The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1249: Are you sure it's me

Ye Zi'an's silence made Shen Mange a little surprised, but he didn't say anything.

She just looked at her son quietly, feeling that the child really looked more and more like Ye Nanxian.

He is calm, precocious, but sensible, even black-bellied and indifferent with meaning.

It's really not much different from Ye Nanxian.

Shen Mange looked at the son in front of him, and couldn't help thinking. In the future, he would not know what kind of woman could hold such a son.

She suddenly laughed when she realized what she was thinking.

Ye Zi'an is only five years old, is she thinking that things in the future are a bit early?

Seeing Shen Mange's sudden smile, Ye Zi was shocked and asked: "Mummy, what's wrong with you?

Am I funny? "

"No, just thinking about what kind of daughter-in-law you will find in the future. For a while, I feel a little overwhelmed."

Ye Zi'an didn't expect to hear this from his mommy's mouth, and he was shocked, and then his face was a little blush.

"Mum, I'm still a child."

"Yeah, yes, you're still a child, mommy thought too early.

But my son is so handsome and so sensible, there will surely be many little girls who like you in the future.

I'm afraid you will have these peach blossoms in the future. I'm afraid it is a bad choice. "

Shen Mange's mind showed the appearance of his son when he grew up.

Her son is so handsome, naturally there is no shortage of girls like it, and then I don't know if he will be indifferent to girls like Ye Nanxian.

Ye Zi'an listened to Shen Mange saying this, and couldn't help but think of a girl who was arrogant and even a little savage.

The girl even watched him urinate shamelessly.

What is her name?

Ye Zi'an was distracted for a while.

After Shen Mange finished speaking, he looked at his son, thinking that he was a little crazy, but found that Ye Zi'an was distracted in front of him for the first time.

"Zi An, what are you thinking about?"

Ye Zi'an reacted quickly, and then calmly said: "Nothing. I wonder if Zhang Yin will know something. Can Daddy and Mommy contact Zhang Yin?

Why don't you ask me to ask her? "

Shen Mange also thought about Zhang Yin, but now they are not suitable to go to Zhangjiazhai with great fanfare, so Shen Mange whispered: "Let's talk about this until Zhangjiazhai.

Now she is probably still chasing Xiao Yao.

Okay, leave the rest to me and your daddy. When we are not by your side, take care of your injuries.

, This is the headquarters of the Sky Alliance, and you can be regarded as the young master here. When Uncle He is back, he will take care of you.

During this time you have to learn to take care of yourself, know? "

"You know Mommy, don't worry about me, but you and Daddy need to be careful when going to Zhangjiazhai.

Also, Lolo may have things in the past. Although this girl didn't say anything, it should be related to Uncle Zhan's affairs. Then, he should pay more attention.

After all, people are unfamiliar over there, so don't let anything happen. "

Ye Zi'an's words made Shen Mange nodded.

She was very reluctant to hold Ye Zi'an in her arms.

At this moment, Ye Zi'an didn't struggle, and felt Shen Mange's love for him as much as possible.

He knew since he was a child that Mommy loves him, but a person's energy is limited, Mommy is actually very hard.

Ye Zi'an stretched out her small arm and gently hugged Shen Mange's back, and whispered: "Mommy, do you regret falling in love with Lao Ye?"

If Mommy likes others, such as Tang Ziyuan before, wouldn't it be so hard?

He knew that this question would be bad for his father, but at this moment Ye Zi'an was just a son.

Compared with Ye Nanxian, Shen Mange gave birth to him with his life. After raising him alone for five years, he has seen how difficult Mommy is and how she almost collapsed.

No matter when, his favorite is Mummy.

Shen Mange didn't expect to hear such words from his son, he couldn't help but was shocked, and then smiled very tenderly.

She looked at Ye Zi'an, looked at his ignorant eyes, smiled and said, "I don't regret it.

People always need to know what they want in their entire life, and what Mommy wants most in this life is your daddy's love.

As long as you have this, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and a sea of ​​flames and cliffs, Mommy is not afraid. "

"But if you change yourself, you will live easier than you are now, and maybe you will be happier."

"But that person is not your daddy."

Shen Mange knew that it was a bit too early to tell her son, but she still hoped that Ye Zi'an would understand that in a person's life, he would definitely give everything for a person.

Even if there is no return, even if it does not come together in the end, this desperate love will make one's life without regrets.

"Silly boy, you are still young and can't understand this. When you grow up and meet a girl you really like, you will know that if the person standing next to him is not the one in your heart, even if it is for you In the world, you will not feel happy."

Ye Zi'an didn't understand, but he remembered Shen Mange's words deeply in his heart.

He didn't know what kind of girl he would like in the future, but if it were Mommy, he felt that he would be desperate to protect her.

It's like Lao Ye protects Mommy.

Ye Zi'an smiled.

He smiled with starlight, as if the entire starry sky was in his eyes.

Those Danfeng eyes that resembled Ye Nanxian made Shen Mange a little bit happy.

"Mommy, I will find a girlfriend in the future, and I must be filial to you.

If she doesn't like you, even if I like her again, I won't marry her. "

Ye Zi'an's words suddenly made Shen Mange laugh.

"You say this now because you are still ignorant.

Sometimes Mommy really wants you to be able to go smoothly.

Okay, let's not talk about this topic. Mommy knows that you are filial, so take care of your body obediently, you know? "


The mother and son had a conversation, and Shen Mange felt that it had been a long time since he had a long conversation with his son.

Ye Zi'an also felt that this moment was particularly beautiful.

He knew that it was not easy to grab the time to be alone with Mommy from Lao Ye's hands.

If it wasn't because he was injured, or because he was like this, I'm afraid Lao Ye would have come in long ago to grab someone.

Ye Zi'an looked at the shadow that was constantly moving in the crack of the door, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Mommy, go out, I'm afraid that if you don't let anyone go, someone will come in and grab it."

Shen Mange was taken aback for a moment. Before he could figure out the meaning of this sentence, the door was opened by Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian's face was a bit unsightly.

"Boy, am I treating you bad?"

Are you still thinking about asking your mom to find another man to live?

Are you sure it's me? "

"Perhaps not, or do you go for a paternity test?"

Ye Zi'an was not afraid of death to meet Ye Nanxian's eyes, but what he said made Shen Mange a little shocked.

Ye Nanxian suddenly panicked.

"What nonsense?"

"You first suspected that I was not yours."

Ye Zi'an shrugged indifferently, but giving Ye Nanxian a little bit like he had lifted a rock and hit his own foot.

"Wife, don't mention this stinky boy talking nonsense, let's go see Nanfei, and I don't know how he is now.

Always ask before leaving. "

Shen Mange looked at the worry in Ye Nanxian's eyes, knowing that Ye Nanxian was afraid that he would think too much, and smiled and said, "Okay."

She rubbed Ye Zi'an's head and whispered, "Call Mommy anytime, eh?"

"it is good."

Ye Zi'an nodded, very obediently.

Ye Nanxian was a little depressed.

This stinky boy's attitude towards him and Shen Mange is simply farewell, it really is Shen Mange's mink coat.

But he still has a little lover.

Ye Nanxian comforted herself in this way, and looked at Ye Zi'an provocatively with her arms around her wife.


Ye Zi'an stopped talking to Ye Nanxian after the two words came out, instead he took out a hacker book and read it.

He was disgusted by his own son, but Ye Nanxian didn't seem to see it. As long as his wife was in his arms, the stinky boy disliked him. At most, he should be 18 years old. He just got out of his love nest with Shen Mange.

Boy, eighteen years old is not young.

Five years old now, well, there are still thirteen years.

He endured.

Ye Nanxian comforted herself so, and then walked out of Ye Zi'an's room with her arms around Shen Mange.

When Shen Mange saw Ye Nanxian's naive appearance, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "What do you and your son always care about?

That's your kind. "

"If he wasn't my kind, I would have thrown him into the South Pacific, and would it be his turn to be arrogant in front of me?

By the way, my wife, what kind of girl with a character like Zi'an can hold him? "

Just now, Shen Mange himself was still thinking about this question. Now that he heard Ye Nanxian's question, he couldn't help but feel stunned. Then he smiled and said, "It's too early to consider this."

"It's getting late, he is five years old.

Some feelings need to be cultivated from an early age.

I think our son is so clever, he must be early in the future.

It's better to make him a baby kiss, and let him live his own life when he turns eighteen. "

Shen Mange was stunned.

She glanced at Ye Nanxian and saw that he was thinking about it very seriously, so she couldn't help but tugged him and said, "Ye Nanxian, are you afraid that you are a stepfather?"

"Why, I am definitely my own."

"You come here less, and you don't interfere with my son's feelings.

He has his own cinnabar, so don't mess with mandarin ducks.

I can tell you that if you dare to take a big deal in your son's relationship, I promise you will never want to sleep in my bed for the rest of your life. "

As soon as Shen Mange said these words, Ye Nanxian immediately became honest.

"Fine, I don’t care, I don’t care whether it is done?

Compared with my lifelong happiness, let Ye Zi'an die by himself. "

"Also nonsense."

Shen Mange suddenly had a headache.

The father and son pinch every day, and there is no one left.

Ye Nanxian hurriedly followed his wife's words, and the two walked to the door talking and laughing, only to see a person walking towards them quickly.

Ye Nanxian's brows were slightly frowned, and his footsteps stopped for a while, which immediately caught Shen Mange's attention, and made her subconsciously glance at the person, but found that the person had already arrived.

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