Ye Luoluo and Ye Rui only found out that they were wearing less clothes after going out.

"It's so cold!"

She rubbed her little hands and groaned constantly, her little nose was frozen red.

Ye Rui quickly caught her.

"Go, go home and wear a coat."

"No, it would be miserable if Daddy saw him, he would definitely not let us out.

Let him know that we are looking for Uncle Su, it's even more finished.

Let's get there in a while. "

Ye Luo Luo directly refused.

Ye Rui knew that when Ye Luoluo was stubborn, he couldn't pull back ten cows. He quickly took off his coat and put it on Ye Luoluo's body.

"Wear it, don't catch a cold."

Ye Luoluo felt warmer, but after looking at Ye Rui, he asked with some concern: "Brother Rui, aren't you cold?"

"It's okay, I'm a man, I can carry it!"

Ye Ruiyi said Bo Yuntian, but he shivered involuntarily.

The two called an online car and left.

Ye Nanxian returned to the bedroom holding Shen Mange, adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner, then took off his clothes and lay down with Shen Mange.

It didn't take long for the two extremely tired people to fall asleep, not knowing that the two little ancestors at home ran out.

'After Zhao Ning got things done, he came back with Ye Zi'an, but they didn't find Ye Luoluo and Ye Rui, but they thought Ye Nanxian came back before them. If something happened to the child, Ye Nanxian should be the first. Time looking for.

Since then, Ye Zian went to the room to take a look, and found that Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange were resting, and he retreated.

"Maybe Daddy Mommy sent them to Uncle Three's house."

Ye Zi'an said this and went back to his room to study the code.

No one knew that the two children were out.

After Ye Luoluo and Ye Rui got on the bus, they were still chattering, Ye Rui listened quietly as always, not forgetting to look at the medical book in his hand, he was annoyed that he was learning too slowly, and neither of them found the appointment The navigation of the car has been closed, and the route they walked deviated from the correct path.

After walking for a while, Ye Luoluo suddenly looked up, but found that the road here was not very familiar, and quickly dragged Ye Rui.

"Brother Rui, where do you think it is?

I do n’t remember going to Uncle Su ’s house. "

Ye Rui quickly looked up, only to find that the road was wrong.

‘“ Uncle Driver, you are going the wrong way. ”

Ye Rui quickly said.

The driver sneered and said, "Is it?

That's right, this way is correct. "

Ye Rui suddenly felt the danger.

He took Ellolola into his arms and whispered, "Quick call."

Ye Luo Luo paused, and when he picked up the phone again, he was snatched by the driver and threw it out of the window.

"Call the police?

Your two little children are so cute, what police do you report! Uncle, play a game with you, OK? "

The driver is about forty years old, and it is shameful to call himself uncle in front of the child.

His eyes kept looking at Ye Luoluo while he was talking, and that frivolous appearance made Ye Rui's brows instantly wrinkled.

"What do you want to do?

I tell you, our parents are not ordinary people! You better think about it before moving us.

Otherwise, our parents will make you unable to walk around. "

Ye Rui guarded Ye Luoluo behind him while talking, and prevented the driver from looking at Ye Luoluo's eyes as much as possible.

The look was uncomfortable.

Ye Luo Luo was lying behind Ye Rui, especially afraid.

She saw Ye Rui holding the phone in her hand, and the driver's eyes could not notice it temporarily. She took the phone while lying down and quickly sent a message to Ye Nanxian.

"Daddy, help! Someone is hurting us!"

Because Ye Rui's mobile phone called the car online, Ye Luoluo quickly sent the license plate number, and then hid the phone in Ye Rui's boots.

After finishing all this, Ye Luo Luo was almost scared to death.

The driver saw Ye Rui's eyes so persistent, he couldn't help but feel annoyed.

"You stupid boy, what are you looking at?

I can tell you, if you are obedient, then I will sell you to a kind person. Otherwise, I will sell you to the poor mountain ditch.

You go away for me, don't delay the good things of Lao Tzu. "

The driver drove the car to a secluded place.

The car was locked, and the two children couldn't run out even if they wanted to run.

Ye Rui was anxious for a moment.

He guarded Ye Luoluo tightly. Although the person was a bit small, he calmly said, "Can't you see the clothes and materials we are wearing?"

Or do you not know that the place you picked us up is the villa area?

I do n’t really scare you. If you do anything to us, you really ca n’t get a foothold in Haicheng. "

The driver sneered and said, "The video from you is overhauled today, and no one knows where I picked you up.

I don't think your adults know you are coming out.

See what this chick is wearing?

I did n’t wear a coat at all, I think you ran out of it secretly, right?

In this case, no one knows what I did to you. Afterwards, I sold you to other places, and your parents could not find it.

Stinky boy, you quickly let go, I am not interested in you. "

With that said, the driver will go forward to catch Ye Luo Luo.

"Ah! Brother!"

Ye Lolo yelled in horror.

The driver was very excited.

"Come on, this is a suburb, no one comes, no one will hear you even if you break your throat, and the more you call your uncle, the more excited you will be."

The driver's eyes grew more and more.


Ye Rui's eyes suddenly squinted.

Although he did not know what the driver was going to do with Yelu Luo, he knew that the driver was not good.

"I warn you, don't come close to us, otherwise I'm welcome to you!"

Although Ye Rui is small, but now he has full momentum.

The driver was bluffed by him, and then thought of being bluffed by a child, he was immediately angry.

"He, mom, yeah, toast without eating fines, I think you are impatient to live!"

The driver raised his hand and fanned towards Ye Rui.

Ye Rui didn't move either. When the driver started, his calf was lifted directly and swept toward the driver's undercarriage.

"I'm going, you stupid boy is too dark."

The driver quickly returned to defense.

At this moment, Ye Luoluo suddenly got up, stretched out his hands and poked directly into the driver's eyes.

"I poked you!"

Ye Luoluo's energy is still not strong, but it is enough to make the driver quickly cover his eyes and step back subconsciously.

Ye Rui took the opportunity to open the door of the car, pulled Ye Luo Luo and ran.

"Smelly boy, smelly girl, you stop me!"

The driver's tears burst into tears.

Being bullied by two children in this way, the driver feels too shameful. If he does not catch these two stinky boys today, it will be hard to dispel his hatred.

Fortunately, Ye Luoluo has been training in the military area for a few days. Although his physical strength is not as good as before, he still keeps up with Ye Rui's pace.

She was really scared, but excited.

"Brother, I just poked him!"

"Got it, it's awesome.

Follow me quickly. "

Ye Rui observed the terrain. Here is a forest, not a good place for them to escape.

"Luo Luo, we run towards the road."

"it is good."

Ye Luoluo quickly ran with Ye Rui.

But after all, the two children are children. Even after a few days of military training, their physical strength has increased, but their journey is not fast.

It was not long before the driver caught up.

The driver grabbed Ye Luoluo's collar for the first time, and then suddenly pulled Ye Luoluo into him.

"Smelly girl, dare to poke my eyes, I will let you know what life is better than death!"

The driver didn't chase Ye Rui, he ran into the car with Ye Luoluo in his arms.

Ye Ruilen took a moment to realize that the main goal of the driver was Ye Luoluo, he raised his feet and ran back.

"You let go of my sister!"

It may have been inspired, and Ye Rui rushed past like crazy, grabbing the driver's thigh and biting down.

"Ah! It hurts me! You stupid boy!"

The driver's painful foot kicked in Ye Rui's chest.

Ye Rui only felt a sweet smell coming up, but when he saw Ye Luoluo's frightened expression, he did not dare to let go, let alone let go, but bit the driver bit by bit, he had to let the driver let go .

"court death!"

The driver's sore eyes showed a murderous opportunity.

Ye Luoluo crying wailing! "Brother, don't bite! Don't hit my brother! Don't!"

Ye Luoluo struggled, but the driver didn't listen at all. He pinched one foot on Ye Rui's chest.

Blood oozed from the corner of Ye Rui's mouth, I don't know who it was, but he just didn't let go.

Ye Luoluo's crying voice was dumb. Seeing that the driver was still so cruel, he stretched out his hand and scratched towards the driver's face.

"You bad person! I'll kill you! Let you beat my brother!"

Ye Luoluo was like an irritated kitten, and his sharp nails scratched the other person's face at once, and the blood was scratched out only twice.


The driver was anxious, and he threw Yeluolo out.

There happened to be a **** here. After Ye Luoluo was thrown, he took the **** and rolled down.

"Luo Luo!"

Ye Rui's heart is about to stop.

Ye Luoluo's operation was not very good. Ye Rui knew all these situations. Now she was thrown by the driver from such a high place. Ye Rui couldn't even think of it.

"I am going to kill you!"

Ye Rui madly picked up the stone on the side and threw it towards the driver.

He didn't care about the driver's punches on his body, what he grabbed and threw, and even used military punches to avoid the driver's attack, he was crazy attacker driver again.

Ye Rui's eyes were red.

When he thought of what could happen to Yeluolo, he couldn't control the flood power in his body.

The driver was able to gain a bit of advantage in the beginning, but he was scared eventually when he was so deadly.

"Mom, yeah, I'm out of luck today!"

The driver kicked Ye Rui away and ran away.

He really can't steal rice without stealing chickens.

Ye Rui was almost annoyed by his kick, but he still remembered hanging Ye Luoluo and hurried towards the slope, but because his chest hurt too much, he suddenly stumbled and the whole person fell to the ground , Can't get up anymore.

"Luo Luo, don't be afraid, Luo brother is here."

Ye Rui couldn't stand up. He could only climb forward step by step. The bright red blood penetrated the ground, and a long blood stain was drawn behind him, which was shocking.

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