The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 196 The Familiar Cage

Watching the old man lead Meiyu to the wall at the entrance of the bar under the gaze of the crowd.

There are many bounties for pirates posted there.

But in addition, there is another effect.

That's the release order.

For this reason, the bar purposely built a small wooden high platform in front of that wall. Once someone stood on it, it meant that a request needs to be issued.

This is naturally a valuable job for many people who do it for a living.

Afterwards, I saw Mei Yu's grandfather walking up to the wooden platform with his back bent.

He seems to be very familiar with the rules of these bars.

And as he stepped onto the wooden platform, the noisy bar suddenly became quiet.

Meiyu clutched the old man's clothes tightly and hid behind him, looking scared.

"Ahem, my name is Kaiji." The old man coughed.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, he slowly straightened his waist, and under the shrunken clothes, several poke balls appeared, which made many strong men with bad intentions restrain their expressions.

"A glass of rye beer each, my treat."

Cage did not directly state his purpose, but first invited everyone in the bar to have a glass of beer.


And this kind of behavior undoubtedly pushed the silent bar to a climax again.

Although Kaiji is old, the possession of elves makes others dare not underestimate him, and his generous behavior has naturally won the favor of many people.

There are more than one hundred people in this "Black Shark Bar" now, and with a wave of their hands, it is the expenditure of tens of thousands of alliance coins.

Xia Yan took a small sip of his glass and looked at him with interest.

The bartenders at the bar immediately became busy because of his words.

As Hua Hu's voice gradually fell silent, Kaiji continued: "I need to hire one or two bodyguards, at least senior elves!"


Many people in the bar looked at each other.

It's not that this kind of employment is rare, even hiring bodyguards may be the largest proportion of all the bar's commissions.

They were surprised by Cage's request.

At least having senior-level elves is not a small price.

However, Cage's act of inviting everyone to drink before made everyone's doubts about whether he had the financial resources a lot less.

"I come!"

Soon, someone stood up and shouted.

"'Mole', don't pretend to be mean, let's see what I do!"

"'Big Man', are you strong? Old man, you might as well think about me."


Many people stood up and recommended themselves.

Kaiji squinted his eyes and scanned the crowd. He didn't make a decision right away, but said, "I'll wait for you in Box No. 9. If you think you're capable, you can come and have a try! The reward is generous!"

Finally, the words "well-paid" are emphasized.

After finishing speaking, he dragged Miha to the empty No. 9 box.

Xia Yan witnessed the whole process, but he didn't express anything, he was just a little curious, why did the couple hire bodyguards?

Have a hunch that the St. Annus may be in danger?

Or do you know that the two of you might be being targeted?

Shake your head.

Did not want to participate.

Just like that, the burly men walked into the No. 9 box one by one in turn, and quickly backed out, either shaking their heads or smiling, not knowing what was going on.

And Xia Yan, who continued to wait silently for a while, still couldn't wait for the person who entered the No. 7 box.

"Perhaps, it is already known that Paters is dead, or it may have been confirmed, or it is more likely that the agreed time has not yet arrived."


Put down the wine glass and dust off his clothes.

"There's no need to waste time like this. It's luck if you get it. It's fine if you don't. Today I planned to give the elves a rest. There are still two days before the boat sails. Let's take a stroll in the surrounding wild tomorrow. By the way Special training, see if I can take the opportunity to earn some extra money."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan got up and prepared to leave.

"Hey! Sir, your bonus." At this moment, the bartender stopped him.

Then on the bar, a thick stack of banknotes was placed.

Xia Yan had a strange expression on his face.

He didn't expect that 1,000 union currency bet casually, and after several rounds of betting, it returned to him and turned into more than 10,000 union currency, close to 20,000.

This is what he did not expect.

'I've had such a lucky day too. '

Put away the money.

Under the disappointed gaze of the bartender, he strode towards the door of the bar.


Drinks please?

Just kidding!

Does he look like a fool?

At this time, the bar has just entered its peak period, and people are entering one after another, and it is no longer limited to strong men.

And some scantily clad women.

As for what they are here for.

Nature for life.

Xia Yan shook his head and walked out of the bar gate, "Life is not easy."

Suddenly, a faint fragrance penetrated into the nostrils.

It's a very special taste.


But when Xia Yan turned his head, he couldn't find where the scent came from.

"It's a great way to attract men."

After leaving the bar, he found a place where no one was around, took off Ditto's mask, and changed back to his original attire.

the next day.

Xia Yan woke up from the Elf Center in Big City.

Last night, I came to the elf center to rest, and by the way, I gave the elves a set of comprehensive inspections, which cured some hidden injuries that had not been discovered before, and completely solved possible hidden dangers.

I came to Miss Joy and retrieved several elves that needed deep treatment, including the big needle bee.

For one night, the elves were very comfortable.

Looking through the glass of the Poke Ball, you can see that they are in excellent condition.

"This big needle bee has been bred very well. You must be an excellent trainer."

When the Poke Ball was delivered, Miss Joy from the Poke Center in Big City couldn't help but admire.

Because of the region, this Miss Joy has a darker complexion that reveals a healthy tan.

Xia Yan thanked him with a smile, and asked with a thought: "Miss Joy, I don't know if there is any place near Bigge City that is more suitable for trainers to exercise and explore?"

Miss Joy lowered her head and pondered a little.

"Well, for exercising and exploring, the Great Plains to the north of Bigge City is good, but there are often thunderstorms inside, so you need to do a good job of protection. The Laplace Beach in the northeast is also a good place. If you are lucky, you may be able to see Laplace .There is a forest in the southeast, where many wild elves live, but it is not recommended for trainers who are not strong enough to enter."

After speaking, he smiled again.

"But with your strength, there should be no problem."

Xia Yan has a goal, but he still wants to hear Miss Joey's suggestion.

After all, if you work here, you will definitely encounter many injured elves who need to be treated, and they will also know more information that Xia Yan does not know.

"Really? Thanks for letting me know."

After thanking him again, Xia Yan left the elf center.

Take a taxi to the coastline northeast of Big City.

This is also a beach, but because there are many jagged stones in the beach, it is not as popular as Little Orange Beach.

And compared to the safety of Little Orange Beach, in order to protect the living environment of wild Lapras, the wild elves here have not been expelled, so it is relatively dangerous.

The most important point is that the wind here in the northeast is particularly strong, and the sand and dust are rolled up for a long time, and the environment is relatively harsh.

Especially the sea breeze in winter is even more biting. Compared with the small orange beach in the south, this place is simply another season.

Therefore, when Xia Yan arrived here, except for the occasional dust and some wild elves active on the beach, he could hardly see anyone.

This also saved him a lot of trouble.

Throw the poke ball and let the pokemon come out.

"If you're lucky, you might be able to catch a Lapras. That thing is here in the Kanto area, and the price is ridiculously high."

py to pm the old author's new book, the cute new worship face ()

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