The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 866: You have to treat him well

"Doctor, how are they?"

Shen Mange felt that his voice was trembling, and he didn't even know where to put his hands.

The doctor looked at Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian, and whispered: "Miss Ye has no serious injuries, but only a slight concussion, mainly Master Ye, who has a severe chest impact. The problem should be noted that he has bruises and congestion in his lungs, and he needs to be hospitalized to observe them well. We ca n’t guarantee what will happen in the future, we can only say that we will do our best.

Shen Mange almost couldn't stand.

"How could Ye Rui hurt so badly?"

The doctor looked at Shen Mange and sighed, "The child's organs are relatively fragile. We have seen the film. Master Ye should have been subjected to a violent continuous impact from the outside. This caused the chest and lungs to be injured.

It should be caused by artificial kicking.

I think you can call the police at this point.

But I still say that, Master Ye wants to participate in activities that involve a lot of physical activity in the future. "

Ye Nanxian's eyes have been low, and even the whole person looks somber, making the doctor a little afraid to look directly.

"Mr. Ye, we did our best, but if you are not worried, you can transfer to Master Ye. I know that you know Dr. Sunan and Dean Bai Zitong. Maybe they have good countermeasures there."

At this time, doctors can extrapolate as much as possible if they can extrapolate, because they really cannot afford this responsibility.

Ye Nanxian nodded and immediately began to arrange transfer.

Ye Rui and Ye Luoluo were transferred to the Military Hospital of Bai Zitong, where a series of examinations were done. The conclusions given by Bai Zitong and Sunan were not much different from those of the doctor.

"Mange, I know you love Ye Rui, this thing is really abhorrent, but now this way, we can't do anything about it, we can only say that it will be nurtured well. Let him take part in a relatively heavy exercise, this is for the good of the child. "

By this time, Shen Mange was annoyed to kill himself. Why did this happen to Ye Rui?

This child is simply too pitiful.

She was a little uncomfortable breathless.

Ye Nanxian patted her on the shoulder, comforting in a low voice, "I also have a responsibility. I didn't take care of them. You can rest assured that I will give it to Ye Rui after the Hengyu Group. Zi An will let him go to the military area for development. Right.

We owe this child too much, I think Ye Rui should do this to save the land. "

Shen Mange has no objection to Ye Nanxian ’s decision. If money can be used to make time go back, so that Ye Rui will not suffer from these sufferings, Shen Mange is willing to spend his money to save Ye Rui. Unfortunately, there is no time to go back in this world. things happen.

Ye Rui was arranged into the intensive care unit. In order to fear that he woke up and worried about Ye Luoluo, Shen Mange also turned Ye Luoluo in.

Ye Luoluo's injury was not very serious, and it didn't take long to wake up. When he saw Ye Rui, he cried in a hug with Shen Mange.

"Mommy, that bad guy driver has been kicking Brother Rui, who has coughed up blood and he is still kicking.

I ran over and bit him, he threw me downhill.

Mommy, how is Brother Rui?

Does it matter? "

Hearing Ye Luoluo said this, Shen Mange's eyes were a little cold.

"Ye Rui kicked by that driver?"

"Well, Brother Rui is to protect me."

Ye Nanxian's eyes were scary and cold, and he really surprised Ye Luoluo.

"What are you doing out there?

Staying at home well, do n’t you know how to say hello to your family?

There is no sense of crisis at such a large age. If it were not for protecting you, would Ye Rui be like this? "

The accusation in Ye Nanxian's eyes frightened Ye Lolo crying softly.

"Okay, don't scare the child."

Shen Mange couldn't see Ye Luoluo crying, Ye Rui was so uncomfortable now.

"Luo Luo, tell Mommy, why did you go out with Brother Rui?

What are you doing going out? "

Ye Luoluo looked at Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange again.

"It's okay, Mommy is here, as long as you say, no one dares to treat you like that."

"Daddy included?"

Ye Luoluo gave Ye Nanxian a timid look.

Shen Mange nodded.

"Yes, including Daddy, no one can treat you like that, dear, tell Mommy, why are you going out?"

Ye Luo Luo didn't twist for a while, then whispered: "We are going to find Uncle Su."

"Looking for Uncle Su?

what happened?

Are you uncomfortable there? "

Shen Mange suddenly became nervous.

Ye Luoluo shook his head quickly, his eyes kept looking at Ye Nanxian, hesitating for a while before saying: "We found that Daddy is sick, and we want Uncle Su to see Daddy."

"you are sick?"

Shen Mange looked at Ye Nanxian urgently.

Ye Nanxian looked dazed.

"I don't know when I am sick."

"You have schizophrenia."

Although Ye Luoluo's voice was small, it was still clearly heard in the silent ward.

Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian's eyes widened.

'"What disease?"

"Personality schizophrenia, I saw it from Brother Rui's book.

Brother Rui also said that Daddy was so fierce when he quarreled with his mom in the morning. He changed his appearance when he came back at noon. This is a typical personality split. Brother Rui said that if it is not treated, Daddy will be very painful if it is serious Yes, we will be affected and even beaten.

So we thought about going to Uncle Su to see Daddy for treatment. "

Ye Luoluo's words made Shen Mange and Ye Nanxian stunned, and then Shen Mange was a little crying and laughing, but Ye Nanxian was a little depressed.

"That person is not Daddy in the morning, and Daddy does not have any personality schizophrenia. What are you two kids doing?"

Ye Nanxian doesn't quite understand what children's minds are thinking.

Split personality?

When he was a kid, he didn't know what the word meant.

Suddenly, he thought of Ye Rui's identity. He is a close disciple of Zhang Yin. Recently, Zhang Yin has been teaching Ye Rui's medical knowledge. He did not stop it. He did not expect that he became the object of their research.

Shen Mange also looked at Ye Luoluo with some depression.

"Look, no matter what kind of doubts you have in the future, you must first ask the big talents to know?

Look at what happened today. If you asked the adults in advance whether this would happen?

And why are you going out?

Can you call Uncle Su?

Besides, why do n’t you tell your family when you go out?

Regardless of whether Daddy is sick or not, in his heart, you and Brother Rui, and your brother are his treasures, even if he hurts himself, he will not hurt you, you know? "

"Oh, get it, mommy I was wrong."

Ye Luoluo quickly lowered his head, crying a little sadly.

"What about Brother Rui?

Is he serious?

Why aren't you awake now? "

Seeing Ye Luoluo like this, who else has the heart to blame her?

Ye Nanxian sighed and said, "Luo Luo, you have to remember that Brother Rui became this way for you. No matter what kind of brother Rui becomes, you have to treat him well, and you must not listen to Brother Rui. Do you know? "


After the matter was clear, Ye Nanxian held Ye Luoluo in his arms and calmed down.

Ye Rui woke up.

"Luo Luo!"

He sat up violently, but coughed violently because of his movements, and his face turned purple.

"Rui Rui, don't be excited, it's okay."

Shen Mange quickly came behind him, gently patting her back.

Ye Rui finally stopped, feeling uncomfortable with her chest burning.

"Mommy, Daddy, I'm sorry, I didn't protect my sister, I ..." "You have done well enough, Ye Rui, you are a real man. Because of your protection, it's no big deal to fall .

But you look so distressed to Daddy and Mummy.

Promise mommy, no matter what happens in the future, do n’t risk yourself. You are also our son. You hurt like this, do you know how uncomfortable mommy is? "

Shen Mange's eyes were full of tears.

Ye Rui suddenly felt that his chest was not so painful.

He grinned and said, "Mommy, it's okay. I will strengthen my physical fitness in the future. I will learn my skills and protect my sister and brother."

This sentence directly hit Shen Mange's tears, and her tears flowed down.

"In the future, we will not have to work so hard, let Luoluo do a good job, and in turn protect you."

"How can I let my sister protect my brother?

Mommy, I'm fine, I can still exercise well when I am done. "

Ye Rui patted his chest to make sure, but coughed violently again.

Ye Nanxian saw that Shen Mange was about to suffocate herself, and quickly said to Ye Rui: "Okay, everything will wait for you to be ill. Then, A Zi will come and let her take care of you, Daddy and Mummy To deal with something. "

"Daddy, are you going to deal with that driver's uncle?"

Ye Rui has experienced so many things and is not a ignorant child.

Ye Nanxian didn't hide from him. When he asked him this way, he nodded.

"Yes, do you have anything to say?"

Ye Rui looked at Ye Nanxian and thought about it for a moment. Somewhat uncertainly said, "I don't know if I saw it by myself. I really wanted to see a tattoo on that man's arm."


Ye Nanxian didn't pay much attention.

"Remember the pattern?"

"Remember, it's a poppy flower.

I have seen this kind of flower in medicine, so I remember very clearly.

Daddy, I always think he is not just a car-hailing driver.

Where is our community? No one in Haicheng will know. The children on our side are either rich or expensive. Few people dare to pay attention to us. This is where we are more at ease.

But after I said that we were the characters he couldn't afford, he still didn't converge, and he said he would sell me and my sister outside. I didn't like the look of his sister, like a hungry wolf.

Now thinking about it, he seemed to be going to his sister from the beginning. "

After Ye Rui sorted out all these things, he told Ye Nanxian in an orderly way, and immediately made Ye Nanxian and Shen Mange frown.

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