Farewell to Absol.

Summon Yongjila and prepare to leave.

Clay was left in the "Meteor House".

According to their intentions, Clay will be punished to a certain extent, but in the end it will be handed over to the alliance.

"The 'Meteor People' are not completely isolated from the outside world. They should have some voice within the alliance, even at the top of the alliance."

Think about it too.

Long Yi already wants to learn battle skills from Xia Yan, which shows that they are not completely sticking to the rules.

"Perhaps, it is preparing for the millennium."

Xia Yan didn't care what to do with Clay, whether he killed him or imprisoned him, it had nothing to do with him.

Not to mention whether Clay, who has lost all the elves, still has the ability to seek revenge on him.

The two mountains of "Meteor People" and the Alliance alone are not something he can easily cross.

Besides, Clay still doesn't know Xia Yan's identity, how can he find him?

Taking a step back, even if Clay really escaped from the alliance and knew Xia Yan's identity, then when he cultivates elves again and has the strength he has now, Xia Yan at that time must already be the existence he can only look up to up.

"Let's go, Yongjira."

It's time to go back and count the harvest.

This was a simple exercise, but it involved Kiraqi, the phantom beast, and the "People of Meteor", which made Xia Yan a lot of unexpected gains.


Yongjila's super powers wrap Xia Yan.


When he opened his eyes again, he had already returned to a corner near the outside of the Meteor Falls. After walking a few steps, he could see the majestic Meteor Falls.

Take Yongjila, just like those ordinary sightseeing trainers, and leave slowly.


When Xia Yan was just about to leave.

But saw a familiar figure.


Short red hair, neat clothes, and the most familiar cloak, this is not.

"Why did the king of the flying department come to the Fengyuan area?" Xia Yan murmured.

And the other party seemed to have noticed Xia Yan's gaze, and when he turned his head to meet Xia Yan's gaze.

At first, he was taken aback for a moment, but his eyes showed surprise and uncontrollable surprise.

Grinning his mouth, he walked towards him with big strides, and even turned into a trot in the end.

"Xia Yan!"

As he spoke, he opened his arms and gave Xia Yan a big hug.

"It's really great that you're fine." There was guilt and self-blame in his tone.

The person who comes here is naturally the dragon king of the Kanto area in the future, Yulongdu!

It took Xia Yan a lot of effort to break free from his embrace.

Arranging the clothes on his body, he gave him an annoyed look.

"How did you come?"

"Should I ask you, what happened to the 'run away' you said last time?" Du asked back.

run away

Xia Yan had an embarrassing expression.

Last time in the trainer guild in Golden City, you cheated so many things, why don't you run away quickly?

He said casually, "I'm just joking with you, I just want to go out and have a look, this is one of my stops."

He pointed to his feet.

"Going for a walk can indeed broaden your horizons and increase your knowledge." Du nodded in agreement.

He also ran around the world after becoming a mid-level investigator of the Kanto Alliance, and saw many new affairs and new elves, which broadened his horizons.

This may not help him in the short term, but in the future, it will definitely bring him unexpected benefits.

"You haven't answered my question yet, why are you here?"

"Oh, the alliance mission, to capture a hunter, and chase him all the way from the Kanto area to Kanaz City. The latest news says that he may have entered Meteor Falls. Let's see if we can catch him." Du explained, with a slight expression on his face. Not very natural.

'hunter? Clay? '

Xia Yan noticed Du's abnormal expression.

But he didn't ask too much, after all, it might involve some secrets of the mission of the search department.

If the hunter at the ferry is Clay, he has already fallen into the hands of the "people of the shooting star".

But it won't be long before they will hand it over to the Fengyuan Alliance.

It seems that Du's mission is about to fail.

"Then you pay attention to safety." Xia Yan could only say this.

"Don't worry, my current strength is much stronger than before." Du put away his expression and said confidently.

Xia Yan nodded.

He had never doubted Du's progress.

Although the title of "Dragon Elf Trainer" is easily criticized, there is no doubt about Du's strength and ability.

Since he dared to come to Fengyuan area to arrest this Clay, he must have some information and materials about him.

That means that the elves who are crossing now, even if they are not at the master level, are at least all at the elite level.

Perhaps, there may be one or two who have reached the level of the owner.

After all, Clay's Nido King, Alidos, and Dragon King Scorpion are all elves at the master level, and the rest of the dragon-headed gophers and big-mouthed bats are all elites, even if they are not masters.

"It seems that with the support of the Yulong clan, Du's strength has soared like a rocket. Now he should have entered a period of rapid improvement in strength. When Kuailong comes out, it means that he is about to step into the peak. '

The advantage of being backed by a big power is that you don't have to worry about resource issues at all, you just need to focus on the training and cultivation of elves.

Compared with him, Xia Yan, who has to worry about everything, seems to have a much more difficult road.

‘Perhaps, that plan should also be put on the agenda.’

"Then you are busy with tasks, and I won't bother you." Xia Yan said.

Du opened his mouth.

After finally seeing Xia Yan again, he really wanted to sit down and have a good chat with Xia Yan, and it would be best to have a hearty battle.

But there is no way, he is an alliance investigator, and he still has a mission.

Therefore, Du reluctantly responded.


"I should still stay in Kanaz City for a few more days. If your mission is over, or come to an end, please contact me by phone." Xia Yan made a phone call gesture with his hands.

"Are you going to stay for a few more days?" Du's eyes lit up, "Okay! I will finish this mission as soon as possible."

'At that time, we must have a good fight with Xia Yan! ’ Du thought to himself.

"Then I'll go first."

Saying that, Xia Yan waved his hand.

Take Yongjira out of Meteor Falls.

Because he came directly to Meteor Falls by plane and had never been to Kanaz City, so he didn't leave any super power "anchor" points, and he couldn't directly borrow the instant movement to leave.

Du looked at the back of him leaving, with fighting spirit in his eyes.

"Xia Yan has also become stronger."

He had heard about the incident in Jinhuang City, and even carefully checked the files of the incident in Jinhuang City.

As a small ordinary trainer, Xia Yan actually took up a lot of space in it.

The active Four Heavenly King Juzi and the retired Four Heavenly King Liubo both spoke highly of him.

If Xia Yan hadn't left afterwards, he might be able to work in the Trainer Guild in Golden City and officially enter the alliance system.

It may even become your own colleague in the end.

Du had no doubt that Xia Yan had such an ability.

A trainer who can be praised by two Four Heavenly Kings at the same time, if the alliance is not stupid, will definitely pay attention to it.

"Mr. Du"

At this time, a search officer from Fengyuan area stepped forward.

"Speed ​​up the progress! We must arrest that guy as soon as possible!" Du turned around, his tone undeniable.

"But." The investigator shrank his neck subconsciously.

Half an hour ago, didn't you say that for the sake of success rate, you should choose a safe method and do it a little bit?

Why did you change your mind so quickly?

"There's nothing wrong with it, we've locked him in Meteor Falls!"

When meeting Du's sight again, the man quickly stood to attention.


I don't know what's going on, how did Du, who was very kind before, suddenly become so strong.

'Men are fickle'

Fifth update! 30-1=29! Finally saw the prefix 2!

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