The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1192: What if I don't want this?

Ye Rui said nothing to Zhang Yin's answer. After receiving the phone, she came to Shen Mange.

Shen Mange was still holding Ye Nanxian's hand and rubbing it, thinking that it would warm him a little, but Ye Nanxian's body heat seemed to be frozen, no matter what she did, there was no way to keep him warm.

"Mommy, she agreed, and will come in a while, I will go out and wait."

Ye Rui's eyes were sore and sour with tears.

He can't see such a scene, it will make him think of his father involuntarily.

The man posing as Ye Nan.

He also has points for him, especially when he finally dies. ,

Ye Rui's heart was tumbling.

He can't let his family get into trouble anymore, absolutely not. Even if he did something to protect his family, he could not care.

It's not that Zhang Yin's anger and discomfort can't be heard, nor does he really don't care about Zhang Yin's mood at all, but he can't take care of it.

It’s better to say threats and to say anything. He only hopes that the family will never be less.

Ye Rui didn't wait for Shen Mange to reply, saying that he got up and walked out.

Shen Mange looked at Ye Rui's back and didn't know what to say about the child. He always felt that the child put all his blame on himself.

She was afraid that Ye Rui would be too hard, but now she didn't know what else she could say to be better.

Ye Rui's departure leaves only Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange in the room.

She rubbed Ye Nanxian's hand, her eyes were no longer the initial confusion, but a little more calm.

Regardless of the way forward, whether it is thorny bushes or walking on the bones, she will follow him without complaint or regret.

Shen Mange raised the indoor temperature a few degrees again.

The heat wave hit her face, making her sweat all over her body, but Shen Mange looked at Ye Nanxian's body still not relieved, and couldn't help feeling sad.

Zhang Yin came quickly, not knowing whether to live nearby or other ways, she couldn't control it, and didn't want to think about these things.

When Ye Rui saw Zhang Yin, his face was as usual, and he shouted "Master."

Ye Zi'an was a little surprised, but a trace of dignity crossed his eyes.

Ye Rui knew Zhang Yin's suspicion, but now Zhang Yin is called, that is to say, Lao Ye's condition is very bad.

He suddenly remembered something and said to Ye Rui: "Brother, what about my ring?"

Ye Zian didn't know what the thing was good when she took the ring from Zhang Ma's hand. Later, in order to find an ancient book in Zhangjiazhai, Ye Zian gave the ring to Zhang Yu. Later, Zhang Yu and Shen Mange performed a good show together, making others think that Zhang Yu betrayed Shen Mange, and this ring also disappeared.

But no one knew, this ring reached Ye Rui's hands.

How did this get into Ye Rui's hands, others didn't know it, but Ye Zi'an knew it, and Zhang Yutuo gave it to Ye Rui.

I originally thought that Ye Rui was a disciple of Zhang Yin, and Zhang Yin was from Zhangjiazhai, and Ye Rui was the eldest brother of Ye Zi'an, so it was most suitable for Ye Rui.

After Ye Rui took it back, he gave it back to Ye Zi'an. Unfortunately, Ye Zi'an was too lazy to put this thing up, and let Ye Rui help save it.

Now I see Zhang Yin coming here, although I don’t know what this ring means to Zhang Ma, but it can make Zhang Ma use this ring as a family heirloom to Ye Zi’an before he dies. Ye Zi’an thinks it is not an ordinary object. child.

Others may not see anything, but will Zhang Yin, who is also Zhangjiazhai, see it?

Ye Zi'an was not sure about this, but he wanted to put it together.

Anyway, always protect Lao Ye first.

Ye Rui didn’t know that Ye Zi’an thought about so many twists and turns, but when he heard that Ye Zi’an mentioned the ring now, the only thought was that it was something from Zhangjiazhai, which might be useful to Ye Nanxian Did this poison spread from the ring?

But it's wrong, this ring looks like Ye Nanxian didn't touch it very much.

Ye Rui was puzzled, but still took the ring from his pocket, and handed it to Ye Zi'an in front of Zhang Yin.

"it's here."

Zhang Yin's pupils shrank suddenly when he saw the ring, and an unexplained emotion was fleeting.

"This ring..."

"My grandmother Zhang left me with Daddy before he died, but I liked it so much, Daddy gave me to play with. What's wrong?"

Ye Zi'an did not say that the ring was for him, but instead said it was for Ye Nanxian, and suddenly let Zhang Yin's face scratch a thoughtful look.

"Where are people?"

At this moment, Zhang Yin was anxious.

Although Ye Rui didn't know what the purpose of the ring was, he knew that Ye Zi'an did it deliberately.

But this is also the result they want, so naturally they don't think about why.


Ye Rui quickly led Zhang Yin upstairs.

Grandpa Xiao has been quiet in the corner of the living room, and there is no sense of existence, but there is no touch of contemplation.

"Ayong, what happened to Nanxian?"

"Speaking of neuralgia, Master Rui is an apprentice of Zhang Yin. At this time, maybe she was called to show Mr. Ye? After all, this neuralgia is quite tormenting."

Ye Nanxian's neuralgia is not a secret at home.

Although Mr. Xiao felt that something was not right, there was nothing wrong with Ayong’s words, but he frowned and said, “Let people go and prepare some soup to replenish qi and blood. The problem of neuralgia can be large or small, if Zhang Yin really cured Ye Nanxian, this love must still be remembered,"

"Yes, the owner."

Ayong went to order.

Old Master Xiao sighed and said to himself: "This big New Year is still uneasy, alas!"

He shook his head back to the room.

After Zhang Yin was led by Ye Rui and went upstairs, as soon as he opened the room, a wave of heat came.

Shen Mange was wet with sweat all over, but looking at Ye Nanxian on the bed, there was no trace of sweat all over his body, and his face was surrounded by blue lifeless air. At first glance, it was indeed poisoned, but Zhang Yin's face changed instantly.

When Shen Mange heard the door open, she turned around and saw Zhang Yin and Ye Rui.

"Sai Yan, please."

The please in Shen Mange's eyes made Zhang Yin slightly stunned.

Did Xiao Yao ever find Shen Mange when he came back?

how can that be possible?

The news she got was not fake.

But now Shen Mange is assured that she will treat Ye Nanxian, which only shows that her guess is correct. For Shen Mange, no one is more important than Ye Nanxian.

Looking at Ye Nanxian's appearance now, Zhang Yin's face slightly changed, and he whispered, "I need someone to treat him, you all go out, it's better to turn off the monitoring. Shen Mange, I know you are right I have doubts and even some mistrust, but you can only trust me now."

Shen Mange's eyes were slightly cold, and Zhang Yin's eyes also looked sharp.

"Are you sure to save him?"


"How sure is it?"

"Ninety percent."

As soon as Zhang Yin said this, Shen Mange was relieved.

"Okay, no matter what you ask, I promise you, as long as you can save him."

What this says is pretty much that.

Zhang Yin couldn't help but paused and said, "What if I want Xiao Key's life?"

At the next moment, the singer Shen Man didn't know when he had an extra dagger, but instead of putting it on Zhang Yin's neck, he put it on his neck.


Ye Rui was so scared that his face was white. Zhang Yin was also surprised.

"Shen Mange, what do you mean?"

Shen Mange said coldly: "If you saved Ye Nanxian today, the Ye family and I will share your favor. Whatever you want in the future, as long as it does not hurt the life of my family, I can promise you."

"What if I don't want this?"

Zhang Yin heard what Shen Man said.

She is defending Xiao Key!

This point made Zhang Yin quite surprised.

As far as she knows, Xiao Yan and Shen Mange's feelings are not deep. Even before Xiao Key returned to Haicheng, Shen Mange's feelings about Xiao Key were nothing but strangers.

Even if Fang Ze is present, Shen Mange doesn't have much enthusiasm to contact with Xiao Key, but now Shen Mange is maintaining Xiao Key.


What happened between them, she didn't know?

Shen Mange even turned Xiao Yao from the bottom of his heart into a family.

Shen Mange is a woman who protects her family.

As long as she wants to put Xiao Key under the wings, she will not let herself succeed easily.

Thinking of his task, Zhang Yin frowned.

Shen Mange seemed to have known that Zhang Yin would say so, sneered and said, "Today you are here, and everyone outside has seen it, including my people, people from the Xiao family, people from the Ye family, and Huo's. If you haven’t cured Ye Nanxian, I will die in front of you. Do you think you have offended the Ye family, Huo family and Xiao family at the same time, can you walk out of Haicheng? I know, you may have hatred for these three, but then Big hatred must be killed, do you say yes?"

Zhang Yin shuddered suddenly.

From Shen Mange's eyes, she couldn't see a point of joking.

That is to say, Shen Mange has already made a decision, as long as Ye Nanxian has an accident, she will never give up!

If she could be dragged with her before death, this deal would be too cost-effective.

Both of these came to threaten her!

Is it true that Zhang Yin is so bully?

When he was about to get angry, he suddenly saw Ye Rui rushing into Shen Mange's arms, and finally burst into tears like a four or five year old child.

"Mummy, don't you die, what should I do if you die? What should I do with Zi An and Luoluo? Don't leave me behind! Mommy!"

The sadness of Ye Rui's crying, Shen Mange's eyes suddenly became wet, and Zhang Yin's heart also felt a bit sour.

"Relax, your mummy can't die, don't cry, quarrel to death. Take your mummy out, I didn't tell you to come in, don't you come in, have you heard?"

As soon as Zhang Yin said this, Shen Mange and Ye Rui suddenly froze.

Ye Rui's tear-stained eyes looked straight at Zhang Yin. The gratitude and trust inside made Zhang Yin feel warm.

This stupid boy is considered his weakness.

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