The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 1104 Xia Yan VS Sakaki (Part 2)


Bankiras, who heard Sakaki's command, did not hesitate for a moment, stepped on the quicksand, stepped forward and punched at a speed completely inconsistent with his body size.

A peculiar rhythm accompanies its pace, constantly increasing in speed and power.

With the help of "Dragon Dance", Bankiras' speed continues to increase.

In just a few blinks, he came directly in front of Doronbaruto.

Blazing flames, intertwined thunder and lightning, and extremely cold frost.

One punch seemed to carry the power of three punches.

This hand.

It can also be regarded as one of Sakaki's signatures.

His Nidoking and Nidoqueen can use their "shadow clones" to simultaneously release triple attacks of jet flames, one hundred thousand volts, and freezing beams.

I just didn't expect that Sakaki's Bankelas could actually perform moves like this without the help of a "shadow clone".

"Doron Baruto, use Dragon Dance to avoid it!"

Xia Yan's expression remained unchanged as he looked at the behemoth that was approaching menacingly, feeling the ferocious aura it carried, and responded calmly.


Doronbaruto started later, but arrived first.

There is no doubt that it is faster than Bankilas, even if Bankilas has relied on the power of "sandstorm" to a certain extent.

As Doronbaruto gave a soft drink, he saw his tail swaying, and the same special rhythm followed.

"Dragon Arrow!"

Xia Yan's voice came again.


Two dragon arrows shot out from the hole in Doron Baruto's head, like two arrows shot together.

Bang bang! !

At such a close distance, the "Dragon Arrow" collided head-on with Bankiras' fist.

For a while.

Jumping lightning and splashing sparks filled the space between the two elves.


Bankiras shouted again, and the frost condensed on his clenched fist became even colder and passed through the barrier.

Wisps of yellow flicker lingering on it.

But, the next moment, I listened again.


Two more "dragon arrows" burst out from the hole of Doron Baruto.

"Why are there still more?!"

The audience who saw this scene exclaimed in surprise.

"Dragon Arrow" is the exclusive move of Dragon Baruto, and Dragon Baruto is a quasi-god elf in the Galar region. The viewers in the Galar region know very well that "Dragon Arrow" consists of two shots.


Why does Xia Yan's multi-dragon Baruto have four "dragon arrows"?


Ignoring the short interval, it can be said that they were launched almost at the same time.

Bang! !

The third one hit Bankilas' "Freeze Fist" and shot out a large number of broken ice crystals, which also blocked Bankilas's further progress to a certain extent.

And the last "Dragon Arrow" hit Bankilas' chest without any hindrance.

Boom! !

The dull sound seemed to hit a hard and thick city wall.

Bankelas staggered back two steps.

Stand still.

His expression remained unchanged, his eyes were slightly contemptuous, he lightly dusted his chest, and glanced at Doronbaruto with an extremely arrogant attitude.


This action and gesture of Bankilas caused the entire audience to burst into uproar.

How confident?

No, it should even be said to be conceited.

Seeing Bankiras's actions, even the usually mild-tempered Doronbaruto's eyes gradually became a little unkind.

And the four Doronmesias who had returned to their holes also bared their teeth at Bankilas.

So arrogant!

But the audience liked it very much, and many people stood up and cheered.

Sakaki, who knew the character of Bankelas, couldn't help but chuckle. He didn't stop or ask questions, but just said again:

"Banjiras, sharp stone attack!"


Bankiras, who was like a miniature Godzilla, roared and spread his arms flamboyantly. Countless sand and gravels surrounding him instantly gathered and turned into sharp and strong thick pitons.

at the same time.

Its huge tail slapped the ground hard, and with a trembling sound from the ground, huge rock pillars rose up from the ground.

Attacks originating from the ground and attacks originating from the sky, under the control of Bankiras, were shot towards Doron Baruto at the same time.

I have to admit that Sakaki's Bankelas has a really strong ability to control the "sandstorm", making this "sharp stone attack" almost an attack from all directions.

And Dolong Baruto was already surrounded by countless rock cones.

Countless pitons, like bullets, blocked all Doronbaruto's dodge paths.

Go away with dense pressure.

Bang bang bang bang——

The sound of bombardment and collision came one after another, mixed with the splashing of countless rock fragments, and a large amount of rising dust, covering everything.

hard to imagine.

What elf can protect itself from Bankiras' attack?

It does have the qualifications to be conceited.

it's over?

Listening to the constant roar of attacks finally subsided, but not seeing the figure of the dragon Baluto jumping out of the thick dust, the audience couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts.

If this is the case, the audience can understand.

after all.

This Bankelas is really strong.


Just when everyone thought the dust had settled, they heard Sakaki suddenly shout loudly.

"Banjiras, behind you, bite it into pieces!"

And Bankiras seemed to have anticipated this result. The moment Sakaki's voice sounded, his ferocious and sharp fangs were entangled with thick malice, and he bit behind him without hesitation.

Just as Bankilas "crushed" out, a black mist suddenly appeared behind him.

A fourth-dimensional channel suddenly opened.


Bathed in black and purple energy, Doron Baruto suddenly rushed out like a roaring dragon.

Subtle surprise attack!

Sakaki seemed to have expected this result. This was not the first time that he and Natsuhiko's Dragon Baruto had fought against each other.

Moreover, his and Bankilas' predictions were both accurate.

As a last resort.

Dragon Baruto, who rushed out of the fourth-dimensional passage, had to face the attack from the ferocious Bankiras.


Even if it is a head-on collision, Doronbaruto is not afraid.


A rare and angry roar came from the mouth of Doron Baruto, and the energy surrounding him became more and more wanton.

Without hesitation, he met Bankelas' "bite crush".

boom! ! !

Another head-on collision between the two sides.

But this time, Bankilas showed some surprise.

The evil energy surrounding its sharp teeth, which should have restrained the ghost energy, was annihilated out of control when it came into contact with the black mist in which Doron Baruto was bathed!



There was no energy collision, no impact, it was like a picture being wiped away by a piece of eraser, quietly erased.


After understanding this, Sakaki narrowed his eyes.

"Banjilas, Dragon Claw!"

Sakaki's voice made Bankelas quickly regain his composure from the surprise. While biting with his huge mouth, he swung out his strong arms with rolling dragon energy.

Bang! !

Another dull sound erupted.

After the two energies tore in the air, Doronbaruto retreated a certain distance, and Bankilas staggered back again.


Doronbaruto, who was suspended in the air, raised his eyebrows at Bankiras.

That's it?


Seeing the provocation from Doronbaruto, Bankilas's eyes instantly turned bloodshot.

"Feel this anger, Nilin!"

Sakaki said suddenly.

Ordinary trainers battle to control their own elves, powerful trainers battle to control the overall situation, and top trainers battle to control the emotions of elves!

When anger rises, the "Reverse Scale" move bursting out with anger will undoubtedly greatly increase the power of this move.

Although Sakaki is not as masterful and skilled as Genji in mastering the "Reverse Scale" move, his special understanding and use did allow Bankelas to explode with unparalleled power.


Bankilas, whose eyes were red, instantly burst into crimson dragon energy. He didn't stand still at all, and burst out while stamping on the ground.

The overwhelming aura made even the audience outside the barrier hold their breath.

Doronbaruto's expression also became extremely serious in an instant.

"Keep your distance, Dragon Arrow!"

Xia Yan's voice also came one after another.

At the same time, there are Xia Yan's intentions and the next tactical play.

Taking advantage of Doronbaruto's speed advantage, he didn't have a head-on confrontation with Bankilas.


Bankilas's "Reverse Scale" can restrain Doron Baruto, but Doron Baruto's moves may not be able to restrain Bankilas.

Moreover, Sakaki's Bankelas has a very strong defense.

Xia Yan noticed.

The surface of Bankilas' body was covered with a thin layer of sand.

Although thin, it is extremely strong.

This comes from Bankilas' superb control of "Sandstorm".

Coupled with Bankilas's own powerful defense and Bankilas' ability to turn his anger into explosive power, it now becomes extremely dangerous.


Doronbaruto quickly pulled away, choosing to distance himself from Bankilas as much as possible.

at the same time.

Accurate "Dragon Arrow", shot again.

Bang bang! !

The "Dragon Arrow" shot first hit Bankilas' unprepared chest again.

The pain that spread only made Bankilas angrier.

This anger is not only the strength of Bankilas, but also enhances all its physical qualities.

The speed actually exceeded before.

Bang bang! !

The "dragon arrows" continued to shoot out, constantly bombarding Bankilas' chest.

But Bankilas finally approached Doronbaruto.

"no effect?"

"Go ahead, this Bankelas, its defense is so terrifying!"

"Is this the 'Earth Sakaki'? Although Bankilas is not a ground elf, it is really as thick and solid as the earth."

"Boss Sakaki!! As long as I stand on the earth, I will be invincible!"

Even the members of Team Rocket shouted excitedly.

This round, the defensive power displayed by Bankiras was truly astonishing.

But what was even more shocking was the attack that broke out from Bankiras.

Due to the use of "Dragon Arrow" and the miscalculation of Bankilas' speed, Doron Baruto had no time to dodge, and had to resist Bankilas's "Reverse Scale".

With a terrifying attack that broke out in anger, he directly slapped Doron Baruto away hard.

It hit the ground hard, creating a huge dent, and the ground made an overwhelming sound.

This made many people who supported Xia Yan feel heartbroken.

But Sakaki frowned.

Others may not notice.

But he saw it clearly.

When Bankilas took a picture of Dolong Baruto, a thin layer of black mist spread out from his body, blocking the attack to a certain extent.


When it hit the ground, the black mist surrounding it became thicker.

It also plays a certain protective role.

But if that's all, forget it.

What really makes Sakaki feel troublesome is something Natsuhiko has been doing before and next.

"Dragon Arrow!"

Xia Yan's unwavering voice sounded again.

Return the dragon arrow?

It has no effect.

Although the four-shot "Dragon Arrow" is very powerful, the defensive power of this Bankilas is really terrifying.

The audience didn't understand.

But Xia Yan and Doron Baruto, who stood up, were extremely determined.

The more they persisted, the more solemn Sakaki's expression became.

Boom! ! !

Two more "dragon arrows" hit accurately.

Look, it really didn't work, and all it got was that Bankelas became even more furious.


No one noticed.

Fine and undetectable cracks appeared on Bankiras' proud chest defense armor.

Boom! !

A steady stream of "dragon arrows" kept hitting Bankilas' chest.


Click——! !

A clear and loud sound suddenly sounded.


What followed was Bankiras' roar of pain and his eyes of disbelief.

Crushed? !

Such a powerful defense was actually shattered?

Countless quicksand gathered towards Bankilas' chest.


When cracks appear in a strong defense, no amount of patching will help.

Just like a cracked egg, it can be crushed with just a pinch.

Dolong Baruto just hovered in place, facing Bankiras who was attacking again, and kept shooting dragon arrows.


The sound of broken armor became more and more frequent.

The cracks on his body are becoming more and more obvious.

"The Dragon Baruto of Natsuhiko's Champion kept attacking the same point, which resulted in such an effect!"

Finally, there was an audience who could understand.

With such a powerful defense, can it really be defeated without an explosive explosion?

Sakaki's Bankelas are indeed terrifying.

But in the end, it fell under the extremely accurate continuous "dragon arrows" of Doron Baruto.


The huge body fell heavily to the ground, raising large amounts of sand and dust.

Its proud defense was completely defeated by Doron Baruto.

"Banjilas, lost the ability to fight!!"

Doronbaruto let out a long breath.

He rubbed his chest.

Good guy, I have never seen an opponent with such strong defense.

It doesn't matter if the defense is strong, the burst of attack power is also so strong.

Just one shot of "Reverse Scale" nearly suffocated it.

Xia Yan finally understood.

Sakaki's Bankelas has almost full defense, and its attack is basically based on the explosive power converted from emotional anger.

Not weak, Bankilas' offensive ability is definitely not weak.

But compared to its defensive power, it is indeed a bit inferior.

If it can achieve the same level of offensive capability as its defensive power, Doron Baruto will really not be able to withstand the "Reverse Scale" with attribute restraint.

He truly deserves to be called "Daichi Sakaki".

Such a Bankilas, if it were another person, might not be able to break its defense.

Sakaki looked deeply at Dorumbaruto.

If it weren't for the four "Dragon Arrows" that Dulong Baruto could fire, even if he concentrated on breaking through one point of Bankilas every time, he might not have enough time to break Bankilas's defense, and he would be killed by the furious Bankilas. Killed.

This is the game between "hanging force" and "hanging force".

In the end, it was Natsuhiko's "spear" that defeated Sakaki's "shield".

Recover Bankiras who has lost his ability to fight.

This time Xia Yan did not take back Doron Baruto.

Although he suffered a "reverse scale" shot from Bankilas, Doronbaruto still has a certain fighting capacity and has full momentum.

Sakaki glanced at Natsuhiko and Doron Baruto again. He did not rush to summon the spirits, but slowly rolled up the sleeves of his suit.

Seeing Sakaki's actions, Natsuhiko's expression gradually became serious.

To suffer.

Boss Sakaki became completely serious.

Seemingly noticing Natsuhiko's gaze, Sakaki chuckled.

"You don't want to shave my head, do you?"

"No way, boss, you are joking."

While Xia Yan was speaking, Sakaki's third elf was summoned to the field following his movements.

"Sizzling beer——!!"

The fierce wind swept away, the low sound of insects was faintly heard, the twinkling compound eyes, and the twin needles suddenly appeared with a cold light.

"Oh oh oh oh—Sakaki's third elf is actually a giant needle bee!"

Big needle bee!

Appearing on the field, it was Sakaki's ace, the "unremarkable" Big Needle Bee!

"Using the Sting Bee in front of Champion Xia Yan?"

"Is this just a trick?"

"Tsk, tsk, this giant needle bee looks so ordinary."

"But looking at the posture of Master Sakaki, this giant needle bee seems to be his trump card."

"'Daichi Sakaki', do you understand? There is half a dime between the giant needle bee and the ground system?"


Seeing the Sting Bee summoned by Sakaki, the audience immediately became excited and made various comments.

The main reason is because Xia Yan's Big Needle Bee is so famous. He has followed Xia Yan in almost all competitions, large and small, and it has become one of Xia Yan's signatures.

As for Sakaki, not many people knew him, and even if they did, it was mainly based on "Daichi Sakaki", and they had never seen his giant needle bee.

That's why so many doubts have arisen.


The audience can't understand it, but that doesn't mean everyone can't understand it.

In the box where Xia Yan and the others were resting.

After seeing Sakaki's giant needle queen, there was a sudden silence.

"Sakaki's Needle Bee is very strong! Very strong!" Chihong spoke first, breaking the silence.

He should also be the one with the most say among the people present.

Although he has never fought against the Sakaki of this world, the Sakaki of the other world is almost the same except for a few differences from him.


The Sakaki of this world may be a little stronger.

"In the Viridian Gym, I found Sakaki's 'Secret Book of the Earth', but I have never seen the secret book on how to cultivate the giant needle bee. I only know that if the defensive power of the Sakaki elf is like the earth, then his offensive ability, Only the giant needle wasp can fully embody it.”

As the former Gym Leader of Viridian after Sakaki, Aoqing also has a lot of say.

"Old thief Sakaki is serious about it." Ajin shouted.

Evoking a disgusted side glance from Xiao Yin.

"I heard Xia Yan say it once. In the mid-term period, his giant sting bees were cultivated according to Sakaki's giant sting bees." Sirona said.

"A collision between the most powerful needle bee trainers?" Watari's eyes flashed slightly.

He didn't know why, but he also wanted to know whether it was his Kuailong that was stronger or Sakaki's Needle Bee that was stronger.

No matter what others say or how they feel, the ones who feel it most clearly at this time are undoubtedly Natsuhiko and Doron Baruto who are standing on the field opposite Sakaki.

Xia Yan's mouth twitched slightly.

Giant Needle Bee.

As the trainer of the Giant Needle Bee, he knew very well how strong Sakaki's Giant Needle Bee was.

The fine scales standing up all over Doronbaruto's body are the best proof.

"The giant needle wasp."

Sakaki just shouted without giving any specific instructions.

But only a shallow "buzz" was heard, and accompanied by a subtle trembling in the air, the seemingly "ordinary" giant needle bee suddenly disappeared from the sight of Xia Yan and Doron Baruto. among.

So fast!

Xia Yan's heart skipped a beat.

Not only him, but all the audience were stunned.

There are even many people who have some misunderstandings.

Is this giant sting bee really not Xia Yan’s champion giant sting bee?

But why so fast?

"Doron Baruto!"

Xia Yan shouted lowly, and a halo of superpower flickered in his eyes.

With Sakaki's speed and verbal command, this giant needle bee will definitely become a breakthrough.

Either through tacit understanding or superpowers.

Xia Yan directly used both.


The multi-dragon Baruto, whose scales stood up all over his body, was suddenly filled with strong dragon energy, and turned into a soaring dragon with spread wings.

Dragon's Dive!

As for goals?

There is no target, this is just to guard against the sudden attack of the giant needle bee.



Xia Yan and Doron Baruto were both heartened, and they keenly felt the approach of the giant needle bee.

The pure dragon energy surrounding Dulong Baruto suddenly gathered in one direction.

The roaring "giant dragon", ferocious fangs, and ferocious sharp claws all blasted in one direction.


The giant needle bee that disappeared from everyone's eyes showed its figure again under the impact of Doron Baruto's rich and pure dragon energy.


The moment they saw the giant needle bee, everyone's pupils shrank unconsciously.

Just see it.

In the middle of the "Dragon Dive" released by Dragon Baruto's extremely rich dragon energy, a seemingly ordinary giant needle bee was holding up its long needle with a cold glow.

At the end of the long needle, there were tiny spots of cyan light flashing.

And what’s really shocking is that.

It was a giant needle bee that didn't seem to have any powerful moves, but it was able to walk freely under the attack of Dragon Baruto.


More precisely.

It was the giant needle bee that used its long needle as a spear to split the attack released by Dragon Baruto in two with an absolutely overwhelming attitude!

The scattered dragon-type energy that impacted around the body of the giant needle bee was also resisted and dissipated by the bits of emerald green emitted from the giant needle bee's body when it flapped its wings.

"The power of Viridian?"

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan looked at Sakaki subconsciously.


Sakaki's body was also filled with light emerald green energy.

What else could it be if it wasn't the power of Changpan?

at the same time.

The seemingly ordinary puncture of the giant sting wasp was already approaching Doronbaruto.

Doronbaluto repeated his old trick, releasing wisps of black mist as a defense just like when he fought Bankiras.

boom! !

But there is no doubt that Doronbaruto fell heavily to the ground as if he had been hit hard.

Saw this hit.

The hair on Xia Yan's body stood up.

Even though he was mentally prepared, he still felt shocked when he actually confirmed the result.

"Legendary level?!"

Sakaki's giant needle bee is definitely legendary!

Wow——! !

Seeing Doronbaruto falling to the ground and losing the ability to fight, the whole audience was instantly in an uproar.

Is this a second?

In this scene, is it really someone else's Stingy Bee, not Xia Yan's Stinging Bee?

"Oh ho ho - Teacher Xia Yan can actually experience the feeling of others when facing his giant sting bee." Ah Jin was the most gloating.

Du, Daigo, Sirona and others looked at each other solemnly.

"Really?" Dawu asked.

After a brief hesitation, Du nodded slightly and said, "I heard Xia Yan say once that there is someone above the champion."

Sirona took a slight breath and said in a deep voice.

"Legendary level!"

The appearance of this giant needle bee directly raised the level and difficulty of this round of battle by more than one level.

"You're already outstanding."

Natsuhiko said softly to Dragon Baruto in the Poké Ball.

For being defeated this time, we really can't blame Doron Baruto, as it itself was not in its best condition.

not to mention.

There is an absolute gap in hard power between him and Sakaki's Needle Bee.


Xia Yan exhaled slightly and put away the elf ball.

His expression looked extremely serious.

In his hand was a Poké Ball.


Then the elf ball was still shaking slightly, seeming a little impatient.

"Come on." Sakaki on the opposite side seemed to have guessed which elf Xia Yan wanted to summon. He nodded slightly and said solemnly.

"Sizzling beer!"

Sakaki's giant needle wasp also showed a serious expression and gently rubbed its two needles.

Xia Yan no longer hesitated.

The elf ball drew a smooth arc in the air.

Red light flashes.

"Sizzling beer!!"

Similar cries, with different tones and tones, accompanied by strands of tangled golden current.

"Big Sting Bee! Xia Yan Champion's Big Sting Bee!!"

"Coming, coming! Xia Yan's champion's ace needle bee!"

"I declare that the two strongest sting wasps in the world will decide who is the truly strongest one in the world this time!"

"No way. I never thought that I would feel my blood boiling because of two giant needle wasps."


Seeing the giant sting wasp summoned by Xia Yan, the audience couldn't bear it immediately.

A showdown between the world's most powerful needle bees? !

Two giant needle wasps, trembling wings, looked at each other from a distance.

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