Perhaps Du Jianshea himself didn't realize how strong he was, but just blindly thought he was weak.

So it has been training hard, just to make itself stronger and live better.

This makes it have a very solid foundation, even an exaggerated foundation.

Because he didn't have too much contact with outsiders or other elves, there are only a few moves that Du Jianshea has mastered.

But the proficiency of these moves has reached a very high level.

Xia Yan had communicated with the Dujian scabbard and had a general idea of ​​its situation.

Now he is going to test the strength of the single scabbard, to what extent.

If it really doesn't work, there are also big needle bees and the others.

"Sword scabbard, feel it carefully, the elf opposite is much weaker than that guy, it is not your opponent, it is definitely not your opponent!" Xia Yan's voice kept ringing in the ear of the sword scabbard.

A single scabbard elf, the combination of steel and ghost attributes makes it very resistant. There are three immune attributes alone, namely general, fighting, and poison.

In addition to ground, fire, ghost and evil will double restraint it, only water and electric moves can cause normal damage to it.

Counting the elves, the elves have a total of eighteen attributes, but there are a total of twelve attributes that are either immune or double resistance or even quadruple resistance.

This kind of resistance, among many elves, can also be called the word "excellent".

Du Jianshea glanced at Xia Yan, and then at Yongjila who was facing him.

Why does it feel super brave on the opposite side?

Xia Yan was a little speechless.

In your eyes, Pokkigu is also super brave, right?

"Don't worry, I'll give you the bottom line. If you think you can't beat it, come back."

Hearing what Xia Yan said, Du Jianshea finally nodded reluctantly.

"Sword dance." Xia Yan ordered directly.


The single scabbard shook his body, and the sharp and shiny metallic blade was pulled out of the scabbard, the dark red halo flowed, and his momentum rose rapidly.

"Yongjila, Shadow Ball!"

Seeing the single scabbard using the sword dance, it is naturally impossible for Miss No. 15 to just watch it improve like this.

She knew a little bit about the elf with the single scabbard. She had excellent resistance and high physical defense, but what she lacked was the lack of special defense ability.

As a special attack and a ghost-type move, the shadow ball has a strong restraint effect on the single scabbard.

She is very confident in her timing. If the opponent insists on using the sword dance, she will definitely be attacked by the shadow ball.

Bearing this blow head-on is enough to inflict heavy damage on the scabbard alone.

And if she gave up the sword dance to dodge, then her goal would be achieved.

As a steel elf whose speed is generally slow, Yongjila can play with it by virtue of its super power and the advantages of instant movement.

Even if the attribute is restrained, one's own physical advantage can also help the reverse attribute to win.

"How can it be?!"

However, despite all her calculations, she never imagined that the single scabbard could complete the sword dance in the blink of an eye, before the shadow ball even hit it.

Xia Yan's eyes are also full of splendor.

to be honest.

Du Jianshea's mastery of the sword dance move somewhat exceeded his expectations, or greatly exceeded his expectations.

Even the big needle bee, which has reached the elite level now, is far from the single scabbard in the sword dance alone.

However, the battle was still going on, and he hoped to see more surprises from the single scabbard.

"Single scabbard, use shadow to attack and dodge."

Facing Yongjila's shadow ball, although the single scabbard completed the increase of the sword dance, it still panicked.

Hearing Xia Yan's order, he was momentarily stupefied.


Its advantage of extremely high proficiency in moves is once again reflected.

The body fell vertically and disappeared into the shadow.

Just right to avoid the attack of the shadow ball.

At the same time, the shadow quickly moved sideways, aiming at Yongjira's back.

Miss No. 15's face changed slightly under the mask, and she said coldly, "Yongjila, teleport."


Yongjila swung the spoon, and the super power wrapped it, and the gushing super power carried it to another location.


However, when Yongjila came out of the teleportation state, he staggered and fell to the ground with a scream.

I see.

It had a hideous wound on its back.

On the other side, where it was originally standing, a single scabbard slowly emerged from the shadow.

Shadow sneak attack: use shadow to attack, move priority +1

Coupled with the single scabbard's proficiency in shadow sneak attacks, although Yongjila's teleportation was successfully used, he was still attacked.

The moves of the ghost type have attribute restraint against Yongjila, who is a super power type, and will cause double damage. In addition, the single scabbard is very good at physical attack, and it has just completed the increase of the sword dance move, so The damage done is considerable.

However, what made Miss No. 15 speechless the most was that the solo scabbard who had completed an excellent attack actually showed a look of "fear" and "surprise".

It doesn't matter if you get hit.

Even being "taunted"!

Xia Yan has also been paying attention to the single scabbard, its state changes and expression changes.

The state of the lone scabbard is very strange.

Perhaps it didn't realize it by itself, and it was somewhat resistant to this battle in its heart, but its fighting skills and use of moves were not at all ambiguous.

it's kind of like watching

Shouting "I'm so scared", the movement of the hand is getting more and more violent, the feeling of hitting the opposite side of the hammer.

Typical symptoms of split personality.

But now is not the time to ponder this, the battle is still going on, and we should take advantage of the victory to pursue.

"The body is lightweight." Xia Yan commanded.

The speed of a single scabbard is not enough.

But it doesn't matter, the lightweight of the body can greatly reduce the weight of its body and greatly increase the speed.

The weakness of the steel elf's slow speed is not a big problem for it with this move.

There was a flash of metallic luster on the scabbard alone, and the body instantly became much lighter.

And Miss No. 15 on the opposite side finally realized that she had hit the iron plate, and her Yongjila was no match for this single scabbard at all.

It looks weak and helpless, but its strength is really strong, and it is not ambiguous when it comes to strikes. It can be fatal as it is.

"Yongjila, let's go!"

The most troublesome thing for Miss No. 15 to come to Xia Yan without knowing his details is Yong Jila's teleportation move.

The advantage of having this move is that you can retreat at any time when you want to retreat.

But it has a downside, an obvious downside.

That is, it will make people unconsciously leave their final retreat to teleportation.

It's okay to do that normally.

But if you have experience in dealing with this kind of situation

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

He is too familiar with the opponent's choice, because he also has a Yongjila.


Xia Yan's Yongjila who was hiding in the dark appeared, waving spoons, beads of prayer, and superpowers gushing out.

The weakness of teleportation is too obvious, and it is too easy to be disturbed.

at the same time.

"Single scabbard, chase and fight."

I saw the lone scabbard turning into a black streamer, submerged in the ball of superpowers the moment before the opponent completed the teleportation.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the other party disappeared.

But the next second.

Still in the same place, the figure with the single scabbard slowly appeared, with a strong self-doubt on his face.

'no! I can't be affected by such a false side, not because I am strong, but because the opponent is too weak. '


A body fell out of thin air.

Complete the achievement with the single scabbard: Sister Sister Sword!

And the single scabbard also stood there silently, deeply introspective.

'Sure enough, I'm still too weak. '

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