The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 994 Hold on to Giratina, I'm Already Shaking People! (5.2k!)

"I'm sorry, Mr. Guanglang and all the leaders of the battle frontier area. I'm afraid... my challenge to the leader will be postponed." Xia Yan said apologetically to the five battle frontier area leaders.

"Postponed?" Kang Lang frowned.

Several meanings.

At the end of the co-authorship, I was the only one who got beaten up, right?

But he looked at the hideous crack and Giratina, whose figure was revealed in it.

Still nodded and said:

"Alright. But how long is the delay?"

Xia Yan raised his head and lowered the brim of his hat slightly.

"Maybe. Indefinitely."

Sugar palm:? ? ?

"About him?"

After confirming that Giratina didn't mean to rush out, Sirona looked at Xia Yan and asked tentatively.

Look dignified.

Not long ago on Tianguan Mountain, others might not know what Xia Yan was talking about with a group of beasts.

But Sirona, who is well aware of the myths and legends in the Sinnoh region, more or less guessed something.

Xia Yan glanced at the beautiful woman's solid face, grinned and said, "Yes."

Seeing the smile on Xia Yan's face, Sirona's thoughts moved slightly.

"You guessed this situation a long time ago, so you have a way to deal with it, don't you?"

Xia Yan didn't answer Sirona's question this time.

How to deal with it?


He has some things and wants to chat with the clone of Arceus in this world.

After coming to this world for such a period of time, whether overtly or secretly, he has conducted a lot of investigations and searches, and obtained many major and small alliances such as the Rockets, the Devon Company, the Berrich Family, and the two major alliances of Hoenn Shinoh. the help of a force.


According to his original intention, he wanted to enter the upper echelon of the alliance through the identity of the leader of the battle pioneer area, so as to see if he could investigate some clues.

can now.

The rings transformed by the question mark unknown totem have all disappeared. He left this world and returned to his own world, and he has completely entered the countdown.


It is probably impossible to find out the real leader of the group.


It is almost time to determine the identity and origin of this group of people.

After chatting with Arceus, you can almost know the result.

Although the goal has not been fully achieved, catching their origin will also provide great help to Xia Yan in bringing out this group of people after returning to the original world.

"At Midina."

After Xia Yan said a word, with the help of super powers, he took Yaya and flew straight towards the dimensional crack that destroyed the world.


Sirona narrowed her eyes.

Suddenly remembered the ancient legend about this place.

Mijina is a relatively remote area in the Sinnoh region.

The history of its existence is not inferior to that of Sirona's hometown God and Town.

Today's Mijina has excellent natural conditions and an excellent ecological environment. It is a relatively famous natural scenic spot in the Sinnoh area.

Especially the Mijina ruins among them have attracted many scholars or researchers who are interested in mythology and history to visit and investigate.

Sirona's grandmother, Dr. Mustard Lan, once stayed in the Mijina ruins for a long time.


Thousands of years ago, Mijina was not as rich in natural environment as it is now.

At that time, the remote Mijna was a very barren place.


A huge and powerful meteorite thousands of years ago was about to directly sink the place of Mijina.

But also at this time.

The mighty Arceus appeared and blocked the huge meteorite with his own body.

But it is precisely because of this.

As a result, all the slates that Arceus was carrying were shot down, and Arceus, who was severely injured, also lost his strength quickly because of the loss of the slates.


The shattered meteorite did not completely disappear, but turned into a meteor shower, completely baptizing Mijina.

But at this moment.

A human named Damos silently helped Arceus retrieve its tablet and helped Arceus recover.

"In order to repay the kindness of Damos and to help the place of Mijina, Arceus fused the stone slabs of the five attributes of grass, water, dragon, thunder, and ground into a "life gem" with unique abilities. ’, and lent it to Damos."

"And Damos, indeed, relied on this 'life gem' to nurture Mijina into a vast, fertile and fertile land, and even this kind of richness has continued to the present."

"It's just. When the time agreed between Damos and Arceus arrived, Arceus appeared again and found Damos and wanted to retrieve the precious jade that belonged to him, but Damos went back on his word and even challenged Arceus. violent attack."

"Because Arceus has lost part of the slate for a long time, his own strength is lacking and has obvious defects, so in the end it dragged its tired and painful body back to the space it was in, and fell into a long deep sleep."

On Devin's luxury airship.

Everyone in Sinnoh hurried towards Mijina while listening to Sirona telling the legend and history about Mijina.

"It seems that the awakening of Arceus is not a good thing for us humans." Daye said with his hands in his trouser pockets, his face a little heavy.

"Perhaps, Arceus was awakened because of the space-time fluctuations caused by the collision between Dialga and Palkia on Tianguan Mountain last time?"

Sirona also understands the seriousness of the matter, so she has no reservations about the history and legends of Mijina that she knows.

"If one is not good, Sinnoh and even the whole world will probably be destroyed because of it."

Sugar Palm, who came together, also understood the seriousness of the matter from Sirona's narration.

"So everyone!"

Sirona stood up with a pretty face.

Looking around at the people in the spaceship, he said in a deep voice, "This sudden incident may even affect the survival of the entire elf world."

After a brief pause, she raised her chin slightly.

"Be prepared to sacrifice!"

For a moment, the heroic momentum in the spaceship began to permeate.

Sinnoh, Mijina.

As the dimensional cracks of the destroyed world slowly unfold.

Giratina flew out of it, carrying Xia Yan and flew out of it.

"Mr. Xia Yan!"

See Xia Yan.

On the ancient ruins, the girl with a ball head wearing a simple blue dress with a worried face suddenly showed joy.

Beside her, there was also a boy wearing the same costume, whom Xia Yan knew well.

"Teacher Xia Yan?!"

Xiao Zhi, Xiao Guang, and Xiao Gang suddenly exclaimed.

"Why are you here?!"

Seeing the three of Xiaozhi, Xia Yan was also a little bit taken aback.

Xiaozhi scratched the back of his head, "I heard that Mr. Xia Yan, you are going to challenge the Battle Frontier Zone. We wanted to watch the battle, but encountered some troubles on the way."

Did you meet Dialga and Palkia?

However, Xia Yan was frank about the existence of Xiaozhi and the others.

never mind.

Even if he doesn't come, Xiaozhi can solve this trouble.


Xia Yan jumped off Giratina and came to the side of several people.

"Mr. Xia Yan, we have contacted before. I am Hina and he is Kebin."

In this regard, Xia Yan smiled and said: "Thanks for your hard work."

After the incident on Tianguan Mountain, Xia Yan learned from Diyaluka and Palkia that Arceus was about to wake up. How could he not make any preparations?


One of Xia Yan's preparations was to contact Hina and Kebin, the guardians of the Mijina ruins.

And Hina's ancestor was Damos who took over the "Life Jewel" from Arceus thousands of years ago.

But don't say it.

It was precisely because of this contact that Xia Yan completely determined the direction of his investigation.

Hina shook her head again and again, "According to what Mr. Xia Yan said, I have contacted both Dialga and Palkia. But not long ago, both Dialga and Palkia suffered inexplicable attacks and Influence.

The space Arceus was in also produced extremely violent spatial fluctuations.

He is afraid to"

"It has awakened." Xia Yan completed Hina's words with great certainty.

Hearing this, Hina was taken aback.

He hurriedly took out something like a budding lotus, and wrapped it tightly.

At the same time, he said: "Mr. Xia Yan, this is the 'Life Jewel'. My ancestor Damos did not return it to Arceus. I hope that I can replace my ancestor and make up for the mistakes of thousands of years."


She activates the mechanism.

The dark gray lotus organ unfolded slowly, revealing one of the emerald green jades, the brilliance is restrained but it seems to contain all kinds of stars.

"Is this the 'Life Treasure Jade'?"

"Pika pickup?"

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi and others next to him couldn't help but see little stars in their eyes.


But it was also at this time that the sky suddenly became dark, and the sound of dull thunder sounded, and a dimensional crack opened out of thin air.

[Xia Yan, here we come! 】

Giratina stood up, her whole body tensed, she licked her lips lightly, her scarlet eyes tightly locked on the crack, looking ready to move.

In the sight of everyone, a holy figure slowly flew out of it.

Arceus left his sleeping place, and came to Mijina again according to the original agreement.

Looking at the vast and fertile plains and mountains, Arceus not only didn't feel any joy from it, what it contained in his sight was betrayal, hatred, anger...and a little bit of sorrow.

Stupid. Human.

[The time for sanctions is coming! 】

see you.

Arceus, whose whole body was snow-white, had a golden halo on his Qianzhou wrist, raised his head slightly, and a huge pure golden energy light sphere was instantly condensed.

Sanction Guangli!

"Wait a minute, Arceus!"

Seeing this scene, Hina uttered anxiously.

The charm contained in this voice, which is familiar to Arceus, and the "super power" carried by Hina made Arceus' movements stagnate.

It leans over.


Arceus' vision was in a trance, as if he saw the figure of Damos.

But he quickly recovered and saw Hina holding the lotus mechanism, and Xia Yan and others walking beside Hina.

"I'm sorry, Arceus! On behalf of my ancestor Damos, I express my most sincere apologies to you. In order to make up for Damos' mistakes, I hope to be able to"

Hina slowly raised the "Life Gem" in her hand.


Before she finished speaking, Xia Yan, who was pressing the brim of his hat beside her, not only interrupted her directly, but also "snatched" the "Life Gem" from Hina's hand.

Hina was startled, and subconsciously exclaimed, "Mr. Xia Yan."

A hand waved in front of her.

"Xina, don't waste your time talking. This 'life gem' is fake."

"Fake, fake?"

I saw Xia Yan's palm exert a slight force.

Ka Ka Ka——

That dazzling "Life Gem" was crushed into powder by Xia Yan.

And his actions have completely confirmed the authenticity of this "Life Jewel".

"How, how?! This is passed down from my ancestor Damos, and no one has ever tampered with it. Could it be..."

Did Damos never have the thought of regretting it?

Xia Yan pouted.

Damos wanted to return the "Life Gem", but some people didn't want to.

Therefore, Damos was controlled and hypnotized with super power spirits, which caused Arceus to misunderstand Damos.

Afterwards, all human attacks on Arceus were all because of that person.


In fact, Arceus misunderstood Damos from beginning to end.

The history and legends passed down by Mijina all misunderstood Damos.

He is a backer.


Xia Yan said loudly.

【Who are you? 】

Arceus also noticed the human who revealed the fake "Life Orb" that Hina was holding.


Arceus also felt the mixed and condensed aura on Xia Yan's body.

The chaos and miscellaneousness of the breath was the only thing Arceus had seen in his life.

But that's not the most important thing.

Most importantly, Arceus could feel it clearly.

Xia Yan, does not belong to this world!

It even felt Xia Yan's "own" breath!

Xia Yan smiled, "Arzeus, it doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I know a story that you don't know. And this story, I believe, can definitely change your view of human beings."

[Smart words. 】

Arceus suffered the loss of human speech once before he became what he is now.

So Arceus didn't intend to listen to Xia Yan's words.

Now it is full of anger that has been suppressed for thousands of years.

[A human being from another world dares to speak nonsense in front of me? ! 】

The voice fell.

The angry Arceus raised his head again, and the pure golden "Sanction Gravel" condensed again.


Seeing this, Hina hurriedly put her hands together and closed her eyes tightly.

Super power!

But the next second.

Hina's overpowering power retreated repeatedly under the impact of Arceus's anger, with a look of horror on her face.

Xia Yan shook his head helplessly.

"Sure enough, you still have to earn your own face."

Arceus, who was completely swallowed by anger, still didn't give him any face.

Even if he has established a lot of connections with so many divine beasts.

This face fruit, not worth mentioning.


In fact, thinking about it carefully, Xia Yan can somewhat understand why Arceus is so angry at the moment.

It's one thing to be tricked by humans.

Not being able to recover the five missing tablets is another matter.

There is one more thing, which is probably one of the main reasons why Arceus was so angry.

Arceus, the majestic creator god, was almost drowned by mercury

If you tell Giratina about this

Will it be silenced?

"Giratina, it's time to play."

Xia Yan turned his head and said to Giratina on the other side who was ready to go.


Giratina excitedly vibrated her black wings and stood up.

Faced with the threat from Arceus, his eyes were full of excitement.

Seeing that Giratina dared to stop him, Arceus also decided to keep his old father's kindness.


With the power of terrifying rules, the "sanctioned light gravel" surged out in an instant, and the target was directed at Giratina.

At this time, Giratina suddenly reacted.

【etc! Xia Yan, where is the helper? ! 】

Seeing the "sanction light gravel" getting closer, Giratina exclaimed.

"Hold on, I'll tell you a secret later."

boom! ! !

The terrifying "sanction light gravel" directly blasted Giratina's attack, and at the same time blasted it to the ground abruptly.

【persist in? Even if you have a big secret, I can't hold on to it! 】

Giratina's roar sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

Xia Yan also responded immediately with the help of telepathy.

"Arzeus, was almost drowned by human mercury."

【Um? ! ! ! ! 】

Hearing this news, Giratina lost all her anger, and looked at the angry Arceus in the air with a very strange expression, as if she suddenly understood the reason why it was so angry.

At the same time, Xia Yan continued to add: "Besides, you are not without help."

This is not.

"Pikachu, we also help, one hundred thousand volts!"


Hearing Xiaozhi's command, Pishen didn't hesitate at all, nor did he have the slightest reverence for the Creator God as an ordinary elf, so he did what he said!

The bright golden electric current flew across the air at an extremely fast speed, and struck Arceus directly.

Roar--! !

At the same time as countless golden electric sparks scattered, Arceus roared in pain.

Seeing Arceus suffering from pain, Xiaozhi suddenly became excited.


Xia Yan looked weird, and looked at Pikachu who was staring at Arceus seriously.

Good guy, Pishen, you finally stopped acting?

Giratina was shot by Arceus, you beat Arceus so hard?


It's because Arceus doesn't have five slabs and has been asleep for thousands of years and his injuries haven't fully recovered. Among them, he can't be immune to electric moves because of the lack of earth slabs, but you are indeed heroic enough.

Oh, and Xiaozhi's fetters and blessings?

That's fine.

【Arzeus! 】

at the same time.

After falling to the ground, Giratina stood up suddenly, staring at Arceus with burning eyes, full of fighting spirit.

It's just a creation god who was almost drowned by mercury, what's so scary?


Although the skin god's attack caused damage, but the skin god was not enough in the eyes of Arceus.

"Arzeus, Giratina said you almost drowned in quicksilver!"

Xia Yan promptly "declared war" on Arceus on behalf of Giratina.

【Um? ! 】

Arceus rolled his eyes.

Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, right?

[Giratina, you are courting death! 】

Facing Arceus who became even more angry and almost completely lost his mind, Giratina was stunned.

next second.

[Xia Yan, your uncle! 】

Watching being blown away by Arceus again.

And pressed directly on the ground, Giratina was shot several times in the head with "sanction light gravel".

And the golden arc that flickered on Arceus from time to time, but was completely ignored.

Xia Yan twitched the corner of his mouth silently.

In this wave, the Skin God damage panel is absolutely full.


The Giratina injury panel is probably full.

"Giratina, hold on, I'm shaking people already, soon!"

Really fast.

at the same time.

Kanto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh all erupted powerful fluctuations.


PS: Today's portion is 1.3w! Ask for a monthly ticket~~Thank you "Tianhaoyu" for the four rewards~~

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