"No, I especially want to eat the meal made by my sister-in-law. You said I came all the way, and you shut me out, isn't it appropriate?"

Han Xichen looked at Ye Nanxian with a rogue face.

Ye Nanxian glanced at him, and said faintly: "It's appropriate. Our family doesn't accept outsiders."

"I'm an outsider? Ye Nanxian, you know, I'm you..."


Shen Mange ran over quickly, looking at Han Xichen very nervously, with a hint of defense in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

Although Ye Luoluo didn't speak, he cleverly came to Ye Rui and stood there, a curious observer Han Xichen.


"He is a cemetery cleaner."

Before Han Xichen finished speaking, Ye Nanxian gave him a sentence, and almost choked himself to death. ,


Clean the cemetery?

Is there a mistake!

Han Xichen stared bitterly at Ye Nanxian without speaking, his eyes full of grievances.

Shen Mange was taken aback for a moment. She felt that Han Xichen had no malice against Ye Nanxian, so she relaxed a bit.

"What are the graveyard cleaners doing here?"

"I asked him to come and clean the tombstones in the south."

After Ye Nanxian finished speaking, he gave Han Xichen a meaningful look.

Han Xichen is depressed.

He cleans the cemetery? Want to wipe the tombstone?

Ye Nanxian, too much!

But Ye Nanxian didn't bother to pay attention to him, and turned his arms around his wife and children.

Han Xichen looked at the back of them leaving, he couldn't help being shocked. Don't know why, at this moment he suddenly envied Ye Nanxian.

"Young Master, do we still have to follow it?"

A person walked out of the hiding place and asked Han Xichen in a low voice.

All the emotions on Han Xichen's face have faded, leaving only indifference and alienation. At first glance, it looks a bit like Ye Nanxian.

"no need."

"Then Lord Han..."

Before he could finish his words, Han Xichen shot his hand directly, pinched his neck tightly, and saw that the other person’s face turned blue and purple, and then he said coldly: "You are mine, or mine. Father’s person? Huh?"

The feeling of suffocation made his subordinates very uncomfortable, but he did not dare to resist.

Don't look at Han Xichen's appearance, but the method is definitely the cruelest one they have ever seen.

The subordinate suppressed his fear, and said quickly: "I am the person of the young master."

"Then I can listen to what I say, how my father will reply to you, it's best to have a number, otherwise, you know, I don't leave waste around me!"

After speaking, he let go.

He coughed violently, and Lianlian said yes.

"Fuck! Don't dirty my brother's tombstone."

Han Xichen gave a low drink, and his subordinates quickly disappeared.

He looked at the direction of Ye Nanxian's departure, they had long since disappeared.

Han Xichen turned around and glanced at the tombstone in the south. He didn't mind that he was wearing white pants and sat on the ground.

He leaned against Ye Nanan's tombstone, his lips slightly raised.

"Ye Nanfang, get to know again, I'm your elder brother Han Xichen. Was it surprising to hear this? The down-and-out man you rescued on the street back then was actually your elder brother, do you want to hit me?"

Thinking of the previous incident, Han Xichen's lips raised a smile.

"You're really stellar. Why do so many industries choose that industry? You guessed how old? You went to Yan Wangdian at such a young age. What benefit can Yan Wangye do for you? Staying in the world and Isn’t it good for me to be a brother? You don’t know, your awkward brother is not as cute as you. Southern, if you were still alive, would we three brothers get along better?"

"Why don't you talk? Didn't you talk cutely before? You still hate me for being cold all day, you even go to the clinic with me stupidly in the middle of the night, I just have a high fever. What about you Just so nervous?"

Han Xichen's eyes were moist as he spoke.

He choked for a while, then suddenly raised his head and forced the tears back.

"Ye Nanfang, you bastard! You said that you are my brother, and you said that you will join me in the German Athletic Tournament. For your promise, I entered the army, you know? The result? You unexpectedly broke your appointment and broke your promise? How can you break your promise as a big man? You get me up, get up! What's the matter with you lying here? Guess how old you are lying here? You are a father, you know? You How can you just lie here like this? You are dead, what should I do with Ye Nanxian? That **** is much worse than you."

Han Xichen talked and tears came down.

He was holding Ye Nanan's tombstone and choked, uncomfortable.

He couldn't vent his emotions when Ye Nanxian was there just now. Now he is the only one left here. He really misses the South.

This **** is the first person he has met in more than 30 years who treats him better than his father.

Obviously he didn't know he was his elder brother, but he was able to treat him so unreservedly.

The scenes from a few years ago flashed in his mind like a movie, scene by scene, very clear.

"Everyone is dead, can't you let him be quiet for a while?"

Ye Nanxian's voice stunned Han Xichen.

He just lay on the tombstone like that, his body stiff, but awkwardly asked: "Are you a ghost? No sound when you walk?"

"I'm not in the south, I can't be a ghost, and it's daytime now."

Ye Nanxian's words made Han Xichen a little depressed.

"Can you die without saying a word? Didn't you leave? Why are you back? You go quickly, I won't go to your house for dinner."

Han Xichen frowned and said.

Ye Nanxian looked at him like this, suddenly wanted to laugh.

"Hey, cry and cry, what's the awkwardness? I won't laugh at you."

"Who is crying? Which eye did you see me crying? I just want to hug the south, don't disturb me, go quickly."

Han Xichen felt depressed.

How could he not control his emotions?

Why is Ye Nanxian back again?

Are all the dead people outside?

As if he knew what Han Xichen was thinking, Ye Nanxian said faintly: "This is the cemetery I bought, my site. Those of you really think they can easily control my place? Would you like to see those What is the purpose of people, do you think I can let your people linger for so long? Han Xichen, is your IQ so worrying for you to kill the leader of the organization so well?"

"You don't laugh at me, don't you?"

Han Xichen turned around suddenly.

There were still undried tears on his face, and he couldn't care about it at this time. Instead, he looked at Ye Nanxian with a little shame and anger and said, "Why are you so unlovable? I wondered. They are both female and twin , Why is the difference so big? You look at the South, it's more pleasing, how do you look at it, how annoying."

"That's really sorry. It's in your eyes. If you can choose, I don't want to be born in this world like this, but there is no way. I have no choice, so you have no choice."

Ye Nanxian's words caused Han Xichen to be taken aback, and then a little sad.

"Mother loves you."

"never mind."

Ye Nanxian has never discussed Zhang Ma with others, even with Shen Mange.

He repelled talking about this person, but Han Xichen said anxiously: "At least you have been with your mother for more than 20 years. She has taken care of you. Even if she has ulterior motives, it is impossible to have no true feelings? You are after all. She was pregnant with a child born in October, and what about me? I haven't had a motherly love for a day?"

"So? You hate me? Hate the South? Is there any relationship between the death of the South and you? I will find out. If it is related to you, I will not give up regardless of your relationship with me. So Han Xichen, don't show up in front of me, and don't try to do anything to my wife and children, otherwise I won't even give you the last decent."

Ye Nanxian's words were very broken.

Han Xichen's heart ached slightly.

He smiled mockingly and said, "Okay, I'll go. But I still want to remind you, don't worry about Zhanyi."

"It has nothing to do with you, he is my brother! A brother who shares life and death, can give his life to his brother!"

Ye Nanxian's words immediately made Han Xichen envy.


He is his brother!

The brother of a compatriot!

Does this man have a pit in his head?

Actually reject him so much?

Han Xichen's heart aches, and he doesn't bother to talk to Ye Nanxian, so he stands up and turns around and leaves.

Such an unlovable stinky man, let him fall somersault, and save him every day with his nostrils upturned!

Han Xichen seemed to have forgotten that he was such a person, but he softened his posture when facing Ye Nanxian.

Seeing Han Xichen leave the cemetery, Ye Nanxian's eyes narrowed slightly.

He looked at Ye Nanfang's tombstone, and seemed to be muttering to himself: "You and him are really a bit like him. No wonder you will be brothers for more than ten days. I'll go first, and I'll see you another day."

After speaking, Ye Nanxian turned and left.

Shen Mange and the children were waiting for Ye Nanxian in the car. Ye Luoluo asked curiously: "Mummy, who is that man? Why do I feel that Daddy is hostile to him?"

Ye Rui was slightly taken aback by these words.

Ye Luoluo has always cared about eating, when did he care about people?

The main thing is that her feelings are still quite sharp.

Shen Mange shook his head and said, "I don't know. You will naturally say what your daddy wants to say. Don't ask if you don't say it. Some things are between adults, and children can have fun. "


Ye Luoluo narrowed her mouth.

When Ye Rui reached his lips, he swallowed directly.

Daddy didn't tell Mommy and Ye Luoluo Han Xichen's identity, there should be other considerations.

Thinking about this, Ye Rui was silent.

When Ye Nanxian came back, Shen Mange glanced at him worriedly, and felt relieved when he saw that there was nothing wrong with him.

"Found something?"

"Well, the watch is left in the southern tomb."

Ye Nanxian explained with a faint smile.

Ye Rui stared at Ye Nanxian's wrist watch thoughtfully.

Daddy was afraid that he was going to explain something to the uncle when he went back.

Shen Mange also glanced at Ye Nanxian, did not expose his lie, but smiled and said: "Just get it back, then Mr. Ye, where shall we go next?"

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