The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 1111 Xia Yan VS Dawu (End)


There was a constant roar, and there were bursts of explosions in places that the audience couldn't understand.

The two powerful superpowers had a big conflict before the two elves even started to come into contact.


In terms of superpowers, even Daigo's super Metagross has four computer-like brains for rapid thinking, and has strong mental power as the basis of his superpowers.

But when faced with Super Hu Di, Metagross's superpowers inevitably fell into a disadvantage.

And it’s still a very obvious disadvantage.

A pure superpower contest.

Now Xia Yan's Super Hu Di even has the confidence to fight against some weaker beasts. This is an achievement he has achieved through long-term meditation.

Of course, help from Xia Yan and help from Chaomeng, for example, cannot be left out.

Coupled with the characteristics of its own special cell genes.

The upper limit of Super Hu Di's super power capacity far exceeds that of some ordinary super power elves.

Daigo, who was also aware of this, did not let Metagross get too entangled in this aspect.

After all, Super Hu Di is a pure superpower elf, but Super Metagross is not.

"Metrogross, Bullet Punch is approaching!"

"Kang Jin!!"

Super Metagross does not compete with Super Hu Di in terms of super power. It just uses its own super power, which is also not weak, to cover itself tightly, excluding Super Hu Di's super power and reducing its super power. influence on oneself so that one can act more freely.

at the same time.

On the body of the super giant Metagross, strands of golden arc light also jumped, flickering one after another.

Electromagnetic levitation!

By using "electromagnetic levitation", the impact of his strong, hard but heavy body on his own speed is reduced.

As the four huge pincers of Super Metagross glowed with bright white metallic luster, and their swings were intertwined with the explosion of sound of piercing the air, its figure suddenly resembled a suspended fortress at full power, charging towards Super Hu Land. And go.

"Hu Di, tie a grass knot!"

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, and the voice rang out from Super Hu Di's mind.

With the help of super powers and the bond brought about by super evolution, there is no need for excessive verbal communication between Xia Yan and Super Hu Di.


Super Hu Di, suspended in mid-air, slowly closed his eyes.

But at this time, all the scenes in the huge arena appeared in its mind without any deviation.

Along with it.

There is also the location of the Super Metagross and all its movement trajectories.


I saw.

A silver-white spoon behind Super Hudi is slightly bent.

The next second.


From the ruins of the site, thick emerald green vines suddenly emerged.

Huge vines twisted and spiraled up, appearing just in the path of the super Metagross.

"Crush it, Metagross!"

Both Dawu and Metagross noticed the huge vines trying to stop their progress, but they did not choose to dodge or avoid them, but responded with the most straightforward and ferocious posture.

"Kang Jin!!!"

The super Metagross used its sharp pincers and instantly waved its bullet-like fists and rushed towards the vines.

Puff puff--

The seemingly thick and solid vines were shattered and shattered under the four iron fists of the super giant Metagross.

After getting rid of these influential vines as quickly as possible, the Super Metagross continued to rush towards the Super Hudi.


No matter how fast Metagross crushes the vines, this short period of time is enough for Super Hu to be more fully prepared.


After Super Metagross crushed the vines and looked in the direction of Super Hudi again, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

See you soon.

The five silver-white spoons behind Super Hudi have all been bent, and more importantly, in front of it.

The pitch-black and round balls rotated at high speed, with strands of spiritual power intertwined with them, and as they rotated, these spiritual powers were continuously integrated into the small balls.

Xia Yan suddenly grinned and waved his hand.

"Hu Di, shadow ball!"

Think back to the beginning.

Hu Di's "Shadow Ball" skill was stolen from their elves during the time when he, Daigo and Sirona first met.

As the only ghost-type move that Hu Di can use, Xia Yanke has never given up on supplementing his own offensive shortcomings.


Dozens of condensed "shadow balls" are the best proof.


With Super Hudi's soft drink, the five bent spoons behind him suddenly straightened.

And those "shadow balls", also under his control, smashed towards the super Metagross.

The sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Daigo couldn't help but frowned when he saw this scene.

The first game was a crazy confrontation between the two sides, the second game was the operation and dismantling of tactics by the two people, and this third game was all about rhythm!

The rhythm of the battle.

Xia Yan has entered his favorite state.

If you don't want to lose the opportunity little by little in Xia Yan's rhythm, or even lose directly in the end, then you must get out of this rhythm.

at this point.

It was the "valuable" experience that Daigo, Du, Sirona, Kona and the rest of the group had gained after many battles with Xia Yan.

Others say that Xia Yan is a "tactical master" who is proficient in various tactics and has developed many "quality" tactics that are now secreted.

But only those of them who have fought against Xia Yan many times know best.

What Xia Yan is best at and most proficient in is actually rhythm!

Daigo, with many thoughts flashing through his mind like lightning, made a quick decision.

"Metrogross, rush over and use the hammer of your mind!"

This seems like the stupidest decision.

But for Daigo, this is the only way to break the rhythm controlled by Xia Yan.

This can be confirmed by the slight surprise flashing in Xia Yan's eyes.

"Kang Jin!!"

Metagross did not raise any objections or hesitations to Daigo's command.

The super super power that was already surrounding itself instantly covered the head and four huge pincers.

Facing the numerous "shadow balls", he rushed away.


The audience who saw this scene were in an uproar.

Is Daigo the same as in the first game?

Taking the offense to the extreme.

But some more experienced people can see it.

In the first game, the reason why Daigo played like this was because his Bankelas had the advantage, and that way he could better utilize the advantages of Bankelas.

At that time, the initiative in the battle could be said to be in his hands.

But in this game, Daiwu chose to fight like this because he was passive.

Because this game has already entered Xia Yan's rhythm since Hu Di's previous "grass knot" delaying the movement of the super giant Metagross.

So, it may seem like the results are the same, but the causes are actually completely different.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The condensed round "shadow balls" collided violently with the super Metagross again and again.

While a large amount of roaring burst out, it was also accompanied by rolling energy fluctuations and the aftermath of the collision.

"It's really great."

Xia Yan felt a little uncomfortable.

But then came the uncontrollable joy.

Uncomfortable because Daigo's choice became the way he least wanted to see.

To put it simply.

It was his rhythm plan that was broken again.

And rejoice.

He once again saw Daigo's improvement in battle details and on-the-spot adaptability.

This is not the first time that Daigo's progress has surprised him.

From the very beginning of the battle with Bankilas, Daigo surprised him more than once.

This kind of surprise was much smaller than the "surprise" that Daigo gave him when he took out Xidolan's hand in the Masters.

But it was also such a surprise that made Xia Yan happier than the simple improvement in strength.

"Kang Jin!!!"

The Super Metagross was carrying a lot of raised dust, and its bright white metallic body was covered with traces left by many "shadow balls".

It seems that it is not as perfect and powerful as before.

But his eyes were several times brighter than before.

Strong opponents tend to make it more exciting.

And its eyes are almost exactly the same as Daigo's at this time.

"Metrogross, iron roller! Run over!"

Kang Jin! ! !

The body of Metagross began to rotate at high speed. With the help of superpowers and electromagnetic fields, it almost turned into a huge and threatening rolling metal ball in the blink of an eye.

The constant "buzzing" sound, and the gravel and rocks rolled up with it.

In an instant, the entire already shattered battlefield was once again destroyed.

The billowing sand and dust then formed a sandstorm tornado that spiraled wantonly.

Iron Roller, a steel-type move with a power of up to 130 points, can cause great damage to the field, and can even destroy the impact of field-type moves to a certain extent.

This move.

It was specially used by Dawu to deal with the "spiritual field" possessed by Xia Yanhu.

At the same time, it is also the strongest move that his super Metagross can unleash.

He wanted to take the opportunity of breaking Xia Yan's rhythm to deal the most fatal blow to Xia Yan and Super Hu Di.

after all.

Hu Di was also injured when he fought with Bankilas before.

"But Hu Di is not the only one who is in poor condition." Xia Yan murmured to himself in a low voice.


The five spoons behind Super Hu Di emitted soft white light at the same time.

Then, like an illusion, the five spoons blurred and then merged together like water, turning into a huge spoon.

at the same time.

Super Hu's cross-legged legs were slowly lowered, and the cross-legged body stood straight.

The palm stretched out backward grabbed the huge spoon.

In the mysterious blur, a silver-white and proud figure seemed to appear behind Super Hu Di.

The next second.

Super Hudi's eyes that had been closed suddenly opened.

The crystal blue eyes are like two deep sapphires, and the bright halos flowing through them represent the mysterious power contained in these two sapphires.

Facing the huge Metagross that came with great momentum, all Super Hu Di could see in his eyes was a hideous and dark wound in the rapidly rotating body.

Those were the traces left by the strong shield sword monster's attack.

It is also the biggest flaw in the seemingly perfect body of Metagross.

And this move of Super Hu Di hits the opponent's flaw!

Unknowingly, Xia Yan, who had the same posture as Super Hu Di, was connected with each other's super powers and super evolutionary powers, and the connected will and thoughts made him make the same movements.

At this moment, the invisible bond called "bond" gradually became clear between this person and the elf, and seemed to be measurable.


Standing opposite Xia Yan, Daigo's heart skipped a beat for no apparent reason, and a strange feeling lingered in his heart.

"This is."

As if influenced by Xia Yan and Super Hu Di, Daigo's feelings about something became clearer.

Of course, this fleeting feeling will not have much impact on what happens next.

"Spirit, break!"

The eyes of Xia Yan and Super Hu Di simultaneously burst out with super power fluctuations that had exactly the same rhythm.

boom--! !

The sound of silver-white and blue energy colliding exploded.

The impact caused by the collision of the two energies swallowed up the two elves at the same time.

"Kang Jin!!!"



The energy barrier of the huge arena groaned as it was overwhelmed, which frightened the people in charge of the arena to stand up one by one and clenched their fists.

The spectators closest to the barrier were frightened and turned pale under the vibration of the barrier.

When the aftermath of the impact and dust dissipated, a huge explosion crater was left in the center of the site.

The white Metagross has released its super evolution, squinting its eyes in pain, and the dark wound on its abdomen seems to have become more obvious.

Hu Di stood staggeringly beside Metagross. He had also released the super evolution, and had many wounds on his body. He also looked a little embarrassed.

But its calm eyes silently stared at the Metagross at its feet.

Scenes of the responses made by both parties at the moment of the previous collision flashed in his mind.

Hu Di nodded slightly.

"Hu Di"

You are strong.

If it hadn't been for the wounds left by the Shield Sword Monster and the collision with the last move, Hu Di might not be able to stand here.

The resources Daigo invested in Metagross were really terrifying.

"Kang Jin."

The head that Metagross was holding on finally hit the ground heavily.

"Metrogross has lost its ability to fight!!!"

The referee sighed and announced the result.

Hu Di shook his body again.

"Come back, Hu Di."

Before he couldn't control his body and fell down, Xia Yan took back the elf ball.


Daigo looked at the elf ball containing Metagross, his lowered eyes flickering slightly, as if he had some understanding, but he still seemed to have not been able to grasp the key.

"Player Daigo? Player Daigo? Please be prepared."


Dawu, who was stunned, didn't come back to his senses until he heard the referee's reminder.

Xia Yan on the opposite side had already taken the elf ball and prepared it.

"Oh, oh oh."

Daigo had to suppress the hazy but clear feeling just now, and took out his fourth elf ball.

"Go, Sidoran!"

Roar--! !

The rolling magma surged up, and at the top of the magma wave, Xi Duolan, with a slight metallic luster, "came on the wave", feeling indescribable excitement.

It was finally its turn to turn the tide.

He wants to save the situation for Daiwu!


This high-spirited ambition and confidence did not last for even a second. After seeing the existence summoned by Xia Yan, it completely failed.

Roar! ! !

A louder and more violent roar seemed to be venting the surging will that had been suppressed for a long time.

The hot red magma is more turbulent than that of Sidoran.

At the same time, the magma under Xi Duolan's feet turned into a small stream.

Wow! ! !

That fiery red giant figure, that ferocious and thick red armor, there is a heaviness in the majesty.

"Holy shit! It's really Groudon!"

"I thought Champion Xia Yan was just showing off and bluffing. Did he really bring Groudon to the arena?"

"The competition Groudon participated in is unprecedented and unprecedented, right?"


Surprisingly, it is the super-ancient divine beast of the Hoenn region, the God of the Earth - Groudon!

It was suppressed by Xia Yan's request to stay in the elf ball.

If Xia Yan hadn't promised it to take care of the meal, Groudon would never have agreed to such a request, even if the target was Xia Yan.

Sidorane, who was standing on the ground, looked stiff, blinked twice, and looked at Groudon again to make sure he was not dreaming.

His head stiffly turned back to look at Daigo.


Let it fight Groudon?

Although it is also a mythical beast, it has no divine responsibilities.

Moreover, being born from magma, it is very aware of the power of Groudon in front of it. This is much easier than a father beating his son.

Daigo's eyes twitched.

He pursed his lips and said seriously: "Xi Duo Lan'en, don't belittle yourself."

Xi Duo Lan En: "."

Is this a matter of belittling oneself?

Groudon on the opposite side looked condescendingly at Xi Doran.

His eyes were full of contempt.

It also looked back at Xia Yan.

That's it?

Little Gaga?

Xia Yan nodded slightly, raised the corner of his mouth, and said loudly: "Groudon, the sword of the cliff!"

The feeling of commanding Groudon to use the "Cliff Sword" is really different from the feeling of commanding the Flame Monkey.

Roar--! ! !

Groudon spread his arms and roared to the sky.

Boom! !

A huge crack suddenly exploded under his feet, and rolling magma surged out crazily along the crack.

On the opposite side, Xiduolan felt that the magma was so uncontrollable for the first time.

If it were another elf, he might still be able to struggle against Groudon.

But when Xidulan faced Groudon, he was fundamentally suppressed by Groudon in all aspects.


What Sidoran said about "father beating son" is not unreasonable.

This is a dimensionality reduction blow.

The next second.

boom! ! !

There was a sound like a bomb exploding, and the entire huge Gongmen City Arena shook violently. At the same time, a huge fiery red rock pillar suddenly rose up.

The weak, helpless and pitiful Xiduo Lanen could only watch helplessly as the magma that once commanded it as its arms enveloped it and sent it towards the direction where the rock pillar was pulled up.

Then he was pushed over the arena barrier.

After a crisp sound of "click".

"Oh! Finally! The wait is finally here. Champion Xia Yan, the 'Barrier Exploder', finally bursts the screen!"

"Why are you so excited? Run away!"

"I'm going to blanch! The lava is coming!"

In the broken arena, the weak, helpless and pitiful referee tremblingly announced the result.

"Xi, Xi Dolan lost the ability to fight, and Gu and Groudon won! So, congratulations to player Xia Yan for successfully advancing to the semi-finals!"

Xia Yan's eyes twitched slightly as he looked at the energy barrier with a big hole poked out.

"I'm so stupid, really, I couldn't choose anyone, but I have to choose Groudon."

I couldn't help but glance at Daigo, who had a dull expression across from him.

"However. Daigo and I played this game together. He should bear the cost of repairing the damaged barrier, right?

Um. Let him out! "

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