The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 170 Very Doggy (please subscribe! Fourth update!)

Xia Yan stayed obediently in the tunnel behind Juzi.

Now it's fairies fighting.

He can only look.

But he meant the same thing as Chrysanthemum.


Let's see who can't stand it first.

There is no doubt that Tamage, who is in a stalemate, is the most anxious now.

Indeed, the flashing fire-breathing dragon that he spent so much energy and cost to create is very strong, very strong. Although it has the excessive increase of the "ember energy cube", it can resist Chrysanthemum, so its strength is beyond doubt.

And this flash fire-breathing dragon has not undergone too much systematic training and polishing of combat skills.

If it can be subdued, with a little training, the strength may be even stronger.

Of course, the excessive increase of the "Blazing Energy Cube" is temporary, and the Flash Charizard should still be weak for a long time after it is over.

At the end of the day, Tamage and Tomach are a bit of a type.

It's just that Tamage's encounter was not as smooth as Tom's, and he bumped into the muzzles of the two Four Heavenly Kings.

But now, Tamage has tested the strength of the flashing fire-breathing dragon, but he also underestimated the strength of the veteran Four Heavenly Kings, Kikuko.

He was caught in a dilemma.

Tamage gritted his teeth with a sullen face, as if he had made a certain decision, broke off the black gemstone on his index finger, cut his palm, and dripping blood overflowed from the palm, soaking the black gemstone.

However, the blood did not slip off the gem, but seeped in instead.

The black light on the gem suddenly became more and more intense.

But in contrast, Tamage's face quickly turned pale, and he could feel his life passing by quickly.

But the effect is also quite good.

The red light in the flashing fire-breathing dragon's eyes became stronger, and the already violent temper became more violent, and the strength that erupted was further strengthened.

Sensing the change of the flashing charizard, Chrysanthemum's complexion sank.


"What exactly is that gemstone? How does it feel?" Xia Yan also watched Tamage's movements.

It was okay before, but now he suddenly felt that this gem was so similar to the "vermilion gem" that could control Gulardon.

Considering the several elves of Tamage, except for the crystal lantern fire spirit who is not from the Hoenen area, the other five are all elves registered in the Hoenn area.

"Isn't this guy from Team Lava?" Xia Yan murmured.

It's not impossible.

The Lava team was closely watched by the Hoenen Alliance in the Hoenen area. They came to the Kanto area, and the Kanto Alliance's attention was on the Rockets.

Coupled with the mixed situation in Jinhuang City, the Rockets have gradually become silent recently, which is a good cover.

"Stimulate it with your own life, but your heart is very determined."

Xia Yan rubbed his chin, thinking about how to deal with and solve the situation if he stood in Juzi's perspective.

Obviously, the delay can no longer be delayed.

Once the flashing fire-breathing dragon forcibly cuts a gap in Chrysanthemum's restraint, Tamage can use its power to leave. Even if Tamaki is more decisive and abandons a few elves as the rear, it is not difficult to leave.

Chrysanthemum's lack of mobility was also exposed.

If her big-mouthed bat can evolve into a forked bat, then the way to deal with it may be different, and it will be more calm.

"So the best solution now is to come out personally, to restrain Tamage, so that he can't control the flashing charizard wholeheartedly."

Xia Yan thought so.

"But it seems that no one can help Juzi now."

"Brother Xia Yan."

Suddenly, Juzi's sharp and hoarse voice sounded.

Xia Yan's expression froze.

He suddenly had a bad feeling.

He saw Juzi half turn around in a sad way, and looked sideways at Xia Yan who was hiding in the cave.

The corners of Juzi's mouth raised, "Please, ask Ghost Stone to restrain that mouse? At least don't let him feel so at ease."

Xia Yan: "."

What international joke?

Xia Yan stiffly took out Ghost Stone's elf ball, and said with a sneer: "Well, King Chrysanthemum, I think so. My knowledge and ability are not enough, why don't you do it yourself?"

Chrysanthemum turned her head and heard a voice.

"I'm getting old, this fire-breathing dragon is very strong, but that guy's elves are not strong, but they can't be distracted, so I can only rely on you."

Then he said: "Don't worry, Ghost Stone's strength is still very strong, just restrain him."

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

'Shouldn't you have left earlier? Why are you curious? '

"An evolutionary stone." Chrysanthemum said suddenly again.


"Two evolutionary stones."

"Wait, it's not paid unpaid."

Xia Yan lowered his head.

It seems that Chrysanthemum is really in trouble.

Otherwise, the pride of the Four Heavenly Kings would not make such a concession.

That flashing fire-breathing dragon may have put more pressure on her than Xia Yan imagined.

That's right, besides commanding the six elves, Chrysanthemum actually needs her to control the overall situation as well as the entire ghost army.

"Three yuan." Juzi raised three fingers.

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth twitched.

"It must be that Ghost Stone can completely obey my orders, otherwise."

"No problem, that child is a good boy." Juzi said firmly.

From Xia Yan's shadow, a head poked out, with sly eyes on Xia Yan and Juzi.

that ghostly look

'How do you look at it, you don't look like a good boy? '

But there was no other way, letting Tamage escape was not what Xia Yan wanted to see.

Although Xia Yan didn't show up, Tamage and the others knew that he had come into contact with and approached this place long ago when he was selling big rock snakes.

The reason why they didn't continue to attack him was because their plan had reached a critical moment, and they didn't want to be exposed to the eyes of the two heavenly kings too early.

Chrysanthemum came from this direction again this time.

But with a little brain, it is easy to think of him.

If Tamage is a vengeful master, Xia Yan doesn't want to be remembered by such a guy.

Besides, it was Ghost Stone who was fighting, so he was relatively safe.

"Well, I just want to contribute."

Holding Ghost Stone's Poké Ball.

"Cathy, help me telepathically connect me to Ghost Stone."


Casey's eyes glowed blue.

After all, he is Juzi's elf, and he doesn't have the slightest understanding with Xia Yan. With the help of Casey, he can make up for this shortcoming.

"It's fine to harass." Juzi reminded.

'You want me to do more, but I can't do it. '


"Mouth Jie."

Ghost Stone was full of fighting spirit, and appeared beside Xia Yan. Although he was more or less reluctant to obey other people's orders, there was no other way, Juzi had the final say.

"After a while, pretend to be weak, the weaker the better, that person doesn't seem to be an elf commanded by Juzi, he will relax his vigilance, and then so and so and so and so" Xia Yan explained in Ghost Stone's ear.

"Koujie?!" Ghost Stone looked at Xia Yan in shock.

I may not be human, but your tactic is definitely a dog!

But I like it.

Ghost Stone grinned, and suddenly recognized Xia Yan a little more.

Not for anything else, just because this tactic fits its character very well.

"Jie Jie Jie"

Let out a slightly wretched laugh.

A smile also appeared on Xia Yan's face, gradually showing signs of being assimilated by Ghost Stone.

Casey silently distanced himself from them.

It also heard the tactics just now.

can only say.

very dog.

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