The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 1049: This little black guy is not good enough.

"Earth Realm!"

The high-pitched and passionate voice was transmitted across the vast plain.


I saw.

A ferocious beast with a height of more than three meters and a dark green armor roared up, and the yellow sand in the sky instantly submerged the entire vast plain.

Immediately afterwards.

The tentacle lily, with its soft waist swaying, quietly appeared at the feet of Bankilas. Its intricate and dense roots sank into the ground and spread to a distance beyond the reach of the naked eye.

Take root!

The next second.

The tentacle lily suddenly emitted a light green fluorescence, turning into dots of bright crystals, which penetrated into Bankilas' body, causing Bankilas to become even more violent.

But what is really shocking is that within the radius of the Tentacle Lily roots, within a few miles, the ground instantly dries up, the vegetation dries up, and the moisture in the soil dissipates instantly. Ignoring the dry soil, under the action of Bankiras, Integrated into the sandstorm.

In just a few breaths.

The originally vast and fertile wilderness area, within a few miles of where Bankiras and Tentacle Lily were located, instantly turned into an extremely dry desert area.

The dry and hot breath continued to spread from the feet, as if it was not only trying to drain away the moisture in the soil, but also the moisture in the air and the moisture in the living creatures above.

Divert water!

The water-drawing properties of Tentacle Lily, coupled with the rooting move, further stimulated and strengthened the sandstorm created by Bankiras.

All things are annihilated!

And everything in this area is under the control of Bankilas and Tentacle Lily.


The black-haired middle-aged man who stood unmoved in the sandstorm, the leader of Team Rocket, Sakaki, was staring at the center of the violent sandstorm with blazing eyes.

"Mystery of the Earth", he has not used it for a long, long time.

Because there is no opponent worthy of him taking out "The Secret of the Earth".

But this time is different.

Even if you can't leave your opponent behind, you will definitely need to collect some interest.

Bang! !

Sure enough, as Sakaki expected, a sudden sound suddenly appeared in the vast sandstorm, and as the raging sandstorm was suddenly dispersed, a vacuum area appeared.

The old man dressed in white, with a strong shield sword monster holding a heavy shield in front of him, released a "wide-area defense" that condensed into piles of rocks, leaving room for the old man to breathe.


The old man's voice was hoarse and low, and the suppressed anger in it seemed to be ready to burst out at any time.

Sakaki, who was looking at him across the ferocious sandstorm, listened to Bai Lao's angry tone and chuckled: "It's hard to tell if you were in full swing. But unfortunately, you are too trusting."

He used two elves to try to block and kill Xia Yan, but was killed by Xia Yan's explosive seed.

Two more elves were used to delay Reshiram and Zekrom on their way. Not only was the delay not very successful, it also caused the two elves sent to be injured to varying degrees.

Four elves suddenly lost their fighting power. Even if Bai Lao couldn't only have six elves, how much of his current strength could he use?

"That doesn't stop me from removing the cancer from the Elf World today!"

Bai Lao was completely angry and raised his arm.


Before he could make another move, the shield sword monster standing in front of Bai Lao suddenly turned around.

Boom! ! !

Brilliant sparks burst out from the solid shield, and a shallow crack suddenly appeared on the shield that the Shield Sword Monster was proud of.


Only then did he see, in the sandstorm that filled the sky, an elf with purple scales that looked like an evil shark. Its scarlet sickle sliced ​​through the Shield Sword Monster.

If it weren't for the strong shield sword monster's resistance, perhaps Bai Lao's arm would have been broken at this moment.

Knowing the consequences, Bai Lao's expression froze slightly.

But without giving him any time to react or continue nagging, Sakaki, wearing a black tight-fitting vest, was completely in fighting mode.

He crossed his arms, his eyes glowing with a faint green light.

The power of Changpan!


The Tentacle Lily not far away absorbs the power of nature from within a few miles around, and continuously transmits it to Sakaki's body through its roots, making his Tokiwa Power stronger and at the same time, he is constantly reassured. use.

Boom! ! !

A sudden violent roar suddenly erupted behind Bai Lao.

Only a huge crack was seen cracking open on the entire ground. The crack carried pure ground energy and blasted towards Bai Lao with the force of thunder.

The ground cracks!

In the diffuse sandstorm, an khaki lion-like elf, while dragging its tail along the sandstorm, launched this extremely fast attack.


Countless dark ghost energy spread crazily from Bai Lao's shadow.

In an instant, a chubby figure formed.

The eyes that usually smiled cunningly were extremely serious at the moment.

The surging dark mist condensed into dozens of round energy balls, blasting crazily towards the cracks caused by the cracking "earth cracking" move.

Boom boom boom——

In the constant collision, as the ghost energy and the ground energy entangled, hindered, and fought again and again, they were finally offset.

The land cloud attack from the spiritual beast form was blocked again, and Bai Lao finally breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

Sakaki's attacks were somewhat unreasonable, and the successive attacks made Bai Lao, who was now a bit stretched, tired of resisting.

But when he saw a flash of relief on Bai Lao's face, Sakaki also showed a more confident smile.

And his smile once again gave Bai Lao a bad premonition in his heart.

The next second.

The sandstorm raging in this area paused briefly.

The sandstorm has stopped?

of course not.

And taking advantage of this brief pause, when he saw the scene in the vast sandstorm, Bai Lao's old face instantly became a little dull.

Then, for the first time, a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

Even when facing Xia Yan's explosive attack, Bai Lao, who looked calm and calm, actually showed fear at this time?

The majestic Vice-President of the Elf Alliance General Alliance is actually afraid?


Just because he saw it

Nido King, Nido Queen, Mountain King, Longlong Rock, Big Rock Snake, Gala Gala, Super Armored Rhinoceros Swamp King, Scorpio King

A large number of ground-type elves that cannot be counted in detail.

Since he and Xia Yan had discussed trying to lure out the guy hiding behind the scenes, with Xia Yan as the bait and Sakaki as the final net, he was naturally well prepared.

And these elves hidden in the sandstorm were all prepared by him in advance.

No need to doubt.

These are all his Sakaki spirits!

The Rockets don't have much else, but they have a lot of resources.

Sakaki, who has the power of Tokiwa, also has physical fitness and energy that others do not have. Cultivating elves is his hobby and pursuit, not to mention that the elves he cultivates are all ground-type elves.


These ground elves in the sandstorm cannot be regarded as his main elves.

But every time one comes to the market, it is bound to be an elf that will be promoted to the sky.

Their strength varies, but they cannot withstand the terror of numbers.

This one.

It's Sakaki's "Earth Army"!

At this time, Bai Lao finally realized.

He was set up.

He thought he could easily hold Xia Yan.

Natsuhiko and Sakaki teamed up to plot against him!

Where is this sudden interception?

This was clearly a premeditated ambush!

The mantis stalks the cicada but the oriole follows behind?

He is the truly ridiculous prey.

But Sakaki said loudly:

"The secret of the earth - the end!"


Countless roars sounded together, and the concentration of the stagnant sandstorm became more exaggerated, almost like substance.

And the most terrifying.

Undoubtedly, it was the force of the rolling earth that rose up from the sandstorm, rolled up countless dry sand, and carried the power of the rolling earth like a huge wave, covering Lao Bai's position from all directions.

Boom! ! !

There was a muffled sound as if the entire ground was breaking, accompanied by the wild trembling of the ground in the wilderness, and the wild elves fleeing in panic. Bai Lao was drowned in this horrific attack.

However, as the attack fell, Sakaki's expression became serious.

he knows.

This will definitely not kill Bai Lao, so the next step is the real key to this battle.


The sand calmed down and suddenly squirmed rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, a castle made entirely of sand appeared in Sakaki's sight.

Sand Devouring Lord!

And on the wall of the fortress, the old man looked embarrassed, panting violently, with a heavy look of fear on his face.

Not even close.

It’s really explained here.

His cold eyes glanced at Sakaki.

But at some point, Sakaki saw a stone bursting with colorful rays of light in his hand.


Bai Lao was shocked again.


I heard the subtle trembling from the air, and the giant needle bee was looking for opportunities from beginning to end. At this moment, it was like lightning.

During the flight, the super-evolved energy was instantly enveloped and then quickly broken away and dispersed.

Super giant needle bee!


Under the fierce lance, fine cracks burst out on the thick metal shield.

The shield-wielding sword monster showed an expression of disbelief at the end.

The shield it was so proud of was suddenly shattered?

And it was exactly this scene.

Let Bai Lao finally make a decision.

Can't fight!

I really can’t fight this time.

Being ambushed, coupled with the lack of all the elves, and Sakaki being fully prepared, the prerequisites were very different.

Thick black mist instantly rose up and enveloped him in an instant.

The next moment.

With the long needle of the Super Needle Bee waving again, the black mist dissipated.

Where can I still see Bai Lao's figure?


Seeing this, Sakaki shook his head slightly.

"Sure enough, for an old guy who has lived for so many years, if time and space cannot be sealed, the hope of keeping him is still slim."


Sakaki quickly let out a long breath.

Smile again.

"But this time, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as breaking a muscle."

Talking and talking.

The smile on his face became brighter and richer.

It's not that beating up Bai Lao made him feel better and make his thoughts clearer.

Mainly because

That kid is really going to be forced to retreat by the alliance.

these two days.

Sakaki might wake up laughing at night.

The soft sunlight passed through the window and shone on a clean and handsome face.

The melodious and melodious chirping of birds also sounded.

The twitching of eyelids.

This young man, who seemed to have been sleeping for a long time, slowly opened his somewhat confused eyes, and raised his hand to subconsciously block the light that was a bit dazzling to him.

The whole movement was maintained for a few seconds, and the young man's eyes blinked.

The focus finally slowly appeared, and the black pupils finally regained their luster.

"you're awake?"


A familiar sound of surprise sounded at the door.

Looking around, he saw the girl with golden hair standing at the door holding a dinner plate.

If the picture is frozen at this time, it will definitely be a wonderful "Picture of the Maid" that can be passed down to the world.

Unfortunately, the girl was wearing a dashing black windbreaker.

She strode in carrying a dinner plate.

It can be found that what is placed on the dinner plate is a bowl of soup stewed with unknown ingredients. Just based on the taste, it smells a bit...

The young man who had just woken up and the girl who came in with the medicinal soup were naturally Xia Yan, who had been sleeping for an unknown length of time, and Sirona, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Sinnoh.

"You did it?"

Xia Yan looked at the thick medicinal soup and asked cautiously.

Hearing this, Sirona's fair face blushed slightly, she pursed her lips and shook her head.

"No, it was done by the nutritionist hired by Daiwu."

Hearing this, Xia Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


But he quickly frowned.

Just now, he subconsciously wanted to use his superpower, but there was a sharp pain in his mind, which reminded him of the painful feeling after he exhausted his body that day.

"Let me feed you."

Seeing this, Sirona hurriedly said.

Immediately, he carefully picked up the spoon, put it in front of his thin lips and blew it gently, and then handed it to Xia Yan's mouth.

But the mouth didn't open smoothly.

When Sirona looked up at Xia Yan in confusion, she found that Xia Yan was looking at her blankly.

Involuntarily, the blush on his face became a little thicker.

"Cough." Sirona coughed lightly.

"oh oh."

Xia Yan suddenly reacted and hurriedly opened his mouth and ate it in one bite.


Just after taking it, Xia Yan took a deep breath.

"Hot?" Sirona was slightly shocked. She had felt it when she was holding the bowl, so it should be fine.

But Xia Yan wrinkled his face and said with difficulty: "Sirona, your cooking is delicious."

He originally thought it might be bitter and was mentally prepared, but he didn't expect it to be so sour and astringent. It didn't taste bitter at all.

Hear the words.

Sirona was stunned, and then couldn't help laughing.

"How long have I been asleep?"

Xia Yan asked after finally drinking down a bowl of extremely sour soup.

But don't say it.

This bowl of soup really had some effect. After drinking it, he immediately felt warm in his stomach. His tired body gradually regained some strength, and even his head, which was stinging due to the rash use of superpowers, also recovered a little.

"Seven days."

"Is it only seven days? It's much shorter than expected." Xia Yan smacked his mouth and said.

Perhaps, at that moment, Lei Guanwang's seeds played a big role.

Xia Yan thought he would have to lie down for at least half a month.

"Where is this?" he asked again.

"Galer, in a villa on the outskirts of Jiqing City. Dawu bought it."

Xia Yan suddenly realized.

As expected of Daiwu.

After asking some simple questions.

Xia Yan finally asked the key to the matter.

"Now, what is the situation of the alliance and what is its reaction?"

But this time.

Sirona fell silent.

"Shocked! Xia Yan, the dignified champion of Sinnoh and the youngest doctor in the history of the alliance, is actually a traitor to the alliance?! He is actually the top official of Team Rocket?!"

"I have long said that there is something wrong with him. How could a guy born as a commoner grow to this point in just a few years? And also know so much elven knowledge? Now it makes sense."

"That's not how things are done in hindsight. If you were the leader of Team Rocket, would you send such a talent as an undercover agent? Then Team Rocket would have been destroyed long ago."

"But this is the highest notice issued by the alliance. Even a red bounty order has been issued. Could the alliance still be wrong?"

"I don't know whether the alliance is wrong or not. I only know that Champion Xia Yan has never done anything to regret the alliance, whether it is the various incidents he participated in or the contributions he made in research.

He is definitely a role model for the younger generation in the league. "

"Then how do you explain that it's been so many days and he still doesn't show up or explain?"

"Not only did he not show up, it seems that the Sinnoh Alliance has become extremely quiet now after issuing an announcement."

"You feel guilty for being a thief after being caught?"

"You have such a guilty conscience! Does Champion Xia Yan need you guys to throw dirty water here?"

"As a reminder, his champion, in the league sense, has been dismissed."

"I just want to remind you, do you understand the difference between 'suspension' and 'dismissal'?"

"No matter what, the champion Xia Yan is the champion Xia Yan, that's what I believe!"


Sitting in front of the computer, looking at the countless comments, Xia Yan had a faint smile on his face.

Turning to look at the worried Sirona beside her, she pointed at the screen and said:

"Seven days have passed. Now the Internet is evenly divided between those who support me and those who hate me. This year's black guys are not very powerful."

Sirona: "."

How long has it been and are you still worried about whether Heizi is doing enough?

"Xia Yan." Sirona suddenly looked at him seriously, "Tell me honestly, have you really had close contact with Team Rocket and Sakaki more than once?"

Looking at Sirona, Xia Yan blinked.

Say one last word.



PS: Today’s portion is 1.2w+! Asking for a monthly ticket~~

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