The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1220: I will let her be buried with Ading

Yan You's face suddenly appeared a surprise, it was this surprise that stimulated He Nanfei.

"Why? Thinking that your boyfriend will come to save you? Die this heart, if you really love you, it won't let you step into my Shura Temple."

He Nanfei's cold and merciless words suddenly extinguished Yan You's hope that had just ignited.

She seemed to be stabbed by He Nanfei's words, staring at He Nanfei with her lips bitterly, hoping to use his eyes to smash him into pieces.

Seeing her angry, seeing her sad, He Nanfei's heart unexpectedly crossed a trace of pain.

This is a face like Gong Xueyang.

How could he say such cruel words to Gong Xueyang's face? Even doing such cruel things!

He actually asked a woman by tough means!

It's ridiculous!

This used to be the most disdainful thing he did, but now he has done it honestly. Not only did it, but also made a face like Gong Xueyang, it felt like he was stronger than Gong Xueyang.

He Nanfei suddenly felt terribly irritable, and fell directly to the door and went out.

It wasn't until He Nanfei left the room that Yan You's nervous nerves were finally relaxed.

She crossed her shoulders and felt pain all over her body, especially in that place.

This abominable man!

He ruined her!

She will definitely kill him!

for sure!

Yan You vowed secretly.

He Nanfei quickly went outside and handed him the phone.

He did not rush to answer the phone, but took the phone into the study, and then said coldly: "Send your woman to my bed, your lord is really courageous."

This sentence immediately made the man over the phone take a deep breath.

"He Nanfei, she won't go to bed with you. The person she loves is me!"

"So what? I never said I wanted a woman who was willing, not to mention that she looks so Xueyang, why should I keep her for you? Besides, this is not your motivation to send her to me ?"

He Nanfei didn't care about others knowing what he thought.

Everyone knows his feelings for Gong Xueyang, as long as he can check it clearly, now the other party is also very painstaking, and he can actually find a substitute to give it to him.

He Nanfei sneered, there was no temperature in his eyes, the expression was like a evil spirit in hell, the Raksha of the Shura Temple had long lost human emotion.

The other party was silent for a while, maybe suppressing emotions, maybe thinking about how to talk to someone like He Nanfei.

"Why? Plan to seduce me with a woman? Or do you want to recruit me?"

He Nanfei's words suddenly made the other party froze again.

He was really hard to get around.

"He Nanfei, if I tell you that Yan You and Gong Xueyang are related by blood, would you consider being kind to her?"

The other party's words made He Nanfei's body suddenly pause.

Yan You’s face is natural, and he thought about how two people in this world look so similar? But how could they have a blood relationship with a surnamed palace and a surnamed Yan?

He Nanfei did not speak, he was waiting.

Wait for the man to say something.

At this time, once he showed tension and interest, he basically lost.

The other party is also waiting for He Nanfei to ask. After all, He Nanfei's feelings for Gong Xueyang are well known in the world.

Since Gong Xueyang's death, He Nanfei seemed to be completely demonized, turning himself into a murderous knife, without emotion and tiredness, and let the people on the road be frightened when they heard the name of Tianying.

His only shortcoming, the only weakness is Gong Xueyang, so he also cares about people who have a blood relationship with Gong Xueyang, right?

The other party thought so.

The two men fell into a stalemate.

This is a game, and it can be seen who can breathe in and who can survive.

Obviously, He Nanfei won slightly.

After all, the other party didn't wait until He Nanfei spoke up, and asked quickly: "Did you not hear what I said?"

"What do you hear? Even Gong Xueyang's sister, but she is not Xueyang after all. If you can let Xueyang stand back to me from death, maybe I can consider your solicitation. Even my most respected faith has been abandoned, what else can't be abandoned? So can you send Xueyang to me? A living palace Xueyang!"

He Nanfei's words made the other party suddenly stop.

To bring people back to life?

how is this possible?

Moreover, Gong Xueyang has been dead for so many years, and has already turned into ashes. Where can he go? Gong Xueyang will give him back?

He Nanfei apparently knew this too, and could not help but sneered and said: "So you should save yourself. Although I don't know who you are, I don't know what you mean by sending Yan You, but what I want to tell you is , I took this woman. Not long ago, she became my woman. I can not love her, but I will kill him for her face that looks like Xueyang. Bye, Yan You fiancé."

After speaking, He Nanfei hung up the phone directly.

His heart began to tingle from the initial numbness, and then spread more and more, slowly extending to the limbs, and he almost cramped.

He Nanfei gasped on the desk with a big gasp, feeling that his chest was being pinched and breathless.

Is Xueyang's loved one?

Nine years ago, he didn't stay with Gong Xueyang when he needed him, and he couldn't even protect her from leaving a complete body. Nine years later, did he strengthen Xueyang's family again?

He is a scumbag, right?

Yes 1

He is scum.

How can you not protect your own woman if you are not scumming?

If you are not stubborn, how can you be stronger than other women?

What exactly is he living in the world now?

Day after day, year after year, the killing actually made his heart very hard, and even felt that he was walking to the end of life with blood.

He was not the original He Nanfei anymore.

From the day Gong Xueyang died, he also died, and now he is just a tool, a tool for repaying Ye Nanxian's kindness, a tool that can clear obstacles for Ye Nanxian and do it for him. It's just a knife to do things.

How does a knife match human feelings?

So why does he still feel heartache? Why do you still feel uncomfortable? You will also feel like a **** plus level 4.

Yan You is of course damn.

He has no injustice with her, but she came to kill him for what is called a fiance. ,

Not to mention if Yan You could kill He Nanfei, she did not think that Yan You was innocent because of her behavior and act of killing a man for a man.

For someone who wants his own life, he just imprisoned her, which is already a great gift.

But this woman is not content.

She actually hurt his five brothers in a row!

Those brothers are the life-and-death friends who have climbed out of the dead man after following his southern battles in the past.

But because of his kindness, because he didn't kill Yan You, but only imprisoned her, he let five of their brothers suffer such a disaster, and even one brother didn't know if he could save it.

He Nanfei just strengthened Yan You, in fact, already thought it was the lightest punishment, otherwise how would he explain to his brethren?

But even at such a high speed, he did nothing wrong, but why is it still suffocating?

Sure enough, he is not suitable for being a good person, nor can he be a good person.

So his best and fastest way was to kill Yan You, throw her outside, and show them to those who conspired with him.

He He Nanfei is a cold-blooded bastard, a murderous devil.

No matter who the other party is, he meets God to kill God, encounters Buddha to kill Buddha, as long as it is the person who hinders and threatens Ye Nanxian's life, let him die here.

This is the significance of his He Nanfei alive, right?

Who does Yan You's relative have to do with him?

Gong Xueyang could never come back.

She only had a handful of ashes, and even the feelings that brought them to them were completely annihilated.

He Nanfei hasn't felt heartache for a long time, and now he is suffering from cold sweats and pale face.

He lay on the table for a long, long time before he got up and opened the door and went out.

The sky outside was cloudless and the sun was shining, but it couldn't shine into his heart.

His heart has long been a thousand years of frost, which can no longer be melted.

He Nanfei walked towards Yan You's room, but met a man halfway.

"Feige, Dingge is gone."

His confiscated emotions suddenly choked up.

He Nanfei's body suddenly became extremely stiff, and his fists were clenched tightly together.

Ah Ding, the man who was injured by Yan You in the end, has been in first aid.

It was the younger brother He Nanfei received in the first year after he retired, and he was a good partner for him to do logistics for countless times over the years to cover his retreat.

He still remembered that Ah Ding said that he would get married in a few days. He said he found a girlfriend who was an ordinary girl. After thinking of getting married, he retreated to the logistics to be a warehouse to keep something. Day.

What did He Nanfei say at the time?

He said: "Scary boy, look at your bashfulness, rest assured, even if I go to the warehouse to do general storage, I will not lose you."

But why is he dead now?

He Nanfei was very distressed.

He knew that some things could be ended without a little kindness.

Even if he had already strengthened the abominable woman, it was a life after all.

He Nanfei's eyes crossed an unexplained light.

Suddenly, many brothers came out from around. They looked at He Nanfei in unison. Although they didn't speak, their eyes were filled with anger and oppression.

He Nanfei understood, but felt that his throat was being choked, and all syllables lost their voices.

"Give me a day, and tomorrow, I will let her be buried with Ading."

He Nanfei didn't know what he said, he only knew he had to do it, otherwise he was sorry for his brothers.

In these years, Optimus Alliance can quickly become an international organization. What is the test?

It's everyone's concerted effort, it's everyone's unity, life and death.

Now let's not say that Yan You is a spy sent by the enemy, even if she is really her own woman, the moment she killed Ah Ding, it means the end of her life.

He Nanfei raised his foot and walked towards Yan You's room again, but at this moment he felt that his footsteps were as heavy as lead.

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