The delicate green leaf buds carefully poked their curious heads from the branches, looking around at the world they had never seen before.

The rushing water is noisy and vents the strength they have accumulated for a long time.

The anxious water droplets jumped onto the branches, reflecting the colorful rainbow light under the light, and then jumped back into the water with a slight jump, returning to the main group.

"La beep~~"

Xia Yan and Latios, who walked into the sacred tree with Celebi, seemed to see a brand new world.

It turns out that there is such a small space inside the sacred tree.

The peaceful scene before their eyes seemed to be the goal that every forest aspired to.

"La beep! La beep!"

The pink Celebi fiddled with the green leaves from time to time and said hello cheerfully to the lake. His big eyes always looked like crescent moons.

Xia Yan was also here, feeling the long-lost tranquility.

The kind of beauty that seems like the whole world has become so beautiful that people can't help but want to stop and enjoy it.

"La beep!"



Celebi plunged into the gurgling spring, and suddenly white and pure flowers bloomed.

After playing in the water for a while, it poked its head out of the water and waved to Xia Yan and Latios.

See this.

Xia Yan and Latios looked at each other, and finally couldn't bear Celebi's urgent call and jumped into the clear water one after another.

For a while.

A cool feeling spread all over his body. The water was slightly cool, and while it enveloped his body, Xia Yan felt as if something was trying to penetrate into his body along his pores.

And his pores were completely opened at this moment, without any intention of hindering him.


Latios was so comfortable that he narrowed his eyes and groaned, with only half of his head exposed above the water.

Xia Yan could see that a light green halo appeared on Latios' body, lingering around its body.

at the same time.

Xia Yan also noticed that the ethereal green seed on his chest became more obvious, and the roots spreading throughout his body were slowly extending.

The next moment.

In his dry "spiritual world", light rain seemed to fall, and the dry world full of cracks was moistened by the rain and slowly repaired.

And in the dry and cracked soil, emerald green grass seedlings suddenly emerged, growing and spreading rapidly, dyeing the world into a verdant and spring-like appearance.

In countless green grass.

A seed sprouted and grew rapidly, quickly absorbing the nutrients contained in the falling rainwater, growing rapidly and thickly, and grew a dark green flower bud, which seemed likely to bloom and bear fruit at any time.

But the big tree that grew huge in the blink of an eye and almost covered the entire "spiritual world" stopped growing at this moment.

It just continues to exude a strong vitality from the dark green flower bones, continuing to nourish the world.

Xia Yan, who was looking at it from God's perspective, was suddenly stunned when he saw the big tree.

Because he found out.

How come the appearance and shape of this tree are so similar to the huge bare tree behind the Crown Temple in the Crown Snowfield.

If there were no leaves and flowers on the tree, it would be almost the same.

In the eyes that suddenly opened, pure and rich superpowers mixed with a faint green fluorescence flashed away.

Xia Yan left the consciousness space and found that the seed in his chest was gone.

Without thinking, he roughly understood where the seed went.

Being "planted" in his "spiritual world".


The feeling of weakness and weakness in his body before had completely disappeared. If he clenched his fists slightly, he could feel that his body had completely recovered.

the most important is.

When he slowly raised his hand, trying to mobilize his spiritual energy and use the super power that he had not used for a long time, Xia Yan's expression was stunned.


Latios stared blankly at the substance-like superpower thread in Xia Yan's hand and murmured.

And the cotton-like super power also changed as Xia Yan's thoughts moved slightly.

The strands of superpower threads seemed to have their own thoughts, turning into winding thin snakes, flowing and intertwining in Xia Yan's palm.

These superpower threads are constantly changing shapes and appearances, making them extremely flexible.

Xia Yan, who recovered from his shock, also fully understood his current state.

His superpower.

An unprecedented improvement has been achieved!

He has actually tried this kind of power before.

But that was only achieved after he rode on the ghost horse, tightened the reins and received the spiritual energy feedback from the ghost horse.

But now.

He didn't even ride the ghost horse, but his super power became so powerful that it was comparable to the super power of a king-level super power elf!


More importantly, because the power came from the ghost horse before, he himself was not strong enough, so the use of super powers was inevitably a bit awkward.

That feeling becomes even more obvious when performing combo moves with Lingyouma.

just like.

A child of six or seven years old, holding a Gatling.

but now.

He felt very comfortable and very comfortable.

"King Lei Guan really gave me a great gift," Xia Yan murmured.

His superpowers originated from the gods of the lake and were continuously strengthened through his own exploration, but it was not until this moment that his superpowers finally ushered in a qualitative change.

This makes him a qualitative change in humanoid Pokémon.

If he were to ride the ghost horse again in his current state.

It was hard for Xia Yan to imagine how much more strength he could make Lingyou Ma show, and how much blessing he could get after getting feedback from Lingyou Ma.

If that kind of super power is combined with Hu Di's super power, will Hu Di, like the Big Needle Bee, try to touch the threshold above the championship level?

"La beep?"

Celebi also seemed to notice Xia Yan's state, blinking Bulingbuling's eyes, looking at him with a hint of playfulness and curiosity.

Looking at Celebi's cute appearance, Xia Yan smiled and said, "Celebi, thank you."

"La beep——"

Hearing Xia Yan's thanks, Celebi shouted happily, rushed out of the water and spun around in mid-air.

"So. Is this the reason why the water flowing from the sacred tree has healing power?"

"La beep~~"

Celebi fell from the air again, his head like a pound of garlic.

It is worthy of being called the "Healing Spring". The effect here is really great.


Just as Xia Yan sighed, Latios, who entered with him, slowly closed his eyes.

On its body, the flowing emerald green halo became more intense and vivid, and its own abilities and aura began to fluctuate with the rhythm of the halo.

Xia Yan was once again stunned when he saw this scene.

Latios just started to transform after just one bubble?

"La beep?"

Celebi also looked at Latios curiously.

When he felt the aura of Latios' infinite Pokémon, he suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Xia Yan pursed his lips.


"La beep?"

"Ahem, I still have many friends. Can I let them take a dip together?" Xia Yan asked carefully, touching his nose.

"La beep!"

Unexpectedly, Celebi was more straightforward than him, nodding his head repeatedly and looking very excited.

Celebi, I love friends the most.

Xia Yan was slightly relieved when he saw this.

All Poké Balls are opened.

For a while.

The spring, which originally seemed very wide, actually became a little crowded.

Xia Yan summoned all the elves, even the fire-type Flame Monkeys and Vulcan Moths, were all immersed in the spring water at this moment.

This spring water is actually not pure water. The life energy contained in it is very rich.


"Bu Yi——"

After feeling the benefits and changes brought by the spring water, the little ones exclaimed one by one.

Not long after.

At the slightly crowded spring, only a pair of eyes remained above the water.

Celebi was stunned when he saw this scene.

The tight and cheerful laughter resounded throughout this small space.

It turns out.

Latios's situation is an exception, not only because it is an infinite Pokémon, but also because it has already accumulated to a certain extent, and the energy in this spring just became the final boost for its transformation.

Although other elves have not received the same huge benefits as it, the benefits are certainly not small.

The most obvious point.

The elves that usually train extremely hard, such as the Giant Needle Bee, Hu Di, Blazing Monkey, and Onion Ranger, all have their tense muscles and nerves relieved.

No matter how careful Xia Yan is, no matter how well he recovers after training, the elves have more or less accumulated problems that are invisible or easily ignored.

these questions.

Even with the alliance's highest technology, the healing device in the Elf Center may not be able to detect it.

after all.

Elves are very magical creatures, and the Alliance's exploration and understanding of elves cannot be said to have a complete understanding.

So some shortcomings are inevitable.

These small hidden dangers may not be important, but they may also become the final obstacle to the growth of the elves.

This time, the immersion in the spring water completely eliminated these hidden dangers on them.

This may be more important than directly improving their strength.

The most beneficial among them.

Undoubtedly Zoroa.

Zoroa, which has grown up alone for decades and has such strength, has received systematic training and cultivation after following Xia Yan, but the hidden wounds and hidden dangers left by its alone battles and training cannot be repaired by Xia Yan.

But this time.

All the hidden damage and deficiencies accumulated over decades have been repaired.

Its hair became brighter, its eyes became more lively, and even its aura, which had not fluctuated for a long time, was faintly floating.

Next is the Onion Rangers.

It's similar to Zoroa's situation.

So after entering the spring, it is the most noisy one.

He kept grinning, but he couldn't tell whether it was pain or happiness. Maybe both coexisted, which was extremely sour.

This time, by soaking in the "healing spring" of the sacred tree, my goal of restoring myself was achieved, and there were even gains far beyond expectations.

that's all.

Xia Yan took the elves to soak in the spring water for an hour.

It wasn't until I felt nothing except the water flowing through my body that I walked out of the water one by one.

But even after leaving, I felt refreshed and all the pores in my body seemed to be opened, making me feel indescribably comfortable.

Except for Latios, all the elves adjusted their condition to their best.

Xia Yan even felt that if he knew that a war was about to break out next time and took a dip here first, the elves would probably be able to exert 10% or 20% more combat effectiveness in the battle.

Xia Yan understood this from his previous exchange with Celebi.

Without the guidance of Rabbi Celebi, no one else can enter the inner space of this sacred tree.

Previously, Dr. Jeddo, Olivia and others smashed the trunk of the sacred tree, and what came out was just ordinary stagnant water. This made the "healing spring" that originally had healing power lose its efficacy.

So in fact, without Celebi, even if Olivia digs out the entire sacred tree, they won't be able to get the life energy they want.

And after leaving the spring.

Xia Yan stood silently by the spring, waiting for Latios to complete his transformation, while Celebi and a few little guys were playing in this space.

distant areas.

In the endless wilderness, there are rugged cliffs, steep rock walls, and deep canyons full of desolate atmosphere.

A figure wearing a large brown-red robe, followed closely by a natural bird, flew quickly over the canyon in a super-powerful way.


The figure's movements were slightly stagnant, and the eyes of the natural bird next to it were glowing with a strange and strange crimson halo.

next moment.

This man and an elf quickly fell towards the depths of a certain canyon.

It streaked across the dry ground, kicking up thick dust.

The wild elves living in this canyon, just when they thought prey appeared and wanted to move out, they felt an inexplicable and frightening aura coming from the natural birds, and they quickly retreated into their nests.

The bare rocks formed a tunnel leading to an unknown place below.

They entered this dark world without hesitation.


Land smoothly.

"Natural bird, flash."

As the calm and even indifferent tone sounded, the natural bird next to the figure immediately burst out with bright light, completely illuminating the dim underground cave.

And as the light emerged, what appeared in front of them was an altar.

The empty crescent-shaped arc altar, with the stairs right in front of you.


When he stepped forward, there was a special transparent barrier lying in front of him. No matter how hard he exerted force, the barrier would not move at all.

However, the figure only made a simple attempt.

The existence of the barrier made him more certain whether he was looking for the right place.

I saw him pushing aside his loose clothes, and a special golden palm-sized emblem fell into his hand.

Immediately afterwards.

He chanted an ancient spell, which was obscure and incomprehensible, as if it was a sound that should not be made by humans.

But the special emblem in his hand continued to glow with golden light as he spoke. As it became brighter and brighter, a small gap appeared in the barrier in front of him and expanded rapidly.

until the barrier completely dissipates.

On top of the empty altar, an object finally appeared.

At first glance.

It is like a special long-necked ceramic pot, dotted with red and gold, with two small dark holes on it, more like two eyes.

It was quietly sealed on the altar by blue energy chains.

The figure who saw this scene showed a little joy.

"Finally found!"

Quickly walked up the stairs and came to the altar.

Holding the emblem in his hand, he easily tore off the long-necked ceramic pot that was tied to it.

He rubbed the surface of the pot carefully and looked at its appearance carefully.

A smile slowly appeared on his face.


When he turned his gaze to the two eye-like holes at the mouth of the pot, he was stunned.

In his line of sight, a distorted and blurry figure appeared with strange and violent red eyes, making his eyes turn blood red.

Immediately afterwards.

A pure and rich jet-black energy continued to spread along the two holes.

Through his palms, arms, and shoulders, it looked like it was trying to cover and wrap his whole body.


The man couldn't help but roar in pain.

Before his eyes, this man was about to be enveloped and swallowed by darkness.

But the next moment.

The natural bird behind him was filled with a rich superpower halo, and the space beside him was briefly distorted and blurred.



Another figure actually stepped out of thin air.

He briefly glanced at the situation in the cave, and his eyes stayed on the man who was about to be swallowed up by the darkness for a few seconds. He smiled and said to the natural bird, "Thank you for your hard work."

At this time.

This natural bird finally showed its cheerful expression.

The person came forward slowly.

Ignoring the disgusting aura exuded by the rich dark energy.

He sighed quietly.

"Thank you for your hard work."

The words fell.

The person who came grabbed the man's shoulders, pulled him gently, and flew backwards from the altar.

The long-necked ceramic pot that was originally held tightly in the man's hand also slipped from his hand.

He was caught by someone with one hand.

Strangely enough, the man was affected by the long-necked ceramic pot just by looking at it, but the visitor looked at it for a while, and nothing changed.

"I've been looking for you for too long."

The visitor muttered softly.

"However, now is the right time."

The words fell.

He opened the spout of the pot without hesitation.


A more intense and pure pitch-black energy surged out, condensing into a vague but huge figure in the small cave.

It seemed like he was roaring at the top of his lungs, but he couldn't make any sound.

Seeing this, the visitor chuckled.

"Your energy is a good thing."


Latios suddenly roared with a long roar, which immediately stirred up a large amount of gushing spring water and splashed away.

Shaking his body slightly.

Latios's eyes, which were closed, suddenly opened. Purple dragon energy, blue superpowers, intertwined with a milky white special energy, swirled in his eyes.

at the same time.

Latios's rising and falling aura also soared to the extreme at this moment.

When the energy in its eyes merged and merged, it turned into a three-color vortex.

Xia Yan and the elves seemed to see many pure white energy points flying from all directions, quickly converging towards Latios.

Those light spots seemed to be the energy and abilities possessed by Latios itself, and they had just returned to the body of their original owner.

And when those light spots gradually became rarer, the aura fluctuations on Latios gradually became gentle.


"La beep?"

However, when Latios' aura was about to calm down, Xia Yan suddenly saw that the few sparse energy light spots left had changed from the original milky white to pitch black.

Also noticing this was Rabbi.

That dark spot of light exuded strong malice.

Upon seeing this, Xia Yan immediately started to move.

"Hu Di!"

The ghost horse appeared from behind him, grabbed the reins, turned over, and rode directly on the back of the ghost horse.

Suddenly, distant and constant feedback came from the ghost horse through the reins.

at the same time.

Hu Di's superpower also expanded instantly, trying to intercept those dark light spots outside Latios.

Xia Yan also immediately opened his arms and mobilized the power of Lingyou Horse.

They were on the left and right, protecting Latios in the middle.


What surprised Xia Yan.

Regardless of its superpower, Hu Di's superpower, or the power of the ghost horse, it seems that it can't stop the approach of this pitch-black light point.

They still flew towards Latios.

Latios, who was immersed in the state, seemed to have noticed this situation, and his brows slowly furrowed.


Xia Yan was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene.

Can't stop it?

"La beep!"

Xia Yan didn't finally react until Celebi reminded him.

Take back your superpower and close your eyes instead.

The power of waveguide exists in the heart!

The power of the azure waveguide expanded, finally stopping the approach of these pitch-black light spots.


Xia Yan had to shout again.


Following Xia Yan's call, Latios suddenly woke up.

And those dark spots of light all dissipated the moment Latios woke up.


Latios, who was a little confused, looked at Xia Yan doubtfully, but saw him with his head lowered and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Dark energy?"

Dark energy that I haven’t seen in a long time.

In the beginning it polluted Dream and eroded Lugia.

But after that, Xia Yan didn't see dark energy much anymore.

But now, at the last moment when Latios reaches the championship level, when his tense spirit is about to completely relax, there is actually dark energy trying to contaminate Latios?


Xia Yan couldn't understand.

Not only he, but also the current rabbi didn’t understand.

But the good thing is.

There is no danger, the power of the waveguide can effectively restrain the dark energy, and the amount of dark energy trying to corrode Latios is not large.

at the same time.

In the distant sky, in the ozone layer beyond the planet, a resting cyan dragon suddenly opened its scarlet eyes.


It cast its gaze in the direction it was looking in. A trace of doubt flashed in its eyes, and at the same time, a touch of disgust arose.



Rayquaza suddenly raised his head and looked to the distance beyond the planet. In the huge but stagnant meteorite, a sleeping breath slowly woke up.

more importantly.

This breath became a little unusual.

In the hot magma.

The fiery red burly giant beast also opened its eyes suddenly while being enveloped and baptized by the magma.


A roar caused this huge volcano to suddenly erupt.

In the dark deep sea.

The azure flexible giant beast's fluttering wings quietly stopped, slowly twisted its body, and looked into the distance.

There were shallow blue energy fluctuations on its body, and the surrounding sea boiled instantly.

In the ancient temple.

The disc of light stone, which continued to emit light, suddenly extinguished its jumping arc.


The entire temple began to shake violently.

For a while.

The entire elf world became turbulent.

And in the underground energy factory in Quanguan City in the Galar region.

The busy staff were sweating profusely and frantically operating on the keyboard and instruments.

But it was still unable to calm down a huge boiler in the center of the factory.


A crack, accompanied by a crisp sound, appeared on the surface of the boiler.

The person in charge's face turned pale instantly when he saw this scene.

He shouted anxiously: "Quickly, notify President Lotz!"

But no matter how much he emphasized it.

The crimson beams of light that escaped from the cracks could not be stopped at all.

This crimson beam shot out from the energy factory and penetrated the Fist Pass Arena.

When it reached high altitude, it disintegrated and turned into beams of different sizes, flying to every corner of the Galar region.

And no one noticed from beginning to end.

When that crack appears.

Not only were the rich crimson-colored Galar particles shot out, but also strands of invisible black threads spread along the gaps and entered the boiler.

The violent energy in the boiler.

Unexpectedly, after the black silk thread submerged, it gradually returned to calm.

Tianguan Mountain.

The holy beam fell through the thick clouds.

A magnificent voice sounded from here.

【Trouble is coming. 】

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