The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 1005 Card Second Battle! (two in one)


Not very common in this world.

Just like the gorgeous contest.

Although the promotion has already begun, because the trainers have long been accustomed to the original battle and competition methods, the popularity rate is not better whether it is doubles or grand competitions.


Relatively speaking, the gorgeous contest is still a little more than doubles.

after all.

The Gorgeous Contest Association has precisely found their spokesperson, Mikri!

Mikri, who gave up challenging the Four Heavenly Kings and even the champion, coupled with his own excellent appearance and temperament, is definitely in line with the gorgeous competition.

Mikri, however, has a group of more loyal fans.

As for doubles.

That would be even worse.

The league allocates funds for the popularization of doubles every year, and some doubles competitions are held in various regions, but the popularity rate is still not high.

And King Kikuno of the Sinnoh Alliance has part-timed this job to a certain extent.

But let alone, most of the people who participated in the doubles competition were trainers with relatively good strength and decent abilities.


on the one hand.

It's because doubles itself has higher requirements for trainers, and a trainer with a little more experience is enough to command one elf, let alone two.

on the other hand.

It is also this group of people who are more or less aware of the importance of doubles.


These people have carefully discovered that as the strength of the trainer becomes stronger and stronger, there is a kind of battle that cannot be avoided.

That is field battle!

When fighting in the wild, who cares how many elves you send?

Of course, the more the better, but the premise is to be able to command.


Some people may not understand the reason why the league wants to promote doubles, but at Xia Yan's level, they can't be more clear.

That is the alliance is laying a step forward for the majority of alliance trainers.

Doubles are not good, let alone all players?

Like the traveling faction, the actual combat faction, or the bondage party, their field combat capabilities are relatively stronger, but those academic factions are not necessarily so.

Doubles is more conducive to the trainers born in the academy, and it is better and more effective to develop into all-hands battles.

But it's just not very popular.

There are too few people who really understand the meaning of doubles.

However, for Xia Yan, it was the exact opposite.

Among the Pokémon battle games he played in his previous life, what was the most?

It's just doubles!


The game is not the same as the reality, but he has already fully integrated into this world. Naturally, his understanding of doubles has already transitioned from the understanding of the game to actual combat.


Xia Yan may be better at doubles than singles.

Therefore, after hearing Juye talk about playing "6v6 mixed doubles", the interest immediately rose.

Isn't this more interesting than "6v6 full rotation battle"?

"Both parties, please be prepared."

The robot referee signaled.

Ju Ye flipped his palm, and two poke balls appeared in his hand, and the poke balls were enlarged after the mechanism was activated.

And Xia Yan also took out two elf balls.

Immediately after the two looked at each other, they threw the four magic balls together.


The first thing that appeared in front of Juye was a huge light-colored hippopotamus. There were still a few holes on the armor-like dark back. With its appearance, a lot of quicksand flowed out of the holes.

Moreover, these quicksands began to gradually fly up, blocking the line of sight.


The core of the sandstorm, the hippopotamus!

This is one of Kikuno's signature elves and one of the core of her team.

It can be said that Hippomon fits well with Kikuno's personality.

Usually he is lazy and indifferent, even a little serene.

Juye is also very low-key when dealing with people he doesn't know, and often calls himself "Ju Aye".

Just like the hippopotamus, even if it is powerful, it likes to bury itself in the sand in a low-key manner.

But once angry, Juye will make people understand why she can sit firmly in the position of the Four Heavenly Kings for so long, and the hippopotamus will also let the opponent understand how terrifying the sandstorm it brings is!

As for Juye's second elf, Xia Yan has encountered quite a lot recently, but Juye's elf gives a completely different feeling, a super-armored wild rhinoceros!

Since the evolution of the rhinoceros's super-armored rhinoceros was released and gradually became known to people.

For a trainer like Kikuno, an elf like Super Armored Crazy Rhino is an improvement in strength.

Very typical Sandstorm team.

And what Xia Yan paid the most attention to.

It is the strength shown by these two elves, Juye.

Super armor mad rhinoceros, champion level!

Although the hippopotamus is not a champion, but as the core of Juye's team, its strength is obviously not weak.

Is this the strength of the veteran kings?

Of the two sprites randomly sent out, there is a top-level king-level and a champion-level.

Compared with the cutting-edge Four Heavenly Kings like Daye, the gap is still a bit big.

at the same time.

At the same time as the two elves summoned by Juye appeared on the stage, the elves summoned by Xia Yan also appeared on the field.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

The plane Pokkisi, who is in an excited state and full of interest, makes his debut again.

as well as.


Duolong Baruto, known as "Little Giratina" and "Little Pluto Dragon"!

The collocation of Duolong Barutoga Pokkiss.

The elves that appeared on the stage slightly exceeded Kikuno's expectations.

She thought that Xia Yan would choose to fight the weather, or use a core like Hu Di as the central axis.

Unexpectedly, it was these two who appeared on the stage.


From another point of view, the combination of Duolong Baruto and Pokkisi is not bad.

At least.

The stability is high enough, if there is an explosion, there will be an explosion, if there is control, there will be control, if there is assistance, there will be assistance, and they can perfectly cooperate with each other.

The only flaw may be that the defense ability is not too strong.

But the strengths of the two sides are quite matched.

They are both a champion and a king.

In terms of attributes, there is no obvious superiority or inferiority relationship with each other, so Pokkisi may have a slight disadvantage.

at first glance.

It seems to be a battle of equal strength.

But if Xia Yan's opponents in his previous life saw these two elves, they would probably understand how difficult and even disgusting this combination is.

"Doubles? Very rare."

"However, doubles will also make the match more interesting."

"For the 'Master Tactician', it shouldn't be a problem whether it's a doubles match, a singles match, or an all-hands match?"


After the battle between Xia Yan and Daye ended, the number of viewers who followed "Road to Champion" not only did not decrease, but the number continued to increase.

"The battle begins!"

As the flag in the hands of the robot referee suddenly fell, the second battle of the kings belonging to Xia Yan's "Road to Champion" officially started.


The battle begins.

The hippopotamus, which was restrained before, completely let go of the restriction and suppression of its own characteristics.

The raging sandstorm, in the blink of an eye, completely dispersed and covered the entire battlefield.

That fierce Sha Shuo will continue to inflict damage on Duolong Baruto and Pokkisi.

at the same time.

It can also provide certain protection and help to the hippopotamus and the super-armored rhinoceros.

"Hippo beast, invisible rock. Super-armored rhinoceros, rock avalanche!"

Quite different from her usual peaceful appearance, Juye showed her attitude and strength at the very beginning of the battle.

This is also the first time Xia Yan has played against Juye.

see you.

While the huge mouth of the hippopotamus roared, pieces of sharp rocks of different sizes quietly appeared on Xia Yan's half of the field.

After a brief existence, these rocks suspended in mid-air quickly disappeared without a sound.

They will not bring any harm to Doron Baruto and Pokkisi.

But for the elves that Xia Yan summoned next, the impact will be greater.

And the super-armored wild rhino launched an attack directly.

With a flick of the huge rock field, several pieces were caught by it in its hand, and it threw the rocks out with extremely terrifying power.

The target is directed at Pokkisi, who has the weakness of the rock system.


While Ju Ye launched an offensive, Xia Yan also responded quickly.

"Dragon Arrow! You go first!"

Ignoring the Nails for now, the combination of his two spirits is actually quite strong.

Duolong Baruto, who was hovering in the air, quietly bent down.

bang bang! !

Amidst the two crisp sounds like gunshots, two Doron Messiali shot out from the hole in Doron Baruto's triangular head like arrows.

Wrapped with thick dragon energy.

Doron Mesia, who has obtained the energy blessing of Doron Baruto, is endowed with destructive power far exceeding their strength.

Facing the huge rock smashed from the bottom up.

The two Doron Messias have no fear.

The speed of one of them suddenly increased, and it hit the rock directly.

boom! ! !

for a while.

There was a sudden roar, and the smoke and dust scattered.

That huge rock was instantly pierced by Doron Mesia.

And amidst the rising smoke and dust and the pervading sandstorm, the other Doron Mesia slammed into the hippopotamus without slowing down.

As the core, it is always right to deal with the hippo beast first.


Obviously, this is not the first time that Juye encountered a situation where the opponent targeted the hippopotamus when he was fighting with others.

The huge super-armored wild rhino seemed to have predicted it a long time ago. After throwing the rock, it immediately ran towards the hippopotamus and landed in front of it.

Facing the approaching Doron Mesia, he punched without hesitation.

in an instant.

Frost was everywhere, and layers of staggered ice crystals immediately covered the fist, and smashed towards Doron Mesia head-on.

boom! ! !

With the splashing ice crystals and the dull sound, the Super Armored Crazy Rhino very smoothly and successfully stopped the attack of Duolong Baruto.

Just the fact that Juye ran towards the hippopotamus after commanding the super-armored wild rhinoceros to launch an attack, it shows her proficiency in doubles battles.

It was also from this first collision that Xia Yan could clearly feel the gap in strength, consciousness, and tactics between Daye and Juye, even though they were both heavenly kings.

But it's okay.

Daye just took office as the Four Heavenly Kings, so it is normal that there is a gap between him and the veteran Heavenly Kings like Juye.

As for the sensitive audience, some people naturally noticed this.

"The anticipation and dismantling of each other's moves is only in the initial stage of exploration, but it is enough to show the tactical quality of the two."

"Two people, eight thousand minds."

"I have a hunch that maybe in two minutes, I won't be able to understand this match."

"Be confident and remove the 'maybe'."

"Wait, didn't you notice? Pokkisi's 'Please first' deliberately slowed down."


Finally, someone noticed this sensitively.

After Duolong Baruto's attack was over and the "Dragon Arrow" was shot, Pokkisi's "please first" was "long overdue".

Poksky made a mistake?

of course not!

see you.

After Pokkisi's "Please first" fell.

The energy sluggishness and motion stalemate caused by Duolong Baruto's attack all disappeared!

If there was a progress bar in the battle at this moment, everyone would probably be able to see that Duolong Baruto, who had fallen to the end after the attack, immediately ran to the front.

The limit of "please first" in the game is still quite large, but in reality.

Kamiao's "Please first", if used well, is roughly equivalent to the BUG move "Command".

"Dance of the Dragon!"

Xia Yan's voice sounded in time, which means that this is what he deliberately arranged.


Immediately after the "Dragon Arrow" finished, the "Dance of the Dragon" was performed, without any sluggishness, and even the speed and movement of the moves were much faster.

Duolong Baruto's aura rose rapidly.

The air waves rolled up by the dancing body turned the area around its body into a sandstorm vacuum to a certain extent.

Seeing this, Juye's expression darkened slightly.

She guessed the situation almost when Pokkisi's "Please first" fell, so she hurriedly commanded:

"Stop it! The power of the earth! Spike attack!"


The hippopotamus and the super-armored rhinoceros can clearly feel the change of Duolong Baruto and the oppressive feeling it brings after the change.

I see.

The hippopotamus raised its feet violently and stepped on the ground hard.

The agitated ground-based energy instantly followed the feet and sank into the ground.

at the same time.

The thick rock tail of the super-armored wild rhino also hit the ground heavily.

Boom——! !

Two roars.

The two attacks headed towards Doron Baru together.


at this time.

Xia Yan's voice came from the corner of his mouth raised.

"Pokkisi, look at me, super fast."

"Cha Ke Yi~~~"

The playful Pokkisi blinked his eyes, and a colorful halo burst out from his body. With his eye-catching posture, he forcibly attracted the attention of the hippopotamus and the super-armored wild rhinoceros.

The two attacks that originally attacked Duolong Baruto were immediately forcibly redirected and moved towards Pokkisi.

Just like this.

The "Power of the Earth", which is a ground-based move, failed to play a role because it couldn't splash to the high altitude where Pokkisi was.

However, the sharp stone attack of the super-armored wild rhinoceros can cause effects.

But Pokkisi, who was ready to deal with it, first backed away to open the distance, prolonging the attack rhythm, and finally dodged with "magic speed".


Inevitably, it was still touched by the "sharp rock attack" of the super-armored wild rhinoceros, which caused a certain amount of damage.

But Duolong Baruto's "Dance of the Dragon" has been performed successfully!

And the whole process.

It only takes a few seconds from start to finish.

"Is this why King Xia Yan used Pokkisi?"

"Since Longbo's bathing, baton tactics, and infinite air slash, King Xia Yan once again showed us the power of Pokkisi, an elf. This elf is so versatile!"

"I, I have an illusion, as if every second is in the calculation of King Xia Yan?"

"Card second! Is this the 'Master of Tactics'? I always thought that card second battles only existed in legends."


In the peak battle between Chihong and Sakagi, Chihong took advantage of 0.5 seconds to kill Sakagi in seconds with the help of multiple bugs such as "insulated gloves" and "in-ball power storage".

And now.

Xia Yan is going to carry forward the "card second battle" in this world.

Duolong Baruto, who has successfully obtained the blessing of "Dance of the Dragon", will also show his explosive power as "the speed first quasi-god".


PS: 1.1w for today! Ask for a monthly ticket~~ In other words, Duolong + Airplane is also one of the combinations I used to use. They can cover each other, and it is still easy to use. It's a pity that Gigamax can't be used now, and it's almost meaningless. But it's been a long time since I played duel, and I miss it very much.

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