There are so many ghost-type elves, not only the ghost-type elves in Fengyuan area, but also cover several other areas.

Xia Yan looked at Fu Rong with some surprise.

Normal people, who would bring so many ghost elves with them?

Except that crazy woman Juzi.

But that is the king of ghosts in the Kanto area!

What about the little girl in front of me?

'etc. '

Xia Yan was taken aback suddenly, and looked up and down again at the girl's appearance and skin color, and there were so many ghost-type elves.

'Could it be Feng Yuan's future ghost king? '

What flashed through Xia Yan's mind was Furong, the future king of ghosts in the Fengyuan area!

There is a pair of grandparents living in Songshen Mountain, and a special ability, telepathy similar to superpower, which can communicate with ghost spirits.

And Sending God Mountain is a famous burial place for elves in Fengyuan area. Many trainers will bury their dead elves in Sending God Mountain, and it has become an unwritten custom over time.

The place where so many dead elves gathered, Songshen Mountain has become a favorite place for many ghost elves.

Moreover, in addition to burying the corpses of elves, it has also become a place where many trainers try to capture ghost elves.

Xia Yan had more guesses and cognitions about the identity of the girl in front of him.

Although the clothes were not the ones he was familiar with, he was 90% sure of her identity.

‘In the future, the ghost-type elves of the ghost-type four heavenly kings should not be bad, right? '

He always thought that the ghost-type spirit that came with it was a dispensable addition.

But now it seems.


That spoon is the extra head?

I am amused at the thought that popped into my mind.

But Xia Yan also put away his contempt and began to observe these elves carefully.

to be honest.

He doesn't have a deep understanding of ghost elves.

Because there are few books that describe ghost-type elves, his more knowledge is still limited to his understanding of previous games, anime, and comics.

However, as a half-hearted breeder, he still has some ability to judge whether an elf is good or not.

These ghost elves seem to be pretty good.

"How about the little ghost? It's very lively. Apart from being a little mischievous, it doesn't have any major shortcomings. It can stay in your shadow, or go wherever it wants to go."

Furong began to recommend these "little friends" of hers.

They are all elves raised by her grandparents in Sending God Mountain. This time, when they heard that she was going to come out, they followed her.

They are very curious about the outside world, so Furong promised them that they would find some trainers for them.

And this is also one of the reasons for using a ghost-type elf as a "head".


Xia Yan nodded in agreement.

This is indeed a good choice, even the best choice.

Regardless of whether it is now or in the future, Geng Gui, the final evolution of Guisi, can occupy a very important position among all ghost elves.

Especially after the emergence of super evolution, it is even more so for Gengar who can super evolve.

Moreover, Xia Yan also knows a lot about Geng Gui's tactics and dirty routines.

If you choose Guisi, you can really maximize its ability and strength.

However, Xia Yan looked at the mischievous appearance of this ghost, and thought that his team already had such a living treasure as Pokkigu, if there was another one, he was afraid that the atmosphere of the whole team would be ruined.

But Guisi is indeed very attractive, so Xia Yan chooses it as the first choice. If he can't choose a better one, he will choose Guisi.

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't make a statement, Fu Rong continued to introduce: "How about Xiaoye? It can enter and exit the spirit world freely. Oh, the spirit world is"

"I know."

Xia Yan interrupted her.

The night watchman and its evolved form should be the elves with the highest compatibility between all the ghost elves and the spirit world, and even its final evolved form, the night demon, is called the "gatekeeper of the spirit world".

It's just that the evolution type of the night demon has not been discovered, or has not been announced.

He happened to have a piece of spiritual cloth that could allow the Wandering Night Spirit to evolve into a Night Demon Spirit in his hand. It was also a good choice to publish a few papers on this topic.

And freely entering and leaving the spirit world means that you can obtain the resources of the spirit world. Although it is also accompanied by danger, the benefits are good.

This is also a good choice.

"What about the Resentful Shadow Doll? Although she doesn't like to talk very much, when she speaks, she is very strong."

The evolution type of the Wraith Shadow Doll is the cursed doll, and it is also an elf that can super evolve.

But this elf is rather special.

Because they like resentment very much, and have an almost obsessive love for resentment, and resentment is also one of their sources of strength.

But compared to Gui Si and Night Patrol, the Resentful Shadow Doll's priority in Xia Yan's place is not so high.

Fu Rong actively introduced these ghost elves to Xia Yan, feeling like a salesman.

After Xia Yan guessed her identity, she also paid enough attention.

His eyes kept sweeping over these elves, observing their state and character.

Finally, his gaze fell on the elf in the corner who was not very lively, just like a cold sword, silently leaning against the wall.

"What about it?"

Single scabbard.

Furong followed his gaze, "Xiaojian, Xiaojian is also very strong, but it has fewer companions, so its personality is a bit introverted, and it doesn't want to show itself."

The single scabbard is a ghost elf registered in the Carlos area. After evolution, it becomes a double scabbard. Using the dark stone, it can evolve into a strong shield sword monster.

The Shield Sword Monster is a very special elf, it has unique characteristics, so it can have two completely different forms, one is a sword form with a very powerful double attack, and the other is a shield with a very strong defense form.

And the Shield Sword Monster also has the rare ability to manipulate the minds of humans or elves.

Therefore, in the Carlos area, there are many legends about this kind of elf.

If Xia Yan's Stone of Darkness is still in his hand, it may become one of the candidates, but it's a pity that he just gave away the Stone of Darkness.

Moreover, Dujian scabbard is similar to the spirits like Crystal Lantern and Lantern that Xia Yan encountered before. They like to suck the life of other people or spirits. If this problem cannot be solved, it will be a big trouble.

In addition to these few, there are ghost elves like Crying Mask and Fluttering Ball.

But Xia Yan didn't have much interest in these.

‘So, in the end, is there a choice between ghosts and night watchers? '

Xia Yan was lost in thought.

But on second thought.

still have a question.

"Are these elves cultivated?"

This is critical.

If someone has cultivated it, it is destined to be branded with the imprint and habits of this person. If he takes over and wants to cultivate it, it will become very troublesome.

Especially in this way, many of their personalities and habits have already formed. If they don't fit with themselves, it will not only delay themselves, but also delay these elves.

"Oh, they are all my grandfather. They are all elves cultivated by that seller, but don't worry, none of them have been subdued. They are still pure wild elves, but they are not weak."

Halfway through, Fu Rong thought again, "By the way, Little Sword is not, it is played alone, its personality is relatively withdrawn, and its strength may be relatively weak."

"I see."

Xia Yan nodded.

I have a choice in mind.

After pondering for a while, he asked, "Can I get in touch with them?"

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