now looks like this, Master Xiao knows nothing, if Xiao Ye is really dead, how can she be worthy of this kind-hearted old man in front of her?

nbsp; Ye Nanxian seemed to know what Shen Mange was thinking, holding her hand tightly.

nbsp; His palms are dry and warm, strangely calming the negative emotions in Shen Mange's heart.

nbsp; Shen Mange smiled slightly at him, and then said slightly tiredly: "I'll go see Zi'an them."

nbsp; "Look at Ruirui."

nbsp; Ye Nanxian's words made Shen Mange react immediately.

nbsp; What is the relationship between Zhang Yin and Ye Rui?

nbsp; Ye Rui how to Zhang Yin?

nbsp; All of them are watching, I am afraid that Ye Rui will not be hit by this matter today.

nbsp; Shen Mange never had time to care about Xiao Key again, and quickly went to Ye Rui's room, but he saw Ye Rui holding a medical technique and looked at it again.

nbsp; "Mommy? Are you back?"

nbsp; "You..."

nbsp;Shen Mange would like to ask if you are okay? But thinking of Ye Rui being so small, it might not be clear what happened to Zhang Yin. How would I explain to Ye Rui in case I asked?

nbsp;Once Ye Rui didn't notice the injury, his question actually made the child sad.

nbsp; Thinking of this, Shen Mange quickly changed the subject.

nbsp; "Have you eaten breakfast? Why did you read a book early this morning? This kid is almost a nerd now! Go and come back, Mommy takes you down to find the guest. By the way, we pack up and travel. ."

nbsp; Shen Mange's voice is as usual, but there is a trace of sweat in the palm of his hand, and Ye Rui has discovered it all carefully.

nbsp; "Okay."

nbsp; he answered subtly, but his lowered eyes crossed a firm line.

nbsp; The family members will have to do everything they can to protect them, so Master, don’t let the disciples embarrass?

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