The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 1255: That's impossible to guard against

"Brother Rui, are you alright?"

Ye Luoluo's eyes were a little happy.

Ye Rui only felt that his eyes were hot, and now he couldn't care about what's good or bad, and he didn't know what happened to him just now, but the hot and sour feeling was really sour and refreshing.

"Where is Daddy?"

Ye Rui couldn't open his eyes, but he quickly thought of something.

Ye Luoluo quickly said: "Daddy is still confessing, as if he has been wicked, Brother Rui, you were also just now. This ancestral hall is wicked. You must save daddy."

"Just use the trick you just dealt with me to deal with Daddy."

Ye Rui couldn't open his eyes at all now.

Although Ye Luoluo's methods were a bit harsher, they were very useful.

Ye Luoluo said with a bitter smile, "I dare not, that's Daddy."

She could do anything to Ye Luoluo, but she didn't dare to be so simple and rude to Ye Nanxian.

Ye Rui quickly said: "If you dare not now, you have to dare. If you drag on, I am afraid that other things will happen, hurry up!"


Ye Luoluo didn't get entangled anymore, took the chilli water and patted Ye Nanxian's face.


Ye Nanxian paused suddenly, and the hot feeling made him muffled, but he heard Ye Luoluo's timid voice saying: "Daddy, don't blame me, I am here to save you, and I am not a doctor. That's it. Daddy, are you awake?"

Ye Nanxian's heart twitched.

He thought of his reaction just now, and he couldn't help but frowned. Ye Luoluo was so scared that he ran behind Ye Rui and hid.

"Brother Rui, will Daddy hit me?"

"will not!"

Ye Nanxian was speaking.

"Lolo, let people outside go and get a basin of water in."


Seeing Ye Nanxian returned to normal, Ye Luoluo breathed a sigh of relief.

She had gone to herself in person, but it was too evil here, just in case, she was pretty daddy.

"Who, go and get a basin of water, hurry up."

Ye Luoluo is still a young lady in a serious manner.

The bodyguard quickly complied.

Ye Nanxian and Ye Rui quickly cleaned them up and left the ancestral hall and walked outside.

Ye Rui took out an ointment and rubbed it on himself and Ye Nanxian. The hot feeling improved.

Ye Nanxian looked at the ancestral hall in front of him thoughtfully.

He knew everything he did just now, but it was like a nightmare, he could only watch himself vent, but couldn't do anything.

He knew that that might be the deepest guilt and thought in his heart.

He blamed himself.

I blame myself for neglecting the changes in the South, I blame myself for thinking that as the eldest son and assuming everything, the South will be able to live a worry-free life, the life that the country wants, but everything is taken for granted.

He doesn't know whether Nanfang blames him or not, and he has no chance to know, but this has become his demon, a hurdle that will never pass for a lifetime.

A pair of soft little hands reached into Ye Nanxian's big hands.

Ye Nanxian was taken aback for a moment, lowered his head and saw Ye Rui's small figure.

He looked at the direction of the ancestral hall, frowned and said, "Daddy, this ancestral hall is too evil, shall we still be here?"

"A lot of things need to be answered here, so we can't go yet. Rui Rui, thank you just now."

Ye Nanxian hasn't forgotten what Ye Rui said after losing his mind just now. Is that the deepest thought in Ye Rui's heart?

No matter how good he and Shen Mange are to him, they can't replace his biological parents, can they?

He actually hates them in his heart, right?

Ye Nanxian's heart and mouth are mixed with five flavors, and he doesn't know what to say. He can only act as if he didn't know everything just now. Maybe this will save each other face and not be too embarrassed.

Ye Rui did not understand Ye Nanxian’s painstaking efforts, and said in a low voice, “I just felt like a nightmare. When I said those things, I knew it would hurt you, but I still said it. Daddy, I don’t know. Do I think this way in my heart? I am so beautiful to think that way, but just now..."

"Stop talking, I know everything. Rui Rui, I don't blame you, really."

Ye Nanxian felt very sorry for Ye Rui.

When he knew he was Ye Nanfang's orphan five years ago, he thought about giving him everything from the Ye Family.

Ye Rui shook his head and said, "I love you, daddy, and I love Mommy too, but what I said just now doesn't seem to be fake. So I don't know what I should say now, how to face it, let's not I'm entangled, wait for time to verify. Maybe in ten years I will be truly calm."

He smiled and looked at Ye Nanxian, his smile looked like Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian's heart tingled slightly.

He regrets it a bit.

You shouldn't have brought Ye Rui.

If they don't come, they will still be the same, and there will be no cracks, but what happened just now, no one can think that it hasn't happened, because although it is a nightmare, it is the most true thought in their hearts.

Ye Rui said that he should have had a happy family, and he said that even if they treat him well, they will be forced by others.

Send it under the fence.

How could this child feel like this?

He and Shen Mange's love for Ye Rui is no less than that for their children. Why does he feel that he has been sent to others?

At this time, Ye Nanxian was glad that Shen Mange was not here.

If Shen Mange heard it, how sad she would be.

Ye Rui also thought of what he said just now. Although he was confused, he knew that that was the deepest thought in his heart.

He whispered: "Daddy, if something goes wrong here, I want to go abroad."

Ye Nanxian was slightly taken aback.

He knew that Ye Rui wanted to leave.

Leave the Ye family, leave them.

Ye Nanxian didn't know if he would come back in the future.

His heart was aching slightly.

**Ye Nanfang was sent away by him a year ago, now should I send Ye Rui away again?

"I don't agree."

Ye Nanxian's voice is very firm.

"I sent away your father ** years ago. Since then, I have lost my brother. I don't want to send you away again and then lose a son. I know you may still have resentment in your heart, and there are still hurdles that you can't get past, it doesn't matter. I can wait. Even if you hate me or blame me, I will keep you by my side. Rui Rui, the burden of the Ye family is yours."

"No, daddy, I don't want it. I don't want to do this. I just want to study medicine."

When Ye Rui finished speaking, he stopped Ye Nanxian from speaking. He whispered: "There is scented incense in the tribute incense, which can cause hallucinations. It happened when the doors and windows were closed, and we lit the second tribute incense. At that time, the doors and windows are open, that is to say, the scent of the fragrance and the humid air outside have a chemical reaction, triggering a kind of catalyst, which allows us to expand the things that we care about most in our hearts wirelessly, and even sadness. If not Luoluo woke us up with chili water. I'm afraid we will fight or even kill ourselves."

Hearing Ye Rui's words, Ye Nanxian frowned tightly.

"When I visited this ancestral hall last time, there were no such crooked people."

"This should not be a crooked way, but someone deliberately arranged it to protect the ancestral hall and prevent outsiders from entering."

Ye Rui's words made Ye Nanxian startled slightly, as if thinking of something.

When he and Shen Mange were here just now, it was a deserted place. Later, Ye Nanxian bought it and hired people to build and repair the ancestral hall, which was supervised by Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu is from Zhangjiazhai. It is understandable if he knows some methods. Moreover, Zhang Yu came back to search for ancient books when he came here. So Zhang Yu is the one who made such a psychedelic array?

When Ye Nanxian was surprised, Ye Rui let go of his hand and walked into the ancestral hall.

In fear of being recruited again, Ye Rui touched himself a lot of cooling oil to stay awake.

"Rui Rui."

"Brother Rui."

Ye Nanxian and Ye Luoluo spoke at the same time, but they were stopped by Ye Rui.

"I'm fine, don't talk for now."

After speaking, Ye Rui quickly went around the ancestral hall to check.

Ye Nanxian's eyes followed Ye Rui all the time, for fear of some danger from him.

I don't know what happened to Shen Mange, she disappeared in the ancestral hall, and he is bound to enter the ancestral hall for a while.

Ye Rui watched for a long time and came out after two or three turns.

He looked at Ye Nanxian, and said in a low voice, "My master made it. The fragrance and psychedelic arrays here were set by my master."


Ye Nanxian frowned slightly.

He felt that Zhang Yu was motivated, but it was Zhang Yin who thought of doing this.

Ye Rui handed a small object built from the ground to Ye Nanxian, and said in a low voice, "My master has a small habit. After doing something, he will leave a mark on himself. You can't see this mark. Only I can see it, because it will only show up after burning with tribute incense. This is their habit as Zhangjiazhai people."

Ye Nanxian didn't speak, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Ye Luoluo felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward at this time, and she quickly said: "Daddy, where are we going to live soon? I'm a little hungry."

Ye Nanxian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Go to the hotel first."

He said that he was going to take out his mobile phone to book a hotel, but Ye Rui stopped him.

"I saw a few houses built on the medicine field, and there are special people to clean them. Why don't we live there."

Ye Nanxian looked at Ye Rui and whispered: "There are too many unknown dangers here. I can't put you in danger."

"Daddy, since we set foot on this land, we have been in danger. I don't know how many eyes are staring at us outside. Although you didn't say anything to me, I know that you are not here simply to travel. . Every time Master talks about Zhangjiazhai, she always has tears in her eyes. I think she also has some grievances. Here, there are our bodyguards, and we are in our own territory. Outsiders can’t enter, but If you go to a hotel with a lot of staff, there is really no way to prevent something going wrong."

Ye Rui's words shocked Ye Nanxian.

He was so careful that Ye Nanxian was a little surprised.

Ye Rui has always been silent. In addition to reading or reading, Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange are afraid that he will be regarded as a nerd, but now looking at Ye Rui's ability to do things and his eloquence in organizing language, Ye Nanxian feels that he and Shen Mange are wrong. Up.

Ye Rui, this kid, will be unlimited in the future.

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