The single scabbard stood silently digesting Xia Yan's words.


Xia Yan \u003e Giratina.

Does that also mean it + Xia Yan \u003e Giratina?

This doll is very reasonable.

But it just feels weird.

While letting it digest there, Xia Yan's attention was once again attracted by the sensational sound of the auction.

Because, the finale of this auction is finally on the stage.

One. Miniature dragon!

The original form of the quasi-god spirit fast dragon in the Kanto area!

Although it is an elf in the Kanto area, but at the level of a quasi-god elf, no matter in any area, as long as it appears, it will be looted.

However, after Xia Yan carefully observed the miniature dragon, he couldn't help frowning.

If there is any quasi-god elf he knows best, it must be the miniature dragon.

Because this is the quasi-god elf in the initial stage that he has come into contact with the most.

During the period of contact with Du, his miniature dragon left a deep impression on Xia Yan.

As for other quasi-gods, it's not that I haven't seen them before. Dawu's shiny metal monster and Sirona's fang-toothed land shark are also quasi-god elves, but they are no longer in their original form.

"Hiss beer." Big Needle Bee called out softly, with an unhappy expression on his face.

When it was still in the Unicorn period, it also came into contact with the transitional mini-dragon, and even had a good relationship.

So I have a certain understanding of the mini dragon.

"Yes, this miniature dragon is gone." Xia Yan nodded in agreement.

Although the seller and the auction house have done a lot of grooming, this miniature dragon looks quite good in terms of skin color and build.

But nothing can hide its empty eyes.

That's why it's said that this miniature dragon is already godless.

Not only Xia Yan could see this, but everyone present who had hope for the finale miniature dragon could also see it.

Any trainer who has reached the level of buying quasi-god elves must have this vision.

"I said that no matter how you auction off a quasi-god elf, it can only be regarded as a small auction. It turns out that this miniature dragon can only be regarded as a defective product." Xia Yan shook his head.

And the starting price for such a miniature dragon was as high as 20 million alliance coins.

What made him even more surprised and helpless was that there were still quite a few bidders.

The price soared rapidly, and in just a few minutes, it successfully doubled.

Does not mind the state of the mini-dragon is one thing.

It's the other side of the gamble to see if it can help the mini-dragons recover.

After all, compared to a sound miniature dragon with excellent genetic moves, this price is already very low.

Xia Yan stood up.

ready to leave.

"There's no need to read any further. Such a price has no reference value at all, and it doesn't make any sense."

Putting on the mask, he put away Big Needle Bee, Pokkigu, and Yongjila. When it was his turn to have the scabbard, Xia Yan hesitated a little, but did not choose to put it away.

Instead, put it on your back.

To make it understand the world more accurately, it needs to be exposed to the world more.

What's not bad is that the single scabbard has initially accepted its current identity as Xia Yan's elf.

Put on your cape.

Leaving the box with big strides, he walked out of the auction house before the auction was over and not many people left.

All the things he auctioned and sold before have been delivered by the staff.

Among them, nine sun rocks were sold for 1.5 million yuan, the elite red-faced dragon was sold for 2 million yuan, a set of hot rocks was sold for 800,000 yuan, and a large amount of star sand was sold for 300,000 yuan.

The items that were auctioned alone totaled 4.6 million.

However, because the auction house took a 10% cut, they got a total of 4.14 million alliance coins.

Coupled with the price difference made by the high-level dark stone, I got three million.

The total income this time is 7.14 million alliance coins.

Counting the 4 million alliance coins on his previous card, the small treasury successfully broke through 10 million!

Barely became a "glorious" multi-millionaire.

Coupled with the two intermediate-quality evolutionary stones that Dawu helped sell, and Clay's two elves, it can be several million more at least.

If you don't pursue anything and just want to live a stable and comfortable life, the nearly 20 million alliance coins are enough for Xia Yan to live a comfortable and even comfortable life for the rest of his life.

But unfortunately, Xia Yan is now not only responsible for himself, but also responsible for these elves who are willing to follow him.

Moreover, in this world, it's not that if you want to live a stable life, things won't happen to you.

Natural disasters, man-made disasters, countless.

"When the money is in place, it's time to give it to a few little guys to improve their quality of life."

The energy cubes of Big Needle Bee and Yongjila can be upgraded to the special level, and with his current financial resources, he can also support such expenses.

Also count the single scabbard.

Although it is said to follow Furong and her grandparents in Sending Shenshan, it has never been trained and trained by them, so it has not been branded with their marks.

This is one of the reasons why Xia Yan chose it.

Ghosts and Night Watchers all have more or less traces of training by others.

Pokkigu’s energy cubes are exhausted, and after it evolves, it has an additional attribute of the flight system, which also needs to be preserved and developed.

After all, Pokkigu's final evolution, the best and most important move, is the flying air slash.

This time, in terms of elf moves, it doesn't cost much.

Several elves have obtained a lot of practical moves from Kiraqi, especially Yongjila, who has learned a lot of moves after evolution.

It takes a lot of time to integrate this bunch of moves into a practical one.

As for the solo scabbard, it has just joined the team, and it is the same as Polkby back then. It is more about familiarizing with the battle and cultivating tacit understanding.

Learning new moves or something is relatively secondary.

This is also the reason why Xia Yan didn't try to bid for the move cheats in this auction.

However, in terms of elf props, you can try to add something.

The big needle bee carries silver powder on its body.

Yongjila got the Orb of Life.

Its magic defense feature and life orb are also very compatible. The magic defense feature can offset the side effects of life orb, only retaining its effect of increasing the power of moves, which greatly improves Yongjila's attack power.

In addition, the only Millennium Spoon that Xia Yan bid for in this auction was also for Yongjila.

It's just because it's a bit special, so I'm going to try to let it touch after I go back.

Pokkigu is the one who carries the most props among his elves.

Three pieces of sharp teeth, soothing bell and silk scarf are still in the process of adapting to the additional effects of sharp teeth.

After leaving the auction house, Xia Yan headed into the black market's elf breeding merchandise store.

Elven food is a large and continuous expense, not only energy cubes are enough, but also many other things.

For different elves, also supplement corresponding nutrition, such as calcium tablets, milk and so on.

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