The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 179 Intimacy Conjecture

In an office of the Ibrahimovic Institute of Evolution.

Sakuragi held the folder in his hand, with a serious and excited expression, and the tip of the pen wrote some key information and points on the paper from time to time.

Xia Yan, who sat across from him, was similar, giving the highest attitude and rigor to scientific research.

He and Sakuragi have been like this for an hour.

"So, do you think elves and humans have been getting along for a long time, based on tacit understanding, cooperation, temperament and other aspects, theoretically there should be some kind of relationship or connection that we can't see?

And this special bond can not only allow elves to influence people, but people can also influence elves. The most critical argument was passed, so in the end, no accurate conclusion could be drawn. "

When entering this state of exploration and research about elves, Sakuragi became very focused.

Xia Yan couldn't answer some of the doubts and insights that were often raised.

After all, Xia Yan's knowledge about elves comes from his previous life. Although he has studied the details for a while, compared with a senior researcher like Sakuragi who will soon become a doctor, after all, Still a lot worse.

Fortunately, he can more or less use some tricky conjectures to evade or "answer".

Xia Yan nodded.

"There really isn't a good way to prove this connection, but as far as I know, most elves can learn the move of 'Repaying Gratitude', and we can start from this aspect."

Sakuragi lowered his eyes and thought for a while.


"Actually, I have a bold hypothesis, that is, the bond between elves and trainers can actually be quantified."


"Yes, I privately call this bond 'intimacy', and the move of 'Repaying Grace' is the best proof to test this intimacy."

".Intimacy. Specifically?"

"We all know that the move of 'Repaying Grace' was originally considered to be a powerful move based on the elves' gratitude to the trainer, so it was named 'Repaying Gratitude'."

While talking, Xia Yan took a pen to draw on the paper.

"Make a simple conclusion and assumption. The power of the repaying move is variable, and it is based on the degree of intimacy, so the higher the intimacy, the higher the power of the move. Can it be deduced in reverse, the higher the power of the repaying move , the higher the degree of intimacy between elves and trainers, as long as it is quantified, the existence of intimacy can be confirmed."

This is the idea that the most basic assumptions and conclusions are established and reversed.

Xia Yan wrote down a value on the paper.


"If the upper limit of intimacy is 100, then the power of the repayment move is also the highest.

At the same time, let the elf use another move whose power value has been determined for horizontal comparison, and accurately calculate the power of the favor move when the intimacy reaches the full value, and then let an elf whose intimacy is not so high use repay the favor, and continue the horizontal comparison. And so on."

Sakuragi nodded.

In addition to allowing the elves to learn this move, and fixing a few basic values ​​​​that cannot be changed, the rest is not difficult.

"But even if the exact value of intimacy is given, it still lacks the most crucial step of proof." Sakuragi asked another question.

Xia Yan smiled.

Others may not be able to prove it, but he happens to know some intimacy values ​​that require intimacy to evolve elves.

"This requires Mr. Sakuragi to trouble you."


"Elves like Ibrahimovic are the best demonstrative elves.

Mr. Sakuragi, you can raise four to five Eevee at the same time, or more, given the same conditions and training, and use "Repay Grace" to test the change of the intimacy value every day to see whether the Eevee will grow when the intimacy reaches a certain value. , evolution occurs.

If each one has evolved and has the same value, not only Ibrahimovic's new evolutionary conjecture has been proved, but the existence of the value of 'intimacy' can also be proved, killing two birds with one stone. "

After a short pause, Xia Yan continued: "Even, Mr. Sakuragi, you can try to develop an instrument for testing intimacy. I believe it will be a boon for trainers."

Listening to Xia Yan's words, Sakuragi's eyes became brighter and brighter.

As for the assumptions and conjectures put forward by Xia Yan, what if they are wrong? He didn't think about it at all.

Elves research is a process of drawing successful conclusions with a lot of mistakes. The key point is to have a direction, and it doesn't matter if you make mistakes.

But soon, he showed a tangled look again.

"'Dodo', you asked me to conduct this experiment? This is your topic and conjecture, so I am"

Isn't it presumptuous?

Influencing other people's topics and conjectures is also a taboo in the research community.

It's okay if others are broad-minded, but if they are narrow-minded, they may hold grudges for a lifetime.

Xia Yan spread his hands.

"Mr. Sakuragi, do you think I am capable of raising so many Ibrahimovic? Besides, I can't get that many Ibrahimovic, and the process is not short."

This is the truth.

Xia Yan could barely keep up with the income and expenses of raising the three elves, not to mention raising so many Ibrahimovic.

Sakuragi hesitated.

To be honest, Xia Yan thinks these conjectures and topics are very feasible, but he is not the kind of villain who is greedy for other people's achievements.

After pondering for a long time, Sakuragi made a decision.

"Okay! Regardless of whether the final result is successful or not, I will write your name and my name together, and I will not accept all research rewards and alliance rewards after success. This belongs to you, and I am just acting on your behalf. "

Sakuragi is very firm.


"If you don't agree, I will never touch this research."

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth twitched.

'What I want to say, you have already said, what should I say? '

His goal is actually very simple, writing papers to make money.

Doing research is too time-consuming and more expensive, he will never touch it.

Besides, he has no degree, no reputation, and no qualifications, so the credibility of the thesis is not high.

The previous article was also recognized by so many people because of Sakuragi’s approval.

The most ideal state is that he joins a research and puts forward some constructive opinions and suggestions based on his own foresight and foresight. It is enough to mix a signature and some funds.

Before he even said it, Sakuragi gave him everything he wanted in a very "good way".

How can I justify this?

Of course I readily accept it.

Xia Yan "reluctantly" said: "Okay."

Hearing his concession, Sakuragi let out a long breath and laughed, "Then it's settled, I will write a paper on the 'intimacy' conjecture now, and update the data and conclusions every day."

" such a hurry?"

"Research, there is no time to waste." Sakuragi lowered his head and began to list the content of their previous communication and the outline of the paper.

"That... I actually want to ask, can Mr. Sakuragi help me get a degree? A bachelor's degree is fine."

Sakuragi looked up in surprise, "Don't you have a degree?"

Xia Yan: "."

Is this something surprising?

"I don't dare to say anything else, but as long as this conjecture and topic are sent out for the 'Bachelor' degree, there should be no problem." Sakuragi assured.

"Thank you very much."

"By the way, I don't know your real name yet. You can't use a pseudonym or nickname for a degree."

After pondering for a while, Xia Yan said slowly, "Xia Yan, my name is Xia Yan."

Tightly said again: "But I hope Mr. Sakuragi, when you sign your name, you can use the name 'Dodo'."

I am busy finishing the outline of the third volume today, the update will be slower, everyone forgive me

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