"Everyone, long time no see."

In the live broadcast on TV and computer, a handsome man wearing a familiar black suit and holding a top hat with a smile on his face once again appeared in the sight of everyone waiting before the live broadcast.

"It's Xia Yan's champion!"

"No, it's the former champion Xia Yan!"

"That's right, Mr. Xia Yan has resigned from the position of champion, and has been handed over to the champion Sirona to manage the Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings."


Facing the dense barrage of bullets and greetings floating across the screen, Xia Yan's expression remained unchanged, but the smile on his face became stronger again.

"Cha Ke Yi~~"


I saw the elf ball on Xia Yan's waist flickering red, and the mischievous Pokkisi and the fairy Ibrahimovic ran out one after another, flapping their wings and waving satin excitedly towards the camera.

"Ah, it's the 'Little Devil' Pokkisi and the 'Pink Devil' Fairy Ibrahimovic—"

"Long time no see them!"

"But it's still the same cute, of course it can only be cute from a distance, hahaha——"


The barrage is still very friendly at this moment. With Xia Yan's popularity and reputation in the alliance, even the current Dr. Oki may not be able to overwhelm him.

Xia Yan raised his palm lightly, "Pyramid, zoom out a bit and zoom in a bit."

Then the audience saw that the camera shook slightly twice, quickly zoomed out and zoomed in, and brought more scenes into the field of vision.

At this time, they finally noticed that the place where Xia Yan was located seemed to be

a school?

One of Rainbow Academy's schools?

No no no.

Today's Rainbow Academy has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the Rainbow Academy in each region is an important building in their respective regions.

But the school that is presented before them now seems to be something they have never seen before.

What hangs on the top of the huge and towering academy looks like a bunch of grapes and an orange!

"Hehe, the live broadcast will start now."

Before the doubts in the hearts of the audience were resolved, they heard a very familiar voice again and saw a figure they hadn't seen for a long time.

Wearing a red cloak and a blue suit, a man with crimson hair appeared stealing the spotlight.

"A'Du Champion!"

Xia Yan rolled his eyes angrily, and pressed Du's head, a faint light flickered in his eye sockets, his super power was activated quietly, and he pushed gently——


Du flew out directly.

"Xia Yan, your uncle!"

Du's voice gradually faded away.

This familiar feeling and this enviable emotion made the audience happy again.

"Ahem, friends, I didn't know what was messed up just now, don't care about these details, let's continue"

It's just that Xia Yan wanted to draw everyone's attention at this time, but it was obviously too late.

"Also... Dawu champion! The one squatting in the corner tinkering with stones is the Dawu champion, right?"

"The champion of Sirona! This is the champion of Sirona!"

"Eh? Who is the old man next to Champion Sirona?"


Seeing this, Xia Yan could only helplessly support his forehead, then turned his head and shouted helplessly:

"I said, didn't you agree not to leave the country first? You champions don't garrison the area well, so it's a bit unreasonable to sneak out for vacation?"

"How can it be called a vacation?" Dawu, who was squatting on the ground, stood up, holding a few historical stones in his hand, "Xia Yan, Principal Clavell said these stones came from the giant pit of Padia?"

While speaking, his face was full of uncontrollable excitement.

"When are we going to have a look at that giant pit, that is, Area Zero?"

"Count me in!"

Du, who flew back riding a fast dragon, also interrupted in time.


Xia Yan completely chose to give up the idea of ​​a one-man show, and shouted to the surroundings: "Okay, everyone, come out!"


As his voice fell.

A large number of students in uniforms emerged from every corner, and everyone's face was filled with smiles and full of youthful atmosphere.

Along with it, there are also a large number of elves, who are their partners.

Many of them are familiar to the audience, but there are also many that the audience has never seen before the live broadcast.

This is the new sprite?

so much? !

Xia Yan finally stopped being a joke, and said to the camera with a smile:

"My friends, a brief introduction. The area we are in now is-"

"Padia area!!!"

The students who poured out collectively shouted loudly.

"And we're in-"

"Orange Academy/Grape Academy!!"

boom! ! !

As soon as this information came out, the Internet directly fried the pot.

Another new area? !

Discovered a new area?

But think about it carefully.

It seems that it has been several years since the "Dark Night" disaster in the Galar region ended.


Discovering a new area naturally means that there will be more brand new elves that have never been seen before.

"Xia Yan."

At this time.

Sirona, who was chatting with an old man at the side before, came slowly, with her eyes bent and the corners of her mouth squinted, she seemed to be in a good mood.

Walking with her, and the old man chatting with her.

"Principal Claver, why don't you introduce the academy to everyone?"

"Okay, Director Xia Yan."

Obviously, Xia Yan succeeded in relying on the qualifications of Rainbow Academy, the abundant capital from Dawu, the powerful background of crossing over there, and Sirona's friendly exchanges, which made Rainbow Academy and "Orange Academy/Grape Academy" have a good relationship. A certain combination.

And he himself, of course, became one of the school directors.

"Oh, by the way, you don't need to worry. After that, I will introduce the unique elves in the Padia region one by one and all the information about them in the old place. Friends who want to know can check them at any time. "

After speaking, he waved his hand and handed the camera to Principal Claver.

"Cha Ke Yi~~"


The two little guys also reluctantly waved towards the camera.

"Okay." Xia Yan smiled and rubbed the heads of the two little guys.

Fairy Ibrahimovic enjoyed it a lot, and Pokkisi's three feathers immediately exploded, causing the little guy to puff up his face and stare at Xia Yan "angrily".

Bring more laughter.

"Senior Xia Yan."

At this time.

A blue frozen bird with bright and gorgeous feathers flew across the sky, and as the poke ball received it, two figures floated down from the sky.

"Kona. And."

"This is Gu Luxia, a friend I met on Mount Shuangmo, and I later found out that she is the owner of the Gymnasium on Mount Shuangmo. She happened to be coming to the academy, so I dropped by."

Kona's complexion was slightly flushed, as if he hadn't recovered from the excitement of his trip to Shuangmoshan.

Gu Luxia covered half of his face with a thick scarf, and nodded towards Xia Yan with a calm expression and a little shyness.

While lowering his head, those sapphire eyes like the sky quietly looked at the former champion who was famous in the elf world.

However, Gu Luxia didn't seem to be very good at words, he just said hello and went to find acquaintances in the academy.

Instead, Du, Dawu, and Sirona surrounded them together.

They have been in the Partia region for a while, and they have experienced and seen a lot of people and things in the Partia region separately.

And now they gathered in the college again according to the plan, with only one goal.

Xia Yan grinned and threw the poke ball.


Latios flapped his wings excitedly, trembling his hair, and spun a few times in the air.

In the end, she returned to Xia Yan's side, and gently rubbed his cheek with indescribable intimacy.


Several people looked at each other.

There is no need to say too much about the tacit understanding between each other.

"Partia Crater, Zone Zero!"

This is where they are really worth the risk!

A long-lost sense of adventure.

"Who is the first?" Du excitedly wanted to say that he would have a try.

When I looked up, I found it.

He was still standing there, as if he was the only one left.

Du was stunned.

I only heard Xia Yan's voice full of "sarcasm" riding on Latios's back and drifting away.

"Du, how many years have passed, and your reaction is still so slow."

Crossing: "."

This is his slow reaction?

Obviously, you guys are going to rush to shoot together, okay?

In the past, Xia Yan was the only one who could do this.

Now you see.

Even Sirona, who was riding a biting land shark, was smiling with her mouth covered.

One by one, they were all brought down by Xia Yan.

Toki smiled.

He took out a shining ball from his pocket, and said angrily, "You are not benevolent, so don't blame me for being unrighteous."

"Quick Dragon, too crystallized!!"

These days, the sun is so hot that I am dying, but it is finally a little bit better. I'm really sorry for making everyone wait so long. Cough cough, well, apart from frame drops all the time, Zhu Zi can actually play it okay——

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