The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 263 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Since the start of this auction, it was the first time that it was so quiet.

Many people are hesitant to bid or not.

Especially in the face of such a thing that sounds powerful, but no one knows whether it is really powerful.

After all, this is not a well-known elf prop, such as the life orb, sharp teeth, and so on.

However, just when everyone was hesitating, the host stepped aside and seemed to have heard some kind of arrangement from the staff.

Once again strode back to the stage.

But the smile on his face couldn't be maintained anymore.

A little embarrassed: "According to the latest news, the seller only accepts elf items related to ghost elves or evil elves."


The audience laughed one after another.

Tuk tuk tuk!


The hostess forcibly made the venue quiet again, and said seriously: "But! But the seller said that if everyone's bid exceeds the price of the spoon itself, he is willing to subsidize the difference."

"And, to show his sincerity, he is willing to provide a ghost-type elf as a subsidy. I believe everyone knows the value of a ghost-type elf."

Despite her good offer, the buyers are not fools.

How good can a ghost elf be as an extra head?

"Ahem, the auction begins!"

The hostess was already cursing her boss in her heart.

She managed to maintain the lively atmosphere for most of the game, and was "rushed" away just like that. There was a dirty word in her heart, and she didn't know whether she should say it or not.

And in the box.

Although Xia Yan also heard what the other party said, but looking at Yong Jila lying on the window with burning eyes, he knew that he might really be taken advantage of by this thing.

"However, judging by Yongjila's eagerness, maybe he may not be taken advantage of."

He also felt that this item was very expensive, and the auction format was very unreasonable.

But there is no way, Yongjira has taken a fancy to it.

Still feel its attraction from such a distance.

"Hu Di, thousands of years ago, was it an ancient elf? Or a super ancient elf?"

Thinking in his heart, Xia Yan still walked to the quoter and directly pressed the button on the table.

This is the first time he participated in the auction.

"No. 38! VIP No. 38, bid one million!"

Seeing that someone finally made an offer, the hostess secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and finally won't fail the auction.


Yongjila also realized that when he saw Xia Yan who was always picking on him, he pressed the button representing one million alliance coins without hesitation, saying that he didn't feel it, it was all fake.

Yongjira really wanted the spoon, though.

Because it feels that there seems to be something special hidden inside it, which is very attractive to it.


It wants it!

This is the first time that Yong Jila wants something so much, Xia Yan will naturally not be stingy.

"One million times! Anyone else bid?"

The hostess looked around the audience, her face seemed to be full of anticipation, but in fact, she had already sentenced this thing to death in her heart, and she only hoped that it would end soon.

"A million times!"

However, some things are not so desirable.

The light representing Box 15 lit up.

The hostess was also stunned for a short while, and said in surprise, "Box No. 15, the price is 1.1 million!"

"Anyone else bid?"

In the box.

"Huh?" Hearing that someone was competing with him for such an unfavorable thing, he couldn't help frowning.

But since I decided to photograph this thing, there is nothing to hesitate at this time.

Tap the button again.

"1.15 million! VIP No. 38, bid 115."

However, before the host could finish speaking, the light in Box 15 was turned on again.

"1.2 million! VIP No. 15, bid 1.2 million!"

"1.25 million!"

"1.3 million!"


"1.7 million! VIP No. 15 bid 1.7 million!"

All the eyes of the audience fell on Box No. 38 where Xia Yan was.

During this period of time, Xia Yan and another person in box 15 were bidding, and the price had soared from 1 million to 1.7 million in just a few minutes. They really wanted to see, the person in box 38 , Will you follow me?

In the box, Xia Yan crossed his legs and ate the few grapes left in the fruit plate with a blank expression.

"Yongji." Yongjila hesitated and struggled.

"Yongjila, you can really feel its attraction to you, right? Is there something special in it?" Xia Yan asked calmly.


After such a long period of perception, Yongjila has already confirmed it, and nodded emphatically.

"It seems that we are not the only ones who know the goods."

Since Yongjila wants it, and it is indeed a good thing.

Xia Yan spat out the grape seeds, stood up, and picked up the microphone next to him.

Decisively gave up the slow bidding.

After deliberately covering up, a slightly hoarse voice spread throughout the audience, "A high-level dark stone."


The audience was in an uproar again.

This is a high-level dark stone!

There is a price but no market, and many people want it but have no place to buy it. What is the origin of the guests in Box No. 38?

This is obviously too lazy to compete with the person in Box No. 15, so directly reduce the dimensionality and strike!


Complete crushing!

Even the hostess went into a trance for a while.

She really didn't expect that someone would come up with a high-level dark stone for this item that she didn't like at all?

This time, everyone's eyes fell on Box No. 15 again.

Many people showed a joking look.

And at this time in box No. 15.

A man wrapped in a black robe, tightly clutching a mid-level dark stone in his hand, his eyes glowed with fire.

This is what he deliberately prepared for this spoon.

Unexpectedly, before he took it out, the other party directly used a high-quality dark stone.

Struck by dimensionality reduction.

Where does this make sense?


With a cold snort, he got up directly and strode out of the box.

He participated in this auction just for this spoon, and if he didn't get one now, there was no need to stay any longer.

His eyes were full of coldness.

the other side.

"The latest situation, the seller said that he wants this Dark Stone, he will subsidize the price difference, and at the same time provide a precious ghost-type elf, the auction of this item is over!"


I have already reached the high-level Dark Stone, and continue to use a hammer?

at the same time.

There was a knock on the door of Xia Yan's box.

tuk tuk -

A voice came from outside, "No. 38, the seller who sold Lot No. 112, wants to see you."

see you

What's there to see?

Xia Yan chuckled, he still doesn't know what the other party means?

It's nothing more than to see if he really has a high-level dark stone in his hand, after all, this thing is really rare.

A hoarse voice sounded, "You don't need to see me, you ask him to bring me the money for the difference and the spoon, and I will naturally take out the high-level Dark Stone."

Xia Yan didn't intend to open the door.

It's just a deal, what's there to meet?

Hearing Xia Yan's resolute attitude, the staff outside the door were silent for a while before responding: ".Okay, sir."

The VIP room inside the auction venue.

An old man with white hair and a short-haired little girl about fifteen or sixteen years old with dark skin.

"Grandpa, how could you bring me to the black market auction house?" The little girl looked at her grandfather with a puzzled face, as if she was somewhat uncomfortable with the black market.

"Hehe—Furong, no matter it's the black market or the white market, as long as we can get what we want, it's a good market. Don't be too rigid about the alliance's regulations. This is the first lesson that grandpa took you down the mountain." The old man said slightly. She looked at her granddaughter fondly.

"Oh." Furong stuck out her little tongue.

She had just left Sending God Mountain not long ago, so she didn't know much about these human accidents outside, she simply thought that the alliance was good, and the others were bad.

But obviously, her grandfather is a very experienced old man.

Fifth update! 28-1=27!

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