
Three days passed.

Xia Yan took the three elves to exercise in the Meteor Waterfall very smoothly. Apart from the growth of the elves, the harvest was quite rich.

In Sun Rock alone, nine of them were captured, and this batch alone was worth millions.

It can be seen from this that becoming an elf hunter is indeed a very lucrative profession, but it is also very risky. You will be on the arrest list of the alliance investigators every now and then, and occasionally because you set the target on the wrong target On the road, facing the crazy counterattack of wild elves.

Of course, the most important point is that the rangers set up by the alliance are responsible for preventing wild elves from being overcaptured.

Rangers have special tools that can temporarily control wild elves for their own use, and as long as they want, there are many ways to find hunters who wantonly capture wild elves from the mouths and thoughts of these wild elves.

It's easier to get on the league's blacklist.

However, even if the trainers know about Xia Yan's behavior of catching but restraining, they will choose to turn a blind eye in most cases. As long as the ecological balance in a wild environment is not excessively destroyed, and there are fewer elves, They also don't go overboard.

In fact, there are quite a few trainers who are doing this kind of thing, most of them are trainers born in Yeluzi. Of course, it is not ruled out that some direct line trainers of the alliance earn extra money.

This needs to be grasped to a certain degree and cannot be exceeded.

And these have become an unwritten rule in the group of trainers.

Fortunately, Xia Yan believes that he has grasped this speed, and he is doing well so far.

Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to go to the opposite side of the alliance.

"Today is the last day." Xia Yan said to the three elves.

Pokkigu's energy cubes are consumed a little faster than he imagined. If he doesn't leave today, the remaining energy cubes can last for another two days at most.

Xia Yan likes to leave some time in advance, and he doesn't want to get stuck at the last moment, so that he doesn't have any buffer time.

At the same time, the energy cubes of Big Needle Bee and Yongjila should also be mentioned. He set his goal on the super energy cube which is one level higher than the advanced energy cube.

Of course, this is also destined to be a huge expense.

But with the resources he has now, he should be able to support it.

"Cha Ke Yi!"

Pokkigu cheered.

It has been worrying about its own food, and it has not been a day or two, and it is finally going back.

If he didn't go back, Xia Yan's energy cubes would be exhausted. At that time, he could only use his own small treasury, which he saved with great difficulty.

Seeing it happy, Xia Yan couldn't help but patted it on the head.

It is precisely because of the existence of Pokkigu that there is so much joy in the team every day.

Looking at Big Needle Bee and Yongjila, the spirits of the two elves are very good.

Although the trip to Meteor Falls this time will end earlier, Xia Yan is quite satisfied with the result.

Through the battle, I adjusted a lot of tactical details, and also found some problems with many elves.

Most importantly, Casey successfully evolved into Yongjila.

"Then today's main goal is to find the source of that voice."

In the past few days, they have been able to hear the mysterious voice one after another, and it seems that the voice is becoming more and more obvious, which shows that they are gradually approaching each other's location.


Speaking of that voice, Pokkigu hummed involuntarily.

It hears that voice most clearly, and these days, the boss has appeared in its mind from time to time and regardless of the occasion, constantly repeating the brainwashing, and Pokkigu is almost bewildered.

After days of exploration.

Xia Yan is also familiar with the terrain in the Meteor Falls, knowing where there may be water and where the rocks are relatively fragile, so be careful when stepping on them.

"By the way... that voice, can't it come from the water?" Xia Yan had this thought in his mind.

Tight and thinking diverges along.

"It's not impossible."

The birth of the Meteor Waterfall is due to the phenomenon of high-temperature burning after the meteorite fell, so it is doomed that there is only one plane.

"Try it."

In the past, Xia Yan couldn't go into the water. Even with the giant tooth shark, he could only move on the water surface at most. After entering the water, he couldn't breathe, and if he faced the wild elves underwater, he didn't have much ability to resist.

But now that Casey has evolved into Yongjila, his superpowers have been greatly strengthened, allowing him to ensure that while wrapping Xia Yan and himself with superpowers, he still has a certain amount of energy to deal with the wild elves underwater.

Just do it.

First look for a suitable underground river entrance.

Choose a location with relatively flat water flow, which is easier to control.

Then summon the Megalodon.

Launch into the water in Yongjira's superpower pack, leaving enough air to breathe freely.

Even if you really run into trouble that you can't solve, you can return to the ground through teleportation.

But there is one more problem.

That is, the light after entering the water will become very dark and the visibility will be extremely low, which will undoubtedly greatly increase the difficulty of entering the water.

But Xia Yan thought of a way.

Use a sun rock you caught earlier as a light source.

After preparing everything, he stood on the back of the megalodon and entered the underground river with relatively moderate water flow.

This is also Xia Yan's first time entering the underwater environment of the elf world.

It still feels quite novel.

There are also many wild elves underwater.

But most are still the most common king carp.

For elves like the Carp King, the Gyarados after evolution are quite difficult to deal with, but before the evolution?

"Cha Ke Yi!"

I heard it again!

Pokkigu shouted.

Yongjira also nodded.


And compared to before, the sound is clearer, and now it can hear the melody.

Xia Yan's eyes flickered slightly.

It seemed that his guess was correct, and it was no wonder that no matter how they wandered around before, they could only hear voices, but they were still unable to find and approach them.

It turned out to be really down there.


The underground river is obviously more complicated than the tunnel above, and it is more difficult to find the target.


"Oh?" Xia Yan was a little surprised when he heard Yongjila's words, "You said, the voice didn't disappear after it appeared?"

Yongjila nodded, glanced at Pokkigu who was still humming next to him, his beard flicked slightly.

This time I was really stunned.

"That's much simpler. You can judge whether it's approaching or not based on the strength of the sound." Xia Yan said.


I can judge subtle changes in the intensity of a sound.

Yong Jila said to Xia Yan.

After the evolution, the IQ and talent that truly belonged to the elves of the super power system were finally revealed slowly.


You can't feel the passage of time in the water, and the water has been released many times during the period to replenish the air.

After some hard work, an exit appeared in front of him.

"It should be here."

"Yongji." Yongjila nodded solemnly.

Finally, it was time to meet the guy who had given them voices for so long. Just looking at his ability, he knew that the other party was not easy.

So if you find the target, there may be dangers that will follow.

Although not very likely.

But the elves were ready to deal with it.


The Megalodon broke out of the water.


In addition to the expected underground tunnel, there is an unexpected elf.

"The beast."

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