"How is the result?"

Ye Nanxian actually guessed Yan You, but she didn't think deeply. Now Shen Mange actually wants to investigate this matter, it is likely that she has to do something.

Thinking of what his wife wanted to do, Ye Nanxian naturally gave her full support.

The men quickly said: "We took Yan Yu's blood sample to compare and identify with Gong Xueyang's parents. Yan You was a child of Gong's family, and Mrs. Gong also said that when Gong Xueyang was ten years old They had a daughter, but they were pronounced suffocated just two days after their birth.

At that time, this incident was also recorded in the hospital. "


Two days after birth?

How can there be Yan You? "

If calculated according to time, Yan You is now 18, and Gong Xueyang died before 1989, and when Gong Xueyang was born when she was ten years old, Yan You's identity time point is indeed right.

Ye Nanxian frowned and asked, "Who did Yan You and Gong Xueyang look similar?"

"Mr. Gong.

They are all like fathers. "

Then he handed Mr. Gong's picture to Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian had seen Gong Xueyang, but when he saw the photo, he was still a bit stunned.

Gong Xueyang is really like his father, and Yan You looks very similar to her in a glance, but after looking closely, the eyes are still a bit different.

Yan You's eyes are like mother's.

"are you sure?

Since Yan You was sentenced to suffocation and death, how did she appear in the ancient pear garden abroad? "

Ye Nanxian asked his men to send the materials in his hand.

"Our people have investigated, and the doctors and nurses who were delivered were bought by them. They told Gong's parents that the children died of suffocation, because they were just born. Generally speaking, the newly born children are almost the same, so they took advantage of A child who really died of suffocation was replaced. At that time, the husband and wife of the family were so sad that they didn't even think about any laboratory tests, let alone no one would think that someone in the big hospital would do such a thing.

So this thing was gone.

Mrs. Gong also came out because of this depression for a long time. The whole family did not dare to mention the child's affairs in front of her again. Over time, everyone forgot to mention it. "

Ye Nanxian listened quietly, but his thoughts turned fast.

"Do the bribeed doctors and nurses say that the person who instructed them to do so is asleep?"

"Speaking, they said they didn't know. They were outsiders. They just said that they were doing human trafficking business and wanted to cooperate with them.

At that time, the woman gave a lot of money, so they were tempted, and they wanted to use the job to make a few children to sell, but the woman never appeared again. "

The words under his hand made Ye Nanxian's brow slightly wrinkled.


"Yes, they said they were looking for them to do so at the time, a woman in her forties, speaking from a foreign accent, and it seemed like she was talking about something like a personal trader.

Moreover, the woman said that all she did was abroad. As long as she gave her children, she had a way to take the children abroad and sell them, ensuring that they would not be implicated in them, so they took the risk. "

Ye Nanxian's eyes were a bit cold.

It is simply not a crime to take advantage of the mammoth business of a maternal child who has just given birth to a child and is taking advantage of the opportunity to resell the child.

"At that time, only Yan You was taken away?"

"No, according to their accounts, one week before and after, they resell seven or eight newborn babies. The reason why they remember Yan You deeply is that although the parents of the seven or eight children are also sad, they have no palace. The wife reacted violently.

It is said that the wife of the palace almost slammed her head against the wall and wanted to follow the child, because the doctor told her that she died of suffocation because the child stayed in her stomach for too long.

At that time, Mrs. Gong did produce naturally for four days without giving birth, and finally had a caesarean section.

She has always blamed herself, thinking that it was because of her mistakes that the child died that she could not accept this fact.

After this, Mrs. Gong suffered from severe depression, suicide, and self-mutilation every day. In order to take care of her, Mr. Gong did not have to go to check on the child who was said to have died of suffocation. Too. "

An angry flame rose from Ye Nanxian's body.

He is also a father now. Naturally, he understands the hardship of a mother in October, and once the child is delivered, the child is resold as a commodity. He also tells himself that the child died of suffocation. How can the mother bear it?

, He couldn't help but think of the two children he missed.

For a time Ye Nanxian's chest was a little uncomfortable.

"Check it for me! The doctor and nurse, no matter what the means, have to find the trafficker for me.

It’s okay if you do the trick, if the woman continues to get away with it, and continues to do such damaging things, then interrupt her hands and feet and throw them at the police station. "


He nodded and walked out.

Shen Mange didn't know when she woke up, leaned on the door and looked at the decisive Ye Nanxian, his mouth slightly raised.

She knew that Ye Nanxian's nature was good.

As if realizing that someone was looking at him behind him, Ye Nanxian quickly turned back and hit Shen Mange's smiling eyes.

Those eyes are like spring wind, rain and dew, which makes Ye Nanxian's heart softer.

"Why don't you sleep more?"

"If you sleep more, you will not see my man's decisive manner."

Shen Mange walked down with a light smile.

Ye Nanxian pulled her clothes to prevent her from catching a cold, and then said: "Thousands of thousands of people did not expect to be a trafficker."

"Yeah, I read a piece of news a few days ago, saying that human traffickers are particularly rampant now, especially some medical staff are also involved, which makes people feel really sick.

Moreover, Gong Xueyang’s hometown should be a township township. I don’t know how the medical conditions there are, but the appearance of such medical staff is really frightening.

It is now determined that Yan You is the sister of Gong Xueyang, what are you going to do? "

Shen Mange looked at Ye Nanxian, but Ye Nanxian shook his head and said, "I don't know, I have said that. He Nanfei has to take charge of this matter. After all, this is his business.

Even if Ah Ding was not killed by Yan You, He Nanfei was caused by Yan Fei after all.

Now the brothers in the League are very resentful, and if we just forgive Yan You in this way, I am afraid we will not be able to convince the crowd.

Moreover, in these years, Nan Fei and his brothers are desperately trying hard to say anything about their friendship. Naturally, Nan Fei will wake up and talk. "

"Will Nanfei wake up?"

Shen Mange is a little uncertain.

Ye Nanxian smiled and said, "Yes."

"Do you know anything?

Or is He Nanfei pretending? "

Shen Mange looked at Ye Nanxian's smile and always felt that Yingying knew something.

Ye Nanxian shook his head and said, "I don't know, Nanfei is not pretending, but Nanfei's affection for Gong Xueyang is indeed true, he will wake up if he wants to deal with Fazi."

"You have a way?"

"Well, but Yan You needs to cooperate."

When Shen Mange saw Ye Nanxian like this, she couldn't help but laugh and said, "You are a ghost with many ideas."

"You don't like it?"

Speaking of Ye Nanxian's hand, he embraced Shen Mange's Liu Yao.

Shen Mange suddenly thought of the violent storms not long ago.

"Her husband, I was wrong."

Her voice was soft, with a tremor, but more and more loving.

Ye Nanxian really couldn't wait to dismantle the starry woman in front of him, but he saw the tiredness in Shen Mange's eyes.

He suppressed his temper and said hoarsely, "Where are you wrong?"

It is my fault.

Well, you go to Yan You, I will take a rest. "

"it is good."

Shen Mange knew that Ye Nanxian had let himself go.

His so-called rest should be back to the room to take a cold bath.

Shen Mange laughed happier.

Ye Nanxian shook his head, kissed her spoiled, and then turned back to the bedroom.

Shen Mange felt a lot of bubbles in his heart, warm, sweet, and especially sweet.

She walked to the door of Yan You's room, knocked on the door, and Yan You's weak voice came from inside.

"Go in."

Shen Mange pushed the door in and saw Yan You squatting on the balcony of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The loneliness and loneliness that her figure couldn't tell, it felt a bit distressing for a while.

Shen Mange went over and handed the information in his hand to Yan You.


Yan You looked at Shen Mange and the information in her hand puzzledly.

"Your life history, take a look."

Shen Mange didn't know what to tell her about her life experience.

Many traffickers think that if they buy the children, they will cut off their hands and feet to beg along the street and use them to make money.

People like Yan You, who have been sold abroad, have been able to live to this day. I don’t know if they should be lucky or unfortunate.

However, if Yan You is bought by ordinary families, she won't be a silly killer, and she will lose her first love.

Shen Mange has some sympathy for Yan You.

A child who grew up on the killer organization, can you ask her how correct the three views are?

At least for now, Yan You is not hopeless.

Yan You opened the information under the watch of Shen Mange, but as she looked more and more, Yan You's face also changed a little, and finally the big teardrops fell down.

"is this real?

My sister is really Gong Xueyang? "

"Yes, you look at these pictures, these are all pictures of your sister.

You can take a look, the two of you actually look alike, except for those eyes.

Your eyes follow your mother, and your sister follows your father. "

Shen Mange's words made Yan You cry a little.

When He Nanfei told her about Gong Xueyang, she didn't feel much, but when she learned that the woman was her relative, the grief and discomfort flooded up.

Perhaps this is the wonder of blood.

"My sister is a soldier?

Is she a martyr? "

"Yes, your sister Gong Xueyang is a martyr, a hero, and the pride of the people.

Although she only lived in her twenties, her life will be recited, and her name will always be recorded on the hero monument, Liufangbaishi. "

Shen Mange's words made Yan You shook her head and cried, "But she is still so young, she just left like this, and she can never come back."

The boundless grief suddenly filled the whole room, and it was breathless for a while.

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