Ye Nanxian paused, and then said: "The second uncle sent someone to arrest your parents for this genetic reconstruction. At that time, you were still in your baby. When your parents got the news, it was too late to escape. They I had to ask someone to send you away, leaving your name and birthday.

However, the person who sent you did not reach the relative's house designated by your parents, and was chased. In desperation, he sent you to the door of the orphanage. Mixed, not easy to find. "

After hearing Ye Nanxian say this, Zhao Ning's heart was very unpleasant.

He pondered, and said after a while: "Have you confirmed what you said?"

"Yes, they have been found by me. If you want to see me, I will take you to see them at any time."

Zhao Ning nodded.

Ye Nanxian took him to the reception room next door, where there were several old people and a young man.

This young man and Zhao Ning look a bit similar, but they look smaller than Zhao Ning.

"This is your brother Zhao Fei.

It is the child they gave birth after your parents were arrested.

However, he was not fortunate. Since he was born, he has been treated as an experimental subject and has been continuously injected with cell regeneration and transplantation drugs. Now he has no fertility.

So the child in Azi's belly is definitely to threaten your parents or your best weapon.

If you still have doubts, you can do a paternity test with him. "

Ye Nanxian surprised Zhao Ning.

He looked at the pale boy in front of him, not knowing what to do for a while.

"How old are you?"

"twenty two."

Zhao Fei opened his mouth, but it made Zhao Ning even more shocked.

twenty two?

But Zhao Fei looked only 17 or 8 years old.

"My bodily functions are stagnant.

Dad said that I might not have much time. It was Mr. Ye who sent someone to sneak in and brought me out. "

Zhao Fei seemed to know what Zhao Ning was thinking and quickly explained.

Zhao Ning suddenly had a sour nose.

"Mr. Ye, you can take my brother out, why can't I take my dad out too?"

He couldn't imagine what his parents and younger brother had experienced in the institute over the years.

Ye Nanxian did not speak yet, but Zhao Fei spoke.

"It's not easy for Ye always to take me out.

I belonged to a failed experiment and was about to die again, so I was randomly thrown in the garbage dump to be burned.

Our junkyard is not well guarded, so if you want to take me away, Mr. Ye can do it as long as he is mindful, but his father is a core figure. He is guarded by heavy soldiers every day and locked in the most central position.

Brother, Dad said the last sentence that Mom said before she died was that she was lucky to have sent you away.

She hopes you live well and take our part together. "

Zhao Ning suddenly cried.

"do not talk."

He hugged Zhao Fei, and then found that Zhao Fei's skinny skin was a bit stunned.

Ye Nanxian did not disturb them, and the path retreated.

Shen Mange's call came at this time.

"What are you doing?"

Shen Mange is a little bored in the hospital alone, but she has to do enough to play. She can't go out now. For a while, she only wanted to listen to Ye Nanxian's voice.

Ye Nanxian smiled and said, "It's okay, I dealt with Zhao Ning's affairs."

"What happened to Zhao Ning?"

Shen Mange was a little puzzled.

Ye Nanxian told Aman Zi and Ye Ershu what he was looking for when he came back to Shen Mange.

Shen Mange listened and felt like listening to a story, and the whole person was surprised.

"God, it turns out that Azi is your cousin?

Are you saying that she was scared of Ye Feng No.1? "

"It's true, but there is something hidden in it, and I will tell you back."

Ye Nanxian suddenly told Shen Mange such a big thing that Shen Mange could not digest it.

"Wait, what are you going to do to Azi?

Since Zhao Ning let her go, why are you still looking for her to come back? "

"She is the safest at the Ye family.

Not for her, for Zhao Ning, or for the child in A Zi's stomach, I can't let her fall into the hands of the second uncle. "

Hearing Ye Nanxian's words, Shen Mange was immediately excited.

"Azi is pregnant?"

"Well, just over a month after I found it out.

But shouldn't you hate Azi?

After all, she betrayed you and me. "

Ye Nanxian heard Shen Mange's excited voice and asked a little puzzled.

Shen Mange said with a smile: "Don't you say it too, there is something hidden in it.

Besides, there is a small life in Azi ’s belly, we do n’t have the right to deprive others of the birth of children, do n’t we? "

Ye Nanxian heard it, Shen Mange pleaded with A Zi in disguise.

He smiled and said, "Actually, are you afraid that I'm sad and difficult to do?"

After all, there are no relatives around me anymore. A Zi is my cousin. Anyway, I grew up with me since childhood. Do you want to leave her for me? "

Shen Mange saw Ye Nanxian's words so clear and clear, so she smiled and said, "We have a small Ye family, and A Zi has a lasting pain. She did not deliberately target us. In fact, I also suspected A Zi, But she only changed her direction after a little suspicion. After all, if she really wanted to help Uncle Ye, Ye Rui and Ye An estimated that there were many opportunities for her to be taken out to Uncle Ye, regardless of whether they were Uncle took away, we both have to be led by the nose, right?

But Azi didn't do it.

She has been protecting the children, even being attacked for their sake yesterday.

So I think she is really good for the children, after all, she is also the children's relatives. "

Ye Nanxian frowned slightly.

"Someone attacked the hospital the day before yesterday?"

"It's past, A Zi has arranged it. Now it's like a copper wall and iron wall. If you can't come in, don't worry."

Shen Mange knew he was worried, and quickly spoke.

Ye Nanxian was still a little worried.

"I'll take a look in the past."

"no need."

"I'm going."

Seeing Ye Nanxian's firm attitude, Shen Mange didn't stop him anymore.

Ye Nanxian pondered for a while and said, "I will deal with Azi's affairs, don't worry."

"OK, all right.

By the way, did Shen Peipei go back? "

Because of Ye Nanxian's affairs, Shen Mange has been busy dying recently, and she simply can't take care of Shen Peipei. She remembered that she told her not to return to Ye's house for a while, but was this woman so obedient?

Ye Nanxian said lightly: "No, it is estimated that the news that you were stabbed made her embarrassed to come here."


Speaking of which, Shen Mange was a bit sad.

The news that she was stabbed was spread out, but this time the Shen family's parents didn't even have a phone call, which made her chill.

As if she felt that Shen Mange was in a bad mood, Ye Nanxian asked in a low voice: "What do you want to eat again?"

I will do it for you. "

"Forget it, you are so busy now, just leave me alone.

Just let Huang Ma give me something to eat, you are busy with you. "

"Zi An wants to visit you, and I tell you, our son is terrific, and actually caught Ye Feng No. 2."

"is it?"

Hearing Ye Nanxian's story about Ye Zi'an, Shen Mange was very happy.

The two said a few more words, and Ye Nanxian hung up the phone.

Zhao Ning also came out at this time.

When he looked at Ye Nanxian again, he bowed Ye Nanxian straight, which surprised Ye Nanxian.

"What are you doing?"

"Mr. Ye, thank you, thank you for all you have done for me."

Ye Nanxian said with some shame: "This is what the Ye family owes you. I just didn't expect that Uncle Er hasn't given up on it for so many years.

I did n’t even know this at all. My dad only told me to guard against the second uncle before he died. I could n’t let the Ye family fall into the hands of the second uncle at any time. At that time, I did n’t know why. Uncle suddenly made a comeback and sent me directly to the detention center. I realized that some things might not be clear to me, so before I went in, I asked Sunan to investigate these things.

Now that I know the ins and outs, I just hope you can handle things calmly.

If it is best to rescue your father, if not, do n’t be so impulsive. After all, the power of Uncle 2 is really great. "

If before this, Zhao Ning might not understand Ye Nanxian's pains, but now he understands it all.

"I listen to President Ye, A Zi was sent by me, and now I should be heading in the direction of the high seas, President Ye ..." "I've actually been looking for someone to follow you, and A Zi was killed by me just after I went out. Stopped, now she is resting in my villa.

You will see her in the past. "

Ye Nanxian's words made Zhao Ning's heart sink.

"Mr. Ye, what are you going to do to Azi?"

Zhao Ning was still not assured after all, although I heard that Ye Nanxian meant that he would not kill A Zi's life, but ... Ye Nanxian's eyes were a little bit dark, saying lightly, "I don't know, wait for me Think about it again. "

After he finished, he got up and left the living room.

After Ye Zi'an woke up, she saw Zhao Ning sitting on the sofa in the living room in a daze and couldn't help but stepped forward.

"Uncle Ning, what are you doing?

What about Auntie Zi? "

Zhao Ning suddenly recovered, when he saw Ye Zi'an, he suddenly felt very kind.

If his child was born, would he be as clever and cute as Ye Zi'an?

Seeing him smirking, Ye Zian couldn't help but stepped back and said, "Uncle Ning, are you hitting a ghost?"

"Well, I bumped into you, the little clever ghost.

Your dad asked me to wait for you to wake up and take you to the hospital to see your mummy, when will you leave? "

Zhao Ning now knows that Ye Nanxian will not do anything to Azi for the time being, so he is relieved, but he has not yet figured out what kind of mood to face Azi.

The woman he loves is actually the daughter of the enemy. Although he is deeply in love, there must always be a conversion process, and he does not want to face it all now.

Now that Ye Nanxian asked him to take Ye Zian to watch Shen Mange and observe the hidden safety problems, Zhao Ning agreed.

Ye Zian heard Zhao Ning say this, and quickly asked, "What about Lao Ye?"

"Go out and do something."

"What's the matter?"

"For adults, don't ask the children anymore. Hurry up and clean up. We'll go to the hospital and give your mum food."

Zhao Ning's words made Ye Zian depressed.

What about adults?

If it was n’t for his participation, the adult ’s business would n’t necessarily be done.

But after all he didn't say anything, turned to wash.

Zhao Ning got up with a smile, but the phone rang suddenly.

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