The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 1012 Sinnoh President, Igor!

Slightly calmed down the chaotic breathing after using the "Z move".

Under Sirona's gaze, Xia Yan, who put away the elves, slowly pushed open the last door leading to the highest hall of "Road of Champions".

If it is in the game.

It should be Dr. Yamanashi or Dr. Oki who is waiting for him when he opens this door, and then give him the elf he uses to log in, which represents the successful clearance of the first round.

Of course.

That's just in the game.

And in reality.

If there is no current champion in the region, then opening the door will represent a successful promotion to become the champion of the region.

But if there is a champion in this area, then after challenging the Four Heavenly Kings, you need to challenge the champion here.

Like blue and red.

Qinglu took the lead in clearing the Four Heavenly Kings and sat on the throne representing the champion.

But in less than five minutes, Chihong also successfully defeated the Four Heavenly Kings. He needs to defeat Qinglv again to become the champion of the Kanto area.

And people only remembered Chihong who became the champion after defeating Qinglu, and Qinglu who became the champion for five minutes.

but ignored.

The majestic four heavenly kings.

It was cleared twice by two people within five minutes.

cough cough.

Far away.

As the door slowly opened.

This time, all the spotlights in the hall were not suddenly turned on as before, but a soft beam of light shone on one of the people.

that person.

Sitting in a wheelchair.

It is the president of the Sinnoh Alliance and the champion of the Sinnoh region, Igor Alexander!

Xia Yan, who was holding the door, looked back at Sirona who was standing behind her.

Sirona nodded slightly at Xia Yan.

Take a deep breath.

Xia Yan raised his foot and strode in.

"It's coming! It's finally coming!"

"I didn't expect that after defeating King Sirona, there would be another champion."

"By the way, did we have a champion before Sinnoh? I never knew."

"Don't worry, you're not the only one who doesn't know."

"The Heavenly King Xia Yan has shown enough strength, but now almost every elf in him is more or less in a bad state. I am afraid that he will fight against the champion again."


Although Xia Yan has shown enough strength.

It has also been recognized by almost everyone in the live broadcast room.

But at this moment, most people had unavoidable doubts about whether Xia Yan could defeat the Sinnoh champion.


Xia Yan is still in full swing.

Then maybe people still have a lot of confidence in him.

But the "Road to Champion" is really too difficult.

Xia Yan used the most difficult way to head towards the highest direction.

This in itself is a very difficult thing to do.

There has been no news of challenging the "Champion Road" in the league in the past ten years, because it is too difficult.

But his performance, the attitude and the state he showed, are already very good.

"Xia Yan."

Sitting in a wheelchair, Igor's face was a little pale, but he always had a warm smile on his face, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.


Xia Yan yelled softly.

He did not show any disappointment or discouragement because he had to face another powerful opponent.

"As your senior, I can see you appearing here. In addition to being gratified, I also feel a lot of embarrassment."

Igor sighed.

"How many years. How many years has it been since no one from our Sinnoh has walked to this hall?"


Igor looked around the hall.

The eyes swept over the carved pillars in the hall, the murals engraved with Sinnoh's long history and legends, and the throne representing the highest combat power position in the Sinnoh area

Seeing Igor's sigh, Xia Yan's thoughts moved slightly.

He tentatively asked: "President... seems to be very familiar with this place?"


Igor did not have any taboos, but nodded with a brighter smile and said:

"Because in Sinnoh, the last person who came here was me."

heard the words.

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the sickly Igor sitting in a wheelchair with some disbelief.

Only those who have truly walked the "road of champions".

Only then will you understand how difficult this road is.

Rao Xia Yan had made sufficient preparations with absolute confidence before he started, but when he really embarked on this road and faced the trainers who appeared in front of him one by one, he still inevitably felt Arrived under great pressure.

in particular.

When facing the top trainers such as Aliu, Daye, Juye and Sirona, the pressure is even greater.

He doesn't just have to guarantee victory over his opponent.

It is also necessary to preserve one's own strength as much as possible, so as not to let every battle become the last one.

But even so.

When he walked in front of Igor.

Almost none of the elves on his body could have full combat power.

can now.

In front of him, Igor, who was sitting in a wheelchair and had never shown his strength in front of him, was actually the one who walked to the championship position step by step through the "Road to Champion" back then?

And following Igor's words, the live broadcast room that was doing the live broadcast all the time exploded.

"I remember! It's him! It's him back then! Igor Alexander!"

"I remembered it too! Grass, grass, grass, grass is the king of heaven!"

"I thought he was missing."

"But him, this change is too big."


In the live broadcast room, some older trainers who hadn't spoken before suddenly appeared at this time.

And their appearance finally made people understand who the president in front of him was.

As the president of Sinnoh, due to physical reasons, Igor did not have many appearances and appearances.

in most cases.

It was Ju Ye who came forward to deal with some things.

This also led to Juye's dislike of revealing his identity in some non-public situations.


Why Igor became like this, no one knows.

After being surprised for a short time, Xia Yan quickly recovered.

He took a deep look at Igor who was full of smiles, and sighed: "It seems that the president was also a high-spirited boy when he was young."

Are you high-spirited?

Listening to Xia Yan's words, Igor's eyes were in a daze for a moment.

It seems that he recalled some pictures that made him cherish when he was young.

After slowly returning to his senses, he smiled and shook his head.

"No, I'm just because my partners are better at protracted warfare. Besides, the original Four Heavenly Kings"

As he spoke, his words stopped again.

Aren't the Four Heavenly Kings at that time the old Four Heavenly Kings?

Hoshino Ryuichi and the others.

Only now.

It seems that these old kings are gone.

I just don't know whether it was Kikuno who became the Four Heavenly Kings first, or Igor who became the champion first.

Maybe the two are still the same generation?

"In terms of explosiveness, stunningness, and potential, I am inferior." Igor said sincerely.

Before Xia Yan could answer, he continued:

"I originally thought that the future of our Shenao would be in the hands of people like Sirona, Daye, and Wusong."

"I didn't expect me to step in halfway." Xia Yan also grinned.

"Yes." Igor agreed, and looked at Xia Yan, "Your performance has exceeded my expectations time and time again. I never imagined that the first person to come here would be you."

If there is no Xia Yan.

It should be Sirona, right?

"It seems that President, you have paid attention to me a long time ago?" Xia Yan lowered the brim of his hat and said slowly.

Igor did not answer this time.

It's just that the face is a little serious.

"As a senior, I recognize your strength and ability, and I also think that you can indeed take on the responsibility of a regional champion. But as a champion, I also have my persistence."

After a brief pause.

Staring at Xia Yan with serious eyes, he asked: "This championship must be yours. But there are two situations, one is to wait a few more years, and the other is"

"Don't think about it. I want it now!"

Xia Yan raised his head, his eyes under the brim of the hat looked directly at Igor, showing his determination.


It would be good for Igor to suggest that.

His elf state is not good right now, so if he challenges by force, it will be fine if he wins, but if he loses...

Igor has seen too many young and outstanding top trainers who encountered major setbacks when they were only one step away from their goals, and never recovered.

And this even includes himself.

Looking at Xia Yan with a firm attitude, Igor was startled.

Feeling Xia Yan's determination, he didn't know what he was thinking.

It's just that the eyes are full of complex and various emotions such as emotion, relief, regret, and self-blame.

This look made Xia Yan feel it.

The chairman of the Sinnoh region in front of him, the unknown champion, definitely has an unknown past and is a person with a story.

It took a while.

Igor sighed for a long time, and a smile climbed onto his face again.

Slowly said: "Okay."

"As a senior, doesn't the president want to give me some advice, or some advice?" Xia Yan asked again tentatively.

However, Igor only said something superficially.

"Advice? All the advice and life experience are whitewashed. It's just a kind of showing off to later generations."

Xia Yan was taken aback.

We just want to test out what kind of elf you want to use and what tactics you want to use.

Good guy.

You just made up such a profound sentence for us?

But speaking of it.

This sentence is really interesting when you taste it carefully.

when they communicate.

The lights in the last hall also slowly lit up with the appearance of the robot referee.

Completely illuminate the entire splendid hall.

The huge venue is just under the feet of the two of them.

"Everyone fights."

Faced with the mode selection proposed by the robot referee, Igor did not hesitate to choose a mode that had not been used before.

Everyone fights!

The audience cheered up.

Is it an all-hands battle between new and old regional champions?

Although Igor's reputation is not obvious, Xia Yan is not yet a champion.

But in the eyes of others.

This is a collision between two champions.

Igor's palm lightly brushed against the wheelchair.

"You have already experienced so many battles, and I have taken advantage of it. So this time, let me start first."


In the special wheelchair under him, elf balls were opened one by one.

In the red light.

The six elves appeared in the field one by one in no particular order, lined up.


Roaring up to the sky, the orange fiery giant dragon with indescribable excitement and joy, wrapped in fine and hard scales, raised strands of elves intertwined with dense fire.


thump thump——

The drums are thundering, wearing emerald green and vibrant Bolin leaves, like an orangutan constantly hammering his chest, making a roaring grass elf.

Boom King Kong!


Huge body, muscular limbs, a bright red flower on the back, grass-type and poison-type elves scattered crystal clear pollen.

Wonderful Frog Flower!

Also under the embellishment and decoration of flowers, it looks cute and smart, like the grass elf of a gentle and elegant princess.

Miss Quner!


Like a fluffy cotton flower floating in the air, the little person hiding in it has slick orange eyes, full of playful and mischievous grass-type and fairy-type elves.

Wind Fairy!

There is also the last one, which is wrapped in buds, clinging to Igor, showing a bit of timidity and distressed grass-type elves.

Cherry blossoms!

All of Igor's six elves appeared in Xia Yan's sight.

When Xia Yan saw these six elves, the characteristics of these elves and the functions they could display when these characteristics were combined instantly appeared in his mind.


Xia Yan trembled slightly inexplicably.

This lineup.

He didn't even need to think deeply about it to feel a touch of penetration.

The truth is, the degree of "dirty" is a bit high.


Xia Yan frowned quickly again, and his eyes swept over the elves again.

Champions include Charizard, Miaobahua and Sakura.

The rest of the Hong Kong Gorilla, Miss Qun'er, and the Wind Fairy are all heavenly king-level elves.

With such a lineup and strength, Xia Yan would definitely not be able to help calling "Awesome" if it appeared on anyone.

However, as the Sinnoh champion Igor, Xia Yan was not very comfortable with such a powerful configuration of elves.

Who is Igor.

He is a champion!

It's not like Xia Yan hasn't played against regional champions before.

Adek's age is about the same as Igor's, right?

But at that time, the elves sent by Adek were all champions!

What about Igor now?

Only half.

He said in a deep voice: "President. Although, I really want the position of champion. But I also hope that the championship is won by my own strength, not through your method."

One champion sent three champions?

President Igor, you are too sincere.

It is easy to be criticized in the future.

Send one more, and four are more or less justified.

Let's release water here, but don't make it too obvious.

But facing Xia Yan's words, Igor just gently stroked the buds of the cherry blossoms, his eyes slightly sad.

But still calmly said:

"There is no doubt, this is my strongest lineup so far."


He slowly raised his head and looked at the fire-breathing dragon with a huge and hideous scar on the wings behind him.

And on the other side, on the hind leg, there is also the Miao Frog Flower with a hideous wound.

The color of reminiscence in the eyes is more intense.

Old folks, are you overwhelmed?

Xia Yan: "???"

But Xia Yan still didn't understand Igor's explanation.

A champion, or a veteran champion, with only three champion-level elves, more or less unknown, right?


The two petals of the cherry blossoms that jumped onto Igor's lap gently squeezed and massaged Igor's almost numb legs.

Massaging obediently.

Igor patted Sakura's head again, indicating that he had already gotten used to it, and it didn't matter.

Then he looked at Xia Yan again.

He smiled and said, "Beat me. I'll tell you everything."

Staring at Igor deeply, Xia Yan's eyes flickered.


Still only uttered one word.


the other side.

Landed in the Devon Airship outside the "Road of Champions" temple.

Aliu, Daye, Juye, and Sirona boarded the ship at Dawu's invitation.

They looked at the conversation between Xia Yan and Igor shown on the screen, and they all showed doubts when they were young.

"I remember President Igor's ace elf, it's an earthen turtle, right?" Du said slowly.

Although he has not experienced Igor's era.

However, as the Yulong clan, they still retain some key trainer information in various regions decades ago.


There was Igor.

Because of Xia Yan's attention, Ducai inevitably saw the information about Igor.


He may not even know that Igor is the champion of Sinnoh.

"Yes." Dawu nodded.

He and Du got to know Igor for similar reasons.

With a light wave of the palm, the corner of the screen displayed the information about Igor kept by their German company.

Compared to the pale and weak Igor who was sitting in a wheelchair at this time.

The photo of Igor shown in the information is very different from the present.

in the photo.

The young Igor had a confident smile on his face, his eyes were full of confidence and even aggressiveness, and he raised a finger above his head, showing his state when he left this photo.

And by his side.

The one with the closest relationship is an earthen platform turtle with a strong figure and eyes bent with a smile.


There is also a fire-breathing dragon with its head held high and a pillar of orange fire.

The wonderful frog flower that complements the earthen turtle.

Standing on the back of the tortoise on the earthen platform, the cherry blossoms are smiling in "sunny form".

There is also the lizard king leaning on the side of the earthen platform turtle, biting a branch in his mouth, and raising one corner of his mouth.

And Mrs. Hua Jie, who is leaning on Igor's arm, has a sweet smile and can't hide her dependence.


There are records, Igor's real lineup and team at that time.


At that time, Igor seemed to be relatively young. With the level of technology at that time, photos and photography technology were not very popular.

This photo seems to be left after participating in a conference and winning the championship.

The photos are very old.

If it weren't for the technology of the German company, they might not be able to see Igor's appearance or the state of his elves.

And see this photo.

The one whose expression changed the most was Juye.

She scanned all the elves on the entire picture.


He shook his head slightly without any trace, with a complicated expression, memories flashed in his eyes, and he murmured: "Things are right. People are wrong."

Noticed the gaze cast by Sirona and others.

Juye pursed his lips, unconsciously grabbed the scarf around his neck, and sighed slightly: "Yes. This is the strongest lineup that Igor should have."

"it should?"

Dawu accurately grasped the key point in Juye's words.

Sirona's almond eyes flickered slightly.

Tighten the windbreaker on her body, "Grandma seems to have mentioned it to me once, saying that Chairman Igor is the person she feels most sorry for."

"Mustard?" Juye nodded, "Yes."

After thinking for a while, she added: "In the middle, some accidents happened."


Everyone lowered their heads and savored the word "accident".

Only Daye suddenly raised his head, looked at Juye with disbelief, opened his mouth, and stumbled: "King Juye, don't you say that you and President Igor are from the same period?"

Juye looked calm, nodded and said: "That's right."

Daye looked at Igor on the screen, and then at Juye, "But, President Igor doesn't seem to be old."

This may also be the reason why many people failed to recognize Igor's identity at once.

"Igor, he has his special ability."

special power?

Hearing the words, Du Nian moved slightly.

Lowering his head, he looked at the emerald green glowing in his palm.

They couldn't figure it out even more.

If he had special abilities, why would Igor look sick like this, as if he wouldn't live long?

The "accident" in the middle.

What is going on?

Too many doubts flooded into their minds at once.

Not just them.

In fact, there is also Xia Yan.

Don't say anything else.

After learning that Igor was the president of the Sinnoh Alliance, Xia Yan used some power in the gray area more than once to investigate him.


After all, Igor is the president of the Sinnoh Alliance, and there is really little information that can be investigated.

But that little bit of information caused Xia Yan to have a lot of doubts about Igor.

He tried to ask Chrysanthemum, Dr. Oki, the old men of the alliance.


When Xia Yan asked about Igor's information, they all just sighed and didn't give Xia Yan any explanation or narration in this regard.

At one point, Xia Yan thought that there was something wrong with Igor.

But Chrysanthemum told him that there would be no problem with Igor.

Then those accumulated doubts were suppressed by Xia Yan.


Because of the confrontation with Igor, those big and small doubts inevitably emerged again.

But those doubts.

You'll know when this game is over.

Xia Yan held the elf ball.

He glanced at the lineup sent by Igor again.

Since the other party sent elves first in order to take advantage of him less, Xia Yan naturally wouldn't pretend that he didn't need it.

For the situation.

One by one, he summoned his elves.

The one who bears the brunt is naturally the Big Needle Bee, which has an excellent restraint effect on the grass-type elves, and is also his well-deserved trump card and signature elf.

Then there is Hu Di as the absolute core.

Pokkisi, who is in fairly good condition.

The third champion elf, but the injured Duolong Baruto.


At least in terms of the number of champion elves, the two sides are equal.

And then, it was Soraya, one of the last key cards left by Xia Yan, who hadn't played from the beginning to the end!

and the final


When it was just too late, Xia Yan should be able to maintain the triple mega evolution for a period of time when Xia Yan tried his best to overdraw himself.

It is also his last confidence.

Seeing the elves sent by Xia Yan, Igor smiled.

And as the robot referee's flag fell, Igor came up and did something that the audience in the live broadcast room could not guess.

"Charizard, Mega evolution!"


PS: emmmmm, the role of Igor is very important. I left some foreshadowing (emphasis added) before, but it is estimated that many people have not noticed. It doesn't matter, this chapter is mainly to introduce this character, to enrich and polish the character.

Then, this book will start to really enter the thread-retracting link. With so many threads buried, I will take it back little by little (hope it goes well).

In the end, this lineup is actually quite interesting.

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