The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 252 Surrounding Three Que One

"how do you feel?"

Seeing the three elves waking up, Xia Yan asked immediately.

There is no rush to let them join the battle of Absol, because the battle situation has almost stabilized.

The big needle bees just entered a strange state created by Kiraqi, but it doesn't mean that they haven't noticed the changes outside.

Sensing that Xia Yan might be in danger, Yongjila and Pokkigu wanted to wake up immediately, but the big needle bee stopped them.

According to Big Needle Bee, if Xia Yan really felt danger, he would wake them up immediately.

Since he didn't do this, it means that there is no problem, and he is sure that what they have to do is to get the benefits they can get from Kiraqi as soon as possible, and then wake up to help Xia Yan.

Facts have proved that Xia Yan is indeed not in crisis, and is even very calm.

"Hiss." Big Needle Bee looked at Yongjila, then at Pokkigu, and nodded towards Xia Yan as a representative of the three elves.

'It feels really good. '

"That's good. Now let's see how Absol fights, and you should learn something."

After finishing speaking, they all looked at the battle between Absolu and King Nido.

Nido King, who has forced characteristics and life orbs, is indeed very strong, but Absolu is even stronger.

Xia Yan estimated that this Absolu should cross the threshold again soon and enter the level of quasi-king.

Coupled with Absol's special ability to predict the future, combined with the one-step move, it is difficult for King Nido to take advantage.

"Absol's ability to predict the future is very special, is it because of his own talent or because of"

Xia Yan thought to himself, and turned his head to look at Kiraqi who was sleeping not far away.

Or was it because of Kiraqi's help?

Kiraqi is indeed sleeping, but it doesn't mean that Kiraqi in sleep has no ability to show, even Kiraqi in sleep can still fight, just like Casey who often fell asleep when he was young, but if he senses danger, It will also subconsciously use teleportation to escape.

Pokkigu and the others benefited from helping Kiraqi, and Absolu, who had no reason to pay more, didn't get any benefits.

The battle is still going on, but the outcome of the battle is actually very clear.

While paying attention to the battle, the big needle bee quietly moved its position to prevent Clay from escaping.

Pokkigu cheered on Absol excitedly, wishing he could help it on the field.

Only Yongjila stared closely at the sharp corner of Absol's halo that lit up from time to time, which was the key to its use of "Future Foretelling".


Absol's horn lights up again, and when using the future prediction, Yongjila's eyes also light up with a blue halo, and the super power on his body surges, echoing Absol's energy fluctuations.


Xia Yan looked at Yong Jila with some surprise, he noticed the strangeness of Yong Jila.

"Predict future?"

Some surprises.

"Yongji." Yongjila spoke slowly, as if whispering.

'Kira prayed for me. '

Xia Yan was stunned.

It seems that the benefit Yongjila got from Kiraqi is that he learned the move of "foreseeing the future", and there are some special uses, similar to Absolu's special use of "foreseeing the future".

This is good news.

"Yongji!" Yongjila spoke again, the blue light in his eyes suddenly subsided, and the superpowers on his body also returned to his body.

'He is going to escape! '

Almost at the moment Yongjila spoke, Clay gave the order for King Nido to hold Absolu back.

At the same time, he threw the poke ball, and a dragon-headed gopher with a wound on his body appeared, obviously not yet recovered.

Clay glared at Xia Yan fiercely, and hugged the leading gopher.

As the leading gopher of the ground and steel types, it has a very powerful burrowing ability. The moment it was summoned by Clay, it knew what it was going to do.

The sharp corners on the head like a drill bit had a metallic luster, and he turned his head and rushed towards the thick rock wall on one side.

As long as the leading gopher touches the rock wall, it will show its super burrowing ability, and can escape a long distance in the soil layer in the blink of an eye.

"Sizzling beer!"

At this time.

The moment the big needle bee who was ready heard Yongjila's reminder.


A faint halo lit up on its body, and its speed increased suddenly. With the beating of the golden lines on its wings, its speed surpassed the fastest speed it could achieve in an instant.

Move at high speed!

'Then the big needle bee learned the use of high-speed movement from Kiraqi. ’ Seeing this scene, Xia Yan thought to himself.

‘What did Pokkigu learn? '


Under the full speed of the big needle bee, the glowing blue cross scissors slashed out with all its strength.


Clay had obviously been prepared for a long time, prepared for the interception of the big needle bee, and threw the poke ball again.

In the red light, a seriously injured big-mouthed bat intercepted the attack route of the big needle bee.

At the same time, the leading gopher immediately turned its direction. Its choice of rushing towards the rock wall was a feint shot, the real target.


"A very sensible choice, a strong man cuts off his wrist." Xia Yan muttered to himself.

He was not surprised by Clay's escape, and Xia Yan was not even surprised that he couldn't stop him from escaping.

This is the reason why he didn't do it when he clearly had the opportunity to attack Clay directly.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

A veteran hunter like Clay must have left behind, and attacking blindly may fall into his hands instead.

Resolutely abandoning a few elves as a price to escape, with Clay's strength, Xia Yan couldn't stop him.

Moreover, at such a desperate time, if he presses every step of the way, he may make him fight back desperately, and he will bite Xia Yan even if he dies, so the gain outweighs the loss.

The only thing he can do is to make him pay as much as possible.


However, a smile appeared on Xia Yan's face, and he said with a low laugh: "'Surround three queries and one, leave a way to survive.' It can not only be used in wars."

As soon as his words fell, the leading gopher led Clay into the ground.


The moment it just sank into the ground.

"Desert dragonfly, earthquake!"

An imposing voice came from the entrance of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, tremors of different frequencies appeared on the ground.

Yongjila wrapped Xia Yan and several elves with superpowers, including Kiraqi's sleeping cocoon, away from contact with the ground.


A crack appeared on the ground, and the dragon-headed gopher, who had lost the ability to fight, and Clay, who was also in a coma, were shaken out of the crack.

"People of Meteor" Long Yi arrived in time.

At the same time Xia Yan discovered Kleidat, he notified Long Yi.

It's not that I hope he can arrive in time, but just let him know the location.

Unexpectedly, relying on his familiarity with the topography of Meteor Waterfall, Long Yi really arrived at the last moment.

The earthquake move gave Clay and the leading gopher, who was in a very poor state, the final blow.

It completely cut off the possibility of him escaping.

Immediately afterwards, Long Yi with a fluttering cloak, riding a desert dragonfly, appeared in Xia Yan's sight.

"Mr. Yan Xia, I'm not late, am I?"

On the other side, King Nido finally fell under the attack of Absolu.

"No, just right."

Xia Yan said as he walked towards Absolu.

While squatting down and gently stroking the wound on its body, he reached out to touch King Nido who was lying on the ground.

A perfectly round dark red orb appeared in his palm.

Flipping the palm, put it away.

Orb of life, in hand.

Fourth update! 33-1=32! I feel that there is really hope to finish this month, and the hope is quite big!

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