The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 1000 The Road to Champion? No! Talent Market!

"So complicated?!"

Xia Yan was astonished.

Sirona picked up the Mocha and took a small sip, crossed her legs and easily changed her position. Seeing Xia Yan's stunned look, her eyes were bent into crescents.

"It seems that you really don't know the details, so you announced that you will challenge the 'Champion Road'."

heard the words.

Xia Yan coughed slightly in embarrassment.

The main reason is that in recent years, there has really not been any relevant information and reports about "Road to Champions" in the league.

He took it for granted a little bit.


It was also because during the chat with Dawu and Du, Xia Yan heard the idea that they both wanted to challenge the "Road to Champion".

Sirona's green fingertips rubbed the cup wall lightly, and said slowly:

"The reason why the 'championship road' in the Kanto area is the most difficult is because there are too many talents and top trainers in the Kanto area. It is not only the Four Heavenly Kings who are strong, but many of them may not have high positions in the league. Trainers, in fact, also have good strength."

Xia Yan pressed his forehead.

"'Road to Champion' actually allows local trainers to participate and become a part of the championship assessment. I really didn't expect that."

just now.

Xia Yan only found out during the chat with Sirona.

It turns out that the so-called "championship road" really has such a road.

For example, in the two major regions of Kanto and Chengdu, their "champion road" is a road from the foot of Baiyin Mountain to the headquarters of the Kanto Alliance in Baiyin Mountain.

And on this road.

The alliance does not object to some local trainers going, no matter for blocking, participating, challenging and other reasons.

It's a tradition on Road to Champions.

It is said.

It was because at the beginning of the establishment of the alliance, the first champion took office, not only to show that he was strong enough to deter others, but also because there were many obstacles to the establishment of the alliance, and there were many opposing forces, so he simply resolved it together.


Even the tradition that one must defeat the Four Heavenly Kings to become a champion began at that time.

Because in the early days of the alliance, the four heavenly kings belonged to different camps and factions, and it was difficult to integrate each other's intrigues. That's why they came up with the position of champion, as the coordinator above the four heavenly kings.


After the alliance gradually stabilized.

Even if there are factions among the Four Heavenly Kings, it will not be so obvious, and the first purpose is for the alliance.

Gone are the antagonisms, rival factions, and even outright enemies that opposed the champion.

But the tradition has survived.

As the name suggests, become a part of celebrating the emergence of the champion.


The celebration is real.

But some subtle hostility and opposition still exist to some extent.

But anyway.

This will make the gold content of the champion higher and gain more recognition.

"Actually, don't worry. Although this tradition has been preserved, with the way President Igor and King Kikuno do things, they will check it so that too many trainers will not hinder you, and you can Let the gold content of the word 'champion' become higher."

Sirona smiled and comforted.

"Those two bastards didn't remind me." Xia Yan muttered to himself.

In my heart, Du and Dawu were severely criticized.


Sirona vaguely heard the word from Xia Yan's muttering.

He joked and said, "Don't blame President Igor and King Juye. One of them has been eager to see another champion from our Sinnoh, and the other is watching you step by step. I just got used to some of your bold and exaggerated behaviors."

"I don't mean them."

Xia Yan waved his hand.

He is still clear about the attitudes of Igor and Juye.

Igor is old and his health is not good. Juye has been in the position of Sinnoh's Four Heavenly Kings for a very long time. As the old people of Sinnoh, they all hope to see the prosperous development of Sinnoh region.

And nothing cheers them up more than the emergence of a new champion.

"Then let me remind you. The most difficult part of the 'Road to Champion' is not defeating a strong opponent." Sirona nodded slightly and spoke again.

"I understand. The most difficult thing is how to retain enough physical strength in battle after battle."

Xia Yan still knew this.

"So, this is the biggest test. Whether the challenger can use the most reasonable tactics, whether he can find the opponent's weakness as quickly as possible, whether he can perfectly use the elves to deal with it, etc. It is a comprehensive assessment, and it is also the most difficult comprehensive assessment." Sirona added.

"Yeah. But it's also the most valuable assessment." Xia Yan grinned.

Sirona exchanged her overlapping legs and said with a smile: "I don't want to be a team of elves in poor condition when I meet you in the end. By then, I will stop you in the position of champion. Don't cry."

"Heh - I'm not Du that guy, why are you crying?" Xia Yan chuckled lightly.

Sirona covered her mouth lightly, "Speaking of which, Kona has been looking for Bing Liuwei recently, and Du has 'whipped' you more than once in the group."

Hearing this, the smile on Xia Yan's face became even bigger.

Immediately after turning his eyes, his body leaned forward slightly, and whispered: "By the way, we are so familiar with Sirona, if I can't hold on at the end, you"

While speaking, he raised his eyebrows.

"Oh——" Sirona dragged out her voice, and glanced at the coffee in front of her, "Is this the benefit of letting me put water?"

"Waiter!" Xia Yan suddenly raised his hand and said loudly.

"Give me a serving of all the ice cream you have here!"

Sinnoh King Xia Yan, who won the semi-finals in the just-concluded Masters, wants to challenge the "Road to Champion"!

Due to the publicity of many parties, this matter quickly fermented on the Internet and gained heated discussions.

Xia Yan's reputation is not small.

Whether it's the rankings and results he obtained in various competitions, or the various research results he published as a doctor of elfology, he has accumulated a lot of popularity.

And this time the incident was not small, and he was the person at the center of the incident, so of course it caused heated discussions.

The trending search "Xia Yan challenged the 'Road to Champion'" had been on the top of all portal websites during this period of time, and it never came down.

And what about our client, Xia Yan?

"Da Kelai, output, kill it! I'll go, you don't dare to output as an ADC, what kind of ADC are you playing?" Xia Yan, who was holding the phone, roared.

"Buyibuyi~~(that's it)!"

Fairy Ibrahimovic's satin also slid quickly on the screen, and did not forget to echo.

Da Kelai, who was surrounded by black mist, gave Xia Yan a sideways glance.

Mainly, aiming at the upper right corner of Xia Yan's phone.

The data of "0/10/1" is extremely gorgeous.

Then Darkley glanced at the upper right corner of his phone screen.


The corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

[No, how dare you say that to me with the data of a mid laner? Why! 】

Darkley could not bear to think more and more for a while, and when he took a step back, he became more and more frustrated, and finally he couldn't bear it and roared.

Looking at the bright red word "failure" on the screen, Xia Yan dropped his phone and collapsed on the sofa.

"You're not much better than me."

[It's good if it's not much better! 】

Darkley stared.

"How long have you been playing, I have only played a few times, you compare with me?" Xia Yan stared back.

[Just say that you are not good at cooking. 】

"No food!" Xia Yan poked his neck.

Darkley rolled his eyes angrily.

【Stop trying to be brave, you really have nothing to do, go find a beast to fight, don't bully me. 】


Sitting next to Xia Yan, Ya Ya, who felt that Xia Yan's game was fine, heard this, and his eyes lit up.

Looking at him with hope.

Find the beast and fight!

Xia Yan gave a look of "Are you going to masturbate alone?", Yaya immediately became honest.

"I said, can you two peck at each other?"

At this time, Sirona, who was sitting opposite, couldn't bear it.

And the cat was beside Sirona, and Daye, who was the jungler, quietly glanced at the data on the screen of Sirona, who was the top laner.

Good guy!


He glanced at himself "0/0/1" again.

Forget it, let's stop talking.

Silently put away the phone.

Sirona held her forehead.

It can't be moved, it really can't be moved, she almost broke through the opposite house by herself.

As a result, guys like Xia Yan and Darkley were pierced in advance.

Fairy Ibrahimovic stuck out his tongue, silently stuffed the phone back into Wusong's hand next to him, pretending that he didn't participate.

"Let's start another round!"

Xia Yan patted his cheek, cheered up, sat up and said.

"That's too late."

Wu Song glanced at the time.

Silently turned off the data left on the screen after Fairy Ibrahimovic played, and even logged out directly.

This account is invalid.

Play it again.

Wu Song, who pursues perfection, does not allow such a record to appear on his account.

Sirona took a deep breath.

She has already transformed into "The Xi", and if she can't be taken away, she can't be taken away, there is no way.

On the road, one hits three counters and kills two.

As a result, the teammates played four against two and three were killed.

In the end, there was only one big leaf left, and he survived because he ran away without fighting.

What else can she do?

He narrowed his eyes a little, and suddenly felt a breath in his heart.

You have to find an opportunity and a reason to release it.

Spit out long.

"Stop talking. It's really about to start."

Then he looked at Xia Yan, "Are you ready?"

Xia Yan stood up.

The elves in the lounge also stood up one after another.

One by one, their eyes quickly adjusted from the teasing of watching the excitement just now.

"Next time, remember to call me Champion Xia Yan!"


He pushed open the door and strode out.

Several people in the room looked at each other.

After a short silence.

They all laughed in unison.

"Go get ready," Sirona said.

"Understood, big sister!" Daye responded.

Champion Road.

Officially opened!

The "Road of Champions" in the Sinnoh area is located behind the Sinnoh Alliance headquarters, a rugged mountain road leading to the north.

Although it is not as dangerous as Silver Mountain, there are many powerful wild elves living in it.


Nowadays, many trainers are active among them.

And because the attention of this matter is high enough.

So there are many media and reporters from various regions, and there are dozens of helicopters, ready to broadcast and live broadcast in real time, which will allow them to earn a lot of traffic.

"Come on, let's start!"

"It's finally started!"

"Look, King Xia Yan has walked out of the alliance headquarters building."

"I don't know if King Xia Yan can finish the journey. This is the first time I have seen the live broadcast of challenging the 'Road to Champion'."

"Heavenly King Xia Yan: Open your eyes wide and take a good look, I'll make a sample for everyone."

"Upstairs, people who understand."

"The one upstairs, seems to be the King of Dragon Crossing?!"

"Good guy, I call him good guy!"


In Devon's airship, Du grinned and put away his phone.

Watch the HD live broadcast projected on the screen.

"Sinnoh seems to be planning to let Sirona be the last level?"

Dawu sitting next to him nodded.

"This is what the 'Champion Road' with the highest gold content should be."

"Sister Sirona, Senior Xia Yan's difficulty is really not small this time." Ke Na rested his chin, looked at Xia Yan who left the alliance headquarters building and entered the dense jungle on the screen, and said worriedly.

"Meet the first person."

Xiao Chun, who came with Du, also stared at the screen.

Cousin will definitely challenge the "Champion Road" soon, and she has to remember some precautions.

Otherwise, with my cousin's temperament, I would probably miss many key details.

"King Xiayan, I am Bannon from EMI, please give me your advice!"

The boy named Bannon, after seeing Xia Yan, his eyes were full of eagerness and a strong fighting spirit.

"Bannon, it seems that he was the third runner-up of the last lily of the valley conference?"

"I remember him, he was indeed the third runner-up, and he almost entered the final."

"He came up to be the third runner-up of the last Lily of the Valley Conference. The quality of this 'Road to Champion' is so high?"


this time.

Xia Yan obtained a list of trainers scattered on the "Road to Champion" early on.

Among them is information about this Bannon.

He smiled and said, "Then let's get started."

"Okay!" Bannon nodded excitedly.

Immediately, he took out the poke ball and threw it without any hesitation.

Boom! !

With a heavy sound, a huge elf landed and appeared between Xia Yan and Bannon.



The Grass family of the Sinnoh region.

It is also one of Bannon's trump cards as a grass-type elf specialization.

The strength is not weak.

Quasi-king class.

It fully reflects the gold content of the third place in the Lily of the Valley Conference.

Although it was last year.

But for the vast majority of trainers, from the quasi-king level to the king level, it is a natural barrier.

"Is Bannon the ace platform tortoise? His platform tortoise is particularly strong in defense, and he is also very skilled in mastering grass-type moves." Comments on the Internet keep up with current events.

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

At the same time as the palm was wiped across the waist, the elf ball was also opened.


The scarlet wings of the full moon, between vibrations, bulging air waves head on.

The ferocious and ferocious face is proud of the dragon elves, accompanied by a loud dragon roar.

Face the earth turtle.

In terms of attributes, Tyrannosaurus has an absolute advantage.

"When did Heavenly King Xia Yan have a tyrannosaurus? Looking at this posture, it seems to be very strong."

"Isn't it the main elf?"

"Choose to lead the battle with the elves of the second or even third echelon? This is very much in line with the recorded practice of the challengers of the 'Road to Champions'."

"But you can't let your guard down just because you are an elf from the second echelon or even the third echelon. You know, the opponent is the king of heaven!"

Some discussions on the Internet obviously cannot affect Xia Yan and Bannon.

But it's really impossible for Bannon to underestimate Xia Yan.


What he is challenging now is the number one person among the younger generation, a heavenly king!

The battle begins!

"Tortoise, sharp rock attack!"

Bannon took the lead.


As the platform turtle's body was raised and then fell heavily, the ground instantly made a dull roar, and sharp rock pillars rose from the ground one by one.

"Dance of the Dragon, fly up."

Xia Yan spoke in a calm tone.


The Violent Wyvern roared up to the sky, its aura rose rapidly, and its speed was also extremely astonishing. It vibrated a pair of huge wings and soared into the sky.

And the "sharp rock attack" rock pillar that suddenly appeared in front of the Tyrannosaurus was cut off abruptly by the Tyrannosaurus's imposing eyes and extremely fast speed.

Bannon looked solemn.

"Earth Turtle, Green Grass Field!"

Compared with active offense, he is better at playing defense and protracted warfare, which is more suitable for the characteristics of the elf Turtle.

for a while.

Yingying green light lingers around its feet and surrounds it.

The already lush grass grew even more vigorously after receiving the nourishment of the Terra Turtle.

at the same time.

The crystal green energy fed back can also feed back the state of the earth turtle.

"Dragon's Dive."

But in the face of Tutaigui and Bannon who put on a defensive stance, Xia Yan had no intention of changing his tactics.

Now that Tyrannosaurus has been dispatched.

His intentions are also very obvious.

attack! attack! Still attack!

The huge figure that spread its wings and fell, bathed in pure dragon energy, turned into a roaring ferocious dragon.

From top to bottom, he rushed towards the Turtle.

"Tortoise, shrink into the shell!" Bannon frowned and commanded.


Before the tortoise completely curled up into its thick shell, the speed of the tyrannosaurus suddenly increased, and it slammed heavily on the tortoise beyond Bannon's prediction.

boom! ! !


The violent roar was accompanied by the painful roar of the earth turtle, and Xia Yan's command was not at all stagnant.

"Dragon Claw, end it."

Three streaks of purple sharp light flashed away in the rising dust.

When the tyrannosaurus fluttered its wings and flew out of the dust, while dispelling the smoke and dust, Bannon's Terra Turtle had already fallen to the ground.

Lose the ability to fight!

"So fast?!"

"Didn't you say they were known for their defense?"

"It's a joke, you don't even look at who the opponent is, if you can resist two moves, you are already very powerful, okay?"

"You're just joking. Didn't you notice that the tyrannosaurus of King Xia Yan actually belongs to the same level as Bannon's Turtle?"

"By the way, have you noticed? Why doesn't King Xia Yan's tyrannosaurus not 'threat'?"


So strong!

This is also Bannon's first thought.


The tyrannosaurus dragon that returned to Xia Yan roared again, and in the roar, its momentum rose again.


Overconfidence: An elf with this characteristic will increase its own attack power after defeating any elf of the opponent.

this feature.

When fighting against opponents of the same level of strength, the effect may not be as good as "intimidation".

But if it is stacked, it is not impossible to push the team.

Bannon silently put away the platform turtle.

Throw the Poke Ball again.

"Please, Roseredo!"

Boom! !

As soon as it appeared, a faint purple mist sprayed out from the two flowers of Roseredo.

"Flame Tooth!"

Xia Yan half-closed his eyes.


The tyrannosaurus vibrates its wings again, agitating the airflow, and the surging and lingering airflow makes it impossible for the purple mist released by Roseredo to get close.

The speed was so fast that Rose Redo and Bannon couldn't react for a while.

Boom! !

As the sharp teeth covered in flames clenched heavily, the flames burst out from Roseredo's body, and there was a painful moan belonging to Roseredo.

It just came out.

Before he had time to show himself, he was instantly killed by the violent dragon!

at the same time.

It fell to the ground, and in exchange for the Violent Dragon's momentum rising again.

Once the "Dance of the Dragon" and twice the characteristics of "overconfidence" are superimposed, the physical attack ability of the Violent Dragon has been blessed three times!

Although this may be a bit unfriendly to the trainer who finally got the opportunity to wait here for him.

But "Road to Champions" is no child's play.

Xia Yan must ensure the best condition of himself and the elves.

push team.

In other words, pushing the team violently is naturally the best choice.

Of course.

Which "Road to Champion" didn't start with pushing the team?

This time Bannon took a while to react slowly.

Immediately summoned his third elf.

Blizzard King!


Although the ice-type Blizzard King has four times the restraint against Tyrannosaurus using ice-type moves.

But Tyrannosaurus has stacked too many buffs.

The onslaught broke out quickly, and Bannon's Blizzard couldn't withstand a single attack from the Blizzard.

He fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight.

See you again!

An ordinary trainer on "Champion Road", limited to three elves.

so far.

Bannon lost.


He accepted it quickly.

after all.

He was prepared to lose from the start.

In other words, losing is inevitable.

It was unacceptable for a while, but I didn't expect to lose so soon.

But to be able to fight Xia Yan, he is already satisfied.

"When this challenge is over, come to the search department to report."

While Xia Yan continued to go deeper into the "Road to Champion", he left a word for Bannon.

heard the words.

Looking at his slowly leaving back, Bannon's eyes burst out with eagerness and admiration, and he bowed ninety degrees towards Xia Yan.


a challenge.

It was because he admired Xia Yan.

The result of losing is understandable.

But it actually gave him the opportunity to join the search department.

This is definitely a great opportunity for Bannon, who was born relatively ordinary!

"This is okay too?!"

"It's over, I regret it, I knew I would have signed up for this challenge."

"Found it! King Xia Yan's tyrannosaurus dragon has the characteristic of 'overconfidence', no wonder the more he fights, the more courageous he is..Did something happen?"

"Bannon was invited by King Xia Yan to join the search department."



Xia Yan took a tyrannosaurus and fully demonstrated what is called the ultimate "aesthetics of violence".

Regardless of any challenger.

It is almost impossible to withstand the attack of the tyrannosaurus that is completely stacked with buffs.

Thoroughly "push the team" to the end.


It was also the reason why Xia Yan let the Tyrannosaurus Dragon take the lead.

As long as it goes well.

He might be able to push away all the ordinary trainers who appeared on the "Road to Champion" with a Tyrannosaurus.

Just leave enough state and physical strength to deal with the really difficult Sirona and others.


Such a violent team push should be the most concerned thing.

But then the audience found out.

This is the "Road to Champions".

This is clearly a talent recruitment market!

As long as Xia Yan's approval is obtained, it is possible to get an invitation from Xia Yan.

Whether it is joining the "Investigation Department", "Special Operations Department" or "Criminal Department", it is an opportunity given by Xia Yan.


It is also what Xia Yan sees, the ordinary trainers on the "Road to Champions" are the most important for him.

If he succeeds in becoming a champion.

It is definitely not enough for these four heavenly kings headed by Sirona.

He must form his own team.

And those who appeared here are all excellent trainers, and recruiting them will make Xia Yan's future actions much smoother.


Why did Xia Yan collect the information of these people before opening it?

Isn't it just to figure out them, and then consider who to recruit?

Here, there are talents everywhere.

Xia Yan even felt that Igor had deliberately arranged this way.

And after going through the "talent market", it is Xia Yan's real challenge to face.

The first person who made him feel difficult to deal with was

"Master Xia Yan, I'm waiting for you."

Ah Liu!

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