The black clouds are dotted with dots of crystal white light like vast stars, and the soft and shining light is scattered like a bright moon.

In the white light, there is a breath of happiness hidden.

The big needle bee and Casey who were irradiated and covered by the white light showed intoxicated expressions.

As if wandering on the other side of happiness, they were intoxicated by joy and good luck, and unconsciously approached Xia Yan a few steps.

"Cha Ke Yi"

The small and nimble eyes slowly opened, reflecting Xia Yan in the pure eyes.

A pair of small wings didn't flap, and with the help of the unfolding happiness, the little guy who was pure white like an angel flew to Xia Yan.

"Pokekigu." Looking at the little guy in front of him, after the white light faded, he took away with him the appearance of Bokepi.


Just now, Pokbie was bathed in the white light of happiness and successfully evolved into the Pokkigu in front of him.

It raised its body, shed its round eggshell, and a red and blue triangle appeared on its abdomen.

Pokkigu can feel the kindness in the hearts of other elves and humans. This ability is similar to the happiness egg, and it will also bring good luck to kind people.

Spirits like Pokkigu will always pay attention to people with pure hearts whenever they want, and they will come close to these people and sprinkle happiness and enthusiasm on them, which is called "happy dust".

But if not around kind people, they can become depressed and lethargic.

At this time, Pokkigu, who was floating in front of Xia Yan with the help of Shi Zhan's happy atmosphere, was in a very good state.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

The pair of pure white wings flapped gently, and an invisible and intangible aura of happiness spread out from it, enveloping Xia Yan.

Xia Yan stretched out his hand.


Pokkigu also reached out and tapped Xia Yan's palm, while winking playfully at him.

Xia Yan was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, it was still his Torkby.

Immediately he smiled, and lightly placed his palm on Pokkigu's head, "Congratulations, little guy, you have finally evolved."

Xia Yan knew that the intimacy between Bobbi and him was about to reach a critical value, but the higher the intimacy, the harder it was to grow, so even though he was prepared for Bobbi's upcoming evolution, he didn't expect it to come so soon.

It seems that Machado's words and actions just now have touched Bokby quite a bit.

"Cha Ke Yi!" Pok Kigu held his head high, his face full of embarrassment.

Is it cuter?

"Hahaha - yes yes!" Xia Yan said with a smile.

Hearing his affirmation, Pokkigu couldn't hold back his overconfident and even conceited expression. He blinked quietly at the big needle bee and Casey next to him, and raised his eyebrows.

Big Needle Bee and Casey looked at each other and smiled.

Even after evolution, Pokkigu's character has not changed at all.

When it's time to skin, it's skin.

Putting aside the joke, Xia Yan said solemnly: "Pokekigu, has evolved, do you feel any differences and changes?"

What he said was of course a change in strength.


Pokkigu tilted his head, pondering a little.

Immediately his eyes lit up.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

It slowly raised its hand, and with the emergence of emerald green fluorescent lights, thin leaves wrapped around its body, as if there were some special fluctuations.

And, under the wave of Pokkigu's little hand, these leaves attacked the nearby grass.


Not a weak roar and the ground that was blasted out of a hole.

"Magic Leaf." Xia Yan said the name of this move, and at the same time some basic information about this move flashed in his mind.

There is not too strong additional effect, and there is no additional effect that can fit Pokki Gu Tianen's characteristics.

But as a grass-type move, it is very important to Xia Yan's current team.

Because Xia Yan only has three elves, Big Needle Bee, Casey, and Pokkigu, the situation that must be faced is that there is not enough hitting surface.

For example, when facing a pure water elf, there is no suitable move that can restrain it and cause effective damage.

But it's different now. Although Pokkigu's "Magic Leaf" move cannot fundamentally solve this problem, it is undeniable that it greatly makes up for this shortcoming.

And knowing that it is at sea now, and there are water spirits everywhere, this move becomes even more important.

Originally during the period of Bokeby, Xia Yan deliberately didn't let him learn more moves, and the training was only to train the moves he had mastered to increase his proficiency.

The advantage of this is that Bobbi is less likely to chew too much.

But the downside is that as Pokby has trained and mastered these moves, the use and improvement of the moves has slowly reached a bottleneck period.

The speed of strength improvement is much slower.

But now, Pokbie has evolved into Pokkigu and has learned the "Magic Leaf", which gives him a new training direction in the future.


"This kind of destructive power is just using a move that has just been learned and is not very proficient. Pokkigu's strength has reached the senior level?" Xia Yan murmured.

Because elves like Pokkigu are relatively rare, there are relatively few books on how to cultivate such elves and how to judge the strength of such elves.

When Xia Yan saw Pokkigu for the first time, he couldn't tell what level its strength had reached or whether it had improved.

but now.

Seeing the destructive power of its moves, Xia Yan can be sure that Pokkigu has reached the senior level!

In addition to the big needle bee, one of his elves finally reached the senior level!

This is definitely very significant in terms of improving Xia Yan's overall strength. Coupled with his combination tactics, it can even raise the combat power of a few elves to a higher level.


"To deal with the red-faced dragon, the chances are even greater."

At the moment when Pokbie is about to challenge the red-faced dragon, Pokpi evolves into Pokkigu, which is definitely good news.

"very good."

Xia Yan patted Pokkigu's head again in relief.

Big Needle Bee and Casey also showed joy.

The strength of the elves in the team has been significantly improved, which is definitely a huge benefit for them.

"Kexi." Casey looked at the evolved Pokkigu, uncontrollably imagining the scene of his own evolution in his mind.

For evolution, its vision is even bigger.

"Cha Ke Yi"

Letting Xia Yan pat his head, Pokkigu fell into deep thought.

It feels that there seems to be a very strange power in its body, a power it has never touched.

It's amazing, it seems that this energy has been accumulated in its body for a long time, but it didn't notice it, and it didn't feel it until this evolution.

Swinging its little hands, its wings trembled slightly, and a light pink whirlwind emerged with the flapping of its wings, mixed with a little bit of pink powder.


Gently blowing on the stone in front of him, the not-so-small stone directly cracked open.

At the same time, Pokkigu could feel that the magical energy in his body was a little less.

Unlike when using general-type moves before, normal-type energy can be slowly recovered after consumption.

But this mass of energy...doesn't seem to recover by itself.

Because it cannot absorb the same energy fluctuations from the air.

When Xia Yan next to him saw Pokkigu perform this move, he froze in place, his eyes kept changing, and the picture of the move that Pokkigu performed just now was repeated in his mind.

"Fairy Wind?"

Fourth update! I went to a wedding today, and the round trip took only three hours. I just coded a chapter when I got home. I will continue to code after I send it first. I will send it when I am done. I don’t know if I can make it before twelve o’clock.


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