The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 832: I'm afraid my man came back and chopped your hands

"Seeing red?"

Ye Nanxian asked word by word, with a cold air in his voice, as if to freeze people.

Shen Mange was shocked by the cold sweat.

"Nanxian, don't!"

She truly felt that Xiao Xiao was dying.

"Grandpa, don't make trouble!"

Shen Mange is really afraid that Ye Nanxian's disregardful nature will hurt Mr. Xiao.

The cold dagger rested on his chin, but Old Master Xiao was relieved.

"It looks like you are much better than your old man.

Seeing that you care so much for my niece, I won't tease you.

She is fine, nothing is wrong, as long as you go, Fang Qian ’s accusation is withdrawn, I will let her go home with you, otherwise, the same sentence, I let her stay here with my old man for a lifetime.

I don't believe it, you dare to break in next time. "

Xiao Xiao's words made Ye Nanxian's brows tightly together.

"You want me to release Fang Qian?"


Your ears are not easy to use? "

Father Xiao's old waist was still hurting, and now his jaw was threatened by others. This tone couldn't be better.

Ye Nanxian narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen Mange again. After looking at Old Master Xiao, it didn't make people close. At this time, everything was clearly seen by outsiders, but the conversation should be those outside. Inaudible.

Where is it?

This is the military compound! Even if he broke in with some people, those journalists and people who watched the excitement would not be able to follow in with so many people.

Ye Nanxian lived to the present, although it is not a human spirit, but some things are still clear, and then see Shen Mange is all right. Although the man has caught Shen Mange's throat, it is not too hard.

He already guessed what.

"Okay, isn't it just Fang Qian?

I let it go, but I have to take Mange away first. "

"That won't work. If you take the people away and don't promise me, what should I do?

It took so much thought to get her, but I can't give up my efforts.

Ye Nanxian, when did you get things done, when did I let go. "

The words of Grandpa Xiao made Ye Nanxian's eyes cold again.

"If my woman loses a meat or two here, you and I will never finish."

Father Xiao has not been threatened many times in his life. Even the Huo family did not dare to talk to him that way. I did not expect Ye Nanxian to dare to talk like that.

He was so angry that he turned to Shen Mange and said, "Look at the good son-in-law you are looking for, roll back to the room?"

! "


Shen Mange feels most innocent.

No one let her grandfather die like this.

Ye Nanxian looked at Shen Mange, his eyes filled with tenderness.

"Stay here and wait for me to pick you up."

"it is good.

Help me settle down well.

By the way, how is Song Tao? "

Shen Mange thought of this and asked quickly.

"It's okay, the head has been scratched a little bit, just take a rest. I will help you take care of Linger, rest assured.

Waiting for me, I will be back soon. "

Ye Nanxian finished, turned to look at Old Master Xiao, and said coldly, "Take good care of my woman, and I will come back immediately."

"Get things done before you talk."

Old Master Xiao waved his hand directly, and Ye Nanxian put away the dagger.

He looked at Shen Mange again, then turned and walked outside.

Looking at Ye Nanxian's back, Shen Mange was a little sad.

"Nanxian, don't do it if you're in trouble, don't do it for me ..." "For you, even if you are against the world, I am willing to do it."

Ye Nanxian didn't look back, but this sentence floated in the air, making Shen Mange suddenly red eyes.

She did n’t know that Ye Nanxian deliberately said it to others, or she said it to herself. She only knew that at this moment her heart was overturned, and there was a certain kind of emotion that was fermenting, expanding, filling her atrium, warm , Hot.

"Hypocritical! Anyone who listens to me will say, wait until you do something to know whether it is true or not."

Mr. Xiao retorted disdainfully.

Shen Mange didn't take any reason, watching Ye Nanxian disappear at the door of Xiao's house, she whispered: "Grandpa, the other party is not a fool, is it too obvious for you to do this?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, my goal is achieved.

You go back to rest, yes, I heard that you participated in that design competition?

The days are running out, the preliminary round is coming, you are here with me during this time, still calm down and take care of your design work, I have already brought your computer, you go to the room, remember Live, pay attention to work and rest. "

Mr. Xiao's words made Shen Mange stunned.

"Grandpa, do you mean that I have stayed here?"

"why not?

I am a widowed old man, should you not accompany me? "

Mr. Xiao said straightforwardly, but laughed at Shen Mange.

"Nanxian will be back soon, his temper ..." "His temper is no longer the same as you put out the fire?"

You just want to stay with me to accompany me, can he still not listen? "

"But I didn't say I want to stay!"

Shen Mange didn't give face at all.

Old Master Xiao said roguely: "I don't care, this is my home anyway, I have the final say."

Seeing such a rogue, Mr. Xiao Xiao, Shen Mange was speechless.

"You are not afraid that Ye Nanxian will dismantle your home, so you can continue to be such a rogue."

With that said, she pushed away the man next to her and said coldly: "You better find a place to avoid it. I'm afraid my man will come back and chop your hand."

After talking, she got up and went back to the room.

The man was slightly ashamed.

Old Master Xiao thought about the problem seriously, touching his chin.

"The girl said well, you still have to find a place to avoid it, and wait for Ye Nanxian's stinky boy to die before returning."

"Homeowner, I ..." "Oh, my old waist!"

Father Xiao didn't listen to the other party's explanation, clutching his old waist and entering his room.

When Ye Nanxian came out again, he saw a lot of people outside. He said coldly, "Everyone is apart! What are you doing here?"

Don't know where this is?

Just now, Mr. Xiao entered a terrorist's house, and the time was urgent. I had no time to show the entry certificate, so I broke in.

Don't write indiscriminately if you don't know it, otherwise the consequences will be serious. "

Although Ye Nanxian said so, no one would believe it.

Just then, Sunan walked in with an entry and exit certificate.

"The access certificate was approved."

Su Nan blinked at Ye Nanxian and handed the entry and exit certificate to Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian didn't say anything, but the discrepancy was thrown to the guards aside, and he took the people as he came, and drove out again.

Others saw that Ye Nanxian was gone, they naturally dared not stay here again, and all retreated, but what happened here was still spread.

After Ye Nanxian left, Shen Mange also returned to the room. She knew that the effect that Grandpa Xiao wanted was achieved, but she would not know what kind of effect it would eventually be.

I don't know if Ye Nanxian can see it?

Shen Mange was worried.

Jiang Xiao gave Shen Mange some food, and said angrily: "Ma'am, that Old Master Xiao is really your grandfather?"

Why is it so unreasonable?

I said that I made a nutritious meal for you. He had to ask me to make his lunch too. I am not their nanny. "

Shen Mange paused for a while, then said with a smile: "There is nothing, we are now his hostage."

"I heard that Mr. Ye is particularly domineering and majestic. If it is not afraid that the other party will hurt you, Mr. Ye has taken you back now.

This old man is also true. Bai lived for so many years and was so harsh on his own granddaughter. "

Jiang Xiaoxu whispered, obviously obviously dissatisfied with Old Master Xiao.

Shen Mange's thoughts drifted elsewhere.

Ye Nanxian is so smart, should he be able to see Grandpa's game?

Song Tao is fine, except that Lan Ling'er can't be seen, but the person she thinks of now is Xiao Ai.

What is she doing now?

Thinking of this, Shen Mange couldn't sit still.

She stood up suddenly and startled Jiang Xiao.

"Ma'am, what's wrong?"

"I go to my grandfather."

Shen Mange left the room after speaking.

Jiang Xiao was afraid of what happened to Shen Mange. Despite some fear, he walked out behind Shen Mange.

Mr. Xiao was calling, and when Shen Mange came over, he quickly said, "Go back and say, I have guests here."

The guests?

Shen Mange frowned slightly.

Are they relatives?

How did you become a guest?

Who will Grandpa Xiao call?

Is it that the person who laid out is not Mr. Xiao?

There are others?

Shen Mange's brain was running fast.

"what happened?

Do not take a good rest, what do you do?

Your computer is here, don't worry.

I have inquired. You are basically fine in this preliminary round. Their level is far worse than yours. "

"Grandpa, I want to see my mother.

Now, immediately, immediately. "

Shen Mange interrupted Mr. Xiao's words, and the request made Mr. Xiao pause for a while, and his face was not pretty.

"I will let you see her after I look back."

"I said, I will see her now, even if I can't fly, can I video with her?

I just want to know what is happening to her now. "

Shen Mange's stubbornness made Master Xiao dislike it very much.

"She is my daughter, how can I treat her?

Apart from restricting her freedom, everything else is fine. Rest assured, it is not the time for you to meet. "

"When was it when we met?

Grandpa, I just want to know, what did Zhang Yin do when you put my mother under house arrest?

She is a doctor, not a nanny. You never tell me that she stayed with my mother to take care of my mother? "

This is a problem that Shen Mange has never understood.

If Mr. Xiao wants to find someone to take care of Xiao Ai, just find a babysitter, why should it be Zhang Yin?

Zhang Yin was treating Fang Ting at Fang's house at the time, but Fang Ting was killed. Zhang Yin's bizarre disappearance appeared in the place where Xiao Ai was placed under house arrest. Is there no connection between them?

How Shen Mange thought and felt that something was wrong, she had to ask Master Xiao today to understand clearly, otherwise she would not be able to calm down at all.

After hearing the problems of Shen Mange, Grandpa Xiao suddenly changed his face.

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