The dense black clouds in the sky finally began to slowly dissipate, and rays of golden sunlight passed through the layers of black and red mist, shining on everyone's face.

Suzuki was killed, along with his Wuju Tai, but the remaining black and red mist became a big problem.

This is an extremely huge and terrifying energy.

As long as any divine beast can obtain this power, it will receive an extremely huge improvement.

Because what is mixed in it is not only various negative and dark emotions, but also an extremely huge amount of life energy.


This huge life energy has been completely integrated with those negative emotions, making it difficult to separate.

But it is undeniable that this energy brings considerable temptation to some mythical beasts.

Xia Yan had already noticed that something was wrong with the way Giratina and Groudon looked at the black and red mist.

Not that they really want to do anything.

It's just that the temptation brought by this energy and its negative emotions are conveying a sense of "temptation" to everything around you all the time.

This energy can easily evoke negative emotions and various dark sides in the hearts of all creatures or elves.

Xia Yan looked at Arceus.

How to deal with this energy is a very troublesome matter.

A bad one.

It is very possible to create an existence comparable to the Infinite Giant Eternal Tai.

Noticed Xia Yan's gaze.

Arceus nodded slightly.

After taking a slight breath, his eyes became solemn.

I saw that the lingering black and red mist in the sky was gathering towards the center at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The endless power was compressed to a point at an extremely fast speed.

I saw it immediately.

The center of the gathering seemed to be the "jewel of life" that Suzuki threw out before.

However, its original emerald green color is now filled with strange fluorescence that alternates between black and red.

"Jade of Life?"

Seeing this thing, Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Not destroyed?

Arceus glanced at him, knowing the doubts in his heart, and said slowly:

[The time is too short, and it is not enough to destroy the solid and perfect core structure of the 'Jade of Life'. 】

Xia Yan's heart moved slightly.

"So, Arceus in another world cannot crush the stone slab by condensing it again or borrowing the stone slab?"

after all.

The "poisonous slate" in Xia Yan's hand collapsed automatically just because Arceus "borrowed" a "poisonous slate".

If it can be done.

Arceus in another world can completely destroy the "Jade of Life" that Suzuki took away by borrowing or re-condensing it.

But Arceus didn't do that.

Xia Yan didn't understand it before, but now that Arceus explains it, he somewhat understands it.

In response, Arceus nodded again.

[The combination of the attributes of the stone slabs integrated in the 'Life Gem' is so perfect that it completely fits the meaning of 'life', so it cannot be reshaped in the same way. 】

It's the same as Xia Yan guessed.

And in the things they communicate.

The "life gem" that completely contained all negative emotions and life energy in mid-air slowly fell from the air towards Xia Yan.

Under the somewhat eager gazes of Giratina and Groudon.


Hovering in front of Xia Yan.

Looking at the dark "Jade of Life", Xia Yan was stunned for a moment.

"What's the meaning?"

[I’ll leave it to you for safekeeping for now. 】

Arceus said expressionlessly.

At the same time, his eyes inadvertently swept over the surrounding mythical beasts, especially staying on Giratina and Groudon for a second or two.

Noticing Arceus' gaze, Giratina raised his head and tried to whistle with his mouth pouted.

Groudon lowered his head, looked at the soles of his feet and slightly hooked them.

Well, my nails are a little too long.

Looking at Arceus' gaze, Xia Yan understood what Arceus meant.


He looked at the "Jade of Life" hovering in front of him, why did he feel like it was a hot potato?

Fortunately, there was no divine beast called Yveltal today, otherwise Yveltal would probably have taken away this "jewel of life" when Wujitai died.

By then.

Maybe another terrifying existence will appear.


If Yveltal, who has the power of "destruction", obtains such an epic level of strengthening, it may be a greater threat than the existence of Wujidai.

Take a slight breath.

Xia Yan carefully wrapped his palm with the power of the waveguide and grabbed this "hot potato".

Seeing Xia Yan's "suffering a big loss" look, Arceus said angrily:

[You don’t think that the “Jade of Life” will completely lose its effect like this, right? 】


Xia Yan was stunned.

Arceus turned his head, not looking at his expression.

So as not to give an airway to this guy who got the advantage and didn't even know it yet.

Just explained:

[As I said before, the structure of the 'Jade of Life' is very stable. Even if it is contaminated by some special force, its efficacy will not be greatly affected. Especially when it contains such a huge amount of life energy. 】

Hearing this, Xia Yan's eyes instantly lit up.

"You mean the 'life energy' in this can still be used?"

[Didn’t I give you the ‘Toxic Slate’? Even though it's broken, that doesn't mean it can't function anymore. As long as you have enough patience, you can use stone slabs to remove the 'toxins' bit by bit, or let your elves absorb them, or slowly release them bit by bit into the turbulent flow of space. 】

At this time, Xia Yan finally understood.

The "jewel of life" in your hand is not a hot potato, but a mountain of gold!

The "toxin" contained in it can turn into the poisonous ability of the giant sting wasp.

The Big Needle Bee has already seen the road to the "Legendary Level". With steady improvement, it is possible to enter the "Legendary Level".


Not just "Legendary"!

Arceus seemed to understand Xia Yan's heart, nodded and said:

【Yes. In this world, a lot of authority regarding the 'poison system' is actually still vacant. 】

"This" Xia Yan felt his breath getting hot.

“Authority” represents priesthood, and he knows this.

Could it be that the giant needle wasp can one day become a "mythical beast"?

[You probably don’t know. What you call ‘legendary level’ is actually coming into contact with the ‘rules’ power elves. After their power reaches the extreme in a certain aspect, they have the opportunity to touch the edge of the 'rules', which is what you call the 'legend'. 】

No wonder.

No wonder Suzuki chose the poison system as a breakthrough.

Because the poison system is in this world, there is indeed a big gap in appearance and speed.

"The 'life energy'."

Arceus pursed his lips.

[Although I don’t really want to say it. But wouldn't you consider the lifespan of your elves? Dragon elves have relatively long lifespans and you don’t need to worry about them, but your giant sting wasps.】

Xia Yan nodded heavily.

Although he never said it, it didn't mean that he wasn't worried.

The fact that insect elves reproduce quickly but have a relatively short lifespan is a link that can never be avoided or bypassed.

It’s just that he feels that his Stingy Bee has gone through so many adventures and enhancements, and it should not be comparable to ordinary insect elves.

But in the final analysis.

No matter how much the Giant Needle Bee changes and advances in strength, it cannot avoid the fact that it is essentially an insect elf.

But now.

Xia Yan can let go of the stone that has been hanging in his heart.

Good stuff, really good stuff.

Xia Yan looked at the "Jade of Life" in his hand and couldn't help but sigh.

It can be said.

As long as this thing is there, he and the elves don't need to worry about "lifespan".

"Then, Arceus."

Xia Yan asked about Arceus in another world.

【It doesn't matter. Just a few decades or a few hundred years, for us, is just a short moment. When it's almost done, just give it back. 】

With its words, Xia Yan felt relieved.

[Well——I can finally take a good rest. 】

The words fell.

Arceus stretched his body for a long time, with the "Qianzhou Wrist" on his back shining with a faint holy halo, stepping on his limbs and stepping on the sunshine, flying towards the sky.

After Arceus left, Giratina and Groudon could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

When Arceus is around, it feels like there is a parent around, and no one can let go.

Watching the "Creation God" leave, Xia Yan stood in the ruins of Quanguan City, but he seemed to be in a good mood.

No matter how damaged Quanguan City is, as long as there are no large-scale casualties, money and resources are all foreign possessions.

Anyway, the ones that have a headache are the Galar Alliance and Roz.


Roz probably hasn't been in the position of president of the Galar Alliance for a long time.

Looking at Dan Emperor's menacing appearance and the two huge monster attacks that broke out this time, Roz would either be impeached or take the blame and resign.

But these.

It has nothing to do with Xia Yan anymore.

He smiled and looked around at everyone and all the elves, including all the mythical beasts.

He said loudly: "Let's have a party!"

Hear the words.

The eyes of the mythical beasts lit up instantly, and they all looked at each other with indescribable excitement.

Have you worked hard for so long just for this moment?

Although this seems a bit unkind to the residents of Quanguan City who have lost their homes.

But so be it.

The mythical beasts also need to be appeased.

Didn’t you see that Groudon’s saliva was almost drooling?

Take care of Xiao Gu.


Onion Youbing held Cang Xiang's front paw with one hand and Zang Marante with the other, preventing them from leaving.

Banquet! banquet!

Without any choice.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarante, who had almost zero social skills, were also left behind.

The next day.

The morning light appears.

After two Wuji Tina took turns wreaking havoc, Quanguan City was almost completely destroyed.

Fortunately, the crisis has been completely resolved.


The Galar region is still very united.

Soon we were on the road to restoration and reconstruction.

at this point.

The construction branch of the Malocmont Group is still quite capable, even though Roz has been called to investigate by the General Alliance.

After experiencing the most ferocious storm, the residents of Quanguan City always smile brightly when they see the sun rising from the east.

Only those who have truly experienced wind and rain will understand how gorgeous and beautiful the rainbow is after the rain.

"Chaomeng, Xiaogu will be left to you. He is very well-behaved. Just send him back to Chimney Mountain in the Fengyuan area."

Xia Yan waved his hands towards the last Mewtwo and Groudon and shouted.

With a smile on his face, he felt like he was being sold out.

Groudon is so delicious.


Those mythical beasts are too delicious to eat, so hurry up and leave!

Even Reshiram and Zekrom, who usually didn't need payment, ate with open stomachs this time.

It will probably be difficult to let them do free "labor" in the future.


Groudon waved its huge palm towards Xia Yan with a look of reluctance.

Although the Hoenn Alliance followed Xia Yan's instructions and fed it every once in a while.

But the food brought by the Fengyuan Alliance was incomparable to what Xia Yan had here.

I could have endured the darkness, but I had seen the "light".

【Are you serious? 】

Mewtwo glanced at Groudon.

Although this guy looks obedient now, his ferocious and brutal look when he was fighting Wuji Tai Na yesterday was completely different from what he looks like now.

As Mewtwo, who appeared alongside Groudon, he fully experienced Groudon's violent temper.

"If it doesn't behave, just beat it. You don't have to save face for me."

Xia Yan said to Chaomeng telepathically.

After hearing this, Chaomeng showed a satisfied look.

He glanced at the "dumb" Groudon, showing an interesting expression.

In fact, it is also quite curious as to whether Groudon, the "God of the Earth" from the super ancient period, is more powerful, or whether it is Mewtwo who is more powerful.


Chaomeng swiped the huge spoon in his hand in the air, and a huge space teleportation appeared out of thin air.

【gone. 】

Groudon glanced at Mewtwo "warily".

I always feel that there are unscrupulous people who want to harm me.

With some anxiety, Groudon followed Chaomeng and disappeared from Xia Yan's sight.

"Phew - they're all gone finally."

Xia Yan wiped his forehead.

To fight this wave.

His wallet was almost empty.


the other side.

Cong Youbing held a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, waving towards Cang Xiang and Zangmarant.

These two mythical beasts were entertained by Yaya yesterday.

Don't tell me yet.

The "entertainment" was pretty good.

He left both the "Holy Sword" and the "Holy Shield" to Cong Youbing.

Ducky has officially acquired the form of "Sacred Duck".

In addition, it already has championship-level strength.

The strength immediately became the first echelon of Xia Yan's team.


In the first echelon, they are all relatively advanced.


After all the divine beasts left, Du, Sirona and other talents all came closer.


Xia Yan looked at everyone with a smile, especially at Daigo.

Although he didn't speak, everyone understood what he meant.

Want reimbursement?

The smile on Dawu's face was even more exaggerated than Xia Yan's, and he turned his head.

"The weather is nice today."

Xia Yan: "."

If you don’t want to be reimbursed, you don’t want to be reimbursed. What’s the matter with the weather?

"What are your plans next?"


Listening to Sirona's question, Xia Yan was stunned for a moment.

to be honest.

Before, it was Suzuki and the threat brought by Suzuki that kept him in check, making him afraid to relax at all.

But now. Suzuki is dead.

Even if the people from the General League, Bai Lao, are still there.

But for Xia Yan, it is not too difficult to deal with them. He has already started the layout.

Finally, Xia Yan shrugged and said: "Play in the tournament, rush for points, and torture you. Then I will completely pull out the worms in the alliance."

Torture us?

Several people know each other.

They all laughed at the same time.

As long as Xia Yan doesn't summon the divine beast, let's decide who wins in the end after the fight, okay?

No one here will be timid before fighting. Everything must wait until the fight is over.

As for the worms in the alliance.

Just right.

They also all wanted to unplug that group of people.

"Then I'll leave first, Galar Alliance." Emperor Dan suddenly said.

Hearing this, everyone nodded with understanding.

The Galar Alliance may be about to change.

It’s just painful for Dan Emperor.

Maybe he has just become the champion, and he can complete three consecutive jumps in one fell swoop.

Three consecutive jumps from an ordinary trainer to a champion and then to the president of the alliance.

Summoning the fire-breathing dragon, Emperor Dan waved his hand towards everyone.

Looking at Dan Emperor's leaving figure, Xia Yan was suddenly startled.

"Hey! Emperor Dan, the Galar Alliance headquarters is over there!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw Emperor Dan suddenly paused in the air and turned around to fly in another direction.

"Ha ha ha ha--"


PS: I suddenly felt dizzy while sitting there this afternoon. I barely recovered after sitting for more than two hours. It scared me. I plan to go to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow. That’s all for today, this book has come to an end (bow, hope you understand)

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