The Lovely Baby’s Arrival: CEO Daddy is on the Way

Chapter 884: I want you to pay for his life

"I heard about this and it was obviously a game.

If the elevator is so high, if someone falls down, no one can say that it ’s bad, so you ca n’t go. Also, check the workers on the construction site for contract workers. Insurance, you quickly contact the insurance company.

I will go over there. "

The person who came was Huo Zhenting.

Hearing him methodically, Shen Mange's heart crossed a trace of warmth.

"Uncle, I know you are here to help me, but don't get involved in this matter.

Neither you nor your grandfather should interfere.

I think this should be a game between the second uncle and the man, for the sake of our Ye family.

If Nan Xian and I have both broken, you will be fine. If you participate now, I am afraid that you will not be able to leave. If we really need help, then I am afraid no one will help us. "

Shen Mange's words made Huo Zhenting slightly stunned.

Although he admits that Shen Mange made sense, but just watching Shen Mange handle it by himself, he was still a little uneasy.

"Let me go with you, and I will not believe it. How powerful the other party can pull our Huo family into the water."

"She doesn't have much power, but she can restrain Nanxian directly, so that you and your grandfather can't reach in. This can't make us look down upon.

Uncle, I will pay attention to it myself.

You can rest assured. "

Shen Mange's words made Huo Zhenting depressed.

"But your body now ..." "The child and we are also destined to fate. It is best to come naturally. If we can't, we can't force it.

Now that something like this has happened, I can't wait quietly at home to rescue my husband and rescue my husband's company. That's not my character.

Although I know that I studied design alone, and may not be able to handle the company well, but whether or not to do it is an attitude.

I will be careful, uncle, go back. "

Shen Mange smiled at Huo Zhenting, that smile was so strong, so stubborn.

Huo Zhenting was distressed, but there was no way to say anything.

"Well, if you have any need, remember to call me. You must always remember that the Huo family is your maiden family, no matter what the situation, we will not care about you."

"I remember."

Shen Mange smiled again, and then got in the car with Zhao Ning.

When the car started, Shen Mange took the phone and called the construction company.

"Is there any accident insurance for the workers involved?"

The construction company was stunned for a while, and quickly said, "No, he is a temporary worker, and he has only been here for a few days.

Mrs. Ye, I'm really sorry about this, because we didn't check it in place.

We ... "" Okay, this is not what you want to see, and it is not clear what is going on. "

What is the situation on the construction site now? "

Shen Mange is a quick interrogator.

The manager quickly said: "Now the place is surrounded by the media. The family of the deceased is in trouble here. We dare not step forward to drive out. We are stalemate. And I feel like someone is deliberately picking things up. Excited, we are afraid of a riot.

Mrs. Ye, don't you come, let others come. "

Shen Mange thought about this situation, but did not expect it to be so serious.

She took a deep breath and said, "I can't do this without it, and the others can't afford it.

Well, I will be here soon, and you will relax and let me take care of it. "

Shen Mange hung up directly after speaking.

"Zhao Ning, do you have information about the deceased?"


Zhao Ning quickly gave the information to Shen Mange.

Shen Mange took it for a look and suddenly froze.

The dead person was actually Zhang Hui who met in the game hall! I still remember when Zhang Hui said that he was Ye Feng's men. When they went back to look for it, the game hall was closed, and Zhang Hui naturally disappeared.

And died on the construction site of the Ye family?

If this means nothing to do with Ye Feng and nothing to do with Uncle Ye Er, Shen Mange will never believe it.

Seeing that Shen Mange's complexion was not very good, Zhao Ning quickly asked, "Ma'am, what's wrong?"

Any problem? "

"Well, the big problem."

Shen Mange read the information from beginning to end. This Zhang Hui is a prodigal son who lives in no fixed place, but has a son, a daughter and a wife.

Now that he died in a construction company, it is estimated that the troublesome wife was also instructed by Ye Feng's people?

She rubbed her temples and the car had already driven to the construction company.

"Ma'am, it's here."

Seen from afar, here are all the black people, whether they are journalists or migrant workers, or the Ye Family's security guard who maintains order, they are all mixed up.

Shen Mange frowned slightly, she opened the door and got out of the car, and Zhao Ning immediately followed her.

"Ma'am, it's too dangerous here, so I'll call Azi back."

Zhao Ning proposer.

Shen Mange shook his head and said, "No, A Zi looks at the children. In this situation, don't let Rui Rui and Luo Luo know them."

She sighed and lifted her feet towards the crowd.

I do n’t know who discovered Shen Mange at first glance, and quickly shouted: “Do n’t quarrel, Mrs. Ye is here. Let ’s hear what she says.”

"What else can you say, people have accidents in their company, and now they come out to deal with them, where did they do this morning?

Now that the public opinion is so fierce, it must be forced. "

Others quickly retorted.

Shen Mange's eyes shot past, but there were so many people that he couldn't see who said it.

When the media saw Shen Mange, they also gathered around.

"Mrs. Ye, what happened to the Ye family, where did Mr. Ye go?

Why did you handle this?

Or is it true that Mr. Ye is really going to ignore this matter, as the outside world has rumored? "

Facing the reporter's sharp inquiries, Shen Mange had a general feeling in his heart.

It seems that Uncle Ye Er meant to let everyone know that Ye Nanxian is now in the detention center.

Now that the news is blocked, she is intimidating Uncle Ye's release of Ye Nanxian. There was an accident at the construction site here. Ye Nanxian failed to deal with it in the first time, which has caused everyone some doubt. The string came out of the detention center, so Ye Nanxian could not hide his death.

By then, even if Ye Ershu withdrew the case, it is estimated that the news media and the public should also explore the reason why Ye Nanxian's commercial hegemons would go to the detention center.

At that time, this matter will be exploded by someone who is interested, Ye Nanxian's reputation will really stink.

What an uncle Ye! Even if riding a tiger is difficult, she and Ye family still set up such a big game! She is still wondering, what is the meaning of Uncle Ye's accident on such a construction site?

After all, this matter can be negotiated, as long as the Ye family has a good attitude, everything can be resolved.

It turned out that the hole he dug was waiting for her here.

Shen Mange frowned slightly.

She whispered to Zhao Ning: "You call to let A Fei stop waiting at the door of the detention center.

Never mind Nanxian when he comes out, let him pay attention to the news media near the detention center, and never let Nanxian expose. "

"But my wife, if I walk away, this group of people will eat you."

Zhao Ning said anxiously.

Shen Mange shook his head and said: "I have my own measure, go quickly! Anyway, don't let Nan Xian expose it."

"This ..." Zhao Ning was still a little hesitant, but thinking that if Ye Nanxian was exposed, not only would his personal reputation be damaged, but also the entire Yejia stock would plunge, and many cooperation cases would be suspended.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ning quickly pushed away the crowd and called.

The reporter saw this scene. Although he didn't hear what Shen Mange and Zhao Ning said, they could see what Zhao Ning was talking about on the phone.

For a time, their problems became more acute.

"Mrs. Ye, are we guessing right, so you intend to let the Ye family inform Mr. Ye?"

"I don't know where you have heard such news, but since my husband Ye Nanxian has been able to stand in Haicheng for so many years, I wonder if he is a person who shrinks and hides when he encounters something. Points?

Unfortunately, my husband was on a business trip not long ago, and I was just pregnant. The symptoms during pregnancy were more obvious recently, so I did not pay attention to the outside world.

There was such a thing on the construction site. The senior management of the group was afraid of affecting my fetal gas, and did not notify me in time, and Nanxian could not rush back.

Here, I'm sorry for the Ye family to Zhang Hui's family and Zhang Hui himself. "

After Shen Mange finished speaking, he bowed in the direction of Zhang Hui.

Everyone was relieved by Shen Mange's attitude and quickly let go.

Shen Mange saw Zhang Hui's body still on the construction site.

Because it was a high-altitude fall, Zhang Hui was beyond recognition.

A woman and two children were kneeling beside him, crying out of breath.

Shen Mange was also a mother. She knew that a woman was very sad to encounter such a thing, so she came over.

"Mrs. Zhang, I am really sorry for this kind of accident. Look at what kind of requirements you have for our group. Just mention it. As long as we can do it, we are absolutely unambiguous.

Shen Mange said very sincerely, but Zhang Hui's wife suddenly raised her head and said fiercely: "Are you rich enough?

I do n’t want money, I just want my husband to survive! You can make him alive, I don't want anything.

Look at my children, they have no dad! You can take away everything from your father, how old are they?

In the years to come without father's company, what's the point of having money? "

She cried, and her blood-red eyes stared straight at Shen Mange, as if she would be silly with her eyes.

Shen Mange heard a hint of smell from her words.

Does this mean no money?

Don't want to reconcile?

"Mrs. Zhang, I know that money is not a panacea, but now that something like this has happened, do we always have to solve it?

You can't let him keep corpse here, right? "

As soon as Shen Mange's voice fell, Mrs. Zhang's eyes suddenly fell a little.

"Yes, he can't be here all the time, so I want you to pay his life!"

During the speech, Mrs. Zhang suddenly drew a dagger from the cuff and spurred towards Shen Mange.

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