After Lan Ling'er left the room, Lan Yi was still hesitating.

In fact, Lan Ling'er is not a fool. She knows that Lan Yi wants to drive herself only, but she doesn't want to make Lan Yi sad.

Now that I heard Lan Yi searching for his phone, he still left with a sigh, but he held Lan Yi's mobile phone card in his hand.

Lan Yi, a Chinese medicine doctor, thought about it and found out that the phone card was missing when he planned to call Shen Mange.

He had a sudden meal, wondering when Lan Ling'er took away his mobile phone card, and now looking at the mobile phone without a card, he could not help laughing.

What is the use even if there is a mobile phone now?

Lan Ling'er never let him order takeaway, fearing that it would cause trouble, no matter what things are his own hands, Lan Linger has been much thinner.

Lan Yi knew that he was even causing his sister to die, but now he doesn't even have the qualification to die. If he is really dead, maybe Lan Ling'er will really not survive.

"He is actually alive for Lan Ling'er."

Lan Yi sighed and lay down, pounding his legs fiercely, but had no consciousness.

Huang Fei! The name was carved into his bones, and one day he would make this person pay.

After seeing the room outside, Lan Ling'er saw that Huo and Ye family were everywhere looking for it. She knew they were looking for herself.

It seems that Haicheng really can't stay. She and Lan Yi need to leave Haicheng as soon as possible, not only for Shen Mange but also for Lan Yi. In any case, she must not let Lan Yi have any problems and dangers.

Lan Ling'er evaded everyone and suddenly saw a military vehicle heading in the direction of Ye's old house.

She vaguely saw Ye Zi'an and Ye Rui.

Lan Ling'er's eyes were a little wet.

These children, he is afraid that he will never see them again in his life.

Lan Ling'er was afraid of being uncomfortable, and quickly turned to leave.

Ye Zi'an lowered his head while playing with his mobile phone, and suddenly raised his head, glancing outside.

Ye Luoluo was taken aback by Ye Zi'an's movements.

"Brother, what are you doing?

What to see? "

Then she glanced out.

Ye Zian frowned, already somewhat similar to Ye Nanxian's momentum.

"Just now I felt like I was watching us."

"how come?

We are military vehicles. Who dares to watch us? "

Ye Luoluo has practiced in the military area these days, and his body is much stronger.

Ye Zian didn't speak, lowered his head to play the game again, but vaguely felt that something was going to happen.

Ye Rui looked at him and sent it.

"Isn't it an illusion?"

"Maybe it's an illusion. I'm too tired these days. I'll be home after a while. Take a shower and sleep well."

Ye Zi'an's words made Ye Rui nod, but he glanced out curiously, nobody.

When a group of people entered the Ye family's old house, Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange were waiting outside. Shen Mange's body was special. Ye Nanxian did not want him to come out, but there was no way. She, but holding an umbrella all the way, was especially careful.

When Huo Zhenxuan saw them, he smiled and said, "Why are you still coming out to meet us?"

I thought Ye Nanxian would borrow them, what's wrong?

I still have to send it back in person, so big face! "

Ye Nanxian said lightly: "Something was delayed."

"What is more important than your own child?

By the way, I think the Huo family and your Ye family are everywhere on the street. What happened? "

"Nothing, find someone."

Ye Nanxian opened the door.

Ye Luo Luo jumped out first.

"Daddy, I miss you."

She picked it directly on Ye Nanxian's body, and wrapped her hands around his neck. The two cheeks kissed.

Shocked by her daughter's soft voice, Ye Nanxian smiled more.

"Daddy misses you too.

Hurry home, don't get rain. "

Ye Nanxian put Yeluolo down.

Ye Luoluo came to Shen Mange and carefully looked at Shen Mange's belly and said, "Mommy, why hasn't your belly changed at all?

Didn't the little sister grow up? "

Even though Shen Mange was in a bad mood, she still stretched a little when she saw her child coming back.

"Little sister grows slowly. Come, Mummy holds your hand home."

"Wait brothers."

Ye Luoluo stood beside Shen Mange.

When Ye Zian and Ye Rui came down, Ye Rui looked at Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian excitedly, and said with a smile: "Daddy, Mommy, we are back."


Shen Mange asked him to come.

Ye Zian got out of the car coolly, still holding the game in his hand, making Ye Nanxian a little depressed.

"Can't it be called?"

"Lao Ye, I'm back."

After finishing speaking, he directly crossed Ye Nanxian and came to Shen Mange's side, watching Shen Mange smiling at himself, and then he put away his mobile phone.

"Mommy, I'm back."

Shen Mange looked at the three children a bit dark, but looked healthier and said with a smile: "Hurry home.

Because there is something temporary, neither my father nor I cook. After a while, you take a bath and wait for a while. Mommy will do it. "

"Where is your turn to cook?

I ’ll be fine. "

Huo Zhenxuan volunteered.

Ye Nanxian glanced at her and whispered, "You don't want to go back and see what happened?"

"No, there is Huo Zhenting at home, and nothing can happen, even if it is really something, he can take care of it.

Still eating is the most important. "

Huo Zhenxuan followed the children into the house.

After such a toss, Shen Mange was a little tired, but he was still happy to see the children, and naturally did not want to go upstairs so quickly.

Ye Zi'an first discovered Shen Mange's exhaustion. He found a pillow to get Shen Mange admitted. He whispered, "Mommy, go back and rest when you are tired. We will come out after a bath. Rest assured, we can't run."

"Scary boy, where else do you want to run?"

Shen Mange gently scraped Ye Zian's nose, only to find that his son was growing up.

"Almost New Year, what gift do you want?"

Shen Mange smoothed Ye Zian's forehead's hair.

Although Ye Zi'an was a little embarrassed, he didn't stop it. The only person who could move his hair was Shen Mange.

"I want a few black books."

Ye Zi'an's words made Shen Mange pause.

"What is a black book?"

"The Hacker League book, which you can't buy, I got it back through channels. You don't have to worry about it, Mommy, you still have to ask Luo Luo and Ye Rui what they need."

Ye Zi'an spoke first.

Shen Mange knows that his son's computer is good, but what the **** is the Hacker League?

Ye Nanxian just came over. Hearing Ye Zi'an's words, he quickly explained: "The Hacker Alliance is a coalition of some cutting-edge hacker organizations in the world. The technology is good. They undertake some tasks. The prices are relatively high and belong to the gray area.

Shen Mange was a bit worried when he heard it.

"Your son wants to go to the gray zone?"

"It's nothing wrong."

Ye Nanxian didn't care too much about it. The hacker league didn't look at seniority or skills. With Ye Zi'an's skills, it wasn't difficult to enter the hacker league. It was up to him if he wanted to.

Shen Mange wanted to say something, and heard Ye Luoluo said: "Mommy, my brother is very powerful. He helped the uncle in the military area to break a case, as if he was using a computer to hack something. Anyway, everyone especially admires his brother. My brother has many fans. "

Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange were both shocked.

Ye Zian helped Huo Zhenxuan solve the case?

Huo Zhenxuan smiled and said, "Ah, yes, it was the case of Fang Qian last time. Fang Qian was able to get arrested quickly. We can quickly lock her contacts. The credit is Zi An. So helpful.

Such a genius son, do you really intend to bury it? "

"What do you mean?"

Ye Nanxian sat directly on the sofa, looking at Huo Zhenxuan with a long expression.

Huo Zhenxuan touched his nose and said nothing. Ye Luoluo opened his mouth.

"Mommy, Daddy, do you know?

Not only is my brother excellent, but Brother Rui is even better.

He rescued several soldiers on the ground and returned.

Everyone calls him a little magician. "


Shen Mange suddenly surprised.

Ye Nanxian was also stunned, and looked incredible like Ye Rui.

Ye Rui scratched her head a little embarrassedly and said, "I just learned something that Master taught me. It's nothing."

"Learned from Zhang Yin?"


Ye Rui nodded.

Shen Mange was a little ignorant.

"When did Zhang Yin teach you?"

"Every night at seven, Master will teach me online, and I have memorized the acupuncture points and strange meridians of the body. Master has also given me acupuncture.

Ye Rui said in an orderly manner, but surprised Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange.

They couldn't find Zhang Yin after so long, they didn't expect Zhang Yin to teach Ye Rui medicine every night, they really didn't think wow.

"what happened?

Daddy, mummy, is there anything wrong? "

Ye Rui was a little stunned, feeling that she didn't say anything.

Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian reacted quickly, shaking their heads and saying, "It's okay, Zhang Yin is still teaching you?"

"Well, Master said let me take the exam for the New Year, the medical exam."

Ye Rui's sentence was suddenly thrown like a bomb in Ye's old house.

Huo Zhenxuan said with a smile: "Your two good sons have been taken in by the military commander. When I came back this time, I also wanted to ask you, do you want them to stay in the military command?

If you agree, they will formally become fully trained personnel in the military area. In the future, they will go to school in the military area and go straight up. You know the final way out. "

Shen Mange was still blinded, and quickly looked at Ye Nanxian.

Ye Nanxian quickly explained: "The last way out is to stay in the military area, either to be a scientific and technological talent in the military area, to feed the military area for a lifetime, or to sign a contract and retire after the age limit, just like me."

Shen Mange frowned tightly.

She was reluctant to let the children leave, but it was about the future of the children. She knew better than anyone what Ye Zi'an's dream was.

"I will talk about it slowly. Looking back at the children's own wishes, I have no opinion.

I respect children. "

Although Shen Mange said so, his eyes were red.

Knowing that she was reluctant, Ye Nanxian patted her shoulder gently, trying to comfort her, but heard Shen Mange's phone suddenly ringing.

The two immediately froze, and then quickly took out the phone. The strange number made Shen Mange's breath a little short.

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